NUI Galway Hold Information Exhibit for European Month of the Brain

May 14 2013 Posted: 10:16 IST

For the European Month of the Brain, staff and students of NUI Galway’s Neuroscience Centre are organising a major public information exhibit on the Ground Floor in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre on Saturday, 18 May from 10am to 5pm.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to learn more about brain disorders, via a series of large information posters prepared by the staff and postgraduate students of NUI Galway Neuroscience Centre.  The posters cover a variety of illnesses including: Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, Stroke, Brain injury and Spinal cord injury. Neuroscientists form the Galway Neuroscience Centre will be on hand to chat to the public about how the brain works and brain disorders.

Information leaflets obtained from brain-related charities and organisations will be displayed and available for the public to take away, such as MS Ireland, Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland, Parkinson’s Association of Ireland, Aware, Chronic Pain Ireland, Shine, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and Brainwave.

Dr Karen Doyle, Lecturer in Physiology at NUI Galway, said: “In May 2013, neuroscientists across Europe will hold events to highlight research in to how the brain works and diseases of the brain. One in every 3 people will be affected by a brain disorder during our lifetime. Approximately 180 million Europeans are thought to suffer from a brain disorder, at a total cost of almost 800 billion euro per annum. This event run by the neuroscientists in NUI Galway during the European month of the brain is to help the Galway public understand how the brain works normally, and brain disorders.”

The Galway Neuroscience Centre acknowledges funding from the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Science in NUI Galway and the international Dana Foundation.


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