Graduate Destinations

Each year, all universities in Ireland and the UK survey their graduates to determine their first destination after leaving university.

In Ireland, this data is used by the HEA to gather national statistics.

What do Ireland's Graduates do?

2021 (published 2022) - online interactive report.

2020 (published 2022) - only available as an interactive report. 

2017 & 2018 - interactive dashboard 

Higher Education Outcomes Graduation Years 2010-2014 

The HEA have all their publications available from

(please click tab above for results our graduate survey)



Latest survey results - 2022

In 2023 the Career Development Centre surveyed the class of 2022 for the Graduate Outcomes Survey.

The survey of graduates of 2023 will take place in spring/summer 2024 - to take part see Graduate Survey.

S‌ee full breakdown of 2022 Breakdown of Graduates‌. 

Most important activity PG UG Total
Working full-time 79.9% 55.8% 66%
Working part-time 4.9% 3.5% 4%
Due to start a job within 3 months 0.6% 0.2% .5%
Full-time further study or training 4.8% 35.6% 22%
Part-time further study or training 3.6% 1.3% 2%
Other activity 2.2% 1.4% 2%
Unemployed and looking for work 4.1% 1.4% 2.5%

Results from previous surveys

        2021 Graduate Outcomes Survey

2020 Graduate Outcomes Survey by College

2018 Graduate Outcomes Survey by College   

2017 Breakdown by College - Graduate Outcomes Survey 
