Designation 2021-2025

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The World Health Organization has redesignated the Health Promotion Research Centre (HPRC) at NUI Galway as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research for a further four-year period up to 2025 (original designation received in 2009).  Researchers at the HPRC support the work programme of the WHO Headquarters in Geneva and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, providing technical support and research to advance health promotion policy and practice at regional and international levels.

“We are delighted to continue this important collaboration with WHO Geneva and WHO Europe and greatly value working with WHO partners in advancing strategic Health Promotion policies and actions for promoting population health and wellbeing,  says Professor Margaret Barry, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre at NUI Galway.

Our Aim

The aim of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research at NUI Galway is to support the WHO work programme in developing health promotion capacity through the translation of health promotion research into policy and practice.

Terms of Reference 1:   To support implementation of the WHO Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019–2023 (GPW), with particular reference to the recommendations from the 10th Global Conference on “Health Promotion for Wellbeing, Equity and Sustainable Development”.   

Specific Activities:  

  • Produce a briefing paper on effective strategies to enhance subjective wellbeing based on the 10th Global Health Promotion conference.   
  •  Produce a technical background paper on best practices for enhancing the health literacy and wellbeing of communities, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable communities.   
  •  Develop evidence-based guidance to promote healthy environments in partnership with the Healthy Cities and Communities network. 

Terms of Reference 2: To support the WHO Europe Regional Office in the development and implementation of the Health Across the Life Course Strategy   

 Specific Activities:  

  •  Provide technical support to incorporate the European Child and Adolescent Health strategy into the Health Across the Life Course strategy.  
  • Support Youth participation in WHO EURO activities.  
  •  Contribute to the international leadership of the HBSC study.  


Delegates at the WHO Euro Collaborating Centre Meeting, Galway, June 2012.