ENLIGHT Summer School 2024

‘Sustainable and Equitable Transitions’ Summer School was hosted in Galway in May 2024 where we welcomed 20 students from 6 ENLIGHT partner universities in addition to having 10 University of Galway postgraduate students participating. This module is a partnership between the School of Sociology and Political Science and the School of Geography, Archaeology, and Irish Studies.

Given the need to implement ambitious environmental and climate objectives and move towards carbon neutrality, a circular economy, cleaner air, cleaner transport and sustainable consumption, this postgraduate, interdisciplinary summer school explored how sustainable transitions can be advanced with equitable distribution of benefits and burdens.  Students took part in lectures, workshop sessions and a one-day field trip to Inis Oírr. Feedback from students was extremely positive particularly from our own University of Galway international students who welcomed the opportunity to discuss these important issues with their ENLIGHT peers from across Europe (some pictures attached).

A particular thank you to Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania and Una Murray for their leadership on this module, in creating an impressive interdisciplinary programme for a second successive year combining a team of local contributors with academic inputs from University of Bordeaux and Ghent University.

Students in a classroom


Creative output of the ENLIGHT Equity and Sustainability Transitions Summer School

In May 2024, 30 postgraduate students from across the ENLIGHT network of European universities came to Galway to study Equity and Sustainability transitions. This short video is the creative output of the summer school, based on the work of the students in international, multidisciplinary teams.


Walkable cities. Sustainable Cities.

Agnes Rosenberg - University of Tartu
Ángela Alonso Jurnet – University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Auxiliadora Maria Jesuína Sarmento de Carvalho - University of Galway
Dominika Orlíková – Comenius University
Ida Joao-Hussar- University of Tartu

Decolonising sustainability transitions

Nike-Monisola Awoyemi University of Galway
Nataliia Pabat University of Tartu
Macarena Montero University of Galway
Noortje Assink University of Groningen
Emilie Van Laere University of Ghent

Consumers, companies (tourism) and sustainability

Vibeth Nashira Porras Gonzales - University of Galway
Sapna Bist - University of Galway
Ramic Medisa - University of Ghent
Marleen Franken - University of Groningen
Janine Aloe - University of Tartu

Planning and Implementing Policies related to Sustainability

Ema Barbora Semanová – Comenius University Bratislava
Patricia Barron San Blas – University of the Basque Country
Ana Leticia Mandujano Reyes – University of Galway
Aoife Monaghan – University of Galway
Mara Hofbauer – University of Groningen

Measuring Sustainability

Alica Štefanovičová from Comenius University in Bratislava
Huiping Liu from the University of Galway
Ioanna Stavropoulou from Uppsala University
Maria Viota from the University of the Basque Country

Gender and inclusion as cross-cutting issues

Anett Maria Reinas, University of Tartu
Glory Omomase, University of Galway
Malte Spreckelsen, University of Göttingen
Lydia Lewon, University of Göttingen
Rachel Phelan, University of Galway

Edited by: Aidan O’Callaghan, University of Galway

Coordinated by: Dr. Una Murray & Dr. Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania, University of Galway


See also the output from the previous year of the summer school, which was a report written collectively by the students: https://openpress.universityofgalway.ie/enlightestransitions/