Mr Sina Ahmadi



As of January 2020, I am a second-year Ph.D. student at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the National University of Ireland, Galway where I am advised by Dr. John McCrae in the Unit for Linguistic Data. My research is broadly on lexicographic data linking and natural language processing (NLP). My Ph.D. project is supported by the Insight Centre and ELEXIS - a European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

I hold an M.Sc. in Machine Learning from Paris Descartes University (2016-17) and an M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing from Sorbonne Nouvelle University (2014-16). During my masters, I worked in different research groups, namely at LIP6, LIMSI and LIPN on quite various fields of co-reference resolution, language generation and neural machine translation. Back in 2013, as a member of the Kurdish Language Processing Project (KLPP) I developed some of the fundamental language processing tools for Kurdish.

More information about me can be found at

Research Interests

Natural language processing
Computational linguistics
Computer science