Mr. Ruadhán Cooke

M.A., LL.B., D.E.A.



Ruadhán Cooke is a Lecturer (above the Bar) in French and is the coordinator of the language components of the B.Comm. International (French) degree programme. He is a triple graduate of UCG / NUIG and has also obtained a Diplôme d’études approfondies (DEA) from the Centre international d’études francophones, Université de Paris-SorbonneIn addition to being academic supervisor of the Erasmus+ Year Abroad mobility exchanges with 6 partner institutions in France, other activity includes being the CCI Paris Île-de-France accredited test centre manager for the Diplôme de français professionnel (DFP) and the Test d'évaluation de français (TEF) exams. He is a also a qualified examinateur-correcteur to C2 level with France Éducation International in respect of the Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) and Diplôme approfondi en langue française (DALF) exams.

Research Interests

  • French and Francophone literature
  • Overlaps between sport and literature
  • Sport History
  • Sports journalism
  • Cultural impact of sport

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2020) '‘Entre journalisme et littérature sur 7 500 signes’: Lance Armstrong and suiveur reporting in Libération, 1999–2013'
Cooke, R and Dauncey, H (2020) '‘Entre journalisme et littérature sur 7 500 signes’: Lance Armstrong and suiveur reporting in Libération, 1999–2013'. French Cultural Studies, 31 (3):185-198 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'IRF Off: Connacht’s Fight for Survival and the Foundation Myth of a Rugby Identity'
Cooke, R and Ó Cofaigh, E (2017) 'IRF Off: Connacht’s Fight for Survival and the Foundation Myth of a Rugby Identity'. International Journal Of The History Of Sport, 34 (3-4):201-216 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Barthes, Blondin and the Tour de France of the Trente Glorieuses'
Cooke, R (2021) 'Barthes, Blondin and the Tour de France of the Trente Glorieuses' In: 'Pour le sport': Physical Culture in French and Francophone Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2018) 'IRF Off: Connacht's Fight for Survival and the Foundation Myth of a Rugby Identity'
Cooke, R and Ó Cofaigh, É (2018) 'IRF Off: Connacht's Fight for Survival and the Foundation Myth of a Rugby Identity' In: Sport and Protest: Global Perspectives. [S.I.]: Routledge. [Details]
(2007) 'Un forçat de la plume : Antoine Blondin, écrivain du sport : genèse et évolution d’une forme journalistique'
Cooke, R and Dine, P (2007) 'Un forçat de la plume : Antoine Blondin, écrivain du sport : genèse et évolution d’une forme journalistique' In: Sport et Presse en France (XIXe-XXe siècles). :59-79 Paris: Bibliothèque Universitaire et Francophone. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Les écritures du journalisme sportif : Introduction'
Aron, P., Rosier, L., Cooke, R., Thérenty, M.-Ève, & Arnoldo Gonzalez, R. (2021) 'Les écritures du journalisme sportif : Introduction' Sur Le Journalisme, 10 (2) :6-9. [DOI] [Details]
(2014) ''L’anglais tel qu’on le court': Antoine Blondin’s “clichéd view of Englishness” in Tours de France: Chroniques intégrales de L’Équipe 1954-1982'
Cooke, R (2014) ''L’anglais tel qu’on le court': Antoine Blondin’s “clichéd view of Englishness” in Tours de France: Chroniques intégrales de L’Équipe 1954-1982' Contemporary French Civilization, 39 (1) :55-74. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) 'The Green Fields of France: Ireland’s sporting heroes and the Tour de France'
Cooke, R (2005) 'The Green Fields of France: Ireland’s sporting heroes and the Tour de France' Sport in History, 25 (2) :205-219. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2021) To Hell or to Connacht: Stories of Irish Resilience,
Cooke, R (2021) ¿ Why the hell not to Connacht? Western rugby¿s revenge on history. [Invited Oral Presentation], To Hell or to Connacht: Stories of Irish Resilience, Kylemore Book Club / University of Notre Dame Alumni , 04-AUG-21. [Details]
(2019) Les écritures du journalisme sportif, Colloque international,
Cooke, R and Dine, P (2019) Antoine Blondin : Amoureux du rugby, passionné du Tour de France. [Invited Paper], Les écritures du journalisme sportif, Colloque international, Université Libre de Bruxelles , 24-OCT-19 - 25-OCT-19. [Details]
(2018) États presents, états futurs, ADEFFI, XX Colloque annuel,
Cooke, R (2018) 'Essai transformé': an overview of a pilot outreach initiative in language learning in collaboration with Rugby Players Ireland. [Invited Paper], États presents, états futurs, ADEFFI, XX Colloque annuel, University College Dublin , 19-OCT-18 - 20-OCT-18. [Details]
(2017) Learning Communities, Collaboration, & Collegiality, CELT Conference,
Cooke, R and Ó Cofaigh, E (2017) 'Essai transformé': an overview of a pilot outreach initiative in language learning in collaboration with Rugby Players Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Learning Communities, Collaboration, & Collegiality, CELT Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway , 23-JUN-17 - 23-JUN-17. [Details]
(2014) Sport & Protest,
Cooke, R (2014) IRF You! Connacht Rugby's Fight for Survival in the Professional Era. [Chaired Session], Sport & Protest, National University of Ireland, Galway , 31-OCT-14 - 01-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014) Performing Identities,
Cooke, R (2014) Barthes, Blondin and the Tour de France of the Trente Glorieuses. [Chaired Session], Performing Identities, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 19-JUN-14 - 21-JUN-14. [Details]
(2012) Sports History Ireland (Eighth Annual Conference),
Cooke, R (2012) Connacht Rugby and the French Connection in the Professional Era. [Conference Paper], Sports History Ireland (Eighth Annual Conference), University College Cork , 15-SEP-12 - 15-SEP-12. [Details]
(2011) French Media Research Group (Twentieth One Day Conference),
Cooke, R (2011) « L’anglais tel qu’on le court »: Antoine Blondin’s “clichéd view of Englishness” in Chroniques de L’Équipe 1954-82. [Conference Paper], French Media Research Group (Twentieth One Day Conference), Newcastle-upon-Tyne (U.K.) , 08-OCT-11 - 08-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011) Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (Annual Conference),
Cooke, R (2011) Pour le Tour de France, j’ai la fête qui tourne. [Invited Paper], Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (Annual Conference), Stirling (U.K.) , 01-SEP-11 - 03-SEP-11. [Details]
(2008) Representing Sport: Forms and Issues (International Conference),
Cooke, R (2008) Sport and spectacle: The Tour de France as a media creation. [Conference Paper], Representing Sport: Forms and Issues (International Conference), Huston School of Film & Digital Media, National University of Ireland, Galway , 23-MAY-08 - 24-MAY-08. [Details]
(2007) Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (Annual Conference),
Cooke, R (2007) Mapping the Tour de France: Antoine Blondin's Chroniques de l'Équipe. [Conference Paper], Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (Annual Conference), Reading (U.K.) , 06-SEP-07 - 08-SEP-07. [Details]
(2007) Sports History Ireland (Third Annual Conference),
Cooke, R (2007) Sports Journalism as History / Sports Writing as Literature: Antoine Blondin and the Tour de France. [Conference Paper], Sports History Ireland (Third Annual Conference), Centre for Irish Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway , 16-FEB-07 - 17-FEB-07. [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2014) Hugh Dauncey, French Cycling: A Social and Cultural History.
Cooke, R. (2014) Hugh Dauncey, French Cycling: A Social and Cultural History. European Studies in Sports History: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre Book Review [Details]

Online Multimedia

  Year Publication
(2024) How the 1924 Olympic stadium is still in use for the 2024 games.
Cooke, R (2024) How the 1924 Olympic stadium is still in use for the 2024 games. RTE Online Multimedia [Details]
(2022) How Alice Milliat brought women into the Olympics.
Cooke, R (2022) How Alice Milliat brought women into the Olympics. RTE Online Multimedia [Details]
(2021) ¿ Why the hell not to Connacht? Western rugby¿s revenge on history.
Cooke, R (2021) ¿ Why the hell not to Connacht? Western rugby¿s revenge on history. University of otre Dame Alumni Online Multimedia [Details]
(2019) 'On your bike': a short history of the Tour de France.
Cooke, R (2019) 'On your bike': a short history of the Tour de France. RTE Online Multimedia [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2017 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching National University of Ireland, Galway

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) Individual Consultant /
Association of Translators & Interpreters Ireland (ATII) Member /
Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande (ADEFFI) Member /


  Committee Function From / To
B.Comm. Accreditation Sub-committee Member /
B.Comm. Programme Board Member /
Support for Students in Crisis Panel Member /
Teaching and Learning Committee (SLLC) Member /
Internationalisation Committee (CASSCS) Member /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2013 National University of Ireland, Galway Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
2001 Université Paris-Sorbonne Diplôme d’études approfondies French & Comparative Literature
2000 National University of Ireland, Galway Bachelor of Laws Law
1996 University College, Galway Master of Arts French
1993 University College, Galway Bachelor of Arts French & Legal Science



Teaching Interests

  • French for business and specific purposes / Français des affaires et sur objectifs spécifiques.
  • Current affairs & contemporary issues in France and the wider French-speaking world
  • French Language - Translation and Interpretation.
  • Sport and Identity
  • Cultural Impact of Sport
  • Representations of Sport in Literature

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
1BC2 French FR105
2BC2 French FR255
2BC2 French FR256
3BC2 Year Abroad / French FR395
3-4BA French Language 5 FR379
3-4BA Sport and Identity in France FR380
4BC2 French FR356
4BC2 French FR355