Successful publication in books and journals can help promotions, funding and institutional reputation. Even moreso, it can get your research out into a more public domain and add to - or perhaps even upend - the knowledge base.

Top tips

1. Ensure you have the correct University affiliation.
2. If your research has potential for commercialisation - talk to the Innovation Office  about filing an Invention Disclosure Form.
3. Have a post dissemination plan - press, twitter, NUI Galway repository.

Academic publishing

Academic publishing has undergone seismic changes in recent decades with the shift from print to digital. In more recent times the traditional business model of the journals is being challenged in many countries as institutional subscriptions come under scrutiny. Open access has gained huge traction as the demand for more equitable access to knowledge has been championed (including through our own open access repository ARAN).

At our university you will find guidance on many aspects of publishing, so below we take you through a whistle-stop tour of those supports.

Library Supports

If you are a research postgraduate student or research staff, the Research Support Librarian can offer you specialist expertise and advice on the Library’s information resources. Their primary role is to support your research process, ensuring you have the skills and knowledge to exploit the range of Library services and resources to the full.

The library offers a myriad of support to researchers. From Open Access Publishing to Open Scholarship, to Data Management, Digital Scholarship and more.   Visit the dedicated section for here.


Our Institutional Research Office has a section on Research Metrics.  It contains some good information on traditional research metrics. There is also a section on publishing guidelines for researchers which includes tips on increasing your citations.

Further Dissemination - conferences

Academic conferences provide a great opportunity to present your research.  Have a look at Research Professional to see if there is a funding opportunity that would help with travel costs.

If you want to hold your own conference, the University boasts a wide range of conference and meeting facilities. The Commercial Services Office can provide advice and support to assist you in planning and running your conference event.  Please click on this link to view the services available.

Beyond Dissemination - communications

We have a Press Office on campus, in the Quadrangle, and they can help you get your research story out into the public domain.  Please give the team there as much notice as possible in advance. They are very familiar with journal embargos and will respect those, so let them know in advance when - for example - your next paper has been accepted and they could work with you on some publicity around that.

Pop over to the Communicate your Research section of the portal.