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Research Integrity
Research Integrity
University of Galway is committed to promoting and supporting the highest standards of integrity by all those engaged in the university’s research mission and activities. We promote an understanding of research integrity through learning, training (see below) and mentoring opportunities and support the development of researchers in this regard.
:: Policy
The University’s Research Integrity Policy (QA514) (Updated December 2021).
- States the University’s commitments to foster and ensure research integrity
- Sets out the principles of good research practice and research integrity – Reliability, Honesty, Respect and Accountability.
- Characterises research misconduct, without giving an exhaustive definition of such misconduct; and
- Outlines the principles that underpin transparent, fair and effective procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct when they arise.
:: Best Practice
The Policy is in line with best practice recommendations set out in the National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland (2019) and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2017). The key principles in the policy are:
- Reliability in ensuring the quality of research - reflected in the design, the methodology, the analysis and the use of resources.
- Honesty in developing, undertaking, reviewing, reporting and communicating research in a transparent, fair, full and unbiased way.
- Respect for Researchers (including research students), research participants, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage and the environment.
- Accountability for the research from idea to publication, for its management and organisation, for training, supervision and mentoring for its wider impacts.
In order to underpin this Policy and to embed the principles of good research practice into the conduct of research, Research Integrity training is provided for all researchers, across the Research Career pathway. See more below.
:: Breaches of Research Integrity - Research Misconduct
Failure to comply with good research practice violates professional responsibilities and poses a reputational risk to the University. Where the principles of good practice underpinning research integrity are not followed, a breach of Research Integrity (i.e. Research Misconduct) may arise. Research Misconduct takes many forms and can be of varying seriousness. The most serious examples of Research Misconduct are:
- Fabrication – making up results and recording or reporting them as if they were real and/or true.
- Falsification – manipulating research, materials equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or results without justification such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
- Plagiarism – using other people’s work, results, words or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source, thus violating the rights of the original author(s) to their intellectual outputs.
The University is committed to ensuring that all allegations of research misconduct are investigated. Detailed procedures for the investigation of allegations of Research Misconduct are outlined in the Procedure for the Investigation of Research Misconduct.
:: Research Integrity Officer (RIO)
The RIO is responsible for receiving and acting upon allegations of misconduct in research in accordance with the principles outlined above and the University of Galway Procedure for the Investigation of Research Misconduct (Dec 2021). Prof. Martin Leahy is the university Research Integrity Officer.
:: Research Integrity Training
Free online training in Research Integrity is available to all research staff and students at University of Galway. Click here for access (internal access only).
The online training course (Research Integrity Version 2.0) is provided by Epigeum (Oxford University Press) and is comprised of the following 8 core sections: Good Research Conduct, Irresponsible Research Practices, Planning your research, Managing and recording your research, Data selection, analysis and presentation, Scholarly publication, Professional responsibilities, and Communication & Social Responsibility. A further 5 specialist modules are available: Conflicts of Interest, Research involving human participants, The care and use of animals in research, Intellectual property and Export controls.
This course is suitable for researchers from all disciplines. Discipline-specific activities and options are embedded throughout the modules. The 5 disciplines referred to throughout the course are: Arts & Humanities, Biomedical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Social Sciences.
The following are recommended nationally as comprising a “complete course” for researchers at different career stages:
Early-stage researchers: Core modules 1-8 (Comprehensive)
(Suitable for post-graduate researchers, research assistants and post-doctoral researchers <4 years post-PhD)
Experienced researchers: Core modules 1 and 2 (Concise)
(Suitable for academic staff, Research Fellows, Post-doctoral researchers with 4+ years’ experience post-PhD and other research staff with evidence of equivalent years of research experience, as per EU guidelines*)
*Towards a European Framework for Research Careers
If you would like to access the online course, please contact 'researchintegrity' @ 'universityofgalway.ie'
Is it compulsory to complete training in Research Integrity?
It is mandatory for post-graduate researchers at University of Galway to complete training in Research Integrity. For research staff and academic staff, the training is strongly recommended, and in some cases may be mandatory, depending on your research funding source. Please check the Terms & Conditions of your funding body for detailed requirements. Once you have completed the online training course, please retain a copy of your Certificate of Completion.
I am a Principal Investigator/Supervisor at University of Galway, what are the requirements for me in Research Integrity training?
It is recommended that experienced researchers complete Module 1: Good Research Conduct and Module 2: Irresponsible research practices. To access the course, please email 'researchintegrity' @ 'universityofgalway.ie'
Where can I find out more about Research Integrity workshops?
Research integrity workshops may be available through the Researcher Development Centre. Please contact 'rdc' @ 'universityofgalway.ie' for further information.
I attempted the online course previously and failed the MCQ. Can I try again?
Yes, you can log in again at any time and re-take the MCQ. There are unlimited attempts allowed. Your last attempt will be recorded as your final score.
Do I need to complete the online course in one sitting – is my progress automatically saved?
You can log in and out of the course as many times as necessary. Once you complete a module and achieve >80% this will be saved. Please note, your progress will not be saved within a module - you will need to remember which section you were working on previously and continue on from there.
I have completed this training previously at University of Galway/at another institute – do I need to take part in this training again?
If you completed the Epigeum training within the last 3 years, you do not need to complete this training again, provided you can provide evidence of completion.
I tried to register for Epigeum online training but I did not receive the activation email. What should I do?
Please check your Junk Mail folder for this email. If you still can’t find it, please log a query with https://www.epigeum.com/epigeum-technical-support/.
I have been asked for a token when registering – where can I find this?
Please email 'researchintegrity' @ 'universityofgalway.ie' to receive your token.
Which online course do I need to complete?
The following are recommended nationally as comprising a “complete course” for researchers at different career stages:
All core modules 1-8 for early-stage researchers: Post-graduate researchers, Research assistants, research associates, early post-doctoral researchers (< 4 years post-PhD)
Core modules 1 and 2 for experienced researchers (Academic staff, Research Fellows, Post-doctoral researchers with 4+ years’ experience post-PhD, other research staff with evidence of equivalent years of research experience, as per EU guidelines)
For more information on Researcher Career stages please see the Researcher Handbook developed by the Researcher Development Centre: Researcher-Handbook_16.04.2020.pdf (nuigalway.ie)
What are the “Specialist Modules” listed on the Epigeum Platform?
Specialist Modules 1-5 are optional and can be completed as standalone modules at any stage. The modules cover the following topics: Conflicts of interest, Research involving human participants, The care and use of animals in research, Intellectual property and Export controls. Each Module can be completed as a standalone course and a Certificate of Completion can be downloaded once the MCQ has been successfully passed.