
Marie is a PhD candidate in the Discipline of Economics at the University of Galway. Her research primarily focuses on the economics of renewable energy and marine economics. Marie's PhD research is focused on Evaluating the economic, social and environmental impacts of tidal energy developments. This work is part of the 'TIDAL-GES' tidal energy project, funded by the University of Galway’s Global Challenges Programme. Marie holds a BSc in Economics and Social Science from the University of Trier and an MSc in Global Environmental Economics from the University of Galway. Prior to commencing her PhD, Marie worked at the Marine Institute on the Marine Socio-Economic and Social Data Programme. She also worked as a research assistant at the University of Galway on the SEAFUEL Project, which involved integrating renewable resources into urban transport and modelling optimal locations for hydrogen refuelling stations.

Research Interests

Environmental Economics

Renewable Energy Economics

Marine and Natural Resource Economics

Applied Microeconomics

Publications and Other Outputs

Norton, D., Hynes, S., Lanser, M.C., O’Leary, J., O’Donoghue, D., and Tsakiridis, A. 2022. Ireland’s Ocean Economy Report 2022. SEMRU. University of Galway and Marine Institute. [Technical Report].