Third Year Music

Welcome to 3rd Year Music 2024-2025

General Information about 3BMU Music

The following sources of information are where you should go to find out more about 3BMU Music:

  1. The 3BMU Music Handbook  Music Handbook 2024-25
  2. The College of Arts Student Information 2024-25
  3. Canvas - the online platform for information on your modules, lecture schedules, assessment information and submission dropboxes, etc. Canvas 
  4. Discipline of Music Office: Administrative Assistant: Irene O'Malley, Room 311, 1st Floor, Tower1. Email: 
  5. Programme Director: If you have module-related query, please contact your lecturer directly.  For other pastoral related queries, please contact the 3rd Year Head of Music Dr Aidan Thomson (  

Class Reps 2024-25

If you have concerns that you would like raised on behalf of your class, you can contact the 3rd Year Music class representative.  

The 3BMU 2024-25 Class Representative: tba 

Structure and Overview of 3BMU Music

Overview of 3BMU1 Music

This year is dedicated to Music and to the development of special skills and/or experiences.

  • In Semester One, students choose three out of four optional modules
  • In Semester Two, students may have the opportunity to study Music abroad or carry out a locally based work placement or complete an extended project in Music at NUI Galway

Semester One Modules:

Optional Modules (Students choose 3 or a total of 30 ECTS)

  • MU3103 Scoring and Arranging (2 hours per week, 10 ECTS)
  • MU3107 Introduction to Musicology (2 hours per week, 10 ECTS)
  • DT3123 Musical Theatre, History & Performance (2 hours per week, 10 ECTS)
  • IS3101 Topics in Irish Music Studies (2 hours per week, 5 ECTS)
  • IS2105 Popular Music, Cultural Identities and Ireland (2 hours per week, 5 ECTS).  * Available to students who did not take IS2105 in 2nd Year*

Semester Two Modules:

Optional Modules (Students choose 1)

  • MU3104 Music Study Abroad (30 ECTS)
  • MU3105 Music Project (30 ECTS)
  • MU3106 Music Work Placement (30 ECTS)

Timetable for 3BMU Music

Please see below timetable for 3BMU, Semester 1 2024-25

3rd Year Music Timetable, Semester 1 2024-25

***All lecture for 3rd Year Music, Semester 1 will begin on Monday, 9th September 2024***

**MU3103 Scoring and Arranging Tutorials will be confirmed with the lecturer at the start of term.**

Please remember that 3rd Year Students 23-24 remain in Group 3 for Arts

**3BMU1 Semester 2 schedule differs as students will either be on Placement, Study Abroad or completing a Music Project on campus**

Registration Information 2024-25

  • Online Registration for returning 3rd Year Undergraduate students opens on Monday, 19th August 2024 and will close on 20th September.  
  • The Registration process is administered by the Registration Office, not by the Discipline of Music.  Should you have any difficulties, please contact in the first instance. 
  • It is VERY IMPORTANT to click on CONFIRM SELECTION and FINISH at the very end of the registration process in order to lock in all the modules for which you wish to register
  • Further information on Registration can be found here 
  • You can log in to your student portal here to register Student Portal