Creating Web Ready Images with or Pixlr

Most images need to be loaded to t4’s media library before they are used.  But some content types bypass this and expect you to load the image into the content type itself. Either way, the image should be web ready so that it doesn’t bloat your web page. Bigger than necessary images make the web pages slow to load and also negatively impact on search engine rankings.  So each image you upload to t4 should be saved (usually as a JPG) that is 96 dots per inch (dpi)And they should be the recommended width and height for your chosen content type.  

To check the dimensions required, go to the question below - Which content types need images, where do they go, and what size should they be?

Which content types need images, where do they go, and what size should they be?

What tool should I use to resize my image for the web?

How do I resize my image, using the Crop tool, in Pixlr?

How do I use Smart resize... in Pixlr?

How do I Resize an image in

How do I crop an image in

How do I trim an image to the right size in