Welcome to PSYcHE



 PSYcHE is a 5 year programme funded by the Health Research Board (HRB), building on YOULEAD, knowledge, and partnerships which focuses on psychological interventions in youth mental health, with a particular emphasis on early psychosis. Supporters and collaborators include Chris Bowie and Martin Page, Molly Byrne (HRB clinical trials) Brendan Kenelley (Health economics) Ian Power (Spunout youth mental health) Edel Murphy (Public and Patient Involvement Galway) and the National Early Intervention in Psychosis programme (Health Service Executive).

The overarching aim of this research program is to improve psychosocial supports available to young people with serious mental health disorders by:

  1. Gathering evidence about predictors of psychosocial function in early psychosis and current evidence-based interventions

2. Developing and evaluating novel interventions tailored to the needs of young people

3. Using the knowledge that results to support translation into clinical practice

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