Getting Work Experience

Making the most of work experience 

  • Set objectives with your manager and find out exactly what they expect from you. Ask if you need help!
  • Show an interest in the company, be enthusiastic – more opportunities may crop up.
  • Improve your interpersonal skills – talk to other employees and find out what their job entails and how they got them. 

How to find work experience:

We'll advertise all paid jobs in Careers Connect - log in using your student login to search / browse opportunities. Summer placements can be more formal and advertised either on the company’s website or through the Careers Connect. Tip - update your profile to get weekly updates on opportunities!

Keep an eye on academic unit noticeboards as some companies contact them directly.

Look for voluntary opportunities with charities at home or abroad.  This will help to develop the attributes and skills that employers seek. Join ALIVE programme while studying.

More tips for students at careers information for students sharepoint (you must be logged into your university Office365 account).