register now hero

Online Registration for the 2024 Academic Year is now closed. 
*Research PhD Students - See below for How to Register Now*

All students are required to register each year of their programme, to ensure student record is correct.

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED - How to Register Now/Late registration

COLLEGE PERMISSION: Registrations this late in the academic year require permission to return to studies.  Obtain Permission from College / School and  forward to

FEES CLEARANCE: Contact the Fees Office at .   Once the Fees Office have cleared you to register, email with confirmation of same.

STUDENT AUTHORISATION:  In order for us to manually register you, we require your authorisation in writing that you want to register and accept the Universities Terms & Conditions. 

I am hereby bound by the Terms & Conditions set out in the attached link and by emailing  I confirm my consent.

How do I add modules to my record?

You must get approval from your Course Director with regard to what modules you are allowed to take at this stage.
You can list the modules you want to take and email your Course Director, copying Once they approve the mail, we can add the modules for you.