Search for staff using the search box below.

Staff Name Type Subject Area Phone
Bullen, Dr Benjamin
Lecturer - Contract Type A
Other Podiatry
Carey, Ms Olga
Lecturer Below The Bar
Academic Podiatry
Hurst, Dr Joanne
Lecturer Above The Bar
Academic Podiatry
Kirwan, Ms Ellen
Research Assistant
Researcher Podiatry
Lavelle, Ms Geraldine
Lecturer Above The Bar
Academic Podiatry
MacGilchrist, Dr. Claire
Academic Podiatry
McIlwaine, Mr Adam
Lecturer Above The Bar
Academic Podiatry
McIntosh, Prof Caroline
Est Professor Of Podiatric Medicine
Academic Podiatry 5869
O Callaghan, Ms Emma
Lecturer - Contract Type A
Other Podiatry
O’Connell, Ms Sarah
Lecturer Above The Bar
Academic Podiatry
Roberts, Mr Nigel
Lecturer Above The Bar
Academic Podiatry
Walsh, Mrs Amanda
Academic Podiatry