Going on to further study

There are many reasons to continue on to further study. It can be essential for your chosen career, you may be looking to specialise in a specific area or change direction.

Postgraduate programmes generally fit into the following levels: 

Graduate Diploma / Higher Diploma (level 8). Often ‘conversion’ courses. 

Postgraduate Diploma (level 9). 1 academic year long may require an honours degree. Taught, no thesis involved.

There are two types of Masters degree – Taught and Research (both level 9):
Taught – attend lectures and finish the year by doing a dissertation/thesis, usually take 1 or 2 years.
Research – majority of your time is spent researching your thesis and you are examined on your thesis only. 

Doctorate (PhD) (level 10) - done by research or through a structured programme (where some modules are taken as well) and will usually take 3+ years.

You can see the full range of taught postgraduate programmes here along with entry requirements and applicable deadlines for application.

Applications are online for most courses and you may need a personal statement or other supporting documentation - links and more information

For research programmes, there is advice here   

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