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Prof Walter Gear
Contact Details
E: WALTER.GEAR@nuigalway.ie

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | 'JINGLE ? IV. Dust, H i gas and metal scaling laws in the local universe'
I. De Looze and I. Lamperti and A. Saintonge and M. Relano and M. W. L. Smith and C. J. R. Clark and C. D. Wilson and M. Decleir and A. P. Jones and R. C. Kennicutt and G. Accurso and E. Brinks and M. Bureau and P. Cigan and D L. Clements and P. De Vis and L. Fanciullo and Y. Gao and W. K. Gear and L. C. Ho and H. S. Hwang and M. J. Michalowski and J. C. Lee and C. Li and L. Lin and T. Liu and M. Lomaeva and H.A. Pan and M. Sargent and T. Williams and T. Xiao and M. Zhu (2020) 'JINGLE ? IV. Dust, H i gas and metal scaling laws in the local universe'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496 (3):3668-3687 [Details] |
(2019) | 'Revealing dust obscured star formation in CLJ1449+0856, a Cluster at z=2'
Connor M. A. Smith and Walter K. Gear and Matthew W. L. Smith and Andreas Papageorgiou and Stephen A. Eales (2019) 'Revealing dust obscured star formation in CLJ1449+0856, a Cluster at z=2'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 (3):4304-4319 [Details] |
(2019) | 'SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum observations of pre-protostellar evolution - Survey description and compact source catalogue'
D J Eden and Tie Liu and Kee-Tae Kim and M Juvela and S -Y Liu and K Tatematsu and J Di Francesco and K Wang and Y Wu and M A Thompson and G A Fuller and Di Li and I Ristorcelli and Sung-ju Kang and N Hirano and D Johnstone and Y Lin and J H He and P M Koch and Patricio Sanhueza and S -L Qin and Q Zhang and P F Goldsmith and N J Evans and J Yuan and C -P Zhang and G J White and Minho Choi and Chang Won Lee and L V Toth and S Mairs and H -W Yi and M Tang and A Soam and N Peretto and M R Samal and M Fich and H Parsons and J Malinen and G J Bendo and A Rivera-Ingraham and H -L Liu and J Wouterloot and P S Li and L Qian and J Rawlings and M G Rawlings and S Feng and B Wang and Dalei Li and M Liu and G Luo and A P Marston and K M Pattle and V -M Pelkonen and A J Rigby and S Zahorecz and G Zhang (2019) 'SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum observations of pre-protostellar evolution - Survey description and compact source catalogue'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485 (2):2895-2908 [Details] |
(2019) | 'A high-resolution, dust-selected molecular cloud catalogue of M33, the Triangulum galaxy'
Thomas G. Williams and Walter K. Gear and Matthew W. L. Smith (2019) 'A high-resolution, dust-selected molecular cloud catalogue of M33, the Triangulum galaxy'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483 (4):5135-5149 [Details] |
(2019) | 'JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies: II. SCUBA-2 850?m data reduction and dust flux density catalogues'
Matthew W. L. Smith and Christopher J. R. Clark and Ilse De Looze and Isabella Lamperti and Am\'elie Saintonge and Christine D. Wilson and Gioacchino Accurso and Elias Brinks and Martin Bureau and Eun Jung Chung and Phillip J. Cigan and David L Clements and Thavisha Dharmawardena and Lapo Fanciullo and Yang Gao and Yu Gao and Walter K. Gear and Haley L. Gomez and Joshua Greenslade and Ho Seong Hwang and Francisca Kemper and Jong Chul Lee and Cheng Li and Lihwai Lin and Lijie Liu and D\'aniel Cs Moln\'ar and Angus Mok and Hsi-An Pan and Mark Sargent and Peter Scicluna and Connor M. A. Smith and Sheona Urquhart and Thomas G. Williams and Ting Xiao and Chentao Yang and Ming Zhu (2019) 'JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies: II. SCUBA-2 850?m data reduction and dust flux density catalogues'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 (3):4166-4185 [Details] |
(2018) | 'The MALATANG Survey: the Lgas-LIR correlation on sub-kiloparsec scale in six nearby star-forming galaxies as traced by HCN J=4 $\rightarrow$ 3 and HCO+ J=4 $\rightarrow$ 3'
Qing-Hua Tan and Yu Gao and Zhi-Yu Zhang and Thomas R. Greve and Xue-Jian Jiang and Christine D. Wilson and Chen-Tao Yang and Ashley Bemis and Aeree Chung and Satoki Matsushita and Yong Shi and Yi-Ping Ao and Elias Brinks and Malcolm J. Currie and Timothy Davis and Richard De Grijs and Luis C. Ho and Masatoshi Imanishi and Kotaro Kohno and Bumhyun Lee and Harriet Parsons and Mark G. Rawlings and Dimitra Rigopoulou and Erik Rosolowsky and Joanna Bulger and Hao Chen and Scott C. Chapman and David Eden and Walter Gear and Qiu-Sheng Gu and Jin-Hua He and Qian Jiao and Dai-Zhong Liu and Li-Jie Liu and Xiao-Hu Li and Micha l J. Michalowski and Quang Nguyen-Luong and Jian-Jie Qiu and Matthew Smith and Giulio Violino and Jian-Fa Wang and Jun-Feng Wang and Jun-Zhi Wang and Sherry Yeh and Ying-He Zh (2018) 'The MALATANG Survey: the Lgas-LIR correlation on sub-kiloparsec scale in six nearby star-forming galaxies as traced by HCN J=4 $\rightarrow$ 3 and HCO+ J=4 $\rightarrow$ 3'. Astrophysical Journal, 860 (2) [Details] |
(2018) | 'The star formation law at GMC scales in M33, the Triangulum galaxy'
Thomas G. Williams and Walter K. Gear and Matthew W. L. Smith (2018) 'The star formation law at GMC scales in M33, the Triangulum galaxy'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479 (1):297-314 [Details] |
(2018) | 'A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL'
Giovanna Tinetti and Pierre Drossart and Paul Eccleston and Paul Hartogh and Astrid Heske and J\'er\'emy Leconte and Giusi Micela and Marc Ollivier and G\"oran Pilbratt and Ludovic Puig and Diego Turrini and Bart Vandenbussche and Paulina Wolkenberg and Jean-Philippe Beaulieu and Lars A. Buchave and Martin Ferus and Matt Griffin and Manuel Guedel and Kay Justtanont and Pierre-Olivier Lagage and Pedro Machado and Giuseppe Malaguti and Michiel Min and Hans Ulrik N\orgaard-Nielsen and Mirek Rataj and Tom Ray and Ignasi Ribas and Mark Swain and Robert Szabo and Stephanie Werner and Joanna Barstow and Matt Burleigh and James Cho and Vincent Coud\'e du Foresto and Athena Coustenis and Leen Decin and Therese Encrenaz and Marina Galand and Michael Gillon and Ravit Helled and Juan Carlos Morales an (2018) 'A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL'. Experimental Astronomy, 46 (1):135-209 [Details] |
(2018) | 'The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic cold clumps: survey overview and results of an exemplar source, PGCC G26.53+0.17'
Tie Liu and Kee-Tae Kim and Mika Juvela and Ke Wang and Ken?ichi Tatematsu and James Di Francesco and Sheng-Yuan Liu and Yuefang Wu and Mark Thompson and Gary Fuller and David Eden and Di Li and I. Ristorcelli and Sung-ju Kang and Yuxin Lin and D. Johnstone and J. H. He and P. M. Koch and Patricio Sanhueza and Sheng-Li Qin and Q. Zhang and N. Hirano and Paul F. Goldsmith and Neal J. Evans II and Glenn J. White and Minho Choi and Chang Won Lee and L. V. Toth and Steve Mairs and H.-W. Yi and Mengyao Tang and Archana Soam and Nicolas Peretto and Manash R. Samal and Michel Fich and Harriet Parsons and Jinghua Yuan and Chuan-Peng Zhang and Johanna Malinen and George J. Bendo and A. Rivera-Ingraham and Hong-Li Liu and Jan Wouterloot and Pak Shing Li and Lei Qian and Jonathan Rawlings and Mark G. (2018) 'The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic cold clumps: survey overview and results of an exemplar source, PGCC G26.53+0.17'. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 234 (2) [Details] |
(2018) | 'JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies: I. Survey overview and first results'
A. Saintonge and C.D. Wilson and T. Xiao and L. Lin and H.S. Hwang and T. Tosaki and M. Bureau and Phillip Cigan and Christopher J. R. Clark and D.L. Clements and I.D. Looze and T. Dharmawardena and Y. Gao and Walter Gear and J. Greenslade and I. Lamperti and J.C. Lee and C. Li and M.J. Micha owski and A. Mok and H.A. Pan and A.E. Sansom and M. Sargent and Matthew W. Smith and Thomas Williams and C. Yang and M. Zhu and G. Accurso and P. Barmby and E. Brinks and N. Bourne and A. Chung and E.J. Chung and A. Cibinel and K. Coppin and J. Davies and Timothy Davis and Stephen Eales and L. Fanciullo and T. Fang and Y. Gao and D.H. W. Glass and Haley Gomez and T. Greve and J. He and L. Ho and F. Huang and H. Jeong and X. Jiang and Q. Jiao and F. Kemper and J.H. Kim and M. Kim and T. Kim and J. Ko (2018) 'JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies: I. Survey overview and first results'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 (3):3497-3519 [Details] |
(2016) | 'Herschel detects oxygen in the Pictoris debris disk'
A. Brandeker and G. Cataldi and G. Olofsson and B. Vandenbussche and B. Acke and M. J. Barlow and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Cohen and W. R. F. Dent and C. Dominik and J. Di Francesco and M. Fridlund and Walter Gear and A. M. Glauser and Jane Greaves and P. M. Harvey and A. M. Heras and M. R. Hogerheijde and W. S. Holland and R. Huygen and R. J. Ivison and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and R. Liseau and B. C. Matthews and E. Pantin and G. L. Pilbratt and P. Royer and B. Sibthorpe and C. Waelkens and H. J. Walker (2016) 'Herschel detects oxygen in the Pictoris debris disk'. Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 591 [Details] |
(2015) | 'The EChO science case'
Giovanna Tinetti and Pierre Drossart and Paul Eccleston and Paul Hartogh and Kate Isaak and Martin Linder and Christophe Lovis and Giusi Micela and Marc Ollivier and Ludovic Puig and Ignasi Ribas and Ignas Snellen and Bruce Swinyard and France Allard and Joanna Barstow and James Cho and Athena Coustenis and Charles Cockell and Alexandre Correia and Leen Decin and Remco de Kok and Pieter Deroo and Therese Encrenaz and Francois Forget and Alistair Glasse and Caitlin Griffith and Tristan Guillot and Tommi Koskinen and Helmut Lammer and Jeremy Leconte and Pierre Maxted and Ingo Mueller-Wodarg and Richard Nelson and Christopher E. North and Enric Pall\'e and Isabella Pagano and Guseppe Piccioni and David Pinfield and Franck Selsis and Alessandro Sozzetti and Lars Stixrude and Jonathan Tennyson (2015) 'The EChO science case'. Experimental Astronomy, 40 (2-3):329-391 [Details] |
(2015) | 'Herschel imaging of the dust in the Helix nebula (NGC 7293)?'
G. C. Van de Steene and P. A. M. van Hoof and K. M. Exter and M. J. Barlow and J. Cernicharo and M. Etxaluze and W. K. Gear and J. R. Goicoechea and H. L. Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and P. C. Hargrave and R. J. Ivison and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and M. Matsuura and G. Olofsson and E. T. Polehampton and B. M. Swinyard and T. Ueta and H. Van Winckel and C. Waelkens and R. Wesson (2015) 'Herschel imaging of the dust in the Helix nebula (NGC 7293)?'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 574 [Details] |
(2015) | 'A stubbornly large mass of cold dust in the ejecta of Supernova 1987A'
Mikako Matsuura and E. Dwek and M. J. Barlow and B. Babler and M. Baes and M. Meixner and Jos\'e Cernicharo and Geoff C. Clayton and Loretta Dunne and C. Fransson and Jacopo Fritz and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and R. Indebetouw and R. J. Ivison and A. Jerkstrand and V. Lebouteiller and T. L. Lim and P. Lundqvist and C. P. Pearson and J. Roman-Duval and P. Royer and Lister Staveley-Smith and Bruce Swinyard and P. A. M. van Hoof and J. Th. van Loon and Joris Verstappen and Roger Wesson and Giovanna Zanardo and Joris A. D. L. Blommaert and Leen Decin and W. T. Reach and George Sonneborn and Griet C. Van de Steene and Jeremy A. Yates (2015) 'A stubbornly large mass of cold dust in the ejecta of Supernova 1987A'. Astrophysical Journal, 800 (1) [Details] |
(2015) | 'The Herschel* exploitation of local galaxy andromeda (HELGA). VI. The distribution and properties of molecular cloud associations in M31'
J. M. Kirk and W. K. Gear and J. Fritz and M. W. L. Smith and G. Ford and M. Baes and G. J. Bendo and I. De Looze and S. A. Eales and G. Gentile and H. L. Gomez and K. Gordon and B. O'Halloran and S. C. Madden and J. Roman-Duval and J. Verstappen and S. Viaene and A. Boselli and A. Cooray and V. Lebouteiller and L. Spinoglio (2015) 'The Herschel* exploitation of local galaxy andromeda (HELGA). VI. The distribution and properties of molecular cloud associations in M31'. Astrophysical Journal, 798 (1) [Details] |
(2014) | 'The debris disc of solar analogue Ceti: Herschel observations and dynamical simulations of the proposed multiplanet system'
S. M. Lawler and J. Di Francesco and G. M. Kennedy and B. Sibthorpe and M. Booth and B. Vandenbussche and B. C. Matthews and W. S. Holland and Jane Greaves and D. J. Wilner and M. Tuomi and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and B. L. de Vries and C. Dominik and M. Fridlund and Walter Gear and A. M. Heras and R. Ivison and G. Olofsson (2014) 'The debris disc of solar analogue Ceti: Herschel observations and dynamical simulations of the proposed multiplanet system'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444 (3):2665-2675 [Details] |
(2014) | 'Extreme conditions in a close analog to the young solar system:herschelobservations of epsilon Eridani'
Jane Greaves and B. Sibthorpe and B. Acke and E. E. Pantin and B. Vandenbussche and G. Olofsson and C. Dominik and M. J. Barlow and G. J. Bendo and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and A. Brandeker and B. L. de Vries and W. R. F. Dent and J. Di Francesco and M. Fridlund and Walter Kieran Gear and P. M. Harvey and M. R. Hogerheijde and W. S. Holland and R. J. Ivison and R. Liseau and B. C. Matthews and G. L. Pilbratt and H. J. Walker and C. Waelkens (2014) 'Extreme conditions in a close analog to the young solar system:herschelobservations of epsilon Eridani'. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 791 (1) [Details] |
(2014) | 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy andromeda (HELGA)?,??,??? IV. Dust scaling relations at sub-kpc resolution'
S. Viaene and J. Fritz and M. Baes and G. J. Bendo and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Boquien and A. Boselli and L. Ciesla and L. Cortese and I. De Looze and W. K. Gear and G. Gentile and T. M. Hughes and T. Jarrett and O. L. Karczewski and M. W. L. Smith and L. Spinoglio and A. Tamm and E. Tempel and D. Thilker and J. Verstappen (2014) 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy andromeda (HELGA)?,??,??? IV. Dust scaling relations at sub-kpc resolution'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 567 [Details] |
(2014) | 'The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA)?,??,??? IV. Dust scaling relations at sub-kpc resolution'
S. Viaene and J. Fritz and M. Baes and G. J. Bendo and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Boquien and A. Boselli and L. Ciesla and L. Cortese and I. De Looze and Walter Kieran Gear and G. Gentile and T. M. Hughes and T. Jarrett and O. L. Karczewski and Matthew William L. Smith and L. Spinoglio and A. Tamm and E. Tempel and D. Thilker and J. Verstappen (2014) 'The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA)?,??,??? IV. Dust scaling relations at sub-kpc resolution'. Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 567 [Details] |
(2014) | 'Herschel observations of gamma-ray burst host galaxies: implications for the topology of the dusty interstellar medium?'
P. Schady and S. Savaglio and T. M\"uller and T. Kr\"uhler and T. Dwelly and E. Palazzi and L. K. Hunt and J. Greiner and H. Linz and M. J. Micha\lowski and D. Pierini and S. Piranomonte and S. D. Vergani and W. K. Gear (2014) 'Herschel observations of gamma-ray burst host galaxies: implications for the topology of the dusty interstellar medium?'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570 [Details] |
(2013) | 'HERSCHEL exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). III. The star formation law in M31'
George Philip Ford and Walter Kieran Gear and Matthew William L. Smith and Stephen Anthony Eales and Maarten Baes and George J. Bendo and M\'ed\'eric Boquien and Alessandro Boselli and Asantha R. Cooray and Ilse De Looze and Jacopo Fritz and Gianfranco Gentile and Haley Louise Gomez and Karl D. Gordon and Jason Matthew Kirk and Vianney Lebouteiller and Brian O'Halloran and Luigi Spinoglio and Joris Verstappen and Christine D. Wilson (2013) 'HERSCHEL exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). III. The star formation law in M31'. Astrophysical Journal, 769 (1) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Dust in historical Galactic Type Ia supernova remnants with Herschel'
Haley Louise Gomez and Christopher Jonathan Redfern Clark and T. Nozawa and O. Krause and Edward Leocadio Gomez and Mikako Matsuura and M. J. Barlow and M.-A. Besel and L. Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear and Peter Charles Hargrave and Th. Henning and R. J. Ivison and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and R. Wesson (2012) 'Dust in historical Galactic Type Ia supernova remnants with Herschel'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420 (4):3557-3573 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Detecting the B-mode polarisation of the CMB with Clover'
Christopher E. North and B. R. Johnson and Peter A. R. Ade and M. D. Audley and C. Baines and R. A. Battye and M. L. Brown and P. Cabella and P. G. Calisse and A. D. Challinor and W. D. Duncan and P. G. Ferreira and Walter Kieran Gear and D. Glowacka and D. J. Goldie and P. K. Grimes and M. Halpern and V. Haynes and G. C. Hilton and K. D. Irwin and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and P. J. Leahy and J. Leech and Bruno Maffei and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and D. O'Dea and S. M. Parsley and Lucio Piccirillo and Giampaolo Pisano and C. D. Reintsema and Giorgio Savini and Rashmikant V. Sudiwala and D. Sutton and A. C. Taylor and G. Teleberg and D. Titterington and V. Tsaneva and Carole Tucker and R. Watson and S. Withington and G. Yassin and Jin Zhang (2012) 'Detecting the B-mode polarisation of the CMB with Clover'. Proceedings of the Rencontres de Moriond, [Details] |
(2012) | 'The suppression of star formation by powerful active galactic nuclei [Letter]'
M. J. Page and M. Symeonidis and J. D. Vieira and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. N. Dubois and J. S. Dunlop and E. Dwek and S. Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and K. Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and (2012) 'The suppression of star formation by powerful active galactic nuclei [Letter]'. Nature, 485 (7397):213-216 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Can dust emission be used to map the interstellar medium in high-redshift galaxies? results from the Herschel Reference Survey'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Matthew William Smith and Robbie Richard Auld and Maarten Baes and George J. Bendo and Simone Bianchi and Alessandro Boselli and Laure Ciesla and David Clements and Asantha Cooray and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Davies and Ilse De Looze and Maud Galamatz and Walter Kieran Gear and Gianfranco Gentile and Haley Louise Gomez and Jacopo Fritz and Tom Hughes and Suzanne Madden and Laura Magrini and Michael Pohlen and Luigi Spinoglio and Joris Verstappen and Catherine Vlahakis and Christine D. Wilson (2012) 'Can dust emission be used to map the interstellar medium in high-redshift galaxies? results from the Herschel Reference Survey'. Astrophysical Journal, 561 (2):168-168 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Can dust emission be used to estimate the mass of the interstellar medium in galaxies-a pilot project with the Herschel Reference Survey'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Matthew W. L. Smith and Robbie Richard Auld and Maarten Baes and George J. Bendo and Simone Bianchi and Alessandro Boselli and Laure Ciesla and David Clements and Asantha Cooray and Luca Cortese and Jon Davies and Ilse De Looze and Maud Galametz and Walter Kieran Gear and Gianfranco Gentile and Haley Louise Gomez and Jacapo Fritz and Tom Hughes and Suzanne Madden and Laura Magrini and Michael Pohlen and Luigi Spinoglio and Joris Verstappen and Catherine Vlahakis and Christine D. Wilson (2012) 'Can dust emission be used to estimate the mass of the interstellar medium in galaxies-a pilot project with the Herschel Reference Survey'. Astrophysical Journal, 761 (2) [Details] |
(2012) | 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). I: Global far-infrared and sub-mm morphology'
J. Fritz and G. Gentile and Matthew W. Smith and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Roman Duval and M. Baes and Stephen Anthony Eales and J. Verstappen and G. J. Bendo and M. Boquien and A. Boselli and R. Braun and D. Clements and A. R. Cooray and L. Cortese and I. De Looze and G. Ford and F. Galliano and Haley Louise Gomez and K. D. Gordon and B. O'Halloran and J. Kirk and S. C. Madden and M. J. Page and A. Remy and H. Roussel and L. Spinoglio and D. Thilker and C. D. Wilson and M. Vaccari and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and C. Waelkens (2012) 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). I: Global far-infrared and sub-mm morphology'. Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 546 [Details] |
(2012) | 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) II: Dust and gas in Andromeda'
Matthew William L. Smith and Stephen Anthony Eales and Haley Louise Gomez and J. Roman-Duval and J. Fritz and R. Braun and M. Baes and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and G. J. Bendo and M. Boquien and A. Boselli and D. L. Clements and A. R. Cooray and Luca Cortese and I. de Looze and George Philip Ford and Walter Kieran Gear and K. D. Gordon and G. Gentile and Jason Matthew Kirk and V. Lebouteiller and S. Madden and E. Mentuch and B. O'Halloran and M. J. Page and B. Schulz and L. Spinoglio and J. Verstappen and C. D. Wilson (2012) 'The Herschel exploitation of local galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) II: Dust and gas in Andromeda'. Astrophysical Journal, 756 (1) [Details] |
(2012) | 'The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES'
S. J. Oliver and J. Bock and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Beelen and M. B\'ethermin and A. Blain and A. Boselli and C. Bridge and D. Brisbin and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and M. Cirasuolo and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. N. Dubois and E. Dwek and S. Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and A. Feltre and P. Ferrero and N. Fiolet and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and E. Giovannoli and J. Glenn and Y. Gong and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and M. Harwit and E. Hatziminaoglou and S. Heinis and P. Hurley and H. S. Hwang and A. Hyde and E. Ibar and O. Ilbert and K. (2012) 'The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES'. Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society, 424 (3):1614-1635 [Details] |
(2012) | 'A background galaxy in the field of the beta Pictoris debris disk'
S. Regibo and B. Vandenbussche and C. Waelkens and B. Acke and M. Sibthorpe and M. Nottebaere and K. Voet and J. Di Francisco and M. Fridlund and Walter Kieran Gear and R. J. Ivison and G. Olofsson (2012) 'A background galaxy in the field of the beta Pictoris debris disk'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, (541) [Details] |
(2012) | 'The Herschel Reference Survey: dust in early-type galaxies and across the Hubble Sequence'
Matthew William L. Smith and Haley Louise Gomez and Stephen Anthony Eales and L. Ciesla and A. Boselli and L. Cortese and G. J. Bendo and M. Baes and S. Bianchi and M. Clemens and D. L. Clements and A. R. Cooray and Jonathan Ivor Davies and I. de Looze and S. di Serego Alighieri and J. Fritz and G. Gavazzi and Walter Kieran Gear and S. Madden and E. Mentuch and P. Panuzzo and Michael Pohlen and L. Spinoglio and J. Verstappen and C. Vlahakis and C. D. Wilson and E. M. Xilouris (2012) 'The Herschel Reference Survey: dust in early-type galaxies and across the Hubble Sequence'. Astrophysical Journal, 748 (2):123-147 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Far-infrared colours of nearby late-type galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey'
A. Boselli and L. Ciesla and L. Cortese and V. Buat and M. Boquien and G. J. Bendo and S. Boissier and Stephen Anthony Eales and G. Gavazzi and T. M. Hughes and Michael Pohlen and Matthew Smith and M. Baes and S. Bianchi and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and Jonathan Ivor Davies and Walter Kieran Gear and S. Madden and L. Magrini and P. Panuzzo and A. Remy and L. Spinoglio and S. Zibetti (2012) 'Far-infrared colours of nearby late-type galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey'. Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 540 [Details] |
(2011) | 'MESS (Mass-loss of Evolved StarS), a Herschel key program'
M. A. T. Groenewegen and C. Waelkens and M. J. Barlow and F. Kerschbaum and P. Garcia-Lario and J. Cernicharo and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and J. Bouwman and M. Cohen and N. Cox and L. Decin and K. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and Th. Henning and D. Hutsem\'ekers and R. J. Ivison and A. Jorissen and O. Krause and D. Ladjal and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and Mikako Matsuura and Y. Naz\'e and G. Olofsson and R. Ottensamer and E. Polehampton and T. Posch and G. Rauw and P. Royer and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and T. Ueta and C. Vamvatira-Nakou and B. Vandenbussche and G. C. Van de Steene and S. Van Eck and P. A. M. van Hoof and H. Van Winckel and E. Verdugo and R. Wesson (2011) 'MESS (Mass-loss of Evolved StarS), a Herschel key program'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526 [Details] |
(2011) | 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. II. A compact source catalog'
T. Culverhouse and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and C. Pryke and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail H. Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and M. Zemcov (2011) 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. II. A compact source catalog'. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 195 (1) [Details] |
(2011) | 'Submillimetre galaxies reside in dark matter haloes with masses greater than 3$\times$10 (11) solar masses'
Alexandre Amblard and Asantha Cooray and Paolo Serra and B. Altieri and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and E. Chapin and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and A. A. Khostovan and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. Marsden and K. Mitchell-Wynne and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou an (2011) 'Submillimetre galaxies reside in dark matter haloes with masses greater than 3$\times$10 (11) solar masses'. Nature, 470 (7335):510-512 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Detection of anhydrous hydrochloric acid, HCl, in IRC + 10216 with the Herschel SPIRE and PACS spectrometers [Letter]'
J. Cernicharo and L. Decin and M. J. Barlow and M. Ag\'undez and P. Royer and B. Vandenbussche and R. Wesson and E. T. Polehampton and E. De Beck and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and F. Daniel and W. De Meester and K. M. Exter and H. Feuchtgruber and Walter Kieran Gear and J. R. Goicoechea and Haley Louise Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Huygen and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and Mikako Matsuura and G. Olofsson and T. Posch and S. Regibo and G. Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and C. Waelkens (2010) 'Detection of anhydrous hydrochloric acid, HCl, in IRC + 10216 with the Herschel SPIRE and PACS spectrometers [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Characterization of the millimeter-wave polarization of Centaurus A with QUaD'
Michael Zemcov and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and S. J. Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and C. O' Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and R. Schwarz and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu (2010) 'Characterization of the millimeter-wave polarization of Centaurus A with QUaD'. The Astrophysical Journal, 710 (2):1541-1550 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging of CW Leonis [Letter]'
D. Ladjal and M. J. Barlow and M. A. T. Groenewegen and T. Ueta and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Cohen and L. Decin and W. De Meester and K. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Huygen and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and E. Polehampton and T. Posch and S. Regibo and P. Royer and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and C. Waelkens and R. Wesson (2010) 'Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging of CW Leonis [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from QUaD'
Sujata Gupta and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and R. Schwarz and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2010) 'Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 716 (2):1040-1046 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. I. Maps and analysis of diffuse emission'
T. Culverhouse and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. E. Church and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. R. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. H. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2010) 'The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. I. Maps and analysis of diffuse emission'. Astrophysical Journal, 722 (2):1057-1077 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Cold dust and young starbursts: spectral energy distributions of Herschel SPIRE sources from the HerMES survey'
M. Rowan-Robinson and I. G. Roseboom and M. Vaccari and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and D. Brisbin and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodriguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Simon Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and J. Huang and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and (2010) 'Cold dust and young starbursts: spectral energy distributions of Herschel SPIRE sources from the HerMES survey'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):2-11 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Herschel Reference Survey'
A. Boselli and Stephen Anthony Eales and Luca Cortese and G. Bendo and P. Chanial and V. Buat and Jonathan Ivor Davies and Robbie Richard Auld and E. Rigby and M. Baes and M. Barlow and J. Bock and M. Bradford and N. Castro-Rodriguez and S. Charlot and D. Clements and D. Cormier and E. Dwek and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okamura and S. Oliver and M. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and Michael Pohlen and N. Rangwala and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and M. Sauvage and B. Schulz and M. Schirm and Matthew W. Smith and L. Spinoglio and (2010) 'The Herschel Reference Survey'. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122 (889):261-287 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Herschel Space Observatory view of dust in M81'
G. J. Bendo and C. D. Wilson and Michael Pohlen and M. Sauvage and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi (2010) 'The Herschel Space Observatory view of dust in M81'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'FIR colours and SEDs of nearby galaxies observed with Herschel'
A. Boselli and L. Ciesla and V. Buat and Luca Cortese and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and G. J. Bendo and S. Bianchi and J. Bock and D. J. Bomans and M. Bradford and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and M. Clemens and D. Clements and E. Corbelli and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Aliakbar Dariush and Jonathan Ivor Davies and I. De Looze and S. di Serego Alighieri and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Fadda and J. Fritz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and D. A. Garcia-Appadoo and G. Gavazzi and Walter Kieran Gear and C. Giovanardi and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Grossi and S. Hony and Thomas Marcus Hughes and L. Hunt and Kate Gudrun Isaak and A. Jones and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. C. Madden and B. O'Halloran and (2010) 'FIR colours and SEDs of nearby galaxies observed with Herschel'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel photometric observations of the low metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC 1705'
B. O'Halloran and M. Galametz and S. C. Madden and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and G. J. Bendo and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and D. Cormier and A. Cooray and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and Michael Pohlen and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and M. Sauvage and B. Schulz and M. R. P. Schirm and Mat (2010) 'Herschel photometric observations of the low metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC 1705'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Probing the molecular interstellar medium of M82 with Herschel-SPIRE spectroscopy'
P. Panuzzo and N. Rangwala and Adam John Rykala and Kate Gudrun Isaak and J. Glenn and C. D. Wilson and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and G. J. Bendo and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and T. Fulton and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. P\'erez-Fournon and Michael Pohlen and E. T. Polehampton and E. E. Rigby and (2010) 'Probing the molecular interstellar medium of M82 with Herschel-SPIRE spectroscopy'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Radial distribution of gas and dust in spiral galaxies'
Michael Pohlen and Luca Cortese and Matthew W. Smith and Stephen Anthony Eales and A. Boselli and G. J. Bendo and Haley Louise Gomez and Andreas Papageorgiou and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and J. J. Bock and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and M. Sauvage and B. Schul (2010) 'Radial distribution of gas and dust in spiral galaxies'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'SPIRE imaging of M 82: Cool dust in the wind and tidal streams'
H. Roussel and C. D. Wilson and L. Vigroux and Kate Gudrun Isaak and M. Sauvage and S. C. Madden and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and G. J. Bendo and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and J. I. Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and Michael Pohlen and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and Adam John Rykala and (2010) 'SPIRE imaging of M 82: Cool dust in the wind and tidal streams'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The central region of spiral galaxies as seen by Herschel [Letter]'
M. Sauvage and N. Sacchi and G. J. Bendo and A. Boselli and Michael Pohlen and C. D. Wilson and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. C. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Ryka (2010) 'The central region of spiral galaxies as seen by Herschel [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel photometric observations of the nearby low metallicity irregular galaxy NGC 6822'
M. Galametz and S. C. Madden and F. Galliano and S. Hony and M. Sauvage and Michael Pohlen and G. J. Bendo and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. P\'erez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and B. Sch (2010) 'Herschel photometric observations of the nearby low metallicity irregular galaxy NGC 6822'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Mapping the interstellar medium in galaxies with Herschel/SPIRE'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Matthew W. Smith and C. D. Wilson and G. J. Bendo and Luca Cortese and Michael Pohlen and A. Boselli and Haley Louise Gomez and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. P\'erez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and (2010) 'Mapping the interstellar medium in galaxies with Herschel/SPIRE'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel-SPIRE observations of the disturbed galaxy NGC 4438 [Letter]'
Luca Cortese and G. J. Bendo and A. Boselli and Jonathan Ivor Davies and Haley Louise Gomez and Michael Pohlen and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and J. J. Bock and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and M. Sauvage and B. Schulz and M. R. P. Schirm (2010) 'Herschel-SPIRE observations of the disturbed galaxy NGC 4438 [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'On the origin of M81 group extended dust emission'
Jonathan Ivor Davies and C. D. Wilson and Robbie Richard Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and G. J. Bendo and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Luca Cortese and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and Michael Pohlen and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykala and N. Sacchi and M. Sauvage (2010) 'On the origin of M81 group extended dust emission'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):102-108 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The dust morphology of the elliptical Galaxy M 86 with SPIRE'
Haley Louise Gomez and M. Baes and Luca Cortese and Matthew W. Smith and A. Boselli and L. Ciesla and G. J. Bendo and Michael Pohlen and S. di Serego Alighieri and Robbie Richard Auld and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and M. Bradford and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and Jonathan Ivor Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and Kate Gudrun Isaak and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and N. Rangwala and E. E. Rigby and H. Roussel and Adam John Rykal (2010) 'The dust morphology of the elliptical Galaxy M 86 with SPIRE'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Warm water vapour in the sooty outflow from a luminous carbon star'
L. Decin and M. Ag\'undez and M. J. Barlow and F. Daniel and J. Cernicharo and R. Lombaert and E. De Beck and P. Royer and B. Vandenbussche and R. Wesson and E. T. Polehampton and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and W. De Meester and K. Exter and H. Feuchtgruber and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and M. Gu\'elin and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Huygen and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and C. Kahane and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. Lim and Mikako Matsuura and G. Olofsson and T. Posch and S. Regibo and G. Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and J. A. Yates and C. Waelkens (2010) 'Warm water vapour in the sooty outflow from a luminous carbon star'. Nature, 467 (7311):64-67 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its in-flight performance'
Matthew Joseph Griffin and A. Abergel and A. Abreu and Peter A. R. Ade and P. Andr\'e and J.-L. Augueres and T. Babbedge and Y. Bae and T. Baillie and J.-P. Baluteau and M. J. Barlow and G. Bendo and D. Benielli and J. J. Bock and P. Bonhomme and D. Brisbin and C. Brockley-Blatt and M. Caldwell and C. Cara and N. Castro-Rodriguez and R. Cerulli and P. Chanial and S. Chen and E. Clark and D. L. Clements and L. Clerc and J. Coker and D. Communal and L. Conversi and P. Cox and D. Crumb and C. Cunningham and F. Daly and G. R. Davis and P. De Antoni and J. Delderfield and N. Devin and A. Di Giorgio and Iris Didschuns and K. Dohlen and M. Donati and A. Dowell and C. D. Dowell and L. Duband and L. Dumaye and R. J. Emery and M. Ferlet and D. Ferrand and J. Fontignie and M. Fox and A. Franceschini (2010) 'The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its in-flight performance'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'A Herschel PACS and SPIRE study of the dust content of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant'
M. J. Barlow and O. Krause and B. M. Swinyard and B. Sibthorpe and M.-A. Besel and R. Wesson and R. J. Ivison and L. Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and Th. Henning and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and E. T. Polehampton (2010) 'A Herschel PACS and SPIRE study of the dust content of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Deep SPIRE HerMES Survey: spectral energy distributions and their astrophysical indications at high redshift'
D. Brisbin and M. Harwit and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and Carol J. Lonsdale and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. E. Morrison and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and F. N. Owen and M. Pannella and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou an (2010) 'The Deep SPIRE HerMES Survey: spectral energy distributions and their astrophysical indications at high redshift'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):66-74 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: Halo occupation number and bias properties of dusty galaxies from angular clustering measurements'
A. Cooray and A. Amblard and L. Wang and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodriguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and A. A. Khostovan and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. Marsden and K. Mitchell-Wynne and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and M. J. Page (2010) 'HerMES: Halo occupation number and bias properties of dusty galaxies from angular clustering measurements'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'First results from HerMES on the evolution of the submillimetre luminosity function'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Gwenifer Raymond and I. G. Roseboom and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and D. Brisbin and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Simon Dye and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Harwit and E. Hatziminaoglou and J. Huang and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and C. J. Lonsdale and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. E. Morrison and (2010) 'First results from HerMES on the evolution of the submillimetre luminosity function'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel unveils a puzzling uniformity of distant dusty galaxies [Letter]'
D. Elbaz and H. S. Hwang and B. Magnelli and E. Daddi and H. Aussel and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and P. Andreani and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and T. Babbedge and S. Berta and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Bongiovanni and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodriguez and A. Cava and J. Cepa and P. Chanial and R.-R. Chary and A. Cimatti and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and M. Dickinson and H. Dominguez and C. D. Dowell and J. S. Dunlop and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Farrah and N. F\"orster Schreiber and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and R. Genzel and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and C. Gruppioni and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Laga (2010) 'Herschel unveils a puzzling uniformity of distant dusty galaxies [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: deep galaxy number counts from a P(D) fluctuation analysis of SPIRE science demonstration phase observations'
J. Glenn and A. Conley and M. B\'ethermin and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and T. P. Ellsworth-Bowers and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and G. Laurent and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. Marsden and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and C. P. Pe (2010) 'HerMES: deep galaxy number counts from a P(D) fluctuation analysis of SPIRE science demonstration phase observations'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):109-121 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: Far infrared properties of known AGN in the HerMES fields'
E. Hatziminaoglou and A. Omont and J. A. Stevens and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Simon Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and M. J. Page and P (2010) 'HerMES: Far infrared properties of known AGN in the HerMES fields'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Evolution of dust temperature of galaxies through cosmic time as seen by Herschel'
H. S. Hwang and D. Elbaz and G. Magdis and E. Daddi and M. Symeonidis and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and P. Andreani and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and S. Berta and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Bongiovanni and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and J. Cepa and P. Chanial and E. Chapin and R.-R. Chary and A. Cimatti and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and H. Dannerbauer and M. Dickinson and H. Dominguez and C. D. Dowell and J. S. Dunlop and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Farrah and N. F\"orster Schreiber and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and R. Genzel and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and C. Gruppioni and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar (2010) 'Evolution of dust temperature of galaxies through cosmic time as seen by Herschel'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):75-82 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The far-infrared/radio correlation as probed by Herschel [Letter]'
R. J. Ivison and B. Magnelli and E. Ibar and P. Andreani and D. Elbaz and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and S. Berta and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Bongiovanni and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and J. Cepa and P. Chanial and A. Cimatti and M. Cirasuolo and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and E. Daddi and H. Dominguez and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Farrah and N. F\"orster Schreiber and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and R. Genzel and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and C. Gruppioni and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and Kate Gudrun Isaak and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and D. Lutz and S (2010) 'The far-infrared/radio correlation as probed by Herschel [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: The SPIRE confusion limit'
H. T. Nguyen and B. Schulz and L. Levenson and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and E. Chapin and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. Marsden and J. Marshall and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and C. P. Pearson and I. Perez Fournon and Mic (2010) 'HerMES: The SPIRE confusion limit'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: SPIRE galaxy number counts at 250, 350, and 500Â \ensuremath\mum'
S. J. Oliver and L. Wang and A. J. Smith and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and K. Mitchell-Wynne and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and A. Omont and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo (2010) 'HerMES: SPIRE galaxy number counts at 250, 350, and 500Â \ensuremath\mum'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: source extraction and cross-identifications in confusion-dominated SPIRE images'
I. G. Roseboom and S. J. Oliver and M. Kunz and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and M. B\'ethermin and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and D. Brisbin and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and E. Chapin and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Simon Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and M. Harwit and E. Hatziminaoglou and J. Huang and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and (2010) 'The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: source extraction and cross-identifications in confusion-dominated SPIRE images'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409 (1):48-65 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The HerMES SPIRE submillimeter local luminosity function [Letter]'
M. Vaccari and L. Marchetti and A. Franceschini and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and D. L. Clements and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and S. Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Farrah and M. Fox and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and E. A. Gonz\'alez Solares and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and J. Huang and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omon (2010) 'The HerMES SPIRE submillimeter local luminosity function [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'HerMES: The submillimeter spectral energy distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-detected galaxies'
B. Schulz and C. P. Pearson and D. L. Clements and B. Altieri and A. Amblard and V. Arumugam and Robbie Richard Auld and H. Aussel and T. Babbedge and A. Blain and J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and D. Burgarella and N. Castro-Rodr\'iguez and A. Cava and P. Chanial and A. Conley and L. Conversi and A. Cooray and C. D. Dowell and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Fox and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and E. Giovannoli and J. Glenn and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Halpern and E. Hatziminaoglou and E. Ibar and Kate Gudrun Isaak and R. J. Ivison and G. Lagache and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. Maffei and G. Mainetti and L. Marchetti and G. Marsden and A. M. J. Mortier and H. T. Nguyen and B. O'Halloran and S. J. Oliver and A. Omont and M. J. Page (2010) 'HerMES: The submillimeter spectral energy distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-detected galaxies'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel-SPIRE FTS spectroscopy of the carbon-rich objects AFGLÂ 2688, AFGLÂ 618, and NGCÂ 7027 [Letter]'
R. Wesson and J. Cernicharo and M. J. Barlow and Mikako Matsuura and L. Decin and M. A. T. Groenewegen and E. T. Polehampton and M. Agundez and M. Cohen and F. Daniel and K. M. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and G. Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and T. Ueta and D. K. Witherick and J. A. Yates (2010) 'Herschel-SPIRE FTS spectroscopy of the carbon-rich objects AFGLÂ 2688, AFGLÂ 618, and NGCÂ 7027 [Letter]'. Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The \ensuremath\beta Pictoris disk imaged by Herschel PACS and SPIRE [Letter]'
B. Vandenbussche and B. Sibthorpe and B. Acke and E. Pantin and G. Olofsson and C. Waelkens and C. Dominik and M. J. Barlow and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and J. Bouwman and A. Brandeker and M. Cohen and W. De Meester and W. R. F. Dent and K. Exter and J. Di Francesco and M. Fridlund and Walter Kieran Gear and A. M. Glauser and Haley Louise Gomez and J. S. Greaves and Peter Charles Hargrave and P. M. Harvey and Th. Henning and A. M. Heras and M. R. Hogerheijde and W. S. Holland and R. Huygen and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and R. Liseau and B. C. Matthews and D. A. Naylor and G. L. Pilbratt and E. T. Polehampton and S. Regibo and P. Royer and A. Sicilia-Aguilar and B. M. Swinyard and H. J. Walker and R. Wesson (2010) 'The \ensuremath\beta Pictoris disk imaged by Herschel PACS and SPIRE [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Silicon in the dust formation zone of IRC+10216 [Letter]'
L. Decin and J. Cernicharo and M. J. Barlow and P. Royer and B. Vandenbussche and R. Wesson and E. T. Polehampton and E. De Beck and M. Ag\'undez and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Cohen and F. Daniel and W. De Meester and K. Exter and H. Feuchtgruber and J. P. Fonfr\'ia and Walter Kieran Gear and J. R. Goicoechea and Haley Louise Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Huygen and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. Lim and Mikako Matsuura and G. Olofsson and T. Posch and S. Regibo and G. Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and B. Tercero and C. Waelkens and D. K. Witherick and J. A. Yates (2010) 'Silicon in the dust formation zone of IRC+10216 [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Herschel images of NGC 6720: H2 formation on dust grains [Letter]'
P. A. M. van Hoof and G. C. Van de Steene and M. J. Barlow and K. M. Exter and B. Sibthorpe and T. Ueta and V. Peris and M. A. T. Groenewegen and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Cohen and W. De Meester and G. J. Ferland and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and E. Huygen and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and E. T. Polehampton and S. Regibo and P. Royer and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and H. Van Winckel and C. Waelkens and H. J. Walker and R. Wesson (2010) 'Herschel images of NGC 6720: H2 formation on dust grains [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Vega debris disc: A view from Herschel'
B. Sibthorpe and B. Vandenbussche and J. S. Greaves and E. Pantin and G. Olofsson and B. Acke and M. J. Barlow and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and J. Bouwman and A. Brandeker and M. Cohen and W. De Meester and W. R. F. Dent and J. Di Francesco and C. Dominik and M. Fridlund and Walter Kieran Gear and A. M. Glauser and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and P. M. Harvey and Th. Henning and A. M. Heras and M. R. Hogerheijde and W. S. Holland and R. J. Ivison and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and R. Liseau and B. C. Matthews and D. A. Naylor and G. L. Pilbratt and E. T. Polehampton and S. Regibo and P. Royer and A. Sicilia-Aguilar and B. M. Swinyard and C. Waelkens and H. J. Walker and R. Wesson (2010) 'The Vega debris disc: A view from Herschel'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2010) | 'PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the red supergiant VY CMa [Letter]'
P. Royer and L. Decin and R. Wesson and M. J. Barlow and E. T. Polehampton and Mikako Matsuura and M. Ag\'undez and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and J. Cernicharo and M. Cohen and F. Daniel and P. Degroote and W. De Meester and K. Exter and H. Feuchtgruber and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and M. A. T. Groenewegen and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Huygen and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. Lim and R. Lombaert and G. Olofsson and T. Posch and S. Regibo and G. Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and C. Waelkens and D. K. Witherick and J. A. Yates (2010) 'PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the red supergiant VY CMa [Letter]'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Cosmological parameters from the QUAD CMB Polarization Experiment'
P. G. Castro and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and C. Pryke and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2009) 'Cosmological parameters from the QUAD CMB Polarization Experiment'. Astrophysical Journal, 701 (2):857-864 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Synchronous optical and radio polarization variability in the Blazar OJ287'
Francesca D. D'arcangelo and Alan P. Marscher and Svetlana G. Jorstad and Paul S. Smith and Valeri M. Larionov and Vladimir A. Hagen-Thorn and G. Grant Williams and Walter Kieran Gear and Dan P. Clemens and Domenic Sarcia and Alex Grabau and Eric V. Tollestrup and Marc W. Buie and Brian Taylor and Edward Dunham (2009) 'Synchronous optical and radio polarization variability in the Blazar OJ287'. Astrophysical Journal, 697 (2):985-995 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Second and third season QUaD cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization power spectra'
C. Pryke and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and A. H. Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2009) 'Second and third season QUaD cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization power spectra'. Astrophysical Journal, 692 (2):1247-1270 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Parity violation constraints using cosmic microwave background polarization spectra from 2006 and 2007 observations by the QUaD polarimeter'
E. Y. S. Wu and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and Michael Zemcov (2009) 'Parity violation constraints using cosmic microwave background polarization spectra from 2006 and 2007 observations by the QUaD polarimeter'. Physical Review Letters, 102 (16) [Details] |
(2009) | 'Improved measurements of the temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background from QUaD'
M. L. Brown and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and G. Cahill and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and R. Schwarz and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2009) 'Improved measurements of the temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background from QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 705 (1):978-999 [Details] |
(2009) | 'QUaD: A high-resolution cosmic microwave background polarimeter'
J. R. Hinderks and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and J. E. Carlstrom and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and Sujata Gupta and J. Harris and V. Haynes and B. G. Keating and J. Kovac and E. Kirby and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and O. E. Mallie and Simon John Melhuish and Y. Memari and A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Carole Tucker and Abigail Helen Turner and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2009) 'QUaD: A high-resolution cosmic microwave background polarimeter'. The Astrophysical Journal, 692 (2) [Details] |
(2009) | 'Comprehensive multi-waveband monitoring of gamma-ray bright blazars'
Alan P. Marscher and S. G. Jorstad and V. M. Larionov and R. Chatterjee and F. D'Arcangelo and E. Manne Nicholas and A. R. Olmstead and I. M. McHardy and I. Agudo and J. L. Gomez and M. F. Aller and V. A. Hagen Thorn and Walter Kieran Gear and D. Porter (2009) 'Comprehensive multi-waveband monitoring of gamma-ray bright blazars'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 41 (1) [Details] |
(2008) | 'Correlated rapid optical and radio polarization variability in a sample of Blazars [Abstract]'
F. D. D'Arcangelo and A. P. Marscher and S. G. Jorstad and P. S. Smith and V. M. Larionov and V. A. Hagen-Thorn and E. N. Kopatskaya and G. G. Williams and Walter Kieran Gear (2008) 'Correlated rapid optical and radio polarization variability in a sample of Blazars [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 39 [Details] |
(2008) | 'The SPIRE Instrument'
Matthew Joseph Griffin and Peter A. R. Ade and Ph. Andr\'e and J.-P. Baluteau and J. Bock and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and M. Huang and K. King and E. Lellouch and D. Naylor and S. Oliver and G. Olofsson and M. Page and I. Perez-Fournon and M. Rowan-Robinson and P. Saraceno and E. Sawyer and B. Swinyard and L. Vigroux and G. Wright and A. Zavagno (2008) 'The SPIRE Instrument'. EAS Publications Series, 34 :33-42 [Details] |
(2008) | 'The inner jet of an active galactic nucleus as revealed by a radio-to-\ensuremath\gamma-ray outburst'
Alan P. Marscher and Svetlana G. Jorstad and Francesca D. D'Arcangelo and Paul S. Smith and G. Grant Williams and Valeri M. Larionov and Haruki Oh and Alice R. Olmstead and Margo F. Aller and Hugh D. Aller and Ian M. McHardy and Anne L\"ahteenm\"aki and Merja Tornikoski and Esko Valtaoja and Vladimir A. Hagen-Thorn and Eugenia N. Kopatskaya and Walter Kieran Gear and Gino Tosti and Omar Kurtanidze and Maria Nikolashvili and Lorand Sigua and H. Richard Miller and Wesley T. Ryle (2008) 'The inner jet of an active galactic nucleus as revealed by a radio-to-\ensuremath\gamma-ray outburst'. Nature, 452 (7190):966-969 [Details] |
(2008) | 'First season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra'
Peter A R Ade and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and J. E. Carlstrom and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Hinderks and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and Simon John Melhuish and J. A. Murphy and Angiola Orlando and R. Schwarz and C. O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and Abigail Helen Taylor and K. L. Thompson and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2008) 'First season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra'. Astrophysical Journal, 674 (1):22-28 [Details] |
(2008) | 'The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII. The nature of faint submillimetre galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and SXDF surveys'
D. L. Clements and M. Vaccari and T. Babbedge and S. Oliver and M. Rowan-Robinson and P. Davoodi and R. Ivison and D. Farrah and J. Dunlop and Dave Shupe and I. Waddington and C. Simpson and H. Furusawa and S. Serjeant and A. Afonso-Luis and D. M. Alexander and I. Aretxaga and A. Blain and C. Borys and S. Chapman and K. Coppin and L. Dunne and Simon Dye and Stephen Anthony Eales and T. Evans and F. Fang and D. Frayer and M. Fox and Walter Kieran Gear and T. R. Greve and M. Halpern and D. H. Hughes and T. Jenness and C. J. Lonsdale and A. M. J. Mortier and M. J. Page and A. Pope and R. S. Priddey and S. Rawlings and R. S. Savage and D. Scott and S. E. Scott and K. Sekiguchi and I. Smail and H. E. Smith and J. A. Stevens and J. Surace and T. Takagi and E. van Kampen (2008) 'The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII. The nature of faint submillimetre galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and SXDF surveys'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387 (1):247-267 [Details] |
(2008) | 'The quasi-optical design of the QUaD telescope'
C. O'Sullivan and G. Cahill and J. A. Murphy and Walter Kieran Gear and Jonathan L Harris and Peter A. R. Ade and S. E. Church and K. L. Thompson and C. Pryke and J. Bock and Melanie Bowden and M. L. Brown and J. E. Carlstrom and P. G. Castro and T. Culverhouse and R. B. Friedman and K. M. Ganga and Charles Victor Haynes and J. R. Hinderks and J. Kovak and A. E. Lange and E. M. Leitch and Oliver Eric Mallie and Simon John Melhuish and Angiola Orlando and Lucio Piccirillo and Giampaolo Pisano and Nutan J. Rajguru and B. A. Rusholme and R. Schwarz and A. N. Taylor and E. Y. S. Wu and Michael Zemcov (2008) 'The quasi-optical design of the QUaD telescope'. Infrared Physics \& Technology, 51 (4):277-286 [Details] |
(2007) | 'The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its capabilities for extragalactic astronomy'
Matthew Joseph Griffin and A. Abergel and Peter A. R. Ade and P. Andr\'e and J. Baluteau and J. Bock and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and D. Griffin (2007) 'The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its capabilities for extragalactic astronomy'. Advances in Space Research, 40 (5):612-619 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Multiwaveband polarimetric observations of 15 active galactic nuclei at high frequencies: correlated polarization behavior'
Svetlana G. Jorstad and Alan P. Marscher and Jason A. Stevens and Paul S. Smith and James R. Forster and Walter Kieran Gear and Timothy V. Cawthorne and Matthew L. Lister and Alastair M. Stirling and Jos\'e L. G\'omez and Jane S. Greaves and E. Ian Robson (2007) 'Multiwaveband polarimetric observations of 15 active galactic nuclei at high frequencies: correlated polarization behavior'. Astronomical Journal, 134 (2):799-824 [Details] |
(2007) | 'SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey. II (Coppin+, 2006)'
K. Coppin and E. L. Chapin and A. M. J. Mortier and S. E. Scott and C. Borys and J. S. Dunlop and M. Halpern and D. H. Hughes and A. Pope and D. Scott and S. Serjeant and J. Wagg and D. M. Alexander and O. Almaini and I. Aretxaga and T. Babbedge and P. N. Best and A. Blain and S. Chapman and D. L. Clements and M. Crawford and L. Dunne and Stephen Anthony Eales and A. C. Edge and D. Farrah and E. Gaztanaga and Walter Kieran Gear and G. L. Granato and T. R. Greve and M. Fox and R. J. Ivison and M. J. Jarvis and T. Jenness and C. Lacey and K. Lepage and R. G. Mann and G. Marsden and A. Martinez-Sansigre and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and J. A. Peacock and C. P. Pearson and W. J. Percival and R. S. Priddey and S. Rawlings and M. Rowan-Robinson and R. S. Savage and M. Seigar and K. Sekiguchi and (2007) 'SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey. II (Coppin+, 2006)'. VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/372/1621, [Details] |
(2006) | 'The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey ? II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts'
K. Coppin and E. L. Chapin and A. M. J. Mortier and S. E. Scott and C. Borys and J. S. Dunlop and M. Halpern and D. H. Hughes and A. Pope and D. Scott and S. Serjeant and J. Wagg and D. M. Alexander and O. Almaini and I. Aretxaga and T. Babbedge and P. N. Best and A. Blain and S. Chapman and D. L. Clements and M. Crawford and L. Dunne and Stephen Anthony Eales and A. C. Edge and D. Farrah and E. Gazta\~naga and Walter Kieran Gear and G. L. Granato and T. R. Greve and M. Fox and R. J. Ivison and M. J. Jarvis and T. Jenness and C. Lacey and K. Lepage and R. G. Mann and G. Marsden and A. Martinez-Sansigre and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and J. A. Peacock and C. P. Pearson and W. J. Percival and R. S. Priddey and S. Rawlings and M. Rowan-Robinson and R. S. Savage and M. Seigar and K. Sekiguchi an (2006) 'The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey ? II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372 (4):1621-1652 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Precision CMB pPolarization from Dome-C: the BRAIN experiment'
S. Masi and P. de Bernardis and C. Giordano and F. Nati and F. Piacentini and G. Polenta and M. Veneziani and M. Gervasi and G. Sironi and A. Tartari and M. Zannoni and S. Peterzen and J. Bartlett and Y. Giraud-Heraud and M. Piat and C. Rosset and M. Giard and R. Pons and B. Maffei and Peter A. R. Ade and Walter Kieran Gear and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and L. Piccirillo and G. Pisano and Giorgio Savini (2006) 'Precision CMB pPolarization from Dome-C: the BRAIN experiment'. EAS Publications Series, 14 :87-92 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Achromatic half-wave plate for submillimeter instruments in cosmic microwave background astronomy: experimental characterization'
Giampaolo Pisano and Giorgio Savini and Peter A. R. Ade and Vic Haynes and Walter Kieran Gear (2006) 'Achromatic half-wave plate for submillimeter instruments in cosmic microwave background astronomy: experimental characterization'. Applied Optics, 45 (27):6982-6989 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Multifrequency polarization properties of blazars'
S. Jorstad and A. Marscher and J. Stevens and P. Smith and J. Forster and M. Lister and A. Stirling and J. G\'omez and T. Cawthorne and Walter Kieran Gear and I. Robson (2006) 'Multifrequency polarization properties of blazars'. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 6 (S1):247-252 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Polarimetric Observations of 15 Active Galactic Nuclei at High Frequencies: Jet Kinematics from Bimonthly Monitoring with the Very Long Baseline Array'
Svetlana G. Jorstad and Alan P. Marscher and Matthew L. Lister and Alastair M. Stirling and Timothy V. Cawthorne and Walter Kieran Gear and Jos\'e L. G\'omez and Jason A. Stevens and Paul S. Smith and James R. Forster and E. Ian Robson (2005) 'Polarimetric Observations of 15 Active Galactic Nuclei at High Frequencies: Jet Kinematics from Bimonthly Monitoring with the Very Long Baseline Array'. Astronomical Journal, 130 (4):1418-1465 [Details] |
(2005) | 'XMM?Newton surveys of the Canada?France redshift survey fields ? III. The environments of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei at 0.4 \ensuremath< z \ensuremath< 0.6'
Timothy J. Waskett and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and H. J. McCracken and S. Lilly and M. Brodwin (2005) 'XMM?Newton surveys of the Canada?France redshift survey fields ? III. The environments of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei at 0.4 \ensuremath< z \ensuremath< 0.6'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 363 (3):801-810 [Details] |
(2005) | 'First Ground-Based 200-micron Observing with THUMPER on JCMT - Sky Characterisation and Planet Maps'
Derek Ward-Thompson and Peter A. R. Ade and H. Araujo and I. Coulson and James Cox and G. R. Davis and Rhodri Evans and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Walter Kieran Gear and Peter Charles Hargrave and P. Hargreaves and Darren John Hayton and Brian John Kiernan and Sarah Jane Leeks and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and D. Naylor and N. Potter and S. A. Rinehart and Rashmikant V. Sudiwala and Charles Robert Tucker and R. J. Walker and Steven Lloyd Watkin (2005) 'First Ground-Based 200-micron Observing with THUMPER on JCMT - Sky Characterisation and Planet Maps'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 364 :843-848 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Dust in spiral galaxies: global properties'
J. A. Stevens and M. Amure and Walter Kieran Gear (2005) 'Dust in spiral galaxies: global properties'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 357 (1):361-380 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Millimeter-wave profiled corrugated horns for the quad cosmic background polarization experiment'
J. A. Murphy and E. Gleeson and G. Cahill and W. Lanigan and C. O'Sullivan and E. Cartwright and S. E. Church and J. Hinderks and E. Kirby and K. Thompson and B. Rusholme and Walter Kieran Gear and B Maffei and Peter A. R. Ade and Carole Tucker and B. Jones (2005) 'Millimeter-wave profiled corrugated horns for the quad cosmic background polarization experiment'. International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 26 (4):505-523 [Details] |
(2005) | 'CLOVER experiment: the receiver block'
G. Pisano and Peter A. R. Ade and C. (C) Calderon and A. D. Challinor and P. De Bernardis and L. Dunlop and Walter Kieran Gear and Y. Giraud-H\'eraud and D. J. Goldie and K. J.B. Grainge and K. G. Isaak and B. Johnson and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and B. Maffei and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and A. Orlando and L. Piccirillo and A. C. Taylor and S. Withington and G. Yassin (2005) 'CLOVER experiment: the receiver block'. EAS Publications Series, 14 :245-250 [Details] |
(2005) | 'CLOVER: The CMB polarization observer'
B. Maffei and Peter A. R. Ade and C. Calderon and A. D. Challinor and P. De Bernardis and L. Dunlop and Walter Kieran Gear and Y. Giraud-H\'eraud and D. J. Goldie and K. J.B. Grainge and K. G. Isaak and B. Johnson and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and A. Orlando and L. Piccirillo and G. Pisano and A. Taylor and S. Withington and G. Yassin (2005) 'CLOVER: The CMB polarization observer'. EAS Publications Series, 14 :251-256 [Details] |
(2005) | 'The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - I. Survey motivation, design and data processing'
A. M. J. Mortier and S. Serjeant and J. S. Dunlop and S. E. Scott and Peter A. R. Ade and D. Alexander and O. Almaini and I. Aretxaga and C. Baugh and A. J. Benson and P. N. Best and A. Blain and J. Bock and C. Borys and A. Bressan and C. Carilli and E. L. Chapin and S. Chapman and D. L. Clements and K. Coppin and M. Crawford and M. Devlin and S. Dicker and L. Dunne and Stephen Anthony Eales and A. C. Edge and D. Farrah and M. Fox and C. Frenk and E. Gaztanaga and Walter Kieran Gear and E. Gonzales-Solares and G. L. Granato and T. R. Greve and J. A. Grimes and J. Gundersen and M. Halpern and P. Hargrave and D. H. Hughes and R. J. Ivison and M. J. Jarvis and T. Jenness and R. Jimenez and E. van Kampen and A. King and C. Lacey and A. Lawrence and K. Lepage and R. G. Mann and G. Marsden and P (2005) 'The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - I. Survey motivation, design and data processing'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 363 (2):563-580 [Details] |
(2004) | 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey - VIII. Source identifications in the 3-hour field'
Dave Clements and Stephen Anthony Eales and Kris Wojciechowski and Tracy Webb and Simon Lilly and Loretta Dunne and Rob Ivison and Henry McCracken and Min Yun and Ashley James and Mark Brodwin and Olivier Le Fevre and Walter Kieran Gear (2004) 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey - VIII. Source identifications in the 3-hour field'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 351 (2):447-465 [Details] |
(2004) | 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - II. The X-ray catalogues, the properties of the host galaxies and the redshift distribution'
Timothy James Waskett and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and H. J. McCracken and M. Brodwin and K. Nandra and E. S. Laird and S. Lilly (2004) 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - II. The X-ray catalogues, the properties of the host galaxies and the redshift distribution'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 350 (3):785-797 [Details] |
(2004) | 'Change in speed and direction of the jet near the core in the quasar 3C 279'
Svetlana G. Jorstad and Alan P. Marscher and Matthew L. Lister and Alastair M. Stirling and Timothy V. Cawthorne and Jos\'e-Luis G\'omez and Walter Kieran Gear (2004) 'Change in speed and direction of the jet near the core in the quasar 3C 279'. Astronomical Journal, 127 (6):3115-3120 [Details] |
(2004) | 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - II. The X-ray catalogues, the properties of the host galaxies and the redshift distribution'
T. J. Waskett and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and H. J. McCracken and M. Brodwin and K. Nandra and E. S. Laird and S. Lilly (2004) 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - II. The X-ray catalogues, the properties of the host galaxies and the redshift distribution'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 350 (3):787-797 [Details] |
(2004) | 'Scientific optimization of a ground-based CMB polarization experiment'
Melanie Bowden and A. N. Taylor and K. M. Ganga and Peter A. R. Ade and J. J. Bock and G. Cahill and J. E. Carlstrom and S. E. Church and Walter Kieran Gear and J. R. Hinderks and W. Hu. and B. G Keating and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. M. Leitch and Bruno Maffei and Oliver Eric Mallie and Simon John Melhuish and J. A. Murphy and Giampaolo Pisano and Lucio Piccirillo and C. Pryke and B. Aq. Rusholme and C. O'Sullivan and K. Thompson (2004) 'Scientific optimization of a ground-based CMB polarization experiment'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 349 (1):321-335 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Submillimeter observations of an asymmetric dust disk around Fomalhaut'
W. S. Holland and J. S Greaves and W. R. F. Dent and M. C. Wyatt and B. Zuckerman and R. A. Webb and C. McCarthy and I. M. Coulson and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (2003) 'Submillimeter observations of an asymmetric dust disk around Fomalhaut'. Astrophysical Journal, 582 (2):1141-1146 [Details] |
(2003) | 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation'
Timothy James Waskett and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and Elizabeth M. Puchnarewicz and Simon J. Lilly and Hector Flores and Tracy Webb and David Clements and Jason A. Stevens and Trinh X. Thuan (2003) 'XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 341 (4):1217-1225 [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey VI: The 3-Hour Field'
T. M. Webb and Stephen Anthony Eales and S. J. Lilly and David Leigh Clements and Loretta Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear and R. J. Ivison and H. Flores and M. Yun (2003) 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey VI: The 3-Hour Field'. The Astrophysical Journal, 587 (1):41-54 [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. VII. Optical and near-infrared identifications for the 14 hour field'
T. M. A. Webb and S. J. Lilly and D. L. Clements and Stephen Anthony Eales and M. Yun and M. Brodwin and L. Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear (2003) 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. VII. Optical and near-infrared identifications for the 14 hour field'. Astrophysical Journal, 597 (2):680-698 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Discovery of a precessing jet nozzle in BL Lacertae'
A. M. Stirling and T. V. Cawthorne and J. A. Stevens and S. G. Jorstad and A. P. Marscher and M. L. Lister and J. L. G\'omez and P. S. Smith and I. Agudo and D. C. Gabuzda and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (2003) 'Discovery of a precessing jet nozzle in BL Lacertae'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 341 (2):405-422 [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. V. The submillimeter properties of Lyman break galaxies'
T. M. Webb and Stephen Anthony Eales and S. Foucaud and S. J. Lilly and H. McCracken and K. Adelberger and C. Steidel and A. Shapley and D. L. Clements and L. Dunne and O. Le Fevre and M. Brodwin and Walter Kieran Gear (2003) 'The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. V. The submillimeter properties of Lyman break galaxies'. Astrophysical Journal, 582 (1):6-16 [Details] |
(2003) | 'QUEST on DASI: a South Pole CMB polarization experiment'
Sarah Church and Peter A. R. Ade and James Bock and Melanie Bowden and John Carlstrom and Ken Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and James Hinderks and Wayne Hu and Brian Keating and John Kovac and Andrew Lange and Eric Leitch and Olivier Eric Mallie and Simon Melhuish and Anthony Murphy and Ben Rusholme and Creidhe O'Sullivan and Lucio Piccirillo and Clem Pryke and Andy Taylor and Keith Thompson (2003) 'QUEST on DASI: a South Pole CMB polarization experiment'. New Astronomy Reviews, 47 (11-12):1083-1089 [Details] |
(2002) | 'The relative performance of filled and feedhorn-coupled focal plane architectures'
Matthew Joseph Griffin and James J. Bock and Walter Kieran Gear (2002) 'The relative performance of filled and feedhorn-coupled focal plane architectures'. Applied Optics, 41 (31):6543-6554 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Multiepoch multiwavelength spectra and models for blazar 3C 279'
R. C. Hartman and M. Bottcher and G. Aldering and H. Aller and M. Aller and D. E. Backman and T. J. Balonek and D. L. Bertsch and S. D. Bloom and H. Bock and P. Boltwood and M. T. Carini and W. Collmar and G. De Francesco and E. C. Ferrara and W. Freudling and Walter Kieran Gear and P. B. Hall and J. Heidt and P. Hughes and S. D. Hunter and S. Jogee and W. N. Johnson and G. Kanbach and S. Katajainen and M. Kidger and T. Kii and M. Koskimies and A. Kraus and H. Kubo and O. Kurtanidze and L. Lanteri and A. Lawson and Y. C. Lin and U. Lisenfeld and G. Madejski and F. Makino and L. Maraschi and A. P. Marscher and J. P. McFarland and I. McHardy and H. R. Miller and M. Nikolashvili and K. Nilsson and J. C. Noble and G. Nucciarelli and L. Ostorero and E. Pian and T. Pursimo and C. M. Raiteri and (2001) 'Multiepoch multiwavelength spectra and models for blazar 3C 279'. Astrophysical Journal, 553 (2):683-694 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Bimonthly polarimetric observations of 15 AGNs at high frequencies [Abstract]'
S. G. Jorstad and J. A. Stevens and M. L. Lister and A. Stirling and P. S. Smith and J. L. Gomez and T. J. Cawthorne and D. C. Gabuzda and J. R. Forster and Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson (2001) 'Bimonthly polarimetric observations of 15 AGNs at high frequencies [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 33 [Details] |
(2000) | 'THUMPER: The 200 Micron Photometer'
S. A. Rinehart and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. J. Unger and Walter K. Gear and D. Ward-Thompson (2000) 'THUMPER: The 200 Micron Photometer'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 32 [Details] |
(2000) | 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. IV. The Survey of the 14 Hour Field'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Simon Lilly and Tracy Webb and Loretta Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear and David Clements and Min Yun (2000) 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. IV. The Survey of the 14 Hour Field'. The Astrophysical Journal, 120 (5):2244-2268 [Details] |
(1999) | 'The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. II. First identifications, redshifts, and implications for galaxy evolution'
Simon J. Lilly and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and Francois Hammer and Olivier Le Fevre and David Crampton and J. Richard Bond and Loretta Dunne (1999) 'The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. II. First identifications, redshifts, and implications for galaxy evolution'. Astrophysical Journal, 518 (2):641-655 [Details] |
(1999) | 'A jet-driven, extreme high-velocity outflow powered by a cold, low-luminosity protostar near NGC 2023'
G. Sandell and L. W. Avery and F. Baas and I. Coulson and W. R. F. Dent and P. Friberg and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Greaves and W. Holland and T. Jenness and P. Jewell and J. Lightfoot and H. E. Matthews and G. Moriarty-Schieven and R. Prestage and E. I. Robson and J. Stevens and R. P. J. Tilanus and G. D. Watt (1999) 'A jet-driven, extreme high-velocity outflow powered by a cold, low-luminosity protostar near NGC 2023'. Astrophysical Journal, 519 (1):236-243 [Details] |
(1999) | 'Variations in the broad-band spectra of BL Lac objects: millimetre observations of an X-ray-selected sample'
J. A. Stevens and Walter Kieran Gear (1999) 'Variations in the broad-band spectra of BL Lac objects: millimetre observations of an X-ray-selected sample'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 307 (2):403-412 [Details] |
(1999) | 'SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope'
W. S. Holland and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and C. R. Cunningham and J. F. Lightfoot and T. Jenness and R. J. Ivison and J. A. Stevens and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and W. D. Duncan and J. A. Murphy and D. A. Naylor (1999) 'SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 303 (4):659-672 [Details] |
(1999) | 'VLBA 7 mm and JCMT 1.3 mm multi-epoch polarization observations of a sample of radio-bright AGNs [Abstract]'
A. P. Marscher and T. V. Cawthorne and J. A. Stevens and Walter Kieran Gear and S. G. Marchenko and M. L. Lister and D. C. Gabuzda (1999) 'VLBA 7 mm and JCMT 1.3 mm multi-epoch polarization observations of a sample of radio-bright AGNs [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 30 [Details] |
(1999) | 'Multiwaveband observations of quasars with flat radio spectra and strong millimeter-wave emission'
Steven D. Bloom and Alan P. Marscher and E. M. Moore and Walter Kieran Gear and Harri Terasranta and Esko Valtaoja and Hugh D. Aller and Margo F. Aller (1999) 'Multiwaveband observations of quasars with flat radio spectra and strong millimeter-wave emission'. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 122 (1):1-27 [Details] |
(1999) | 'The relativistic jets of superluminal radio sources at ultra-high resolution [Abstract]'
A. P. Marscher and S. G. Marchenko and J. A. Stevens and Walter Kieran Gear and M. L. Lister and T. V. Cawthorne and A. Stirling and J. A. Gomez and D. C. Gabuzda and E. I. Robson (1999) 'The relativistic jets of superluminal radio sources at ultra-high resolution [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society, 31 (5) [Details] |
(1999) | 'Measurement of Superluminal Motion of Radio-Loud AGNs at 43 GHz with the VLBA [Abstract]'
S. G. Marchenko and A. P. Marscher and T. V. Cawthorne and J. A. Stevens and Walter Kieran Gear and M. L. Lister and E. I. Robson and P. S. Smith and J. R. Forster and D. C. Gabuzda (1999) 'Measurement of Superluminal Motion of Radio-Loud AGNs at 43 GHz with the VLBA [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 31 (3) [Details] |
(1999) | 'Identifying CUDSS Submm sources [Abstract]'
D. L. Clements and Stephen Anthony Eales and L. Dunne and T. M. Webb and S. J. Lilly and Walter Kieran Gear (1999) 'Identifying CUDSS Submm sources [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 31 (5) [Details] |
(1999) | 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey: first submillimeter images, the source counts, and resolution of the background'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Simon Lilly and Walter Kieran Gear and Loretta Dunne and J. Richard Bond and Francois Hammer and Olivier Le Fevre and David Crampton (1999) 'The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey: first submillimeter images, the source counts, and resolution of the background'. Astrophysical Journal, 515 (2):518-524 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Submilliarcsecond polarimetric imaging of blazar jets at 43 GHz'
Matthew L. Lister and Alan P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear (1998) 'Submilliarcsecond polarimetric imaging of blazar jets at 43 GHz'. Astrophysical Journal, 504 (2):702-719 [Details] |
(1998) | 'A millimetre/submillimetre polarization survey of compact flat-spectrum radio sources'
R. Nartallo and Walter Kieran Gear and A. G. Murray and E. I. Robson and J. H. Hough (1998) 'A millimetre/submillimetre polarization survey of compact flat-spectrum radio sources'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 297 (3):667-686 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Variability of the centimeter-submillimeter spectrum and polarization of 3C 273 during outburst'
J. A. Stevens and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and T. V. Cawthorne and M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller and H. Terasranta and M. C. H. Wright (1998) 'Variability of the centimeter-submillimeter spectrum and polarization of 3C 273 during outburst'. Astrophysical Journal, 502 (1):182-191 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Multiwavelength observations of a dramatic high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279'
A. E. Wehrle and E. Pian and C. M. Urry and L. Maraschi and I. M. McHardy and A. J. Lawson and G. Ghisellini and R. C. Hartman and G. M. Madejski and F. Makino and A. P. Marscher and S. J. Wagner and J. R. Webb and G. S. Aldering and M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller and D. E. Backman and T. J. Balonek and P. Boltwood and J. Bonnell and J. Caplinger and A. Celotti and W. Collmar and J. Dalton and A. Drucker and R. Falomo and C. E. Fichtel and W. Freudling and Walter Kieran Gear and N. Gonzales and P. Hall and H. Inoue and W. N. Johnson and D. Kazanas and M. R. Kidger and T. Kii and R. I. Kollgaard and Y. Kondo and J. Kurfess and Y. C. Lin and B. McCollum and K. McNaron-Brown and F. Nagase and A. D. Nair and S. Penton and J. E. Pesce and M. Pohl and C. M. Raiteri and M. Renda and E. I. Robson and (1998) 'Multiwavelength observations of a dramatic high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279'. Astrophysical Journal, 497 (1):178-187 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Dust, gas, and the evolutionary status of the radio galaxy 8C 1435+635 atz=4.25'
R. J. Ivison and J. S. Dunlop and D. H. Hughes and E. N. Archibald and J. A. Stevens and W. S. Holland and E. I. Robson and Stephen Anthony Eales and S. Rawlings and A. Dey and Walter Kieran Gear (1998) 'Dust, gas, and the evolutionary status of the radio galaxy 8C 1435+635 atz=4.25'. Astrophysical Journal, 494 (1):211-217 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279'
A. E. Wehrle and E. Pian and C. M. Urry and L. Maraschi and G. Ghisellini and R. C. Hartman and G. M. Madejski and F. Makino and A. P. Marscher and I. M. McHardy and J. R. Webb and G. S. Aldering and M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller and D. E. Backman and T. J. Balonek and P. Boltwood and J. Bonnell and J. Caplinger and A. Celotti and W. Collmar and J. Dalton and A. Drucker and R. Falomo and C. E. Fichtel and W. Freudling and Walter Kieran Gear and N. Gonzalez-Perez and P. Hall and H. Inoue and W. N. Johnson and M. R. Kidger and R. I. Kollgaard and Y. Kondo and J. Kurfess and A. J. Lawson and B. McCollum and K. McNaron-Brown and D. Nair and S. Penton and J. E. Pesce and M. Pohl and C. M. Raiteri and M. Renda and E. I. Robson and R. M. Sambruna and A. F. Schirmer and C. Shrader and M. Sikora and (1998) 'Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279'. Astrophysical Journal, 497 :178-187 [Details] |
(1998) | 'Submillimetre images of dusty debris around nearby stars'
Wayne S. Holland and Jane S. Greaves and B. Zuckerman and R. A. Webb and Chris McCarthy and Iain M. Coulson and D. M. Walther and William R. M. Dent and Walter Kieran Gear and Ian Robson (1998) 'Submillimetre images of dusty debris around nearby stars'. Nature, 392 (6678):788-791 [Details] |
(1998) | 'High-redshift star formation in the Hubble Deep Field revealed by a submillimetre-wavelength survey'
David H. Hughes and Stephen Serjeant and James Dunlop and Michael Rowan-Robinson and Andrew Blain and Robert G. Mann and Rob Ivison and John Peacock and Andreas Efstathiou and Walter Kieran Gear and Seb Oliver and Andy Lawrence and Malcolm Longair and Pippa Goldschmidt and Tim Jenness (1998) 'High-redshift star formation in the Hubble Deep Field revealed by a submillimetre-wavelength survey'. Nature, 394 (6690):241-247 [Details] |
(1997) | 'A gamma-ray flare in NRAO 190'
Thomas A. McGlynn and Robert C. Hartman and Steven D. Bloom and Margo Aller and Hugh Aller and Alexei V. Filippenko and Aaron J. Barth and Walter Kieran Gear and Alan P. Marscher and John R. Mattox and W. Reich and E. I. Robson and Jochen Schramm and J. A. Stevens and H. Terasranta and M. Tornikoski and W. Thomas Vestrand and Stefan Wagner and Anke Heines (1997) 'A gamma-ray flare in NRAO 190'. Astrophysical Journal, 481 (2):625-632 [Details] |
(1997) | 'The final frontier. Introduction'
Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear (1997) 'The final frontier. Introduction'. Astronomy Now, 11 (6690):41-44 [Details] |
(1997) | 'Detection of gamma rays with E\ensuremath> 100 MeV from BL Lacertae'
M. Catanese and C. W. Akerlof and S. D. Biller and P. Boyle and J. H. Buckley and D. A. Carter-Lewis and M. F. Cawley and V. Connaughton and B. L. Dingus and D. J. Fegan and C. E. Fichtel and J. P. Finley and J. A. Gaidos and Walter Kieran Gear and R. C. Hartman and A. M. Hillas and F. Krennrich and R. C. Lamb and R. W. Lessard and Y. C. Lin and J. E. McEnery and A. P. Marscher and G. Mohanty and R. Mukherjee and J. Quinn and E. I. Robson and A. J. Rodgers and H. J. Rose and F. W. Samuelson and G. Sembroski and M. S. Schubnell and J. A. Stevens and H. Terasranta and D. J. Thompson and T. C. Weekes and C. Wilson and J. Zweerink (1997) 'Detection of gamma rays with E\ensuremath> 100 MeV from BL Lacertae'. Astrophysical Journal, 480 (2):562-567 [Details] |
(1997) | 'SCUBA - The first year on the telescope [Abstract]'
W. S. Holland and J. F. Lightfoot and T. Jenness and G. Sandell and I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and C. R. Cunnigham (1997) 'SCUBA - The first year on the telescope [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 29 [Details] |
(1997) | 'Submillimetre images of dusty disks around nearby main-sequence stars [Abstract]'
W. Holland and J. Greaves and I. Coulson and I. Robson and B. Zuckerman and E. Becklin and R. Webb and C. McCarthy and B. Dent and Walter Kieran Gear and D. Walther (1997) 'Submillimetre images of dusty disks around nearby main-sequence stars [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 29 [Details] |
(1996) | '100 mK bolometers for the submillimetre common-user bolometer array (scuba) I. Design and construction'
W. S. Holland and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and I. D. Hepburn and D. G. Vickers and C. R. Cunningham and P. R. Hastings and Walter Kieran Gear and W. D. Duncan and T. E. C. Baillie and E. E. Haller and J. W. Beeman (1996) '100 mK bolometers for the submillimetre common-user bolometer array (scuba) I. Design and construction'. International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 17 (4):669-692 [Details] |
(1996) | 'First SCUBA submillimetre images and photometry of starburst galaxies and other AGNs [Abstract]'
I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Stevens and W. Holland (1996) 'First SCUBA submillimetre images and photometry of starburst galaxies and other AGNs [Abstract]'. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 28 [Details] |
(1996) | 'EGRET observations of the 1993 March gamma-ray flare from PKS 0528+134'
R. Mukherjee and B. L. Dingus and Walter Kieran Gear and R. C. Hartman and S. D. Hunter and A. P. Marscher and E. M. Moore and M. Pohl and E. I. Robson and P. Sreekumar and J. A. Stevens and H. Teraesranta and M. Tornikoski and J. P. Travis and S. J. Wagner and Y. F. Zhang (1996) 'EGRET observations of the 1993 March gamma-ray flare from PKS 0528+134'. The Astrophysical Journal, 470 (10):831-838 [Details] |
(1996) | 'Multiwavelength observations of Markarian 421 during a TeV/X-Ray Flare(ApJ, 449, L99 [1995]) [Erratum]'
D. J. Macomb and C. W. Akerlof and H. D. Aller and M. F. Aller and D. L. Bertsch and F. Bruhweiler and J. H. Buckley and D. A. Carter-Lewis and M. F. Cawley and K.-P. Cheng and C. Dermer and D. J. Fegan and J. A. Gaidos and Walter Keiran Gear and C. R. Hall and R. C. Hartman and A. M. Hillas and M. Kafatos and A. D. Kerrick and D. A. Kniffen and Y. Kondo and H. Kubo and R. C. Lamb and F. Makino and K. Makishima and A. Marscher and J. McEnery and I. M. McHardy and D. I. Meyer and E. M. Moore and E. Ramos and E. I. Robson and H. J. Rose and M. S. Schubnell and G. Sembroski and J. A. Stevens and T. Takahashi and M. Tashiro and T. C. Weekes and C. Wilson and J. Zweerink (1996) 'Multiwavelength observations of Markarian 421 during a TeV/X-Ray Flare(ApJ, 449, L99 [1995]) [Erratum]'. Astrophysical Journal, 459 (2) [Details] |
(1995) | 'The spectral evolution of high-frequency radio outbursts in the blazar PKS:0420-014'
J. A. Stevens and S. J. Litchfield and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and H. Terasranta and M. Tornikoski and E. Valtaoja (1995) 'The spectral evolution of high-frequency radio outbursts in the blazar PKS:0420-014'. Monthly Notices- Royal Astronomical Society, 275 :1146-1154 [Details] |
(1995) | 'Modelling the millimetre-infrared flaring behaviour of the quasar 1253-055 (3C279)'
S. J. Litchfield and J. A. Stevens and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (1995) 'Modelling the millimetre-infrared flaring behaviour of the quasar 1253-055 (3C279)'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 274 (1):221-234 [Details] |
(1994) | 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. 5: Long-term millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared monitoring'
J. A. Stevens and S. J. Litchfield and E. I. Robson and D. H. Hughes and Walter Kieran Gear and H. Terasranta and E. Valtaoja and M. Tornikoski (1994) 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. 5: Long-term millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared monitoring'. Astrophysical Journal, 437 (1):91-107 [Details] |
(1994) | 'The submillimetre structure of the starburst nucleus in M82 - a diffraction-limited 450-MICRON Map'
D. H. Hughes and Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson (1994) 'The submillimetre structure of the starburst nucleus in M82 - a diffraction-limited 450-MICRON Map'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 270 (3):641-649 [Details] |
(1994) | 'A comparison of the radio / submillimetre spectra of BL-Lacertae objects and flat spectrum radio quasars'
Walter Kieran Gear and J. A. Stevens and D. H. Hughes and S. J. Litchfield and E. I. Robson and H. Terasranta and E. Valtaoja and H. Steppe and M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller (1994) 'A comparison of the radio / submillimetre spectra of BL-Lacertae objects and flat spectrum radio quasars'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 267 (1):167-186 [Details] |
(1994) | 'Radio, millimeter-submillimeter, and infrared spectra of flat-spectrum extragalactic radio sources'
Steven D. Bloom and Alan P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear and Harri Terasranta and Esko Valtaoja and Hugh D. Aller and Margo F. Aller (1994) 'Radio, millimeter-submillimeter, and infrared spectra of flat-spectrum extragalactic radio sources'. Astronomical Journal, 108 :398-404 [Details] |
(1993) | 'The infrared-millimetre-centimetre flaring behaviour of the quasar 3C 273'
E. I. Robson and S. J. Litchfield and Walter Kieran Gear and D. H. Hughes and G. Sandell and T. J. L. Courvoisier and S. Paltani and E. Valtaoja and H. Terasranta and M. Tornikoski and H. Steppe and M. C. H. Wright (1993) 'The infrared-millimetre-centimetre flaring behaviour of the quasar 3C 273'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 262 (1):249-272 [Details] |
(1993) | 'Dust emission associated with DR21 (OH)'
C. J. Chandler and Walter Kieran Gear and R. Chini (1993) 'Dust emission associated with DR21 (OH)'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 260 (2):337-342 [Details] |
(1993) | 'Erratum: VLBI, MERLIN and VLA observations of the blazar 1156 + 295: a bending relativistic jet'
I. M. Mc Hardy and A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear and T. Muxlow and H. J. Lehto and R. G. Abraham (1993) 'Erratum: VLBI, MERLIN and VLA observations of the blazar 1156 + 295: a bending relativistic jet'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 261 (2) [Details] |
(1993) | 'Thermal dust emission from quasars - part one - submillimetre spectral indices of radio quiet quasars'
D. H. Hughes and E. I. Robson and J. S. Dunlop and Walter Kieran Gear (1993) 'Thermal dust emission from quasars - part one - submillimetre spectral indices of radio quiet quasars'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 263 (3):607-618 [Details] |
(1993) | 'Are there two populations of Bl-Lacertae objects'
Walter Kieran Gear (1993) 'Are there two populations of Bl-Lacertae objects'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 264 (4) [Details] |
(1993) | 'Millimetre observations of X-Ray Bl-Lacertae'
Walter Kieran Gear (1993) 'Millimetre observations of X-Ray Bl-Lacertae'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 264 (4) [Details] |
(1991) | 'Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902'
K Krisciunas and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Aycock and T. Cragg and J. E. Arud and T. Sandvik and H. Dahle and D. Rodriguez (1991) 'Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902'. International Astronomical Union Circular, 1991 (2) [Details] |
(1991) | 'Are BL Lac objects too large to be gravitationally lensed?'
Walter Kieran Gear (1991) 'Are BL Lac objects too large to be gravitationally lensed?'. Nature, 349 (6311):676-678 [Details] |
(1990) | 'VLBI, MERLIN and VLA observations of the blazar 1156 + 295: a bending relativistic jet'
I. M. McHardy and H. J. Lehto and R. G. Abraham and A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear and T. Muxlow (1990) 'VLBI, MERLIN and VLA observations of the blazar 1156 + 295: a bending relativistic jet'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 246 (2):305-314 [Details] |
(1990) | 'B335 - Protostar or embedded pre-main-sequence star?'
C. J. Chandler and Walter Kieran Gear and G. Sandell and S. Hayashi and W. D. Duncan and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hazella (1990) 'B335 - Protostar or embedded pre-main-sequence star?'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 243 :330-335 [Details] |
(1990) | 'A submillimetre and millimetre halo in M82'
D. H. Hughes and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (1990) 'A submillimetre and millimetre halo in M82'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 244 :759-766 [Details] |
(1989) | 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. IV - The variability of the radio to ultraviolet continuum'
L. M. J. Brown and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and M. G. Smith (1989) 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. IV - The variability of the radio to ultraviolet continuum'. Astrophysical Journal, 340 (1):150-161 [Details] |
(1988) | 'Evidence from sub-millimetre observations for thermal dust emission in NGC4151'
R. A. Edelson and Walter Kieran Gear and M. A. Malkan and E. I. Robson (1988) 'Evidence from sub-millimetre observations for thermal dust emission in NGC4151'. Nature, 336 :749-751 [Details] |
(1988) | 'Millimetre and submillimetre observations of the emission from dust in compact H II regions'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and Matthew Joseph Griffin (1988) 'Millimetre and submillimetre observations of the emission from dust in compact H II regions'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 231 :55-62 [Details] |
(1988) | 'Submillimetre observations reveal that DR21 (OH) is a double source'
Walter Kieran Gear and C. J. Chandler and T. J. T. Moore and C. T. Cunningham and W. D. Duncan (1988) 'Submillimetre observations reveal that DR21 (OH) is a double source'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 231 :47-54 [Details] |
(1987) | 'The radio to X-ray continuum emission of the quasar 3C273 and its temporal variations'
T. J. L. Courvoisier and M. J. L. Turner and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and R. Staubert and R. Blecha and P. Bouchet and R. Falomo and M. Valtonen and H. Terasranta (1987) 'The radio to X-ray continuum emission of the quasar 3C273 and its temporal variations'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 176 (2):197-209 [Details] |
(1986) | 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. II - The variability of the 1 micron to 2 MM continuum'
Walter Kieran Gear and L. M. J. Brown and E. I. Robson and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Jospeh Griffin and M. G. Smith and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz and G. Veeder and L. Lebofsky (1986) 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. II - The variability of the 1 micron to 2 MM continuum'. Astrophysical Journal, 304 :295-304 [Details] |
(1986) | 'Submillimeter and millimeter observations of Uranus and Neptune'
G. S. Orton and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Peter A. R. Ade and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (1986) 'Submillimeter and millimeter observations of Uranus and Neptune'. Icarus, 67 (2):289-304 [Details] |
(1986) | 'Submillimeter and millimeter observations of jupiter'
Matthew Joseph Griffin and Peter A. R. Ade and G. S. Orton and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz (1986) 'Submillimeter and millimeter observations of jupiter'. Icarus, 65 (2-3):244-256 [Details] |
(1986) | 'A new infrared spectral component of the quasar 3C273'
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and L. M. J. Brown and T. J. L. Courvoisier and M. G. Smith and Matthew J. Griffin and A. Blecha (1986) 'A new infrared spectral component of the quasar 3C273'. Nature, 323 :134-136 [Details] |
(1986) | 'Submillimetre observations of a disc around the embedded source GL 490'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and G. Gee and Peter A. R. Ade and W. D. Duncan (1986) 'Submillimetre observations of a disc around the embedded source GL 490'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 219 :835-840 [Details] |
(1986) | 'Infrared variability of the BL Lacertae object OJ287 since its outburst in 1983'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and L. M. J. Brown (1986) 'Infrared variability of the BL Lacertae object OJ287 since its outburst in 1983'. Nature, 324 :546-547 [Details] |
(1986) | 'The spectral shape and variability of the blazar 3C 446'
L. M. J. Brown and E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and R. P. Crosthwaite and I. M. McHardy and C. G. Hanson and B. J. Geldzahler and J. R. Webb (1986) 'The spectral shape and variability of the blazar 3C 446'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 219 :671-686 [Details] |
(1985) | 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. I - The shape of the 1 micron to 2 millimeter continuum'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and L. M. J. Brown and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. G. Smith and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz and G. Veeder and L. Lebofsky (1985) 'Multifrequency observations of blazars. I - The shape of the 1 micron to 2 millimeter continuum'. Astrophysical Journal, 291 :511-517 [Details] |
(1985) | 'Thermal and non-thermal emission from NGC 1275 (3C 84)'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and G. Gee and I. G. Nolt (1985) 'Thermal and non-thermal emission from NGC 1275 (3C 84)'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 217 :281-290 [Details] |
(1985) | 'Models for high-frequency radio outbursts in extragalactic sources, with application to the early 1983 millimeter-to-infrared flare of 3C 273'
A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear (1985) 'Models for high-frequency radio outbursts in extragalactic sources, with application to the early 1983 millimeter-to-infrared flare of 3C 273'. Astrophysical Journal, 298 (1):114-127 [Details] |
(1985) | 'Millimetre observations of optically selected quasars'
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and M. G. Smith and Peter A. R. Ade and I. G. Nolt (1985) 'Millimetre observations of optically selected quasars'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 213 :355-364 [Details] |
(1985) | 'Submillimeter observations of the asteroid 10 hygiea'
L.A. Lebofsky and M.V. Sykes and I.G. Nolt and J.V. Radostitz and G.J. Veeder and D.L. Matson and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Walter Kieran Gear and E.I. Robson (1985) 'Submillimeter observations of the asteroid 10 hygiea'. Icarus, 63 (2):192-200 [Details] |
(1984) | 'Millimeter-wave observations of flat spectrum radio sources'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and Peter A. R. Ade and M. G. Smith and P. E. Clegg and C. T. Cunningham and Matthew Joseph Griffin and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz (1984) 'Millimeter-wave observations of flat spectrum radio sources'. Astrophysical Journal, 280 :102-106 [Details] |
(1983) | 'Multifrequency observations of OV236 (1921-293) reveal an unusual spectrum'
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. G. Smith and I. G. Nolt (1983) 'Multifrequency observations of OV236 (1921-293) reveal an unusual spectrum'. Nature, 303 (5912):46-47 [Details] |
(1983) | 'A flare in the millimetre to IR spectrum of 3C273'
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and P. E. Clegg and Peter A. R. Ade and M. G. Smith and Matthew Joseph Griffin and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Radostitz and R. J. Howard (1983) 'A flare in the millimetre to IR spectrum of 3C273'. Nature, 305 (5931):194-196 [Details] |
(1983) | 'Millimeter and submillimeter observations of 3C 273'
P. E. Clegg and Walter Kieran Gear and Peter A. R. Ade and E. I. Robson and M. G. Smith and I. G. Nolt and J. V. Rodostitz and W. Glaccum and D. A. Harper and F. J. Low (1983) 'Millimeter and submillimeter observations of 3C 273'. Astrophysical Journal, 273 :58-63 [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(1998) | 'SCUBA: a submillimeter camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope'
Wayne S. Holland and C. R. Cunningham and Walter Kieran Gear and T. Jenness and K. Laidlaw and J. F. Lightfoot and E. I. Robson (1998) 'SCUBA: a submillimeter camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope' In: SPIE Press. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2012) | Astronomical Polarimetry 2008: Science from Small to Large Telescopes
J. Hinderks and Peter A. R. Ade and J. Bock and M. Bowden and M. L. Brown and G. Cahill and J. E. Carlstrom and P. G. Castro and S. Church and T. Culverhouse and R. Friedman and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and S. Gupta and J. Harris and V. Haynes and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. Leitch and O. E. Mallie and S. Melhuish and Y. Memari and A. Murphy and A. Orlando and R. Schwarz and C. O. Sullivan and L. Piccirillo and C. Pryke and N. Rajguru and B. Rusholme and A. N. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and Carole Elizabeth Tucker and A. H. Turner and E. Wu and M. Zemcov (2012) Polarization calibration of the QUaD experiment Astronomical Polarimetry 2008: Science from Small to Large Telescopes San Francisco, , pp.63-67 [Details] |
(2011) | The Molecular Universe, Posters from the Proceedings of the 280th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Toledo, Spain, May 30-June 3, 2011
N. Sacchi and L. Spinoglio and C. D. Wilson and J. Kamenetzky and N. Rangwala and A. Rykala and K. G. Isaak and G. J. Bendo and M. Bradford and J. Glenn and P. R. Maloney and M. R. P. Schirm and Robbie Auld and M. Baes and M. J. Barlow and J. J. Bock and A. Boselli and V. Buat and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and L. Ciesla and D. L. Clements and A. Cooray and D. Cormier and L. Cortese and J. I. Davies and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and S. Hony and L. R. Levenson and N. Lu and S. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. J. Page and P. Panuzzo and Andreas Papageorgiou and T. J. Parkin and I. Perez-Fournon and M. Pohlen and E. E. (2011) Herschel-SPIRE spectroscopy of nearby Seyfert galaxies The Molecular Universe, Posters from the Proceedings of the 280th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Toledo, Spain, May 30-June 3, 2011 [Details] |
(2011) | Proceedings of a Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010
M. A. T. Groenewegen and C. Waelkens and M. J. Barlow and F. Kerschbaum and P. Garcia-Lario and J. Cernicharo and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and J. Bouwman and M. Cohen and N. Cox and L. Decin and K. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and Th. Henning and D. Hutsemekers and R. J. Ivison and A. Jorissen and O. Krause and D. Ladjal and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and Mikako Matsuura and Y. Naze and G. Olofsson and R. Ottensamer and E. Polehampton and T. Posch and G. Rauw and P. Royer and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and T. Ueta and C. Vamvatira- Nakou and B. Vandenbussche and G. C. Van de Steene and S. Van Eck and P. A. M. Van Hoof and H. Van Winckel and E. Verdugo and R. Wesson (2011) Results from the Herschel Key Program MESS Proceedings of a Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010 San Francisco, CA, , pp.567-575 [Details] |
(2011) | Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V
K. Exter and G. van de Steene and P. van Hoof and M. Barlow and B. Sibthorpe and T. Ueta and V. Peris and M. A. T. Groenewegen and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and Mikako Matsuura and W. De Meester and G. J. Ferland and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and E. Huygen and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and E. T. Polehampton and S. Regibo and P. Royer and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and H. van Winckel and C. Waelkens and R. Wesson (2011) A HERSCHEL study of PNe Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V [Details] |
(2010) | SF2A-2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
L. Ciesla and A. Boselli and V. Buat and L. Cortese and Robbie Auld and M. Baes and G. J. Bendo and S. Bianchi and J. Bock and D. J. Bomans and M. Bradford and N. Castro-Rodriguez and P. Chanial and S. Charlot and M. Clemens and D. Clements and E. Corbell and A. Cooray and D. Cormie and A. Dariush and J. Davies and I. de Looze and S. di Serego Alighieri and E. Dwek and Stephen Anthony Eales and D. Elbaz and D. Fadda and J. Fritz and M. Galametz and F. Galliano and D. A. Garcia-Appadoo and G. Gavazzi and Walter Kieran Gear and C. Giovanardi and J. Glenn and Haley Gomez and Matthew Joseph Griffin and M. Grossi and S. Hony and T. M. Hughes and L. Hunt and K. Isaak and A. Jones and L. Levenson and N. Lu and S. C. Madden and B. O'Halloran and K. Okumura and S. Oliver and M. Page and P. Panuzzo (2010) SED fitting of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey SF2A-2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics [Details] |
(2010) | Proceedings of a Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010
D. Ladjal and M. Barlow and M. Groenewegen and T. Ueta and J. A. D. L. Blommaert and M. Cohen and L. Decin and W. De Meester and K. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and R. Hugyen and R. J. Ivison and C. Jean and F. Kerschbaum and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and E. Polehampton and T. Posch and S. Regibo and P. Royer and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and B. Vandenbussche and C. Waelkens and R. Wesson and T. Lebzelter and R. F. Wing (2010) Herschel PACS and SPIRE Imaging of CW Leonis . In: F. Kerschbaum and T. Lebzelter and R. F. Wing and D. Klotz eds. Proceedings of a Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010 San Francisco, CA, [Details] |
(2010) | Why galaxies care about AGB stars II : shining examples and common inhabitants : proceedings of a conference held at University Campus, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010
R. Wesson and J. Cernicharo and M. J. Barlow and Mikako Matsuura and L. Decin and M. A. T. Groenewegen and E. T. Polehampton and M. Agundez and M. Cohen and F. Daniel and K. M. Exter and Walter Kieran Gear and Haley Louise Gomez and Peter Charles Hargrave and P. Imhof and R. J. Ivison and S. J. Leeks and T. L. Lim and G. Olofsson and Giorgio Savini and B. Sibthorpe and B. M. Swinyard and T. Ueta and D. K. Witherick and J. A. Yates and T. Lebzelter and R. F. Wing (2010) Herschel-SPIRE FTS Spectroscopy of Evolved Stars . In: F. Kerschbaum and T. Lebzelter and R. F. Wing and D. Klotz eds. Why galaxies care about AGB stars II : shining examples and common inhabitants : proceedings of a conference held at University Campus, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 August 2010 San Francisco, CA, , pp.607-612 [Details] |
(2008) | Millimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy IV : 26-28 June 2008, Marseille, France
L. Piccirillo and Peter A. R. Ade and M. D. Audley and C. Baines and R. Battye and M. Brown and Paolo Gherardo Calisse and A. Challinor and W. D. Duncan and P. Ferreira and Walter Kieran Gear and D. M. Glowacka and D. Goldie and P. K. Grimes and M. Halpern and V. Haynes and G. C. Hilton and K. D. Irwin and B. Johnson and M. Jones and A. Lasenby and P. Leahy and J. Leech and S. Lewis and B. Maffei and L. Martinis and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and Christopher E. North and D. O'Dea and Stephen M. Parsley and G. Pisano and C. D. Reintsema and Giorgio Savini and Rashmikant V. Sudiwala and D. Sutton and A. Taylor and Gustav Teleberg and D. Titterington and V. N. Tsaneva and Carole Elizabeth Tucker and R. Watson and S. Withington and G. Yassin and Jin Zhang (2008) The C?OVER experiment . In: W. D. Duncan and W. S. Holland and S. Withington and S. Zmuidzinas eds. Millimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy IV : 26-28 June 2008, Marseille, France Bellingham, WA, [Details] |
(2008) | Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter
Matthew Joseph Griffin and Bruce Swinyard and Laurent Vigroux and Alain Abergel and Peter A. R. Ade and Philippe Andre and Jean-Paul Baluteau and James Bock and Alberto Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and Jason Glenn and Maohai Huang and Douglas Griffin and Ken King and Emmanuel Lellouch and David Naylor and Seb Oliver and G\"oran Olofsson and Ismael Perez-Fournon and Mat Page and Michael Rowan-Robinson and Paolo Saraceno and Eric Sawyer and Gillian Wright and Annie Zavagno and Asier Abreu and George Bendo and Alan Dowell and Darren Dowell and Marc Ferlet and Trevor Fulton and Peter Charles Hargrave and Glenn Laurent and Sarah Leeks and Tanya Lim and Nanyao Lu and Hien Nguyen and Alan Pearce and Edward Polehampton and Davide Rizzo and Bernhard Schulz and Sunil Sidher and Dave Smith and (2008) Herschel-SPIRE: design, ground test results, and predicted performance Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter [Details] |
(2007) | 18th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 2007 (Isstt 2007) Proceedings
C. E. North and Peter A. R. Ade and M. D. Audley and C. Baines and R. A. Battye and M. L. Brown and P. Cabella and P. G. Calisse and A. D. Challinor and W. D. Duncan and P. Ferreira and Walter Kieran Gear and D. Glowacka and D. J. Goldie and P. K. Grimes and M. Halpern and V. Haynes and G. C. Hilton and K. D. Irwin and B. R. Johnson and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and P. J. Leahy and J. Leech and S. Lewis and B. Maffei and L. Martinis and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and D. O?Dea and S. M. Parsley and L. Piccirillo and Giampaolo Pisano and C. D. Reintsema and Giorgio Savini and Rashmikant V. Sudiwala and D. Sutton and A. C. Taylor and G. Teleberg and D. Titterington and V. Tsaneva and Carole Tucker and R. Watson and S. Withington and G. Yassin and Jin Zhang (2007) Clover ? Measuring the CMB B-mode polarisation . In: A. Karpov eds. 18th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 2007 (Isstt 2007) Proceedings Pittsburgh, Pa, , pp.238-243 [Details] |
(2007) | Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics VI
Marcin L. Gradziel and Creidhe O'Sullivan and John A. Murphy and Gary Cahill and Gareth S. Curran and Clem Pryke and Walter Kieran Gear and Sarah Church (2007) Modelling of the optical performance of millimeter-wave instruments in MODAL . In: Kurt J. Linden and Laurence P. Sadwick eds. Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics VI Bellingham, WA, [Details] |
(2006) | Blazar Variability Workshop II: Entering the GLAST Era
S. G. Jorstad and A. P. Marscher and M. L. Lister and A. M. Stirling and T. V. Cawthorne and J. L. Gomez and Walter Kieran Gear and J. A. Stevens and E. I. Robson and P. S. Smith and J. R. Forster (2006) Jet kinematics of AGNs at high radio frequencies . In: H. R. Miller and K. Marshall and J. R. Webb and M. F. Aller eds. Blazar Variability Workshop II: Entering the GLAST Era San Francisco, CA, , pp.149-154 [Details] |
(2006) | Proceedings of the Conference on Studying Galaxy Evolution with Spitzer and Herschel
Matthew Joseph Griffin and J. J. Bock and A. Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Glenn and S. Madden and S. Oliver and M. Page and I. Perez-Fournon and M. Rowan-Robinson and L. Vigroux and G. Wright (2006) Extragalactic science with Herschel-SPIRE . In: V. Charmandris and D. Rigopoulou and N. Kylafis eds. Proceedings of the Conference on Studying Galaxy Evolution with Spitzer and Herschel Crete, [Details] |
(2006) | Proceedings of the International Conference on CMB and Physics of the Early Universe
Walter Kieran Gear (2006) Round table discussion: UK future plans Proceedings of the International Conference on CMB and Physics of the Early Universe [Details] |
(2006) | Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 6265
Matthew Joseph Griffin and Alain Abergel and Peter A. R. Ade and Philippe Andre and Jean-Paul Baluteau and James J. Bock and Alberto Franceschini and Walter Kieran Gear and Jason Glenn and Douglas Griffin and Ken King and Emmanuel Lellouch and David Naylor and Goran Olofsson and Ismael Perez-Fournon and Michael Rowan-Robinson and Paolo Saraceno and Eric Sawyer and Alan Smith and Bruce M. Swinyard and Laurent Vigroux and Gillian Wright (2006) Herschel-SPIRE: design, performance, and scientific capabilities Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 6265 [Details] |
(2005) | Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions
S. G. Jorstad and A. P. Marscher and J. A. Stevens and E. I. Robson and J. L. Lister and A. M. Stirling and P. S. Smith and T. V. Cawthorne and J. L. Gomez and D. C. Gabuzda and Walter Kieran Gear (2005) Multi-frequency polarization properties of Blazars . In: Andy Adamson and Colin Aspin and Chris J. Davis and Takuya Fujiyoshi eds. Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions San Francisco, CA, , pp.469-473 [Details] |
(2005) | Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA
S. Jorstad and A. Marscher and J. Stevens and I. Robson and M. Lister and A. Stirling and T. Cawthorne and P. Smith and J. L. Gomez and Walter Kieran Gear (2005) Polarimetric observations of 15 AGNs at high frequencies . In: J. D. Romney and M. J. Reid eds. Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA San Francisco, CA, , pp.183-185 [Details] |
(2004) | Exploring the Universe: Proceeding of the XXXIXth Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, March 28 - April 4, 2004
A. C. Taylor and A. Challinor and D. Goldie and K. Grainge and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and S. Withington and G. Yassin and Walter Kieran Gear and Lucio Piccirillo and Peter A. R. Ade and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and Bruno Maffei and Giampaolo Pisano (2004) CLOVER - a new instrument for measuring the B-mode polarization of the CMB . In: Jean Thanh Va?n Tra?n? and Yannick Giraud-He?raud eds. Exploring the Universe: Proceeding of the XXXIXth Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, March 28 - April 4, 2004 Vietnam, [Details] |
(2004) | Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Ground-based Telescopes held in Glasgow, UK, June 21, 2004
Melanie Bowden and A. N. Taylor and K. M. Ganga and Peter A. R. Ade and J. J. Bock and G. A. Cahill and J. E. Carlsrom and S. E. Church and Walter Kieran Gear and J. R. Hinderks and W. Hu and B. G. Keating and J. Kovac and A. E. Lange and E. M. Leitch and B. Maffei and O. Mallie and S. J. Melhuish and J. A. Murphy and G. Pisano and L. Piccirillo and C. Pryke and B. A. Rusholme and C. M. O'Sullivan and K. L. Thompson and M. Zemcov (2004) Measuring the cosmic microwave background polarization with the QUaD experiment Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Ground-based Telescopes held in Glasgow, UK, June 21, 2004 Bellingham, WA, , pp.84-95 [Details] |
(2004) | Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II
Gary Cahill and C. O'Sullivan and J. A. Murphy and W. Lanigan and E. Gleeson and Peter A. R. Ade and J. J. Bock and M. Bowden and J. E. Carlstrom and S. E. Church and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Harris and J. Hinderks and W. Hu and J. Kovac and A. Lange and E. M. Leitch and B. Maffei and O. Mallie and S. Melhuish and A. Orlando and G Pisano and L. Piccirillo and C. Pryke and B. Rusholme and A. Taylor and K. L. Thompson and M. Zemcov (2004) The quasi-optical design of the QUaD Telescope . In: Jonas Zmuidzinais and Wayne S. Holland and Stafford Withington eds. Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II Bellingham, WA, , pp.396-406 [Details] |
(2004) | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology
G. Yassin and Peter A. R. Ade and C. Calderon and A. D. Challinor and L. Dunlop and Walter Kieran Gear and D. J. Goldie and K. J. B. Grainge and Matthew J. Griffin and M. E. Jones and A. N. Lasenby and B. Maffei and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and S. J. Melhuish and A. Orlando and L. Piccirillo and Giampaolo Pisano and A. C. Taylor and S. Withington (2004) The CMB Polarization Observer (CLOVER) . In: Gopal Narayanan eds. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology Amherst, MA, , pp.152-160 [Details] |
(2003) | Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy
R. Walker and Derek Ward-Thompson and Rhodri Evans and Sarah Leeks and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Walter Kieran Gear and Brian Kiernan and Fred C. Gannaway and Stephen A. Rinehard and Henrique Araujo (2003) THUMPER: a 200-um photometer for ground-based astronomy . In: Thomas G. Phillips and Jonas Zmuidzinas eds. Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy Bellingham, WA, , pp.563-573 [Details] |
(2003) | Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy
R. J. Walker and Derek Ward-Thompson and Rhodri Evans and S. Leeks and Peter A. R. Ade and Matthew Joseph Griffin and Walter Kieran Gear and B. Kiernan and F. C. Gannaway and S. Rinehart and H. Araujo (2003) THUMPER: a 200-\ensuremath\mum photometer for ground-based astronomy Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy [Details] |
(2002) | AAS 199th meeting
T. Webb and Stephen Anthony Eales and S. J. Lilly and D. L. Clements and Loretta Dunne and Walter Kieran Gear and K. Adelberger and M. Brodwin and H. Flores and S. Foucaud and O. Le Fevre and H. McCracken and A. Shapley and C. Steidel and M. Yun (2002) Dusty star forming galaxies at high-redshift: The Canada-UK deep submillimeter survey [Abstract] AAS 199th meeting [Details] |
(2002) | Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths
S. Ali and P. Rossinot and L. Picirillo and Walter Kieran Gear and Philip Daniel Mauskopf and Peter A. R. Ade and V. Haynes and P. Timbie (2002) MBI: Millimetre-wave bolometric interferometer Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths Melville, NY, , pp.126-128 [Details] |
(2002) | Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds: Workshop on Astrophysical Polarized Backgroundsproceedings of conference held in Bologna, Italy, 9-12 October 2001
L. Piccirillo and Peter A. R. Ade and J. J. Bock and M. Bowden and S. E. Church and K. Ganga and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Hinderks and B. G. Keating and A. E. Lange and B. Maffei and O. Mallie and S. J. Melhuish and J. A. Murphy and G. Pisano and B. Rusholme and A. Taylor and K. Thompson (2002) QUEST-A 2.6-m mm-wave telescope for CMB polarization studies Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds: Workshop on Astrophysical Polarized Backgroundsproceedings of conference held in Bologna, Italy, 9-12 October 2001 Melville, NY, , pp.159-163 [Details] |
(1999) | Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths : proceedings of a meeting held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-9 June, 1999
Walter K. Gear and Matthew Joseph Griffin (1999) SPIRE: The bolometer camera and spectrometer for FIRST . In: Jeffrey Gary Mangum and Simon John Elliott Radford eds. Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths : proceedings of a meeting held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-9 June, 1999 San Francisco, California, [Details] |
(1999) | The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, Proceedings of a conference held in Berkeley, CA, 21-24 June, 1999
T, Webb and S. Lilly and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and L. Dune and D. Clements and D. Bond and D. Crampton and F. Hammer and O. Le Fevre (1999) Deep sub-millimeter surveys: highly luminous far-infrared sources at high redshift . In: A. J. Bunker and W. J. M. Van Breugel eds. The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, Proceedings of a conference held in Berkeley, CA, 21-24 June, 1999 , pp.275-278 [Details] |
(1998) | The Birth of Galaxies: Proceedings of the Xth Rendontres de Blois, Blois June 28 - July 4, 1998
David H. Hughes and James Dunlop and Michael Rowan-Robinson and Steve Serjeant and Andrew Blain and Robert G. Mann and Rob Ivison and John Peacock and Andreas Efstahiou and Walter Kieran Gear and Seb Oliver and Andy Lawrence and Malcolm Longair and Pippa Goldschmidt (1998) A submillimetre survey of the Hubble Deep Field: Unveiling dust-enshrouded star formation in the early universe . In: Bruno Guiderdoni eds. The Birth of Galaxies: Proceedings of the Xth Rendontres de Blois, Blois June 28 - July 4, 1998 H\`a N?i, Vi?t Nam, [Details] |
(1998) | The Next Generation Space Telescope: Science Drivers and Technological Challenges
Simon Lily and Stephen Anthony Eales and Walter Kieran Gear and J. Richard Bond and Loretta Dunne and Francois Hammer and Olivier Le Fevre and David Crampton (1998) Deep sub-mm surveys and the hidden phases of galaxy evolution . In: B. Kaldeich eds. The Next Generation Space Telescope: Science Drivers and Technological Challenges Paris, , pp.39-45 [Details] |
(1997) | Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, Williamsburg, VA, USA, 27-30 April 1997
M. F. Aller and A. P. Marscher and R. C. Hartman and H. D. Aller and M. C. Aller and T. J. Balonek and M. C. Begelman and M. Chiaberge and S. D. Clements and W. Collmar and G. De Francesco and Walter Kieran Gear and M. Georganopoulos and G. Ghisellini and I. S. Glass and J. N. Gonz\'alez-P\'erez and P. Hein\"am\"aki and M. Herter and E. J. Hooper and P. A. Hughes and W. N. Johnson and S. Katajainen and M. R. Kidger and A. Kraus and L. Lanteri and G. F. Lawrence and G. G. Lichti and Y. C. Lin and G. M. Madejski and K. McNaron-Brown and E. M. Moore and R. Mukherjee and A. D. Nair and K. Nilsson and A. Peila and D. B. Pierkowski and M. Pohl and T. Pursimo and C. M. Raiteri and W. Reich and E. I. Robson and A. Sillanp\"a\"a and M. Sikora and A. G. Smith and H. Steppe and J. Stevens and L. O. T (1997) Radio to y-ray observations of 3C 454.3:1993-1995 Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, Williamsburg, VA, USA, 27-30 April 1997 Melville, NY, , pp.1423-1427 [Details] |
(1996) | Polarimetry of the Interstellar Medium: Conference Held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 4-7 June 1995
R. Nartallo and Walter Kieran Gear and A. G. Murray and E. I. Hobson and J. H. Hough (1996) Submillimetre polarimetry of blazars . In: W. G. Roberge and D. C. B. Whittet eds. Polarimetry of the Interstellar Medium: Conference Held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 4-7 June 1995 San Francisco, CA, , pp.598-601 [Details] |
(1996) | Submillimetre and Far-Infrared Space Instrumentation, Proceedings of the 30th ESLAB Symposium held in Noordwijk, 24-26 September 1996
Walter Kieran Gear and W. S. Holland and C. R. Cunningham and J. F. Lightfoot (1996) SCUBA: first scientific results from the JCMT . In: E. J. Rolfe and G. Pilbratt eds. Submillimetre and Far-Infrared Space Instrumentation, Proceedings of the 30th ESLAB Symposium held in Noordwijk, 24-26 September 1996 Paris, , pp.135-137 [Details] |
(1996) | Blazar continuum variablility: An international workshop held at Florida International University, 4-7 February 1996
R. Mukherjee and Walter Keiran Gear and A. P. Marscher and E. M. Moore and J. P. Travis and Y. F. Zhang and E. I. Robson (1996) High energy gamma radiation from PKS 0528+134 observed by EGRET . In: H. R. Miller and J. R. Webb and J. C. Noble and J. A. Stevens and H. Ter\asranta and M. Tornikoski and S. J. Wagner eds. Blazar continuum variablility: An international workshop held at Florida International University, 4-7 February 1996 San Francisco, CA, , pp.346-351 [Details] |
(1995) | Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes: Workshop held 16-18 May 1994, Tucson, Arizona
Walter Keiran Gear and C. R. Cunningham (1995) SCUBA: A camera for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope . In: Darrel T. Emerson and John M. Payne eds. Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes: Workshop held 16-18 May 1994, Tucson, Arizona San Francisco, CA, , pp.215-221 [Details] |
(1995) | Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes: workshop held 16-18 May 1994, Tucson, Arizona
J. Lightfoot and W. Duncan and Walter Keiran Gear and B. Kelly and I. Smith (1995) Observing strategies for SCUBA . In: Darrel T. Emerson and John M. Payne eds. Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes: workshop held 16-18 May 1994, Tucson, Arizona San Francisco, CA, [Details] |
(1994) | 185th American Astronomical Society Meeting
R. C. Hartman and D. L. Bertsch and C. E. Fichtel and S. D. Hunter and D. J. Thompson and J. A. Esposito and R. Mukherjee and P. Sreekumar and C. von Montigny and D. A. Kniffen and P. F. Michelson and Y. C. Lin and P. L. Nolan and J. M. Fierro and T. D. Willis and G. Kanbach and H. Mayer-Hasselwander and V. Schonfelder and J. D. Kurfess and W. N. Johnson and M. Kafatos and A. P. Marscher and E. M. Moore and M. Georganopoulos and E. I. Robson and J. A. Stevens and Walter Keiran Gear and I. M. McHardy and H. Terasranta and M. Tornikoski and L. O. Takalo and A. Sillanpa and A. C. Sadun and J. R. Webb and M. F. Aller and H. D. Aller and P. A. Hughes and A. D. Nair and M. Malkan and A. V. Filippenko and S. Wagner and A. Heines and J. R. Mattox and A. E. Wehrle and A. Zook (1994) Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of gamma-emitting blazars 185th American Astronomical Society Meeting [Details] |
(1994) | Instrumentation in astronomy VIII : 13-14 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii (Proceedings)
Colin R. Cunningham and Walter Kieran Gear and William Duncan and Peter R. Hastings and Wayne S. Holland (1994) SCUBA: the submillimeter common-user bolometer array for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope . In: David L. Crawford and Eric R. Craine eds. Instrumentation in astronomy VIII : 13-14 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii (Proceedings) Bellingham WA, [Details] |
(1994) | Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the: 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993
D. H. Hughes and J. S. Dunlop and E. I. Robson and Walter Keiran Gear (1994) Submillimetre spectral indices of radio-quiet quasars . In: T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha eds. Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the: 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993 [Details] |
(1994) | Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN: Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN Proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30?September 3, 1993
A. P. Marscher and S. D. Bloom and Y. F. Zhang and Walter Keiran Gear (1994) Contemporaneous multiwaveband observations of blazars . In: T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha eds. Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN: Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN Proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30?September 3, 1993 , pp.155-158 [Details] |
(1994) | Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993
I. M. McHardy and I. Papadakis and C. M. Leach and E. I. Robson and W. Junor and R. Staubert and H. Steppe and Walter Kieran Gear (1994) Correlated X-ray and millimetre variability of the blazar 3C 273 . In: T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Bl\'echa eds. Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993 , pp.193-196 [Details] |
(1994) | Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993
J. A. Stevens and S. J. Litchfield and E. I. Robson and Walter Keiran Gear and D. H. Hughes (1994) A Comparison of the centimetre-to-submillimetre continuum spectra of BL lacertae . In: T. Courvoisier and A. Bl\'echa eds. Multi-wavelength continuum emission of AGN: proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Geneva, Switzerland, August 30-September 3, 1993 Dordrecht, The Netherlands, , pp.523-524 [Details] |
(1993) | Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
S. D. Bloom and A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear (1993) Multiwavelength observations of flat radio spectrum quasars and active galaxies Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society [Details] |
(1992) | Variability of Blazars: Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Yrj\o V\ais\al\a
A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear and J. P. Travis (1992) Variability of nonthermal continuum emission in blazars . In: E. Valtaoja and Mauri J. Valtonen eds. Variability of Blazars: Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Yrj\o V\ais\al\a [Details] |
(1991) | ESA SP-314: Proceedings of the 29th Li\`ege International Astrophysical Colloqium `From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy' (December 1990)
Ian Robson and David Hughes and Walter Kieran Gear (1991) The importance of submillimetre observations of radio quiet and radio loud AGN's ESA SP-314: Proceedings of the 29th Li\`ege International Astrophysical Colloqium `From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy' (December 1990) Paris, France, [Details] |
(1991) | Proceedings of the meeting held by the Astronomical Science Group of Ireland September 1991
J. A. Murphy and S. Withington and Walter Kieran Gear (1991) Receivers for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Proceedings of the meeting held by the Astronomical Science Group of Ireland September 1991 , pp.264-267 [Details] |
(1990) | Proceedings of SPIE 1235: Instrumentation in Astronomy VII
Walter Kieran Gear and Colin R. Cunningham (1990) SCUBA: the submillimeter common-user bolometer array for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope . In: David L. Crawford eds. Proceedings of SPIE 1235: Instrumentation in Astronomy VII Bellingham, WA, , pp.515-523 [Details] |
(1990) | From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy: Proceedings of the 29th Li\`ege International Astrophysical Colloquium held at the Institut d'Astrophysique, Li\`ege, Belgium, 3-5 July 1990
Walter Kieran Gear and Colin R. Cunningham (1990) SCUBA: A submillimetre camera . In: Brigitte Kaldeich-Sch\urmann eds. From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy: Proceedings of the 29th Li\`ege International Astrophysical Colloquium held at the Institut d'Astrophysique, Li\`ege, Belgium, 3-5 July 1990 , pp.353-358 [Details] |
(1990) | Submillimetre Astronomy: Proceedings of the Kona Symposium on Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy, Held at Kona, Hawaii, October 3?6, 1988
Walter Kieran Gear (1990) Submillimetre observations of active galaxies . In: Graeme D. Watt and Adrian S. Webster eds. Submillimetre Astronomy: Proceedings of the Kona Symposium on Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy, Held at Kona, Hawaii, October 3?6, 1988 Netherlands, , pp.203-207 [Details] |
(1989) | Active Galactic Nuclei: proceedings of the 134th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Santa Cruz, California, August 15-19, 1988
M. A. Malkan and Walter Kieran Gear and R. A. Edelson and E. Ian Robson (1989) Submillimeter observations of NGC 4151: evidence for thermal dust emission . In: Donald E. Osterbrock and Joseph S. Miller eds. Active Galactic Nuclei: proceedings of the 134th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Santa Cruz, California, August 15-19, 1988 Dordrecht, The Netherlands, , pp.398-399 [Details] |
(1988) | Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy: Lectures Presented at a Summer School Held in Stirling, Scotland, June 21?27, 1987
Walter Kieran Gear (1988) Continuum emission from active galactic nuclei . In: R. D. Wolstencroft and W. B. Burton eds. Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy: Lectures Presented at a Summer School Held in Stirling, Scotland, June 21?27, 1987 Dordrecht, The Netherlands, , pp.307-338 [Details] |
(1988) | Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies: Proceeedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Massachussets in Amherst, November 2?4, 1987
G. Sandell and W. D. Duncan and W. R. F. Dent and I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (1988) Disks and jets in outflows - a study of continuum emission . In: Robert L. Dickman and Ronald Lee Snell and Judith S. Young eds. Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies: Proceeedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Massachussets in Amherst, November 2?4, 1987 Berlin, , pp.279-280 [Details] |
(1987) | Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 121st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Byurakan, Armenia, U.S.S.R., June 3-7, 1986
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear (1987) The thermal component of the Seyfert galaxy NGC1275 . In: E. E. Khachikian and Klaus J. Fricke and Jorge Melnick eds. Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 121st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Byurakan, Armenia, U.S.S.R., June 3-7, 1986 Dordrecht, The Netherlands, , pp.537-540 [Details] |
(1987) | Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 121st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Byurakan, Armenia, U.S.S.R., June 3-7, 1986
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and L. M. J. Brown (1987) Multifrequency observations of Blazars . In: E. E. Khachikian and Klaus J. Fricke and Jorge Melnick eds. Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 121st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Byurakan, Armenia, U.S.S.R., June 3-7, 1986 Dordrecht, The Netherlands, , pp.317-323 [Details] |
(1986) | Proceedings of an ESA workshop on a space-borne sub-millimetre astronomy mission: a cornerstone of the ESA long-term space science programme, Segovia, Spain, 4-7 June 1986
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and L. M. J. Brown (1986) Submillimetre continuum observations of active galactic nuclei . In: Norman Longdon eds. Proceedings of an ESA workshop on a space-borne sub-millimetre astronomy mission: a cornerstone of the ESA long-term space science programme, Segovia, Spain, 4-7 June 1986 , pp.181-184 [Details] |
(1985) | Active Galactic Nuclei (A86-36901 16-90)
E. I. Robson and Walter Kieran Gear and Peter A. R. Ade and I. G. Nolt (1985) A flare in the infrared to radio continuum spectrum of 3C273 . In: John Edward Dyson eds. Active Galactic Nuclei (A86-36901 16-90) Manchester, UK, , pp.147-151 [Details] |
(1985) | Active Galactic Nuclei
Walter Kieran Gear and E. I. Robson and Peter A. R. Ade and I. G. Nolt (1985) The infrared to millimeter continuum emission of Blazars . In: John Edward Dyson eds. Active Galactic Nuclei Manchester, , pp.152-156 [Details] |
(1984) | Bulletin of the AAS (BAAS)
A. P. Marscher and Walter Kieran Gear (1984) Models for high-frequency radio to infrared outbursts in extragalactic sources Bulletin of the AAS (BAAS) Washington, , pp.917-917 [Details] |