First Year Music

Welcome to First Year Music at NUI Galway for 2024-2025!

The Discipline of Music is delighted to welcome you to your first year of university studies in Music

General Information about 1BMU Music

   Please note: The Music Handbook 2024-2025 below is your bible to 1BMU Music at University of Galway.

 When you need information about First Year Music, you should check in one of the following places:

  1. The 1BMU Music handbook  Music Handbook 2024-25
  2. The College of Arts Student Information 2024-25
  3. First Year Information and Guides 
  4. Canvas - the online platform for information on your modules, lecture schedules, assessment information and submission boxes, etc) Canvas
  5. Discipline of Music Office: Administrator: Irene O'Malley, Room 311, 1st Floor, Tower 1. Email:

If you have a question or problem that cannot be answered by these sources, then you should consult with the First Year Head of Music, Dr. Ann-Marie Hanlon at Lecturers on your individual modules will also be happy to discuss any queries with you during their designated office hours. Please e-mail for an appointment.

Class Rep for 1st Year Music 2024-25: 

If you have any concerns that you would like raised on behalf of your class, you can contact the 1st Year Class Rep. 1BMU1 Class Rep: tba

Overview of 1BMU Music

First Year Music at NUI  Galway


Welcome to Music! All of us in the Discipline of Music here at NUI Galway look forward enormously to meeting and working with you in the upcoming academic year.

The BA in Music is an introduction to the languages, repertories and cultures of music, principally (though not solely) classical and Irish traditional music. You will listen to music that is performed in theatres, concert venues and at home; you will acquire skills in theory and harmony, composition and music technology; you will discover what is meant by performance criticism and critical listening; you will perform in a choir and can learn hands-on skills in arts management. Above all, it is a course that puts musicianship at its heart. We hope you enjoy it!

From September 2023 Music will use the new virtual learning environment Canvas as its learning hub. You should look there for all details and updates relating to First Year Music (known as 1BMU1). This is where you find out course details, information on tutorials, download learning materials, and submit assignments. 

Your lecturers supply detailed reading and lecture timetables for each module at the start of semester. 

All lectures for 1st Year Music, Semester 1 will begin on Monday, 16th September 2024

Structure and Timetable of 1BMU1 Music

Structure of 1BMU Music

All 1BMU1 Music Students in 1st Year take the following modules:

  • MU1100 Introduction to Music History (both semesters, 1 hour lecture per week. 5 ECTS)
  • MU1101 Traditional Music in Ireland: 1972 to the New Millennium (both semesters, 1 hour lecture per week. 5 ECTS)
  • MU1102 Music Practice 1 (both semesters, 1 hour lecture per week. 5 ECTS)
  • MU1103 Music Theory and Critical Listening (both semesters, 1 hour lecture per week. 5 ECTS)

*Music Tutorial rotating between MU1100, MU1102, MU1103. Details to be announced on Canvas 

**All lectures for 1st Year Music will begin on Monday, 16th September 2024 **

1st Year Music Timetable:

1st Year Music Timetable 2024-25


 Please refer to First Arts Timetable for all other subjects

* Please remember for Incoming Year 1 Music Students 24/25, you are in Group 3 for Arts

Registration Information 2024-25

* Registration

  • Online Registration for new incoming 1st year Undergraduate students opens on Monday, 2nd September 2024.
  • Further information on Registration can be found here
  • You can log in to your student portal here: Student Portal