SUSI has closed for applications for the 2024/25 Academic Year

Students who wish to make an application after the online closing date must satisfy one of the following criteria.

  • They have had a change in circumstances under one or more of the following criteria:
    • Reckonable income;
    • Number of dependent children;
    • Relevant persons commencing an approved course;
    • Normal residence;
    • Nationality or immigration status; and/or
    • Change of course or institution
  • They experienced extenuating circumstances that adversely affected their ability to make an application prior to the closing date in early November.

If a student would like to request a late application under one of the above criteria, they can do so by completing a Late Application Request form and emailing it to Late Application Request forms can be found on

When can I make my SUSI application and how do I know if I am eligible?

The SUSI application process is now open. The SUSI website is where you will find information on making a student grant application.

As SUSI expects to receive a high number of applications upon opening, you are advised to apply online, as soon as possible. You do not need to have your Leaving Cert results, or to have accepted a course in order to apply. You can simply supply the details of the course you hope to study and can update your course choice online if you accept a different course/college at a later date.

Key Dates

The closing date for renewal applications is 6 June 2024.

The closing date for new applications is 11 July 2024.

Closing date for all applications is 07 November 2024.

It is still possible to apply after these dates but you may not be notified of the outcome of your application until after your course has started.

When do SUSI applications close?

Online applications close on 07 November. If you have started applying but haven't completed your application, you must get it done before then.

Students who wish to make an application after the online closing date must satisfy one of the following criteria.

  • They have had a change in circumstances under one or more of the following criteria:
    • Reckonable income;
    • Number of dependent children;
    • Relevant persons commencing an approved course;
    • Normal residence;
    • Nationality or immigration status; and/or
    • Change of course or institution
  • They experienced extenuating circumstances that adversely affected their ability to make an application prior to the closing date in early November.

If a student would like to request a late application under one of the above criteria, they can do so by completing a Late Application Request form and emailing it to Late Application Request forms can be found on after the closing date.

How do I make my grant application?

You can register online with SUSI and then complete the online application form. The online application facility will be available through

Before applying for your grant, you are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria by selecting your student type based on whether you are PLCUndergraduatePostgraduate or Studying Outside the State.

You can also use SUSI’s Eligibility Reckoner where you can quickly and easily self-assess whether you may be eligible for a grant.

Remember, it is NOT necessary to have received an offer of a college place or to be enrolled in college in order to apply online.

I received a grant last academic year, do I have to re-apply?

Yes. All students progressing in their course must re-apply for SUSI to be considered for grant funding for the coming academic year. It is important to reapply, as if you fail to do so it may result in you not receiving any funding for the following year. 

I have to repeat my year, can I still receive SUSI?

Maybe. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for funding for your repeat year of study. It is advised that you make an appointment with the Student Budgetary Advisor who may be able to assist you in making an application for a repeat year. 

I'm a part-time student, can I receive SUSI?

SUSI has recently unveiled funding information for students studying part-time undergraduate courses. Please see here for general funding information and here for information related to the approved courses.  

My family circumstances have changed recently, will SUSI take that into account?

Yes. Under a change of circumstances, SUSI may be able to assess you and the household income taking account of the change of circumstances. You must apply through a change of circumstances by emailing 

How can I contact SUSI?

As part of SUSI’s support to students, there is a SUSI Support desk available in the lead up to and following the launch of the online application system for both email and telephone queries. The Support Desk is open from Monday to Friday (9.00 – 17.30).  You can email them at: or phone them on 0818 888 777 or +353 1 524 2257 if phoning from abroad.

Can anyone help?

Yes, please contact our Financial Support team on