University of Galway's Threesis

University of Galway's Threesis


University of Galway's Threesis

3 slides...  3 minutes...  3 judges...

Threesis is a research communications training programme and competition at our university.  Threesis invites postgraduate research students (Masters, PhD, MD) at University of Galway on a journey.

Twelve postgraduates took part in the Threesis Grand Finale on 25 June 2024, sharing the story of their research in just three minutes, using just three slides, in front of three judges and a voting audience.

Louise McCormack secured the top prize for her presentation - Scoring AI for Ethical Trustworthiness. She outlined how her research is helping to shape a future where AI is both powerful and ethical.

Through her PhD, Louise McCormack is conducting research to develop a tool to score AI for trustworthiness in line with the Seven Ethical Principles for Trustworthy AI developed by the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI. She is supported in her research by ADAPT, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology.

Second place went to PhD student Anastasija (Ana) Walsh, from Dublin, with her talk: ‘Extracellular Vesicles: Tiny but Mighty Messengers Suppressing Anti-Tumour Immunity’. Her research, at the University’s Lambe Institute for Translational Research, is funded by the Irish Cancer Society and focuses on extracellular vesicles - the tiny particles produced by all types of cells which help them communicate and influence each other. Her talk centred on how they may influence the field of cancer research.

The audience vote and third place went to Sofiia Tretiak, PhD student based in the University’s Ryan Institute, with her talk on ‘Seaweed Super Solution: Using Ocean Power for Human and Planet Health’. Her research is funded by the European Commission, Cybercolloids Ltd and the Irish Research Council. It explores novel techniques to extract commercially valuable seaweed compounds useful for food, agriculture, medical and pharmaceutical industries.


Threesis is brought to you by the Research Office in conjunction with the Researcher Development Centre and Graduate Studies Office, and with support from research communication enthusiasts from across campus. For further information read the FAQs and/or reach out to or Ruth Hynes.