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University Life
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About University of Galway
About University of Galway
Since 1845, University of Galway has been sharing the highest quality teaching and research with Ireland and the world. Find out what makes our University so special – from our distinguished history to the latest news and campus developments.
Colleges & Schools
Colleges & Schools
University of Galway has earned international recognition as a research-led university with a commitment to top quality teaching across a range of key areas of expertise.
Research & Innovation
Research & Innovation
University of Galway’s vibrant research community take on some of the most pressing challenges of our times.
Business & Industry
Guiding Breakthrough Research at University of Galway
We explore and facilitate commercial opportunities for the research community at University of Galway, as well as facilitating industry partnership.
Alumni & Friends
Alumni & Friends
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Community Engagement
Community Engagement
At University of Galway, we believe that the best learning takes place when you apply what you learn in a real world context. That's why many of our courses include work placements or community projects.
Sustainability Strategy and Policy
The University of Galway Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025 sets out our vision and commitment to lead the implementation of sustainability across the campus and beyond. We will do this by embedding sustainability in our culture, operational policies and governance structures and empowering our communities to be champions of sustainability.
Leagtar amach i Straitéis Inbhuanaitheachta Ollscoil na Gaillimhe 2021-2025 ár bhfís agus ár dtiomantas chun cur i bhfeidhm na hinbhuanaitheachta ar fud an champais agus níos faide i gcéin a threorú. Déanfaimid é seo trí inbhuanaitheacht a leabú inár gcultúr, inár bpolasaithe oibríochta agus inár struchtúir rialachais agus trí chumhacht a thabhairt dár bpobail a bheith ina seaimpíní inbhuanaitheachta.
Climate Action and Sustainability Policy
The purpose of the University of Galway Climate Action and Sustainability Policy (QA205) is two-fold:
- To embed carbon management into all University operations and processes with a view to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5˚C
- To lead the transition to a sustainable future by embedding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), into all our major efforts, including education, research, leadership, professional support services, operations and engagement activities.
See more outlined in our Climate Action and Sustainability Policy
University of Galway Green Campus Charter
University of Galway learns, lives and leads sustainability. The focus of learn is to continue to embed sustainability literacy into all aspects of University learning and research, the focus of live is to implement the principles of sustainability throughout campus operations and engagement activities; from a lead perspective the aim is to play a central and transformational role in attaining the SDGs by 2030. Our Green Campus priorities are:
- Surpass the public sector climate targets and move ambitiously towards carbon neutrality by 2030.
- Increase onsite renewable electricity generation.
- Develop a carbon budget system for the University.
- Building on the successful elimination of single-use cups, eliminate other single-use plastic catering items available on campus.
- Increase the whole-of-campus recycling rate to 55% in the next year, focusing on actions in the student residences.
- Reduce the total volume of waste by 5% by working with catering partners, focusing on food waste (reduce by 50% against baseline).
- Surpass our Water Stewardship Charter target of reducing total water consumption by 10% between 2019 and 2025.
- Eliminate the reliance of staff, students and visitors on single-use plastics for water consumption by extending the network of drinking water fountains across campus.
- Continue programme of installing water-saving devices and rainwater harvesting.
- Develop a campus travel plan in 2025 with specific actions to reduce car journeys and increase walking, cycling and public transport.
- Collaborate with local authorities and other stakeholders on the delivery of the Cross-City Link, Clifden Railway Pedestrian & Cycle Bridge, Galway to Oughterard Greenway and other schemes to facilitate sustainable travel to campus.
- Achieve the National Transport Authority’s Smarter Travel Mark.
- Develop a new Biodiversity Action Plan, aligned to a new Sustainability Strategy, to actively conserve and enhance campus biodiversity.
- Use the campus as a living lab for biodiversity teaching, learning and research.
- Promote the campus as an educational and recreational resource.
Green Labs:
- Achieve green lab certification for all labs.
- Finalise an inventory of all laboratories and high-energy use freezers to measure progress and prioritise interventions.
- Seek funding to appoint a My Green Lab Officer to support the certification process and ensure the successful implementation and expansion of sustainable lab initiatives across the University.
Engagement is fundamental to our Green Campus activities. We engage widely through our Community & University Sustainability Partnership (CUSP) and we welcome new members – please contact us (details below). We will develop a new Sustainability Strategy in 2025, following extensive engagement with the campus community and our partners. The above charter will be aligned with our Sustainability Strategy.
Email: sustainability@universityofgalway.ie
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/sustainability
Instagram: www.instagram.com/uniofgalwaysustainability/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/university-of-galway-sustainability-office
SDG Accord
University of Galway is a signatory to the SDG Accord, demonstrating our commitment at an institutional level to embed the SDGs into our education, research, leadership, operations, administration and engagement activities; and to share our learning. By signing the SDG Accord we demonstrate our active participation in a global movement designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, share best practises and co-create solutions for addressing shared sustainability challenges.
As an SDG Accord signatory institution, each year we submit an SDG Accord survey report and case studies, thereby contributing to a global database of SDG progress in higher education.
ENLIGHT Sustainability Engagement
University of Galway is a signatory to the Europen Union ENLIGHT Sustainability Engagement agreement. This sets out our commitment to join forces to address major ecological, social, cultural, and economic challenges that our societies face today and in the future. As higher education institutions, we recognise that we must act as regional, national, and global innovators preparing society for necessary transformation through appropriate governance, research, education and transfer activities, as well as sustainable operations and facilities. We recognise that universities are key contributors to sustainable development, and we take that responsibility.