Deciding on a career

If you don’t know what you would like to do after your current studies at University of Galway, booking an appointment with your careers adviser can help you on your path to exploring your options.

The aim of this page is to help you make a start on this path. ‌

How do I find out what would suit me?

Looking at what you are good at (your skills) and what you would like to get out of a job (your values) are a good starting point. It can help to discover what kind of person you are and what activities you enjoy.

Think about what motivates you. Also consider recent activities that gave you a real sense of achievement – what skills were you using? 

  • Do you work best when interacting with people, or generating ideas, or practical work?
  • Do you thrive on pressure or prefer a more relaxed pace?
  • How about being the person in charge, or would you prefer to be in a supporting role? 
  • Your interests can also be worth exploring as can considering the type of people you like to be around.

What if I decide I don’t want a career in my degree field?

It can happen that students will decide to pursue a career that seems different to their current studies. As you gain experience and insights into various jobs and careers during your time in university, you may wish to explore routes into a different discipline through postgraduate conversion courses or other study options.

Some employers will recruit from any discipline - keep updated on job opportunities through CAREERS CONNECT to see what employers are looking for.

More options

If you are looking for ideas for careers related to your chosen degree / subject. ‌

Current students, please see your Careers information for students sharepoint - you must be logged into your university Office365 account to access
