Music Academic Year 2024/2025

 The following outlines how Music will manage on-campus activities for the academic year 2024/2025, including:

  • Class format
  • Safety in Music teaching and practice spaces
  • Meetings and supervisions
  • Room bookings
  • Information updates
  • Modules times


Class Format

For 2004/25, all lectures will be delivered in person. Most classes will be held on-campus in the AMB 1014 Siobhán McKenna Theatre or AMB G034. Some modules (such as DT3123, IS2105, IS3101, MU2105) will be held either in the O’Donoghue Centre or in other venues throughout the university. Lecture and practice-based teaching will happen ‘live’. One-to-one tutorials or supervisions will happen in person or online (see ‘Meetings and supervisions’ below). Your lecturer will confirm this at the start of term. 

Students who cannot attend classes for medical reasons must let their lecturer know and submit the relevant documentation to the College Office (see page 32 of handbook) 

 Safety in Music teaching and practice spaces

Please note the following:

  • Access to the Siobhán McKenna Theatre, G034 and the Music Practice Rooms will be limited to registered staff and students of Music. It is anticipated that the Keyboard Suite G031 opposite G034 will be available for keyboard practice as well as being available for student practice for violin, voice etc. 

  • Students will need to use their student cards to gain swipe-card access to the Arts Millennium Building Music venues. Full details will be provided in September. 

  • Hour-long classes will run from the start of the hour to 50 minutes past the hour (e.g., 13.00 to 13.50). The ten-minute gap is to allow students time to leave the class before the next group enters. 

  • Classes that run for two-hours or longer should ensure a break after 50 minutes.

  • It is recommended that all staff and students using a piano in the McKenna, G034 or the Practice Room wipe down the piano keys before and after using the instrument.   

    Meetings and supervisions

One-to-one meetings and supervisions between staff and students will take place online, via Teams or Zoom, and sometimes in person. More detail will be given by module convenors. Any request for a meeting should be arranged in advance. For meetings of a pastoral nature, these should be either during staff office hours or by arrangement.

 Room Bookings

  • Music students will be able to book spaces for rehearsal in the McKenna and the Music Practice Room (and, on Tuesdays, G034) provided that they are doing so for assessed activities as part of their courses. Bookings may be for no more than one hour at a time. 

  • In most cases, only one student will be permitted into the Practice Room at any one time. The one exception to this is if a performer needs an accompanist, in which case the accompanist may also be present. 

  • Larger ensemble groups may be permitted into the McKenna or G034, but only with prior permission of the programme director.

  • Access to Music teaching and practice spaces is strictly limited to registered University of Galway staff and students except by prior arrangement with the programme director. Exceptions will include ticket-holding audience-members for events, the provision of professional services (e.g., theatre technicians), and visiting academic and professional speakers who have been invited to the building. Students booking rooms may only work with othr University of Galway students in the Music teaching and practice spaces. 


 Information Updates

Students will receive regular updates by email and from the University. Students can keep up-to-date with University alerts at

 Module Times

The provisional module and room times for all classes is listed below. Full details will be provided in your Canvas module when you register for your classes.



Music at University of Galway

We offer Music at undergraduate level as part of a BA (Joint-Honours) degree.  Visit NUI Galway's Courses Page for information on how to apply, entry requirements and assessment.