Engineering and Information & Communication Technology

Information and communication technology has become an integral part of our lives. NUI Galway’s researchers in Engineering and ICT have established capability, through their worldwide network, to ensure that existing, new and emerging technologies are secure, and benefit, rather and undermine, society.
The Data Mining & Machine Learning Group has expertise in: Mining & machine learning with high-dimensional data; automatic decision support under uncertainty; techniques and algorithms for classification and clustering; analysis of image and sensor data, including chemical spectroscopy and medical applications. Academics in Information Technology also have experience in game design (game technology, design and development, including serious games), IS ethics and privacy, Information Security (e.g. Cybercrime) and Network Intrusion Detection Systems” to “Academics in Information Technology also have experience in game design (game technology, design and development, including serious games), Information Security (e.g. Cybercrime) and Network Intrusion Detection Systems and IS ethics and privacy.
The Business Information Systems Group at NUI Galway has substantial research experience within the area of information systems, design methodologies and techniques. They are now looking at Behavioural Information Security, which considers the socio-technical aspects of information systems security, as well as the emerging area of “Privacy by Design”.