Dr Bernadine Brady

B.Sc., MA, PhD

Contact Details

Senior Lecturer
School of Political Science
& Sociology
University of Galway
E: bernadine.brady@universityofgalway.ie


Dr Bernadine Brady is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Political Science & Sociology and Associate Director of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at the University of Galway.

Bernadine is a mixed methods researcher with a focus on social ecology and young people's wellbeing, exploring how community, school, family and service provision influence outcomes for young people. 
She has published a broad range of peer reviewed research papers in international journals, including Children & Youth Services Review, Children & Society, Journal of Mixed Methods Research and Child & Family Social Work as well as a range of reports and book chapters.  Bernadine has particular expertise in relation to youth civic engagement, youth mentoring, participation and youth work.  She is co-author of A Guide to Youth Mentoring: Providing effective social support (Jessica Kingsley, 2012) and of Mentoring Young People in Care and Leaving Care: Theory, Research and Practice (Routledge, 2020)

Bernadine lectures on the BA in Political Science & Sociology, the MA in Family Support Studies, the Masters in Social Work and other programmes.  She holds a Bachelor of Social Science Degree from UCD, an MA in Community Development from the University of Galway and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Galway .  She also holds a PG Diploma in Academic Practice from the University of Galway. Bernadine's previous work included research, evaluation, community development work and strategic planning in a range of local development settings.

Research Interests

My research interests are across six key themes:  

1. Youth mentoring and advocacy
  A key focus of my research has been understanding how non-formal relationships (with volunteer or natural mentors) support youth well-being and inclusion. I have researched and published widely on youth mentoring in a range of contexts, including community and school and with young people involved with care, youth justice and mental health systems.  With colleagues, I have published two books, seven peer reviewed journals, two book chapters and ten research reports based on my mentoring research, presented this research at international conferences and have played a leading role in the creation of a mentoring research community in Europe.    

2. Child and youth participation
  Childrens participation refers to the involvement of children and young people in decision making, a right upheld by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. My first published peer reviewed journal in 2007 was on this topic, and my colleagues and I have continued to contribute to the international literature on the conceptualization, implementation and evaluation of childrens participation in decision-making in the community and in child welfare services. This research has informed child welfare policy in Ireland.  

3. Youth civic engagement and empathy
  An important focus of my research is understanding the factors that influence young peoples social values and orientations towards civic behaviour. I worked with colleagues on an EU Marie Curie funded study of youth civic and political engagement in three cities (2017-2018). I was Principal Investigator on an IRC funded study of youth empathy, social values and civic behaviour in Ireland (2017-2019) and work closely with colleagues on the development of resources to promote empathy in school and community settings.  

4. Evaluation, innovation and evidence-based practice in youth work
  Youth work is a type of non-formal education, underpinned by principles of voluntary participation, accessibility and equality. Traditionally, youth work practice has not had a robust evidence base due to difficulties associated with evaluation of non-standardised interventions of this nature. My research has played a key role in building theoretical and empirical evidence to underpin youth work in Ireland and internationally. I was lead researcher on the first randomised controlled trial study of youth mentoring in Ireland (2007-2010) and led on a further four quasi-experimental design studies in relation to youth work programmes in the area of citizenship (2012), school based mentoring (2012), relationships and sexuality (2014), and youth justice (2016), all funded by Foróige. With colleagues, I undertook government funded research which informed the development of the youth café model in Ireland (2010, 2015) and a rapid review of evidence in relation to universal youth work (2022). I have also contributed to the international academic literature on the theorisation of evidence in youth work.       In 2022, I was appointed as a subject matter expert by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on an Advisory Group for the reform of the Youth Services Grant Scheme.

5. Research methodology
  While most of my output relates to empirical or theoretical work, I have also published on social science research methods. I published peer reviewed articles on mixed methods research (2009) and evaluation design (2016). I co-edited a book on narrative research, which critically examines the value of narrative inquiry (or storytelling) in understanding the everyday lives of children and young people in diverse spaces and places. Deemed a highly original contribution to the literature, this book was nominated for the Geographical Society of Ireland Book of the Year 2022.  

6. Youth mental health and suicide prevention
  I am currently co- PI on Inform-YSP, a HRB funded multi-disciplinary study of youth mental health and suicide prevention, which involves collaboration with the HSE, Planet Youth and other stakeholders.    This project seeks to expand current knowledge by examining trends in the mental well-being and suicidal ideation of adolescents in Ireland. The research aims to inform service provision and policy relating to mental well-being/suicide prevention by identifying the adolescents who are most at-risk of experiencing poor mental well-being/suicidal ideation; generating greater understanding about the factors that place adolescents at-risk; examining the factors that buffer or protect against this risk; and exploring the stability of these relationships across three adolescent cohorts (sampled in 2018, 2020 and 2022). From a policy perspective, this research will help inform a youth specific response to suicide prevention in Ireland. 

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Informing Youth Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion through Secondary Analysis of the Planet Youth Datasets (Inform - YSP) 06-DEC-21 06-DEC-23
Youth Advocate Programmes Ireland: The Strengths and Challenges of the Community Based Advocates Model for improving the lives of young people and their families 18-FEB-19 30-APR-20
Children's Research Network Senior Scholars Grant: The experiences and approaches of mentors in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme: Lessons for research, policy and practice 01-JUL-18 31-OCT-19
Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship and Democracy 01-JAN-17 29-APR-18
Development and Mainstreaming Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support 01-OCT-15 30-JUN-18

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Charlotte Silke Empathy, Caring and Connection among Early Adolescents: An empirical analysis Post-doctoral Researcher
Dr Lorraine Duffy Innovations in Youth Mentoring Research Post-Doctoral Researcher General Research


  Year Publication
(2021) Narrating Childhood with Children and Young People: Diverse Contexts, Methods and Stories of Everyday Life.
Moran, L., Reilly, K., Brady, B. (2021) Narrating Childhood with Children and Young People: Diverse Contexts, Methods and Stories of Everyday Life. London: Palgrave. [Details]
(2020) Mentoring Young People in Care and Leaving Care: Theory, Research and Practice.
Bernadine Brady, Pat Dolan, Caroline McGregor (2020) Mentoring Young People in Care and Leaving Care: Theory, Research and Practice. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2012) A Guide to Youth Mentoring: Providing Effective Social Support.
Dolan, P. & Brady, B (2012) A Guide to Youth Mentoring: Providing Effective Social Support. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2025) 'Is Youth Mentoring Beneficial for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Users? A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective'
Silke, C., Brady, B. (2025) 'Is Youth Mentoring Beneficial for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Users? A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective'. Child And Youth Care Forum, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Participation in practice in child welfare: processes, benefits and challenges'
Brady, B., Devaney, C., Jackson, R. (2024) 'Participation in practice in child welfare: processes, benefits and challenges'. European Journal Of Social Work, [Details]
(2024) 'Examining the relationship between adversity and suicidality and self-harm in Irish adolescents from 2020 to 2022'
Silke, C., Heary, C., Bunting, B., Devaney, C., Groarke, AM, Major, E., Durcan, M., O'Brien, C., Brady, B. (2024) 'Examining the relationship between adversity and suicidality and self-harm in Irish adolescents from 2020 to 2022'. Journal Of Affective Disorders, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Empathy rules, maps and paths: A qualitative exploration of the factors that facilitate or inhibit empathy and prosocial responding among youth'
Silke, C., Brady, B., Dolan, P., Boylan, C. (2024) 'Empathy rules, maps and paths: A qualitative exploration of the factors that facilitate or inhibit empathy and prosocial responding among youth'. American Journal Of Community Psychology, [Details]
(2023) 'Activating Social Empathy: An evaluation of a school-based social and emotional learning programme'
Silke, C., Davitt, E., Flynn, N., Shaw, A., Brady, B., Murray, C., Dolan, P. (2023) 'Activating Social Empathy: An evaluation of a school-based social and emotional learning programme'. Social and Emotional Learning, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Youth Suicide and Self-Harm: Latent Class Profiles of Adversity and the Moderating Roles of Perceived Support and Sense of Safety'
Silke, Charlotte,Brady, Bernadine,Devaney, Carmel,O’Brien, Cliodhna,Durcan, Micheal,Bunting, Brendan,Heary, Caroline (2023) 'Youth Suicide and Self-Harm: Latent Class Profiles of Adversity and the Moderating Roles of Perceived Support and Sense of Safety'. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 52 (6):1255-1271 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'The fact they have a disability is seen first¿: A critical assessment of child protection policy and practice in Ireland as it pertains to children with autism and Intellectual Disability'
McStay, S., Brady, B. (2023) 'The fact they have a disability is seen first¿: A critical assessment of child protection policy and practice in Ireland as it pertains to children with autism and Intellectual Disability'. Irish Social Worker, [Details]
(2023) 'Blending the Formal and Nonformal Educational Sectors: Creating a Shared Learning Initiative for Secondary School Teachers and Youth Workers'
O¿Regan, C., Brady, B., Connolly, C., Dolan, P. and MacRuairc, G. (2023) 'Blending the Formal and Nonformal Educational Sectors: Creating a Shared Learning Initiative for Secondary School Teachers and Youth Workers'. Child and Youth Services, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'Realizing the potential of a strengths-based approach in family support with young people and their parents'
Devaney, C., Brady, B., Crosse, R., Jackson, R. (2022) 'Realizing the potential of a strengths-based approach in family support with young people and their parents'. Child & Family Social Work, [Details]
(2022) 'New Actors and New Learning Spaces for New Times - A Framework for Schooling that extends beyond the School'
Connolly, C., Murray, C., Brady, B., MacRuairc, G. and Dolan P. (2022) 'New Actors and New Learning Spaces for New Times - A Framework for Schooling that extends beyond the School'. Learning Environments Research Journal, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'Childrens participation in practice: comparing the views of managers and practitioners in an early intervention and prevention programme'
Tierney, E., Rodriguez, L., Kennan, D., Devaney, C., Brady, B., Canavan, J., Forkan, C., Cassidy, A., Malone, P. and McGregor, C. (2022) 'Childrens participation in practice: comparing the views of managers and practitioners in an early intervention and prevention programme'. Journal of Children¿s Services, 17 (1):73-93 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'Building Back Better ¿ Using an ecological lens to argue for strengthening mesosystemic connections for young people in a post pandemic world'
O¿Regan, C., Brady, B., and Connolly, C. (2022) 'Building Back Better ¿ Using an ecological lens to argue for strengthening mesosystemic connections for young people in a post pandemic world'. Child Care In Practice, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'Stand up / Seas Suas: Promoting peer awareness, empathy and helping among third level students'
Brady, B., Silke, C., Hughes, B., McGovern, J. (2022) 'Stand up / Seas Suas: Promoting peer awareness, empathy and helping among third level students'. Pastoral Care In Education, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'From care packages to zoom cookery classes: Youth work during the Covid-19 lockdown'
Shaw, A., Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2022) 'From care packages to zoom cookery classes: Youth work during the Covid-19 lockdown'. Journal of Children¿s Services, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Developing, Implementing and Critiquing an Evaluation Framework to Assess the Extent to Which a Child’s Right to be Heard is Embedded at an Organisational Level'
Kennan, D., Brady, B., Forkan, C. and Tierney, E. (2021) 'Developing, Implementing and Critiquing an Evaluation Framework to Assess the Extent to Which a Child’s Right to be Heard is Embedded at an Organisational Level'. Child Indicators Research, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Liminal Citizenship: Young People’s Perspectives on Civic and Political Engagement in Three European Cities'
Chaskin, R., Brady, B., McGregor, C. (2021) 'Liminal Citizenship: Young People’s Perspectives on Civic and Political Engagement in Three European Cities'. Social Service Review, 95 (2):247-277 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Associations Between non-parental Adult Support and Youths’ Individual and Contextual Characteristics'
Mirkovic, B., Brady, B., Silke, C. (2021) 'Associations Between non-parental Adult Support and Youths’ Individual and Contextual Characteristics'. Child Care In Practice, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Initial motivation of mentors in formal youth mentoring relationships'
J. Brumovska, T., Brady, B. (2021) 'Initial motivation of mentors in formal youth mentoring relationships'. Child Care In Practice, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Civic Behavior Among Irish Adolescents: A Socio-Contextual Approach'
Silke, C., Brady, B., Dolan, P & Boylan, C. (2020) 'Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Civic Behavior Among Irish Adolescents: A Socio-Contextual Approach'. Journal Of Early Adolescence, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'The potential for civic and political engagement practice in social work as a means of achieving greater rights and justice for marginalised youth'
McGregor, C,Brady, B,Chaskin, RJ (2020) 'The potential for civic and political engagement practice in social work as a means of achieving greater rights and justice for marginalised youth'. European Journal Of Social Work, 23 (6):958-968 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Promoting civic and political engagement among marginalized urban youth in three cities: Strategies and challenges'
Brady, B, Chaskin, R., McGregor, C. (2020) 'Promoting civic and political engagement among marginalized urban youth in three cities: Strategies and challenges'. Children And Youth Services Review, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'Influencing policy and practice for young people in foster care: Learning from a model of collective participation'
Jackson, R., Brady, B., Forkan, C., Tierney, E., Kennan, D. (2020) 'Influencing policy and practice for young people in foster care: Learning from a model of collective participation'. Children And Youth Services Review, 113 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Relational dynamics in formal youth mentoring programmes: A longitudinal investigation into the association between relationship satisfaction and youth outcomes'
Silke, C;Brady, B;Dolan, P (2019) 'Relational dynamics in formal youth mentoring programmes: A longitudinal investigation into the association between relationship satisfaction and youth outcomes'. Children And Youth Services Review, 104 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Social values and civic behaviour among youth in Ireland: The influence of social contexts'
Silke, C., Brady, B., Dolan, P., Boylan, C> (2019) 'Social values and civic behaviour among youth in Ireland: The influence of social contexts'. Irish Journal Of Sociology, [Details]
(2019) 'They Pulled Me Through the Darkest Times: Exploring the Social Benefits of a Women’s Group in Rural Ireland'
Finan, E., Brady, B. (2019) 'They Pulled Me Through the Darkest Times: Exploring the Social Benefits of a Women’s Group in Rural Ireland'. Irish Journal Of Applied Social Studies, 19 (1):3-15 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'The Participation of Children and Young People in Care: Insights from an Analysis of National Inspection Reports in the Republic of Ireland'
Brady, B., Kennan, D., Forkan, C., Tierney, E., Jackson, R., Holloway, R. (2019) 'The Participation of Children and Young People in Care: Insights from an Analysis of National Inspection Reports in the Republic of Ireland'. Child Care In Practice, 25 (1):22-36 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Factors influencing the development of empathy and pro-social behaviour among adolescents: A systematic review'
Silke, C., Brady, B., Boylan, C. & Dolan, P. (2018) 'Factors influencing the development of empathy and pro-social behaviour among adolescents: A systematic review'. Children And Youth Services Review, 94 :421-436 [Details]
(2018) 'Individual and connected': an exploration of young people's discourses about youth cafes in Ireland'
Moran, L, Brady, B, Forkan, C, Coen, L (2018) 'Individual and connected': an exploration of young people's discourses about youth cafes in Ireland'. Journal Of Youth Studies, 21 :1127-1139 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Space, Voice, Audience and Influence: Implementing the Lundy Model of Participation (2007) in Child Welfare Practice'
Kennan, D., Brady, B. Forkan, C., (2018) 'Space, Voice, Audience and Influence: Implementing the Lundy Model of Participation (2007) in Child Welfare Practice'. Practice: Social Work in Action, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Supporting Children’s Participation in Decision-Making: A Systematic Literature Review Exploring the Effectiveness of Participatory Processes'
Kennan, D., Brady, B., Forkan, C. (2018) 'Supporting Children’s Participation in Decision-Making: A Systematic Literature Review Exploring the Effectiveness of Participatory Processes'. The British Journal Of Social Work, 48 (7):1985-2002 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Connecting research and practice: Perspectives on the role of manualized programs in youth work'
Brady, B,Redmond, S (2017) 'Connecting research and practice: Perspectives on the role of manualized programs in youth work'. Child & Youth Services, 38 :252-268 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) ''He told me to calm down and all that': a qualitative study of forms of social support in youth mentoring relationships'
Brady, B,Dolan, P,Canavan, J (2017) ''He told me to calm down and all that': a qualitative study of forms of social support in youth mentoring relationships'. Child & Family Social Work, 22 :266-274 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Spaces of connection and belonging: Young people's perspectives on the role of youth cafes in their lives'
Brady, B., Forkan, C. Moran, L. (2017) 'Spaces of connection and belonging: Young people's perspectives on the role of youth cafes in their lives'. Child Care In Practice, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Bridging the gap: Using Veerman and Van Yperen's (2007) framework to conceptualise and develop evidence informed practice in an Irish youth work organisation'
Brady, B, Canavan, J, Redmond, S (2016) 'Bridging the gap: Using Veerman and Van Yperen's (2007) framework to conceptualise and develop evidence informed practice in an Irish youth work organisation'. Evaluation and program planning, 55 :128-133 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'We are all like family here’: Qualitative insights on the role of youth cafes in supporting the health and well-being of young people'
Brady, B., Moran, L., Forkan, C. (2016) 'We are all like family here’: Qualitative insights on the role of youth cafes in supporting the health and well-being of young people'. Children's Research Digest, 3 (1):57-61 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'What Added Value does Peer Support Bring? Insights from Principals and Teachers on the Utility and Challenges of a School Based Mentoring Programme'
Brady, B., Dolan, P. and Canavan, J. (2014) 'What Added Value does Peer Support Bring? Insights from Principals and Teachers on the Utility and Challenges of a School Based Mentoring Programme'. Pastoral Care In Education, 32 ((4)):241-250 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Capturing children’s voices in research in accordance with the UNCRC: A case study of parental separation and divorce'
O'Kelly, A., Brady, B (2014) 'Capturing children’s voices in research in accordance with the UNCRC: A case study of parental separation and divorce'. Children’s Research Digest, 1 (1):10-13 [Details]
(2014) 'Understanding youth civic engagement: debates, discourses and lessons from practice'
Shaw, A., Brady, B., McGrath, B. Brennan, M. Dolan, P. (2014) 'Understanding youth civic engagement: debates, discourses and lessons from practice'. Community Development, 45 (4):300-316 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Parenting in Direct Provision: Parents' Perspectives Regarding Stresses and Supports'
Uchechukwu Ogbu, H., Brady, B. & Kinlen, L. (2014) 'Parenting in Direct Provision: Parents' Perspectives Regarding Stresses and Supports'. Child Care In Practice, 20 (3):256-269 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Why we still need the term ‘Young Carer’: Findings from an Exploratory Study of Young Carers in Ireland'
Fives, A., Kennan, D. Canavan, J., Brady, B. (2013) 'Why we still need the term ‘Young Carer’: Findings from an Exploratory Study of Young Carers in Ireland'. Critical Social Work, 14 (1):49-61 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Big Brothers Big Sisters comes to Ireland: A case study in policy transfer'
Brady, B,Curtin, C (2012) 'Big Brothers Big Sisters comes to Ireland: A case study in policy transfer'. Children And Youth Services Review, 34 :1433-1439 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'From Tea and Sympathy to Optimal Matching of Need: Developing a Shared Vision for a Community Based Family Support Service'
Brady, B., Putti, M. (2011) 'From Tea and Sympathy to Optimal Matching of Need: Developing a Shared Vision for a Community Based Family Support Service'. Child Care in Practice, 17 (3):271-284 [Details]
(2010) 'Improving Self-efficacy?: Reflections on the Use of Life Coaching Techniques among Family Support Service Users'
Brady, B., Moran, M. (2010) 'Improving Self-efficacy?: Reflections on the Use of Life Coaching Techniques among Family Support Service Users'. Practice, 22 (5):269-280 [Details]
(2009) 'Meeting the Challenge of Doing an RCT Evaluation of Youth Mentoring in Ireland: A Journey in Mixed Methods'
Brady, B,O'Regan, C (2009) 'Meeting the Challenge of Doing an RCT Evaluation of Youth Mentoring in Ireland: A Journey in Mixed Methods'. Journal Of Mixed Methods Research, 3 :265-280 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Youth Mentoring as a Tool for Community and Civic Engagement: Reflections on Findings of an Irish Research Study'
Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2009) 'Youth Mentoring as a Tool for Community and Civic Engagement: Reflections on Findings of an Irish Research Study'. Community Development, 40 (4):359-366 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) 'Youth Mentoring and the Parent-Young Person Relationship: Considerations for Research and Practice'
Dolan, P., Canavan, J., Brady, B. (2008) 'Youth Mentoring and the Parent-Young Person Relationship: Considerations for Research and Practice'. Youth and Policy, 99 :33-42 [Details]
(2007) 'Exploring Good Practice in Irish Child and Family Services: Reflections and Considerations'
Dolan, P., Brady, B. (2007) 'Exploring Good Practice in Irish Child and Family Services: Reflections and Considerations'. Practice, 19 (1):5-18 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 'Developing Children's Participation: Lessons from a Participatory IT Project'
Brady, B. (2007) 'Developing Children's Participation: Lessons from a Participatory IT Project'. Children and Society, 21 :31-41 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 'Youth Mentoring in Ireland: Weighing up the Benefits and Challenges'
Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2007) 'Youth Mentoring in Ireland: Weighing up the Benefits and Challenges'. Youth Studies Ireland, 2 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2006) 'Connecting with Practice in the Changing Landscape of Family Support Training'
Dolan, P., Canavan, J., Brady, B. (2006) 'Connecting with Practice in the Changing Landscape of Family Support Training'. Child Care in Practice, 12 (1) [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Mentoring children with families involved in systems'
Brady, B. (2024) 'Mentoring children with families involved in systems' In: Handbook of Professional Youth Mentoring. New York: Springer. [Details]
(2024) 'Friendship or Intervention: Different models in youth mentoring'
Brady, B. (2024) 'Friendship or Intervention: Different models in youth mentoring' In: Patenschaften und Mentoring für Kinder und Jugendliche Eine neue Kultur des Engagements zur Förderung von Bildung, Teilhabe und Integration. Berlin: Beltz Juventa. [Details]
(2023) 'A reflection on the collective participation of youth in care in context: Limits, barriers & opportunities'
Jackson, R., Brady, B., Forkan, C., Tierney, E. (2023) 'A reflection on the collective participation of youth in care in context: Limits, barriers & opportunities' In: Children's Rights to Participate in Out-of-Home Care: International Social Work Contexts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [Details]
(2022) 'Unpacking empathy'
Silke, C., Brady, B. (2022) 'Unpacking empathy' In: Ionbhá: The Empathy Book for Ireland. Dublin: Mercier Press. [Details]
(2021) 'Narrating Contemporary Childhood'
Moran, L; Reilly, K; Brady, B (2021) 'Narrating Contemporary Childhood' In: Narrative Resarch with Children and Young People: Diverse Contexts, Methods and Stories of Everyday Life. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2021) 'Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions in Narrative Inquiry'
Moran, L; Reilly, K; Brady, B (2021) 'Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions in Narrative Inquiry' In: Narrative Research with Children and Young People: Diverse Contexts, Methods and Stories of Everyday Life. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2021) 'Systematically embedding child and youth participation in Tusla¿s culture, practices and processes: Key findings from an evaluation of national training for staff'
Forkan, C., Jackson, R., Tierney, E., Kennan, D., Brady, B., Martin, K., McCabe, A., Sheehan, M. and Lundy, L., (2021) 'Systematically embedding child and youth participation in Tusla¿s culture, practices and processes: Key findings from an evaluation of national training for staff' In: Understanding System Change in Child Protection and Welfare. Oxon: Routledge. [Details]
(2021) 'Bridging Worlds Building a bridge for our educational ecosystem and linking formal and non-formal learning'
Connolly, C., Haslam, S., Campbell, S., Brady, B., O¿Regan, C., Dolan, P. and MacRuairc, G. (2021) 'Bridging Worlds Building a bridge for our educational ecosystem and linking formal and non-formal learning' In: Education Matters, Irelands Yearbook of Education. Dublin: NUI Education Matters. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'The importance of being present: Mentors as presence practitioners'
Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2020) 'The importance of being present: Mentors as presence practitioners' In: Mentoring Child and Young People for Social Inclusion: Global Approaches to Empowerment. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2017) 'A life less ordinary: Barney Brady and the war of independence'
Brady, B. (2017) 'A life less ordinary: Barney Brady and the war of independence' In: Family Histories of the Irish Revolution. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2017) 'Youth Mentoring as a form of support for children and young people at risk: Insights from research and practice'
McGregor, C., Lynch, M., Brady, B (2017) 'Youth Mentoring as a form of support for children and young people at risk: Insights from research and practice' In: The Routledge Handbook of International Child Welfare. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2017) 'Community developers in their own right: narratives of community and belonging among young people attending youth cafes in Ireland'
Moran, L., Brady. B., Forkan, C. (2017) 'Community developers in their own right: narratives of community and belonging among young people attending youth cafes in Ireland' In: The Routledge Handbook of Community Development. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2016) 'Youth-Adult Relationships as Assets for Youth: Promoting Positive Development in Stressful Times'
Hamilton, S.F, Hamilton, M.A., DuBois, D.L, Martínez, M.L, Cumsille, P., Brady, B., Dolan, P., Núñez Rodriguez, S. Sellers, D.E (2016) 'Youth-Adult Relationships as Assets for Youth: Promoting Positive Development in Stressful Times' In: Positive youth development in global contexts of social and economic change. New York: Taylor & Francis. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Appendix D: An example of the embedded design - Brady & O'Regan, 2009'
Creswell, J., Plano-Clark, V. (2011) 'Appendix D: An example of the embedded design - Brady & O'Regan, 2009' In: Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2024) Adolescent Mental Health & Adversity: Profiles and Trends in the West of Ireland from 2018 - 2022.
Silke, C., Brady, B., Heary, C. (2024) Adolescent Mental Health & Adversity: Profiles and Trends in the West of Ireland from 2018 - 2022. University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) A Rapid Review of the Benefits and Outcomes of Universal Youth Work.
Brady, B., Silke, C., Shaw, A. (2022) A Rapid Review of the Benefits and Outcomes of Universal Youth Work. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) Youth mentoring as a supportive resource for young people involved with CAMHS: An exploratory study.
Silke, Charlotte; Brady, Bernadine (2022) Youth mentoring as a supportive resource for young people involved with CAMHS: An exploratory study. Foroige and UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) Conceptualising Participation in Practice in YAP Ireland: A Case Study.
Jackson, R., Devaney, C., Brady, B. (2021) Conceptualising Participation in Practice in YAP Ireland: A Case Study. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) Bridging worlds: New learning spaces for new times: Evaluation Report.
O¿Regan, C., Brady, B., Connolly, C. (2021) Bridging worlds: New learning spaces for new times: Evaluation Report. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre,NUI Galway, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) Strengths and Challenges of the YAP Community Based Advocate Model.
Brady, B., Devaney, C., Crosse R., Rodriguez, L., and Silke, C. (2020) Strengths and Challenges of the YAP Community Based Advocate Model. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) Strengths and Challenges of the YAP Community Based Advocate Model Key Findings.
Brady, B., Devaney, C., Crosse R., Rodriguez, L., and Silke, C. (2020) Strengths and Challenges of the YAP Community Based Advocate Model Key Findings. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Composite Report.
Silke, C., Boylan, C., Brady, B., & Dolan, P. (2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Composite Report. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Scientific Report.
Silke, C., Brady, B., Dolan, P., Boylan, C. (2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Scientific Report. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Ireland. [Details]
(2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Policy and Curriculum Review and Key Informant Perspectives.
Boylan, C., Brady, B., Silke, C., Dolan, P. (2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Policy and Curriculum Review and Key Informant Perspectives. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Scientific Report.
Silke, C.,Brady, B., Boylan, C., Dolan, P. (2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among Early Adolescents in Ireland: Scientific Report. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) Relational dynamics in youth mentoring: A mixed methods study.
Silke, C., Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2019) Relational dynamics in youth mentoring: A mixed methods study. UNESCO CFRC, ILAS Building, NUI Galway, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Speak Up’: Participation of Children and Young People in Decisions About their Lives in Tusla Services.
Edel Tierney, Danielle Kennan, Cormac Forkan, Bernadine Brady (2018) Speak Up’: Participation of Children and Young People in Decisions About their Lives in Tusla Services. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Collective Participation of Children in Care: A formative evaluation of the Tusla / EPIC foster care action groups.
Rebecca Jackson, Bernadine Brady, Cormac Forkan, Edel Tierney, Danielle Kennan (2018) Collective Participation of Children in Care: A formative evaluation of the Tusla / EPIC foster care action groups. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Tusla's Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support: Children's Participation Work Package Final Report: Key Findings.
Edel Tierney, Danielle Kennan, Cormac Forkan, Bernadine Brady, Rebecca Jackson (2018) Tusla's Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support: Children's Participation Work Package Final Report: Key Findings. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Tusla's Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support: Children's Participation Work Package Final Report.
Edel Tierney, Danielle Kennan, Cormac Forkan, Bernadine Brady, Rebecca Jackson (2018) Tusla's Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support: Children's Participation Work Package Final Report. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship and Democracy. Research Report.
Chaskin, R., McGregor, C., Brady, B. (2018) Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship and Democracy. Research Report. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Supporting youth civic engagement: Supranational and National Policy Frameworks in Comparative Perspective.
Chaskin, R.J., McGregor, C., Brady, B. (2018) Supporting youth civic engagement: Supranational and National Policy Frameworks in Comparative Perspective. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Exploring the Impact of Mentoring Relationships in Adolescent Empathy: A Mixed Methods Approach.
Rodriguez L., Dolan P, Brady B. (2018) Exploring the Impact of Mentoring Relationships in Adolescent Empathy: A Mixed Methods Approach. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Big Brothers Big Sisters and Garda Youth Diversion Projects: Perspectives on Youth Mentoring as a Preventative Intervention.
Murphy, K., Brady, B. (2018) Big Brothers Big Sisters and Garda Youth Diversion Projects: Perspectives on Youth Mentoring as a Preventative Intervention. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making withinin Tusla: A Baseline Assessment Prior to the Implementation of the Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support.
Kennan, D., Forkan, C. and Brady, B. (2017) Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making withinin Tusla: A Baseline Assessment Prior to the Implementation of the Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support. NUI Galway, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Exploring the Effectiveness of Structures and Procedures Intended to Support Children’s Participation in Child Welfare, Child Protection and Alternative Care Services: A Systematic Literature Review.
Kennan, D., Brady, B., and Forkan, C. (2016) Exploring the Effectiveness of Structures and Procedures Intended to Support Children’s Participation in Child Welfare, Child Protection and Alternative Care Services: A Systematic Literature Review. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Evidence based programmes in youth justice settings: An Evaluation of ‘CHART’ and ‘A Life of Choices’.
Brady, B., Canavan, J. (2016) Evidence based programmes in youth justice settings: An Evaluation of ‘CHART’ and ‘A Life of Choices’. UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, Galway. [Details]
(2015) An operational profile and exploration of the perceived benefits of the youth cafe model in Ireland.
Forkan, C., Brady, B., Moran, L., Coen, L. (2015) An operational profile and exploration of the perceived benefits of the youth cafe model in Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) Big Brother Big Sister Mobilising Peer Support in Schools: An Evaluation of the BBBS school mentoring programme.
Brady B., Canavan, C., Cassidy, A., Garrity, S. and O' Regan, C. (2012) Big Brother Big Sister Mobilising Peer Support in Schools: An Evaluation of the BBBS school mentoring programme. The UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [Details]
(2014) ‘Here you feel more comfortable to talk’: An evaluation of Foróige’s REAL U: Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered programme.
Brady, B., Nic Gabhainn, S., Canavan, J., & Gaweski, J. (2014) ‘Here you feel more comfortable to talk’: An evaluation of Foróige’s REAL U: Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered programme. Foróige Best Practice Unit, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) Understanding Youth Civic Engagement:Debates, discourses and lessons from practice.
Brady, B; Dolan, P; Kearns, N; Kennan, D; McGrath, B; Shaw, A; Brennan, M. (Expert Advisor, Pennsylvania State University) (2012) Understanding Youth Civic Engagement:Debates, discourses and lessons from practice. Unesco Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) Foroige Citizenship Programme: Evaluation Report.
Brady, B., Conway, R., Canavan, J., Koviac, T. (2012) Foroige Citizenship Programme: Evaluation Report. Foróige Best Practice Unit, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) How are we doing? An Evaluation Resource for Foróige Staff.
Brady, B., Canavan, J., Landy, F. (2012) How are we doing? An Evaluation Resource for Foróige Staff. Foroige Best Practice Unit, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ireland: Evaluation Study. Report One: Randomised Control Trial and Implementation Report.
Dolan, P., Brady, B., O'REgan, C., Russell, D., Canavan, J., Forkan, C. (2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ireland: Evaluation Study. Report One: Randomised Control Trial and Implementation Report. Foroige, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ireland: Evaluation Study, Report Two: Qualitative Evidence, CFRC, NUI Galway.
Dolan, P., Brady, B., O'Regan, C., Canavan, J., Forkan, C. & Russell, D. (2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ireland: Evaluation Study, Report Two: Qualitative Evidence, CFRC, NUI Galway. Foroige, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Ireland: Evaluation Study. Report 3: Summary Report.
Dolan, P., Brady, B., O’Regan, C., Canavan, J., Russell, D. & Forkan, C. (2011) Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Ireland: Evaluation Study. Report 3: Summary Report. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre on behalf of Foróige, NUI Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) If I can make their life a little easier, then I'm happy: Study of Young Carers in the Irish Population,. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Dublin: The Stationary Office.
Fives, A., Kennan, D., Canavan, J., Brady, B. and Cairns, D. (2010) If I can make their life a little easier, then I'm happy: Study of Young Carers in the Irish Population,. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Dublin: The Stationary Office. . [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) Youth Cafés in Ireland: A Best Practice Guide,. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Dublin: The Stationary Office.
Forkan, C., Canavan, J., Dolan, P., Bradley, C., Brady, B., Carty, C., Coen, L., Devaney, C., Kearns, N., Kenny, A., Merriman, B. and O'Regan, C. (2010) Youth Cafés in Ireland: A Best Practice Guide,. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Dublin: The Stationary Office. Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) Barnardos Family Welfare Conference Project, South Tipperary: Evaluation Report. Galway: Child and Family Research Centre.
Brady, B. (2010) Barnardos Family Welfare Conference Project, South Tipperary: Evaluation Report. Galway: Child and Family Research Centre. . [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) A Formative Evaluation of the Community Based Family Support Programme.
Brady, B., Merriman, B., Canavan, J. (2008) A Formative Evaluation of the Community Based Family Support Programme. Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [Details]
(2006) Facilitating Family Decision-Making: A Study of the Family Welfare Conference Service in the HSE Western Area.
Brady, B. (2006) Facilitating Family Decision-Making: A Study of the Family Welfare Conference Service in the HSE Western Area. Child and Family Research and Policy Unit, Galway. [Details]
(2005) Big Brothers Big Sisters, Youth Mentoring Programme, Evaluation Report.
Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2005) Big Brothers Big Sisters, Youth Mentoring Programme, Evaluation Report. Child and Family Research and Policy Unit, Galway. [Details]
(2004) Working for Children and Families: Exploring Good Practice.
Brady, B., Dolan, P., Canavan. J. (2004) Working for Children and Families: Exploring Good Practice. Department of Health and Children, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2004) Understanding and Developing Children’s Participation: A Short Guide.
Brady, B. (2004) Understanding and Developing Children’s Participation: A Short Guide. Barnardos, Dublin. [Details]
(2004) Computer Characters’ Barnardos Participatory IT Project for Children: Evaluation Report.
Brady, B. (2004) Computer Characters’ Barnardos Participatory IT Project for Children: Evaluation Report. Barnardos, Galway. [Details]
(2002) Strategies to Promote the Inclusion of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Dublin: Area Development Management.
Brady, B. (2002) Strategies to Promote the Inclusion of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Dublin: Area Development Management. Area Development Management, Dublin. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2024) Launch of 'Opportunities for Youth: National Youth Work Strategy',
Brady, B. (2024) Spaces of Connection and Belonging: How youth work makes an impact. [Keynote Address], Launch of 'Opportunities for Youth: National Youth Work Strategy', Dublin , 18-SEP-24 - 18-NOV-24. [Details]
(2023) Foróige National Volunteer Conference,
Brady, B. (2023) How youth work volunteers make an impact: Insights from research. [Keynote Address], Foróige National Volunteer Conference, Mount Wolsley Hotel, Carlow , 04-NOV-23 - 04-NOV-23. [Details]
(2023) ECER 2023,
Murray, C., Flynn, N., Davitt, E., Silke, C., Brady, B., & Shaw, A. (2023) Learning to Live Well in Diverse Societies: The Potential of Empathy Education. [Oral Presentation], ECER 2023, Glasgow, UK , 22-AUG-23 - 25-AUG-23. [Details]
(2023) Mobilising Higher Education Research Evidence for Youth Wellbeing Policy Knowledge Brokerage Event,
Brady, Bernadine (2023) Civic engagement and future of democratic engagement. [Invited Oral Presentation], Mobilising Higher Education Research Evidence for Youth Wellbeing Policy Knowledge Brokerage Event, Trinity College Dublin , 01-MAR-23 - 01-MAR-23. [Details]
(2022) Think Tank: Photography - An Emphatic Gesture,
Brady, B. (2022) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among early Adolescents in Ireland:Research Findings. [Invited Oral Presentation], Think Tank: Photography - An Emphatic Gesture, Dublin Castle , 25-AUG-22 - 25-AUG-22. [Details]
(2022) European Association for Research on Adolescence: Diverse and Digital,
Brady, B., Silke, C., Shaw, A. (2022) The benefits of universal youth work in a changing world: Findings from a recent rapid review. [Oral Presentation], European Association for Research on Adolescence: Diverse and Digital, Trinity College Dublin , 24-AUG-22 - 27-AUG-22. [Details]
(2022) European Mentoring Summit,
Brady, B. (2022) Hearing the `voice through the cracks¿: Reflections on voice and participation in youth mentoring. [Keynote Address], European Mentoring Summit, NHL Stendal University, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands , 18-MAY-22 - 20-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022) French Mentoring Summit: Les Assises du Mentorat 2022,
Brady, B. (2022) Sharing results for effective practice in mentoring, a European approach. [Invited Oral Presentation], French Mentoring Summit: Les Assises du Mentorat 2022, Online , 19-JAN-22 - 19-JAN-22. [Details]
(2022) School of Political Science & Sociology: Research Seminar Series,
Brady, B., Silke, C., Shaw, A. (2022) The purpose and benefits of universal youth work in a changing world: Reflections on findings from a recent rapid review. [Oral Presentation], School of Political Science & Sociology: Research Seminar Series, Online , 13-JAN-22 - 13-JAN-22. [Details]
(2021) Association for Teacher Education in Europe. Spring Conference: Social Justice, Media and Technology in Teacher Education,
O¿Regan, C., Brady, B., Connolly, C., Murray, C., Flynn, P., Dolan, P. & MacRuairc, G. (2021) Can Digital Education provide an effect bridge between Formal and Non-formal Education? Experiences from Teachers and Youth Workers at the frontline. [Published Abstract], Association for Teacher Education in Europe. Spring Conference: Social Justice, Media and Technology in Teacher Education, Florence, Italy , 01-JAN-21. [Details]
(2021) Scottish Mentoring Network annual event,
Brady, B., McGregor, C. (2021) Supporting Coping and Resilience among young people in Care: Young People's perspectives on the benefits of youth mentoring relationships. [Invited Oral Presentation], Scottish Mentoring Network annual event, Online , 08-DEC-21 - 08-FEB-22. [Details]
(2021) Building Pathways to Empowerment: Young people¿s rights to civic engagement in east Asia and the pacific,
Brady, Bernadine (2021) Promoting youth civic engagement:  Strategies and challenges. [Keynote Address], Building Pathways to Empowerment: Young people¿s rights to civic engagement in east Asia and the pacific, Bangkok , 28-OCT-21 - 29-OCT-21. [Details]
(2021) ILAS webinar series,
Brady, B., Silke, C., Hughes, B., McGovern, J, Millar, M. (2021) Promoting Empathy & Peer Helping among NUI Galway Students: The Development and Evaluation of the Seas Suas Programme. [Oral Presentation], ILAS webinar series, Online , 13-MAY-21 - 13-MAY-21. [Details]
(2020) European Centre for Evidence Based Mentoring webinar,
Brady. B., Dolan, P (2020) The importance of being present: Reflections on the importance of relationships in youth mentoring. [Keynote Address], European Centre for Evidence Based Mentoring webinar, Online , 08-DEC-20. [Details]
(2020) European Mentoring Summit, Common Challenges, Collective Solutions,
Brady. B. (2020) Keynote sessions. [Chaired Session], European Mentoring Summit, Common Challenges, Collective Solutions, Barcelona, Spain , 07-OCT-20 - 07-OCT-20. [Details]
(2020) European Mentoring Summit, Common Challenges, Collective Solutions,
Brady. B., Lynch, M. (2020) Mentoring as an effective intervention in supporting youth involved in the Juvenile Justice and Care Systems. [Oral Presentation], European Mentoring Summit, Common Challenges, Collective Solutions, Barcelona, Spain , 06-OCT-20 - 09-OCT-20. [Details]
(2020) European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA),
Brady. B., Dolan, P., McGregor, C. (2020) Supporting coping and resilience among young people in care: Young people’s perspective on the benefits of youth mentoring relationships. [Oral Presentation], European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal , 02-SEP-20 - 05-SEP-20. [Details]
(2020) European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA),
Brady, B, Silke, C., Dolan, P., Boylan, C. (2020) Empathy, Social Values, and Civic Behaviour Among Early Adolescents in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Porto, Portugal , 02-SEP-20 - 05-SEP-20. [Details]
(2019) Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Vision 2025 workshop,,
Brady. B. (2019) Empathy, Social Values and Civic Behaviour among early Adolescents in Ireland: Research Findings. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Vision 2025 workshop,, Dublin , 06-SEP-19 - 06-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019) Foroige's Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme staff conference,
Brady. B, Silke, C. (2019) Relationship Dynamics in Youth Mentoring Programmes. [Invited Oral Presentation], Foroige's Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme staff conference, Athlone , 17-JUN-19 - 17-JUN-19. [Details]
(2019) Children in Care Research Forum,
Brady, B., Kennan, D.Dr. Edel Tierney, Dr. Cormac Forkan, Ms. Rebecca Jackson (2019) The participation of children and young people in care in decision-making: Insights from an analysis of national inspection reports. [Invited Oral Presentation], Children in Care Research Forum, Trinity Colllege Dublin , 12-NOV-19 - 12-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019) European Social Work Research Conference,
Bernadine Brady, Caroline McGregor, Pat Dolan (2019) ‘Being present’: The perspectives of young people in care on the benefits of youth mentoring relationships. [Oral Presentation], European Social Work Research Conference, Leuven, Belgium , 10-APR-19 - 12-APR-19. [Details]
(2018) Growing up in a Digital Environment, Childrens Research Network Annual Conference,
Charlotte Silke, Bernadine Brady (2018) Relationship dynamics in youth mentoring programmes: A mixed methods analysis. [Oral Presentation], Growing up in a Digital Environment, Childrens Research Network Annual Conference, Dublin , 06-DEC-18 - 06-DEC-18. [Details]
(2018) Mentoring for Young People Facing Adversity: International Conference,
Silke, C., Brady, B. (2018) Relationship dynamics in youth mentoring programmes: A secondary analysis. [Oral Presentation], Mentoring for Young People Facing Adversity: International Conference, Dublin , 12-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018) Mentoring for Young People Facing Adversity: International Conference,
Bernadine Brady (2018) ‘A space just for me’: Young people’s perspectives on the meaning and value of mentoring for young people in care. [Invited Oral Presentation], Mentoring for Young People Facing Adversity: International Conference, Dublin , 12-OCT-18 - 12-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018) Perspectives on Youth Mentoring in Youth Justice,
Bernadine Brady, Kayleigh Murphy (2018) Youth Mentoring in the context of Youth Justice: Research findings. [Invited Oral Presentation], Perspectives on Youth Mentoring in Youth Justice, Alex Hotel, Dublin , 03-JUL-18 - 03-JUL-18. [Details]
(2018) Identity, Community and Social Solidarity: British Sociological Association Annual Conference,
Brady, B., Silke, C., Boylan, C., Dolan, P (2018) Factors influencing the development of empathy and pro-social behaviour in adolescence: A theoretical model. [Oral Presentation], Identity, Community and Social Solidarity: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Northumbria University , 10-APR-18 - 13-APR-18. [Details]
(2018) European Mentoring Summit,
Brady, B. (2018) Youth Mentoring in Ireland: An overview of 13 years of Collaborative research with the Foróige BBBS programme in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], European Mentoring Summit, Berlin , 14-MAR-18 - 16-MAR-18. [Details]
(2017) Global Youth Mentoring Conference,
Brady, B, McGregor, C. (2017) What is youth mentoring? A brief overview of theory, research and practice. [Oral Presentation], Global Youth Mentoring Conference, Lisbon, Portugal , 19-OCT-17 - 19-OCT-17. [Details]
(2017) Supporting Parents Symposium,
Brady, B. (2017) Youth mentoring and the parent-child relationship. [Invited Lecture], Supporting Parents Symposium, NUI Galway , 29-SEP-17 - 29-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017) Children in a world of opportunities: Innovations in research, policy and practice,
Brady, B. (2017) Evidence informed practice and youth work: A case study. [Oral Presentation], Children in a world of opportunities: Innovations in research, policy and practice, Montreal, Canada , 28-JUN-17 - 30-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016) Childrens Participation: What Works,
Kennan, D., Brady, B. and Forkan, C. (2016) Findings of a systematic literature review on what works in terms of supporting childrens participation in the context of child welfare, child protection and alternative care services. [Plenary Lecture], Childrens Participation: What Works, NUI Galway , 07-JAN-16. [Details]
(2016) Investing in Children. Social Innovations for Children and Youth: Research and Practice,
D. Kennan, Forkan, C. and Brady. B. (2016) The Lundy Model of Participation: Illustrative Practice Examples. [Keynote Address], Investing in Children. Social Innovations for Children and Youth: Research and Practice, University of Lodz, Poland , 21-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016) Quality Outcomes in Youth Mentoring,
Brady, B (2016) Youth Mentoring as a Form of Support for Children and Young People at Risk: Insights from Research and Practice. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Quality Outcomes in Youth Mentoring, Galway , 13-OCT-16 - 14-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016) Acamh Special Interest Group in Youth Mental Health International Research Conference,
Brady, B, Forkan, C., Moran, L. (2016)  Support, belonging, connection: Young people’s views on the role of youth cafes in supporting their mental health and well-being. [Oral Presentation], Acamh Special Interest Group in Youth Mental Health International Research Conference, Kingsley Hotel, Cork , 07-OCT-16 - 07-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016) Knowledge to Action: Using Research Evidence in Health Promotion Policy and Practice. 20th Annual Health Promotion Conference, NUI, Galway,
Brady. B. (2016) Enablers and barriers in the implementation of evidence based RSE resources in an Irish youth work setting: A case study of the REAL U programme. [Oral Presentation], Knowledge to Action: Using Research Evidence in Health Promotion Policy and Practice. 20th Annual Health Promotion Conference, NUI, Galway, Galway , 14-JUN-16 - 15-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016) Global Societies, Fragmenting and Connecting, British Sociological Association (BSA),
Moran, L., Brady, B. and Forkan, C. (2016) Individual and connected: young people's experiences and discourses about youth cafes in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Global Societies, Fragmenting and Connecting, British Sociological Association (BSA), Aston, Birmingham, UK , 05-APR-16 - 08-APR-16. [Details]
(2015) Better outcomes for children: Are we there yet?,
Bernadine Brady, Cormac Forkan, Lisa Moran (2015) 'It's a safe place to come when you feel lost': Qualitative insights on the role of youth cafes in supporting the health and well-being of young people. [Oral Presentation], Better outcomes for children: Are we there yet?, Dublin , 10-DEC-15 - 10-DEC-15. [Details]
(2015) Better Outcomes for Children: Are we there yet?,
Brady, B., Moran, L., Forkan, C. (2015) ‘It’s a safe place to come when you feel lost’: Qualitative insights on the role of youth cafes in supporting the health and well-being of young people. [Oral Presentation], Better Outcomes for Children: Are we there yet?, Dublin , 10-DEC-15 - 10-DEC-15. [Details]
(2015) Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risks, Journal of Youth Studies Conference,
Brady, B. (2015) Is there a role for manualised programmes in youth work?: A critical reflection based on the experience of Irish youth organisation Foróige. [Oral Presentation], Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risks, Journal of Youth Studies Conference, Copenhagen , 30-MAR-15 - 01-APR-15. [Details]
(2014) Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) conference, Positive Youth Development in the Context of the Global Recession,
Brady, B. and Dolan, P. (2014) Youth-Adult Relationships as Assets for Positive Youth Development: Similarities and Variations in Different Countries. [Conference Paper], Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) conference, Positive Youth Development in the Context of the Global Recession, Prague , 23-OCT-14 - 24-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014) Research & Practice Talking - Dublin,
Brady, B. (2014) Overview of key findings from Foroige programme of research 2011-present. [Chaired Session], Research & Practice Talking - Dublin, Dublin , 07-MAY-14 - 07-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) What’s Working for Young People International Conference,
Brady, B., Nic Gabhainn, S., Canavan, J., & Gaweski, J. (2014) ‘Here you feel more comfortable to talk’: An evaluation of Foroige’s REAL U: Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered programme. [Invited Oral Presentation], What’s Working for Young People International Conference, Dublin , 11-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) Research & Practice Talking - Sligo,
Brady, B. (2014) Emerging evidence in youth work. [Invited Paper], Research & Practice Talking - Sligo, Sligo , 04-MAR-14 - 04-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) Whats working for young people? International Conference,
Brady, B. (2014) Promoting youth citizenship. [Oral Presentation], Whats working for young people? International Conference, Dublin, Chartered Accountants House , 25-MAR-14 - 26-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) What's working for young people? International Conference,
Brady, B (2014) Youth mentoring and emotional well-being: Evidence from a mixed-methods study. [Oral Presentation], What's working for young people? International Conference, Chartered Accountants House, Dublin , 25-MAR-14 - 26-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) Developments in relationship and sexuality education for young people,
Brady, B (2014) Foroige Real U: Evaluation findings. [Invited Paper], Developments in relationship and sexuality education for young people, Pearse St. Library, Dublin , 24-SEP-14 - 24-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014) Research & Practice Talking - Cork,
Brady, B. (2014) Emerging evidence in youth work. [Invited Paper], Research & Practice Talking - Cork, Cork , 01-OCT-14 - 01-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014) Youth mentoring and social support: International perspectives,
Brady, B. (2014) What added value does peer support bring? Insights from research into the BBBS peer mentoring programme. [Invited Paper], Youth mentoring and social support: International perspectives, Galway , 06-NOV-14 - 06-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014) Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) -Positive Youth Development in the Context of the Global Recession,
Brady, B. (2014) Youth-adult relationships as assets for positive youth development. [Invited Oral Presentation], Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) -Positive Youth Development in the Context of the Global Recession, Prague , 23-OCT-14 - 25-JAN-15. [Details]
(2013) International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, International Conference,
Brady, B. (2013) Mobilising peer support among adolescents: learning from the BBBS school programme. [Oral Presentation], International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, International Conference, Dublin , 17-SEP-13 - 17-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Engagement and Participation in Family Support, 6th Biennial International Conference,
Brady, B. , Devaney, C. (2013) Changing the odds: The benefits and challenges of volunteer-led provision in family support. [Invited Paper], Engagement and Participation in Family Support, 6th Biennial International Conference, Galway , 13-JUN-13 - 14-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Building an inclusive Europe: The importance of children's participation, Eurochild International Conference,
Brady, B. (2013) Young people as part of the solution? The Foroige Citizenship Programme. [Chaired Session], Building an inclusive Europe: The importance of children's participation, Eurochild International Conference, Milan, Italy , 13-NOV-13 - 15-NOV-13. [Details]
(2012) La Tutela del Minori conference,
Dolan, P., Brady, B. (2012) Child and Youth Mentoring: New Models with New Opportunities. [Invited Paper], La Tutela del Minori conference, Riva del Garda, Italy , 08-NOV-12 - 10-NOV-12. [Details]
(2011) Children's well-being: The research and policy challenges, Third International Conference of the Society for Child Indicators,
Brady, B. (2011) Youth mentoring and the well-being of young people: evidence from an Irish mixed-methods evaluation. [Oral Presentation], Children's well-being: The research and policy challenges, Third International Conference of the Society for Child Indicators, York , 27-JUL-11 - 29-JUL-11. [Details]
(2010) Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century; International Conference,
Brady, B. (2010) Policy Transfer in Youth Work: Learning from Big Brothers Big Sisters. [Oral Presentation], Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century; International Conference, Cork , 06-MAY-10. [Details]
(2008) 4th Mixed Methods Conference,
Brady, B., O'Regan, C. (2008) Squaring the circle or circling the square?: The Challenges of integrating impact and meaning in conducting a randomised control trial using a mixed methods design. [Oral Presentation], 4th Mixed Methods Conference, Cambridge , 20-MAY-08 - 21-MAY-08. [Details]
(2007) HSE Western Area Conference for practitioners of child and family services,
Brady, B. (2007) Family Welfare Conferencing: International and Local Experiences. [Invited Oral Presentation], HSE Western Area Conference for practitioners of child and family services, Galway , 07-NOV-07 - 07-NOV-07. [Details]
(2005) Mentoring for Children from Disadvantaged Environments International Conference,
Brady, B., Dolan, P. (2005) Learning to Walk – the Evaluation of the BBBS Programme in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mentoring for Children from Disadvantaged Environments International Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania , 04-OCT-04 - 04-NOV-04. [Details]
(2004) Working for Children and Families: Exploring Good Practice,
Brady, B. (2004) Presentation at report launch by Minister for Children, Brian Lenihan. [Invited Oral Presentation], Working for Children and Families: Exploring Good Practice, Galway , 04-NOV-04 - 04-NOV-04. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2014) Do Mentoring Pairs Meet Less Frequently as Their Match Progresses?.
Brady, B. and Dolan, P. (2014) Do Mentoring Pairs Meet Less Frequently as Their Match Progresses?. Article [Details]


  Year Publication
(2022) How can mentoring help to prevent school dropout?.
Brady, B. (2022) How can mentoring help to prevent school dropout?. Blog [Details]
(2018) How can Learning Technologies Support Teaching of Social Research Methods?.
Bernadine Brady (2018) How can Learning Technologies Support Teaching of Social Research Methods?. Galway: Social Science Research Centre (SSRC) Blog [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2010) A Universal Child?.
Brady, B (2010) A Universal Child?. Book Review [Details]

Electronic Publication

  Year Publication
(2023) What makes us empathetic?.
Brady, B. Holohan, C. (2023) What makes us empathetic?. Galway: University of Galway Electronic Publication [Details]

Invited Review Articles

  Year Publication
(2018) The experiences and approaches of mentors in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme: Lessons for research, policy and practice.
Bernadine Brady, Charlotte Silke (2018) The experiences and approaches of mentors in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme: Lessons for research, policy and practice. Invited Review Articles [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2013) Improving the Lives of Children and Young People: Public Consultation Report.
Brady, B., Kinlen, L. (2013) Improving the Lives of Children and Young People: Public Consultation Report. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Policy Contribution [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Children's Research Network Member /
European Association for Research on Adolescence Member /
Sociological Association of Ireland Member /
Global Youth Mentoring Network Co-ordinator 01-SEP-15 / 03-JAN-18
International Society for Child Indicators Member /

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Policy Development Foróige Youth Social Innovation Lab /
Board Membership Planet Youth Galway /


  Journal Role
Children And Youth Services Review Reviewer
Child Care In Practice Reviewer
Child And Family Social Work Reviewer
Evaluation and program planning Reviewer

Teaching Interests


Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2021 Rebecca Jackson PhD Y
2017 Tereza Brumovska DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2nd year BA Methods in Sociology and Political Science SP220 2nd year BA - Political Science & Sociology
2nd year BA Seminar module SPSK3102
3rd Year Youth & Society SP3137
Masters in Social Work, Year 1 Methods of Social Work (community work) SP603 Masters in Social Work
MA in Family Support Studies, Year 1 Working with specific populations SP530 MACD and MAFS