SDG Week 2024


SDG Week 2024

SDG week belongs to everyone and is open to all, including students, staff and community partners. As a national SDG Ambassador, we see this as an opportunity to act as an advocate and promoter of the SDGs, to raise awareness internally among our community of over 20,000 students and staff and to demonstrate by example that everyone can make a contribution to the UN SDGs.

Download our SDG Week 2024 flyer or click below for a day-by-day event listing.‌

University of Galway SDG Week forms part of SDG Week Ireland, European Sustainable Development Week and Global Goals Week. Get ready for SDG Week by attending the Galway Climate Inspirations Festival (Thursday 12 September to Sunday 15 September).

Monday 16 September


J.E Cairnes School of Business and Economics SDG Mapping Project Website Launch, Sustainability Reporting Update and poster exhibition

Hybrid event

Venue: Room CA110 Whitaker Room, Cairnes Building and posters in the Foyer of Cairnes Building


J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics are delighted to welcome Dr. Richard Manton Director of Sustainability at University of Galway to launch the SDG Mapping Project Showcase website. We invite anyone with an interest in the SDGs to join in the conversation. Our aim is to use the website to support new conversations about key themes and explore how we can create more impact: one of the key aims of the website is to facilitate new collaborations, and this event aims to discover potential routes in this regard.

As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), we will take the opportunity to share our progress and reporting requirements regarding the SDGs and sustainability.  Tea and coffee served.

Please Register here

Open to all

The School of Business and Economics will also showcase the impactful work of our students through an SDG Poster Exhibition in the foyer of the Cairnes Building from Monday to Thursday of SDG Week.                                                               



SDG Walking Tour

Meet at the Quadrangle Archway for a walk along the SDG Trail. Tour guides will speak about the University's contributions to each of the 17 SDGs with examples of projects and living labs.

Open to all



What is the importance of diverse perspectives in narrating the climate crisis?” 

Venue: HRB G010

Speakers are Su-Ming Khoo (Galway), Tina-Karen Pusse (Galway), Nora Ward (Galway), Marco Caracciolo (Ghent - Belgium)

Open to all




Eco-Café is a judgement-free, confidential space wherein people can attend to voice their worries on the ongoing Ecological Crisis with others 

Venue: An Gairdín Sosa (next to the Chapel)

Student only event



Transforming knowledge and research for just and sustainable futures: Towards a new social imaginary for higher education

Venue: THB-G011 Seminar Room (Hardiman's building). 

Speaker: Prof. Leon Tikly, University of Bristol

This presentation considers why it is important to transform knowledge and research for just and sustainable futures and discusses the role of higher education in these transformation processes. The paper sets out how knowledge, research, and knowledge systems can be understood and critiques knowledge hierarchies that have emerged in the context of colonialism, leading to the marginalisation of the knowledge systems and languages of the colonised. It is argued that there is a need to create new ecologies of knowledge that value and develop synergies between ‘all of the archives of the world’ and that can revitalise and expand the knowledge commons and contribute to more just and sustainable futures. Higher education has a pivotal role to play in the creation of new ecologies of knowledge and a revitalized knowledge commons through promoting socially and ethically engaged research, the decolonization and reorientation of university curricula and pedagogy to foster sustainable futures, and the democratization of universities to better represent historically marginalized groups. Underpinning this role must be a shift from a Western modernist social imaginary of higher education to one based on a new planetary consciousness.

Prof Leon Tikly is a UNESCO Chair in Inclusive, Good Quality Education and Global Chair in Education at the University of Bristol. He also co-directs the Centre for International and Comparative Education (CIRE) in the School of Education. A key focus of his work is education in low-income countries and, in particular, countries in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Open to all



Biomaterials in Artistic Practice

Venue: Burren College of Art

Registration: Spaces are limited. Please email Eileen Hutton at

This is a hands-on workshop that will provide you with introductory knowledge on how to create bio-based objects and materials. Participants will learn practical methods for creating biodegradable "resins" and "plastics." Experimenting with gelatin, agar-agar, everyday kitchen items and waste streams such as single use plastic, we will create a variety of alternative artistic materials.


Tuesday 17 September


Sustainability planning in construction: How your company can support the Sustainable Development Goals


Free webinar hosted by Construct Innovate, Ireland’s National Research Centre for Construction Technology and Innovation, in collaboration with Engineers Ireland West. In this session, speakers will examine how your company can support the Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaker 1:  Dr Richard Manton, Director of Sustainability, University of Galway: “Overview of SDGs and how you can embed within an organisation”

Speaker 2: Brett Chrystal, Head of Sustainable Design at D|RES Properties: “D/RES Properties - SDG Implementation Strategy”

Speaker 3: Tom Lindsay, SDG specialist, ACT, 'Accelerating action for the SDGs'

Professor Jamie Goggins will also provide an overview of the aim of the webinar series and this module.



Exploring the potential of an "Active Travel Network" at the University

Zoom link: :

Do you actively travel to work/study at the University? Do you aspire to actively travel? Would you like to connect with other (aspiring) active travellers, to promote more sustainable transport across the University, to identify barriers and collaborate on possible solutions? Join us to explore how we can best contribute to and benefit from walking, scooting and cycling to campus. 
The event includes:
·         Learning from cycling advocates (inside and outside the university)
·         Sharing results of an Active Travel Survey of staff at south campus
·         Discussion of recent ebike/escooter policy
·         Contributions from invited guests
Plus important time for open discussion and strategy development among (aspiring) active travellers across the university, including, exploring if there is a need to form an Active Travel Network.                                                                



Concern-led SDG focused workshop

Venue: CELT Seminar Room (AMB1006), first floor of the Arts Millenium Building

The workshop we will explore what the SDGs are and how individuals can make sure they are doing their part to help progess the Global Goals.

Open to All



Engineering a sustainable transport system

Venue: ENG-G018, Alice Perry Engineering Building

Open to all, however, booking is required: 

Galway’s transport system is unsustainable. The city is heavily car dependent and drivers lose 73 hours per year in congestion, the third highest in Europe behind London and Paris. However, a range of engineering initiatives are planned or proposed to improve the sustainability of Galway’s transport system and that of the wider West Region.

This free-to-attend event by the Engineers Ireland West Region and University of Galway will feature the Galway Transport Strategy, Very Light Rail, Galway to Oughterard Greenway, and sustainable transport research and teaching. The audience will hear engineering speakers from Galway City Council, Gluas, AECOM and University of Galway.

There will also be a showcase of University of Galway student entries to the Smarter Travel Student Awards and a number of awards will be presented on the night.

Topics and speakers:

  • Galway Transport Strategy overview – Frank Clancy, Senior Executive Engineer, Galway City Council
  • Gluas: Very light rail for Galway – Murt Coleman, Gluas for Galway Committee
  • Galway to Oughterard Greenway Development – John Holmes, Technical Director Transportation at AECOM Ireland
  • Sustainable mobility teaching and research at University of Galway – Dr Myra Lydon, Lecturer in Civil Engineering


Wednesday 18 September


Climate on Culture conference

Venue: Aula Maxima, Quadrangle

Climate on Culture is the Idaho Museum of International Diaspora's 2nd annual 2024 global conference in Galway, Ireland.  It is co-hosted with TG4, University of Galway, and Atlantic Technological University

The aim of this conference is two-fold:

  • Bring together a network of a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders, partners, and key participants in an immersive and cultural experience to #LearnDiscoverExplore the impact of climate on culture in broad and specific diasporic contexts; and
  • Create a platform for exchanging ideas and igniting conversations and collaboration beyond the conference scope.

​Day 1 (Wednesday) is dedicated to providing participants with a deep dive into foundational research tied to our conference theme, providing a shared understanding and grounding of participants. Conference sessions will be held at the University of Galway.

University of Galway students and staff can register free of charge at: Registration | 2024 Climate on Culture (Ireland) | Idaho Museum of International Diaspora (                                                       

10am to 11am 

Coffee and chats: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Sustainable Development Goals

Venue: Alexander Anderson Boardroom 

Open to students and staff



Sustainability @ Socs Day

Venue: Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn

Let us know your sustainability priorities to be in with a chance to win a spot prize

Open to all                                                               



STAND marketplace & Change Clothes Second hand clothes sale

Venue: outside Áras na Mac Léinn

STAND and Change Clothes team up for today's market-place!
Visit the STAND info booth, play some games, win prizes and learn more about how you can get involved in social justice issues. 
Change Clothes is a fashionable social enterprise - come and explore the PRE-LOVED CLOTHES SALE sale. Most items €2.50.
Why not visit the STAND Student Festival en route too? Located outside the Human Biology Building



University of Galway launches a flagship sustainable lab project 

Venue: Chemistry Room 231, Arts Science Concourse

The Buildings & Estates team at University of Galway in collaboration with Careys Building Contractors, STW Architects and SBCS in the College of Science and Engineering have delivered a state-of-the-art new sustainable chemistry lab upgrade within the Arts Science building.

This project helps the University in its drive to achieve the SDG goals - especially those related to Quality Education (SDG4) Clean water and Sanitation (SDG6), Clean Energy (SDG7) Sustainable Consumption and Production (SDG12) and Climate Action (SDG13).

Join us on Wednesday the 18th to learn more about this project and hear from those involved.


12.30 - 2pm

How data science is having a positive impact on SDGs. 

Venue: Data Science Institute (DSI), Dangan Business Park (H91 AEX4)

DSI researchers will present lightning talks on how data science is having a positive impact on SDGs.

All welcome.



JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics Information session on the establishment of a Student Sustainability Committee

Venue: CA239d (Collab Room in Biz Hub) 

Join the University of Galway Student’s Union Environmental and Sustainability Officer Peter O’Neill with Dr. Johanna Clancy and Dr. Ann O’Brien to hear about student led sustainability initiatives at University of Galway. Share your ideas on sustainability and find out how you can contribute to new student led initiatives in the School and across the University. Please register here.



An introduction to Global Citizenship Education

Venue: Áras Uí Chathail (AUC G002)

Speakers: Vicky Donnelly, Financial Justice Ireland (FJI) & Sadhbh Breathnach, World Wise Global Schools (WWGS)

Open to all



Student panel discussion on sustainability

Venue: Small Acoustic Room, Áras na Mac Léinn

The panel will explore all the ways that students can get involved in helping promote sustainability on campus. 

Student only event


Thursday 19 September


Going Green for Financial Wellbeing webinar

Venue: in person or online via MS Teams (Meeting ID: 354 609 051 770, Passcode vLcU5W)

This Bank of Ireland webinar for employees of University of Galway will give an overview of:

  • What is Financial Wellbeing and the connection
  • Climate change - the global income, what is being done, how Ireland fares
  • 4 key areas to consider (Food, Plastic, Air, Energy)
  • Practical waste reduction

Please join us on the day or alternatively, to book a one-to-one appointment in advance, please contact us via the below:


SMS: Free Text BAW to 50365                                                                



Education for the SDGs

Venue: CELT Seminar Room (AMB1006), first floor of the Arts Millennium Building

Speakers: Dr Alma Clavin & Dr Elizabeth Hurley

Open to degree programme leads only



Strengthening Access and Inclusion: Higher Education's Engagement in Social Mentoring – Roundtable Discussion

Venue: The Bridge Room,1st Floor, Hardiman Research Building


Please note registration is limited and will be processed on a first come first served basis. 

Equity of access to higher education is a global objective, with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 setting a target of ‘equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university” by 2030 (UN, 2015). In Ireland and internationally, mentoring has emerged as a key intervention to support students in accessing, participating, and progressing in their journey to and through higher education. Mentoring in this context can be understood as a process that facilitates someone with lived experience (mentor) to provide guidance, support and knowledge in a way that allows another person (mentee) to thrive over time (Brady et al, 2024). 

This lunchtime event to share experiences and ideas regarding how HEI’s can support mentoring for social inclusion.  Key questions to be discussed will include:

  • How have HEI’s engaged with social mentoring programmes?
  • What are the key benefits and challenges associated with Higher Education engagement in social mentoring for HEI’s and community partners?
  • How can we strengthen the capacity of Higher Education Institutions and community partners to support social mentoring?

Panellists include: 

  • Dr Celia Keenaghan, Education Mentoring Co-ordinator, ATU / West / North West Cluster
  • Mary Lynch, Mentoring Manager, Foróige
  • Oscar Prieto-Flores, University of Girona, Spain
  • Dr Lorraine Tansey, Programme Manager

This event has been organised by Dr Bernadine Brady & Dr Charlotte Silke, UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, as part of University of Galway SDG week and the Ment4EU consortium meeting.  Ment4EU – Mentoring for Social Inclusion in Europe: Sharing Knowledge and Building Capacity is a three-year project that aims to ensure that higher education can keep abreast of the growing significance of social mentoring in policy and practice across nations. Ment4EU is funded by Erasmus + KA220-HED and led by a consortium of universities from Austria, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain.  Please contact for further details.



SU Sustainability Quiz

Venue: The Hub, Áras na Mac Léinn                                                                


Friday 20 September


International Conference on Sustainable Development 2024



Join the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), in collaboration with the Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), for the 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). The theme of this year's ICSD is “Solutions for the Future,” with participants sharing practical solutions for achieving the SDGs at local and national levels across 7 major themes. More details on the themes of the parallel sessions can be found at:                             



Guided biodiversity walk of the University of Galway campus grounds

Meeting at the Quadrangle Archway to walk the Biodiversity Trail.

Enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of a University campus rich in biodiversity. This campus trail is designed to guide you through our natural habitats, which are often also used for teaching and research.   



JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics Play Test of NetZero Ireland Simulator Game Test

Friars computer suite (Room 105, Ground Floor of St. Anthony's Wing)

University of Galway is set to launch Ireland NetZero – a simulator game, which will feature as a module within the MSc in Sustainability Leadership at the University. During the coming Sustainability Week, you are invited to take part in testing the concept of the Ireland NetZero simulator. Throughout the test, the players will analyse certain business and sustainability-focused decisions and try to cope with various sustainability challenges. Your recommendations on the game will be of great value. So, we would like to offer students the opportunity to test the elements of the NetZero Ireland simulator on Friday, Sept 20th, in the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, Friars computer suite (Room 105, ground floor of St. Anthony wing, please see the map) between 1 and 6pm.

As capacity is limited, this event is invitation-only. 

Further information on Ireland NetZero Simulator is available from



Imagination and the Environment

Venue: An Dánlann - the University Art Gallery

Organiser: Prof. Felix Ó Murchadh, University Art Gallery

Booking required: 

See here for other Culture Night Events in Galway: 


Saturday 21 September


Just 3 X SDG, Terryland Forest Park

Venue: ‘An Nead’ (Irish for ‘Nest’ & volunteer HQ), Terryland Forest Park entrance, Sandy Road, Galway City. Google Maps Link.

Join Tuatha volunteers of Terryland Forest Park in getting the park’s newest addition, a one thousand metre square size pond, ready. Activities on the day include compressing the soil (foot stomping – or make it a dance!), as well as moving plants from elsewhere in the park to be replanted on its raised banks. Register at ‘Just 3’ on (find the event by scrolling down the left bar).

Start your ‘Just 3’ journey.


All week - STAND Student Festival exhibition

For all of SDG Week, a STAND Student Festival Exhibition will be on display outside the Human Biology Building. 
This exhibition is the result of a year-long endeavour that asks the question: What do you STAND for? 
Students from across Ireland in collaboration with the African Leadership Academy in Rwanda worked to select and profile fellow students who've taken innovative approaches to social and environmental issues. This fun and quirky exhibition will get you thinking.