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The Day Nelson Mandela came to NUI Galway
We are delighted to be able to share the first in this series with you. It recalls the day that Nelson Mandela visited NUI Galway in June 2003 to receive an honorary doctorate. President Emeritus Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh is interviewed by Michelle Ní Chróinín where he recalls the event and how it came about. It features a wide range of footage of the day, from Nelson Mandela’s arrival on campus to the gala ball later that evening.
This project was produced and edited by Dermot Flaherty. Thanks to Prof John Breslin and Keady Communications for allowing their footage of the event to be used.
Click here to view the interview.
NUI Galway would like to invite submissions from current, former or retired staff to contribute to a project that will highlight some of the successes of our colleagues in UCG/NUI Galway over the years. This will take the format of a 15-minute talk or a 15-20 minute interview. The topics might include:
- A research paper(s) you are particularly proud of
- A research and/or course development you led that had a particular impact
- An event in the institution's history that was particularly noteworthy
- A particularly successful collaboration, national or international
- An acquisition (e.g. archives, equipment) that was a game-changer in any aspect of University activity
- A now deceased colleague whose impact on the development of your area of work in the University or your discipline was particularly important
- Other
If you have an idea for this project and an interest in participating, please complete the following form (using your NUI Galway login credentials i.e. 0123456s@nuigalway.ie):
You will be contacted to discuss the idea and the best format for taking it forward.
This project is an initiative of the Office of the Registrar, NUI Galway with the collaboration of the Retired Staff Association, NUI Galway.
Any queries can be sent to one of the following email addresses:
dermot.flaherty@nuigalway.ie (Deputy President & Registrars Office)
dpr@nuigalway.ie (Deputy President & Registrars Office)
mppcuddy@gmail.com (Retired Staff Association, NUI Galway)
An lá a thug Nelson Mandela cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh
Tá an-áthas orainn a bheith in ann an chéad cheann sa tsraith a roinnt libh. Tugann sé chun cuimhne an lá a thug Nelson Mandela cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh i Meitheamh 2003 nuair a bronnadh dochtúireacht oinigh air. Tá an tUachtarán Emeritus Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh faoi agallamh ag Michelle Ní Chróinín áit a dtugann sé an ócáid chun cuimhne agus an chaoi ar tharla sé. Tá réimse leathan píosaí scannáin den lá le feiceáil, ón uair a tháinig Nelson Mandela ar an gcampas go dtí an mórfhéasta níos déanaí an oíche sin.
Dermot Flaherty a léirigh agus a chuir an tionscadal seo in eagar. Buíochas leis an Ollamh John Breslin agus le Keady Communications as cead a thabhairt dúinn a gcuid píosaí scannáin den ócáid a úsáid.
Cliceáil anseo chun breathnú ar an agallamh.
Agallaimh le comhaltaí foirne reatha de chuid OÉ Gaillimh agus le comhaltaí foirne atá ar scor
Fáiltíonn OÉ Gaillimh roimh aighneachtaí ó chomhaltaí foirne reatha, comhaltaí foirne atá ar scor agus iarchomhaltaí foirne páirt a ghlacadh i dtionscadal chun aird a tharraingt ar chuid de na héachtaí a bhain ár gcomhghleacaithe amach in COG/OÉ Gaillimh in imeacht na mblianta. Caint 15 nóiméad nó agallamh 15-20 nóiméad a bheidh i gceist. I measc na n-ábhar a d’fhéadfadh a bheith i gceist, tá:
- Páipéar/páipéir thaighde a bhfuil tú bródúil as/astu
- Forbairt taighde agus/nó cúrsa a bhí faoi do stiúir agus ag a raibh tionchar suntasach
- Eachtra an-suntasach ó thaobh stair na hinstitiúide de
- Comhshaothar ar éirigh thar cionn leis, ar bhonn náisiúnta nó idirnáisiúnta
- Ceannachán (e.g. cartlanna, trealamh) a bhí ina chor cinniúnach i ngné éigin de ghníomhaíocht na hOllscoile
- Comhghleacaí atá ar shlí na fírinne anois agus a raibh tionchar an-suntasach aige/aici ar fhorbairt do réimse oibre nó do dhisciplín san Ollscoil
- Eile
Má tá smaoineamh agat don tionscadal seo agus spéis agat a bheith páirteach, líon an fhoirm seo a leanas (ag baint úsáid as sonraí logála isteach OÉ Gaillimh i.e. 0123456s@nuigalway.ie):
Déanfar teagmháil leat chun an moladh a phlé chomh maith leis an gcaoi is fearr lena chur chun cinn.
Is tionscadal de chuid Oifig an Mheabhránaí, OÉ Gaillimh i gcomhar le hAgallamh na Seanórach, OÉ Gaillimh é seo.
Is féidir aon cheist a sheoladh chuig ceann de na seoltaí ríomhphoist seo a leanas:
dermot.flaherty@nuigalway.ie (Oifig an Uachtaráin Ionaid agus Meabhránaí)
dpr@nuigalway.ie (Oifig an Uachtaráin Ionaid agus Meabhránaí)
mppcuddy@gmail.com (Agallamh na Seanórach, OÉ Gaillimh)