The ALIVE Project Team

The ALIVE Project includes three research teams:
-University of Galway team: Dr Miriam A. Byrne and Ibrahim Alhindawi.
-Maynooth University: Dr James A. McGrath.
-University College Dublin (UCD) team: Dr James O'Donnell and Divyanshu Sood.

Dr Miriam Byrne

miriam byrne profile pic

Dr Miriam Byrne

Senior Lecturer
Physics Unit
School of Natural Sciences
College of Science and Engineering
University of Galway
+353 91 493394

University of Galway Personal Website


Dr Miriam Byrne (PhD Imperial College) has a long-recognised reputation for contributing at an international level to indoor air pollution research. Miriam has more than 100 journal, conference, and book chapter outputs, has held membership of the editorial board for Atmospheric Environment, a key journal, and has held the Presidency of The Aerosol Society of the UK and Ireland.

Over the last two decades, she has participated in research grants from agencies such as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the European Commission. These projects include an SEAI/EPA co-funded pilot study on measuring air pollutant concentrations in energy efficient homes (EPA2009-SS-74), the longer EPA 2012-EH-PhD-10 project on the same topic, and PI for the EPA-funded UNVEIL project (March 2016-Feb 2017), in which radon concentrations in energy-retrofitted buildings were simulated. Miriam has previously had two grants under the 2014 (thermal modelling) and 2017 (radon entry rate measurement) SEAI RD&D programmes, respectively. Her PhD and postdoctoral work was in the area of radiological risk assessment following nuclear accidents.

Dr James McGrath

Dr James McGrath,
Research Fellow
Physics Unit
Arts/Science Building
University of Galway
T: (091) 493437
Linkedin Profile
ResearchGate Profile


James is a research fellow in the Physics Unit and Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS) at the University of Galway. His research activities are in the areas of aerosol science, indoor air pollutants, thermal comfort, and human health; focusing on experimental and modelling approaches to explore the distribution of air pollutants throughout the residential environment and the subsequent relationship to inhalation exposure, in particular, consequences of the European Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU). He was awarded the title of Chartered Physicist (CPhys) by the Institute of Physics (IOP) in October 2018. He is a committee member of the Aerosol Society of the UK and Ireland and the Health Effects of Modern Airtight Construction (HEMAC) Network. He was a plenary speaker at the ROOMS 2017 conference and the UK Radon symposium. He has played key roles in scientific outreach at high profile events such as the Volvo Ocean Race 2012 and the Galway Science and Technology Festival Exhibition.

Ibrahim Alhindawi

ibrahim alhindawi profile picture

Ibrahim Alhindawi,
Doctoral Researcher
Physics Unit
School of Natural Sciences
College of Science and Engineering
University of Galway
T: (091) 495289
Linkedin Profile
ResearchGate Profile
Google Scholar Profile 


Ibrahim is a doctoral researcher in the Physics Unit and the Ryan Institute’s Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS) at the University of Galway. Ibrahim Alhindawi received a BSc in Architectural Engineering in 2017, and an MSc in Renewable Energy and Architecture from The University of Nottingham, UK, in 2019, with Distinction, graduating as the course’s top-listed student. He worked as an Architect and Building Energy Modeller/Analyst before receiving a full PhD scholarship at the University of Galway: “Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Grant”, and “Postgraduate Merit Scholarship”. His research interests include Building IEQ/IAQ; Building Monitoring; Passive Solar Design; Passive House; Thermal Comfort; Building Overheating; Natural Ventilation; Architectural Science; Climate Change; Building Simulations; Renewable Energy; and Weather Data. Ibrahim is a member of CIBSE, ASHRAE, and the Aerosol Society in the UK and Ireland.

Dr James O'Donnell

Dr James O’Donnell,
Associate Professor,
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
Belfield Dublin 4,
University College Dublin.
T: 01 716 1839
UCD Personal Website 
Linkedin Profile
Google Scholar


James O'Donnell joined University College Dublin (UCD) in June 2013. Prior to this appointment, he worked as a senior Scientific Engineering Associate in the Building Technology and Urban Systems Department of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). His current work focuses on the development and deployment of interoperable and BIM based solutions to support multi-scale energy modelling, from individual buildings to national building stocks. It is in this capacity that he contributes to buildingSMART’s Building Energy Modelling IDM Expert Panel. In addition to technical research and consulting, James teaches modules focusing on building physics and building energy modelling. Previously, he taught courses at Stanford University, National University of Ireland Galway, and University College Cork on building performance analysis, building physics and HVAC analysis respectively. He also worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG). James has a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Ph.D. in holistic building performance analysis from University College Cork (UCC). He is also an editorial board member for the Elsevier journal Advanced Engineering Informatics.


Divyanshu Sood

Divyanshu Sood,
Doctoral Researcher,
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
Belfield Dublin 4,
University College Dublin.
T: +353-1716-2625
M: +353 89 2506769
Linkedin Profile 
ResearchGate Profile 
Google Scholar Profile 


Divyanshu is a PhD student in School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering and Energy Institute at University College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland. My research is in the area of development of Next Generation Building Archetypes and associated with the project titled "Assessing Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Efficiency In a range of Naturally-Ventilated Buildings” (ALIVE) funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). The research focuses on natural ventilation's effect on the building's energy performance and indoor environmental quality in Irish buildings. His research interests are in urban building energy modelling, building archetype development, statistical machine learning and thermal comfort. Currently, Divyanshu is heading the ASHRAE student branch at UCD. Divyanshu is a member of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) Project- 1 which addresses urban scale energy performance simulation of domestic and non-domestic buildings. He is also a member of Ireland’s National Retrofitting Modelling Group that manages Irish energy-related data resources.

ALIVE members websites:

Miriam Byrne:

James McGrath:

 Ibrahim Alhindawi:

James O’Donnell:

Divyanshu Sood: