BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences)

The BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway has been introduced to the undenominated BSc program in NUI Galway to provide an agri-oriented degree pathway option to students seeking to build on or develop their skills in relation to the vibrant agriculture and agri-food sector. The BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway is closely linked to the Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre (PABC) within the Ryan Institute.

Plant and agricultural biosciences innovations have a critical role to play in   ensuring future food security and sustainable development through discoveries in Ireland and internationally. The BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway has a major focus on preparing students for careers in the vibrant plant and agribiosciences sector.

BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway

In Year 1, BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree students take modules in Plant & AgriBiosciences, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology and Biochemistry within BO101.

In Year 2, BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree students take the following four 5 ECTS core modules: AgriBiosciences (PAB2101); Molecular and Cell Biology (BO201); Evolution & Tree of Life  (BO202); Microbes & the Environment (MI204). The remaining 40 ECTS can be chosen from a range of elective 5 ECTS modules.

In Year 3, BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree students take PAB core modules (20 ECTS) and are also recommended to take recommended electives to a total of 60 ECTS. The 4 PAB core modules are: Soil Sciences (PAB3101); AgriBiosciences for Sustainable Global Development (PAB3102); Plant and Agricultural Genetics (PAB3103); and Systems Biology of Plant-Environment Interactions (PAB3104). Recommended 3rd Year PAB Pathway electives are Cell Biology (BI309); Human Nutrition (BI318);Molecular Biology (BI319); Human Molecular Genetics (BI317); Environmental Microbiology (MI322); and Food and Industrial Microbiology (MI323).

In Year 4, BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree students take all 4 taught PAB core modules (20 ECTS. The four core PAB taught modules consist of:

  • Plant Genetics & Systems Biology (PAB4102)
  • Climate Change, Plants & Agriculture (PAB4103)
  • Plant and Agri-Biotechnologies (PAB4104)
  • Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences (PAB4106)

Fourth year BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) students can do their 4th Year PAB Research Project (20 ECTS) either as the PAB Research Project (PAB4101, 20 ECTS) or as the AgriBiosciences Research Internship Project (PAB4105) in partnership with Teagasc).  Year 4, BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree students take additional elective SNS modules (e.g. EOS402, BI449) to give a total of 60 ECTS.

Career Opportunities

The BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway will strategically position your career for emerging 'green economy' job opportunities across agri‐biosciences, biotechnology, breeding, genetics, bio‐chemistry, food, nutrition, bioenergy, agriculture, pharmaceutics,education, biobusiness, sustainable development, clean‐tech, regulatory affairs & government policy sectors.

The BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway is linked to NUI Galway's Plant & AgriBiosciences Research  Centre (PABC) which consists of over 30 research groups and research partners engaged inadvanced plant and agribiosciences innovation.

For students planning to continue with postgraduate studies, the BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree pathway provides students with the requisite knowledge and skills to enter Masters degree programs (e.g. MSc in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security or MSc in AgriBiosciences) or PhD degree programs (e.g. the  Structured PhD in Plant & AgriBiosciences).

For students who will seek employment directly after completion of their  BSc (Plant & AgriBiosciences) degree, training will be provided in identification of career opportunities in the exciting agri‐biosciences and agri‐food sector in Ireland andinternationally. In addition, the AgriBiosciences Research Internship Project (in partnership with Teagasc) provides a platform to facilitate the integration of your career into the agri‐biosciences sector.