Dr Peter Mc Keown

M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.

Contact Details

Lecturer (Above the Bar)
School of Biological & Chemical Sciences
E: peter.mckeown@universityofgalway.ie


Peter McKeown is a Lecturer in Plant & AgriBiosciences at the University of Galway and is the coordinator of the award-winning Masters Program on Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security (MScCCAFS; https://www.universityofgalway.ie/ccafs/).

His background is in plant science, especially in genetics and epigenetics of plant reproduction and seed development, with interests in agricultural biodiversity, plant genetic resources and climate impacts on crops. He read Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge before studying for an MSc in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology from the John Innes Centre, 
UK, and PhD in plant cell biology; he was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education from the Uni. Galway Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) in 2016.           

He also coordinates 1
st year plant science teaching and is a member of the School of Biological & Chemical Sciences Athena Swan Working Group; he was elected to Academic Council in 2018. Peter was the local coordinator of an Erasmus+ Program on pedagogy, Decoding the Disciplines, and served as Irish representative for the COST Action Harnessing Plant Reproduction for Agricultural Improvement and Secretary to NGO Genetic Heritage Ireland. He is also a member of the EU-DEVCO Legumes 4 Development and EcoFood Systems consortia.

Peter has been an author on 30 peer-reviewed papers and has co-edited three books, including the Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity. His full publication list can be found here.

Research Interests

My research interests are focussed on genetics and epigenetics of plant reproduction and evolution, especially seed and grain development; environmental and climate impacts on model plants and crops; and in wider aspects of crop evolution including agricultural biodiversity and conservation of genetic resources

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
AI-enabled satellite remote sensing for estimation of emissions intensity of rice cropping systems under different CSA mitigation approaches 01-JAN-24
The evolutionary paths by which newly evolved genes facilitate abiotic stress adaptation in plants 01-SEP-23
Evolutionary Genetics of Nitrogen-Use Efficiency 01-MAR-22
Climate-resilient agroecological transitions of food systems (EcoFoodSystems) 03-JAN-22
Legume-based agroecological intensification for water-food-energy nexus sustainability (LEG4DEV) 02-AUG-21
C-MINUS: Carbon negative farming with porous materials 03-FEB-20
Sexual Plant Reproduction Seed Formation (SexSeed) 01-MAR-19
European Consortium for Open Field Experimentation (ECOFE) 09-JAN-19
Decoding the Disciplines 01-JAN-18
Conservation of heritage Irish malting barley cultivars for use in craft brewing 15-MAR-15 31-DEC-19
Screening of natural bioactives for plant and agricultural use 31-JAN-13
Harnessing Plant Reproduction for Agricultural Improvement (HAPRECI) 04-JAN-10 31-DEC-13

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'PICKLE RELATED 2 is a neofunctionalised gene duplicate under positive Darwinian selection with antagonistic effects to the ancestral PICKLE gene on the seed transcriptome¿'
Dupouy G, Cashell R, Brychkova G, Tuteja R, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2023) 'PICKLE RELATED 2 is a neofunctionalised gene duplicate under positive Darwinian selection with antagonistic effects to the ancestral PICKLE gene on the seed transcriptome¿'. Genome Biology And Evolution, [Details]
(2023) 'Food mapping approaches for understanding food system transitions in rapid-growth city regions in the Global South'
Liddy H, Mowlds S, McKeown PC, Lundy M, Spillane C (2023) 'Food mapping approaches for understanding food system transitions in rapid-growth city regions in the Global South'. Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems, [Details]
(2023) 'Evolutionary dynamics and adaptive benefits of deleterious mutations in genepools¿'
Dwivedi SL, Heslop-Harrison P, Spillane C, McKeown PC, Edwards D, Goldman I, Ortiz R (2023) 'Evolutionary dynamics and adaptive benefits of deleterious mutations in genepools¿'. Trends In Plant Science, [Details]
(2022) 'Climate change impacts on future availability of forage grass species for Ethiopian dairy systems'
Brychkova G, Kekae K, McKeown PC, Hanson J, Jones CS, Thornton P, Spillane C (2022) 'Climate change impacts on future availability of forage grass species for Ethiopian dairy systems'. Scientific Reports, [Details]
(2022) 'PLASTID RIBOSOME PROTEIN L5 is essential for post-globular embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Dupouy G, McDermott E, Cashell R, Scian A, McHale M, Ryder P, de Groot J, Lucca N, Brychkova B, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2022) 'PLASTID RIBOSOME PROTEIN L5 is essential for post-globular embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana'. Plant Reproduction, [Details]
(2022) 'Unravelling the genetic architecture of grain quality traits under optimum and low-nitrogen stress conditions using tropical maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm'
Ndlovu N, Spillane C, McKeown PC, Cairns JE, Das B, Gowda M (2022) 'Unravelling the genetic architecture of grain quality traits under optimum and low-nitrogen stress conditions using tropical maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm'. Theoretical And Applied Genetics, [Details]
(2022) 'Comparative environmental footprints of lettuce supplied by hydroponic controlled-environment agriculture and field-based supply chains'
Casey L, Freeman B, Francis K, Brychkova G, McKeown PC, Spillane C, Bezrukov A, Zaworotko M, Styles D (2022) 'Comparative environmental footprints of lettuce supplied by hydroponic controlled-environment agriculture and field-based supply chains'. Journal Of Cleaner Production, [Details]
(2022) 'Parent-of-origin effects on seed size modify heterosis responses in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Castillo-Bravo R, Fort A, Cashell R, Brychkova G, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2022) 'Parent-of-origin effects on seed size modify heterosis responses in Arabidopsis thaliana'. Frontiers in Plant Science, [Details]
(2021) 'Gene dosage compensation of rRNA transcript levels in A. thaliana lines with reduced ribosomal gene copy number'
Lopez FB, Fort A, Tadini L, Probst AV, McHale M, Friel J, Ryder P, Pontvianne F, Pesaresi P, Sulpice R, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2021) 'Gene dosage compensation of rRNA transcript levels in A. thaliana lines with reduced ribosomal gene copy number'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2020) 'Conservation of epigenetic resources: Epigenetic variation and transgenerational inheritance of DNA methylation in triploid East African Highland bananas'
Kitavi M, Cashell R, Ferguson M, Lorenzen J, Nyine M, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2020) 'Conservation of epigenetic resources: Epigenetic variation and transgenerational inheritance of DNA methylation in triploid East African Highland bananas'. Theoretical And Applied Genetics, [Details]
(2019) 'Paternally Expressed Imprinted Genes under Positive Darwinian Selection in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Tuteja, R;McKeown, PC;Ryan, P;Morgan, CC;Donoghue, MTA;Downing, T;O'Connell, MJ;Spillane, C (2019) 'Paternally Expressed Imprinted Genes under Positive Darwinian Selection in Arabidopsis thaliana'. Molecular Biology And Evolution, 36 :1239-1253 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Transgenerational effects of inter-ploidy cross direction on reproduction and F2 seed development of Arabidopsis thaliana F1 hybrid triploids'
Duszynska D;Vilhjalmsson B;Castillo Bravo R;Swamidatta S;Juenger TE;Donoghue MTA;Comte A;Nordborg M;Sharbel TF;Brychkova G;McKeown PC;Spillane C; (2019) 'Transgenerational effects of inter-ploidy cross direction on reproduction and F2 seed development of Arabidopsis thaliana F1 hybrid triploids'. Plant Reproduction, 32 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Reduction in nutritional quality and growing area suitability of common bean under climate change induced drought stress in Africa'
Hummel M;Hallahan BF;Brychkova G;Ramirez-Villegas J;Guwela V;Chataika B;Curley E;McKeown PC;Morrison L;Talsma EF;Beebe S;Jarvis A;Chirwa R;Spillane C; (2018) 'Reduction in nutritional quality and growing area suitability of common bean under climate change induced drought stress in Africa'. Scientific Reports, 8 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Agricultural biodiversity, the key to sustainable food systems in the 21st century INTRODUCTION'
Hunter, D;Guarino, L;Spillane, C;McKeown, PC (2017) 'Agricultural biodiversity, the key to sustainable food systems in the 21st century INTRODUCTION'. Routledge Handbook Of Agricultural Biodiversity, :1-12 [Details]
McGill, WL,Fiaboe, KKM,Ekesi, S,Subramanian, S,Hunter, D,Guarino, L,Spillane, C,McKeown, PC (2017) 'EDIBLE INSECT DIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND NUTRITION'. Routledge Handbook Of Agricultural Biodiversity, :364-376 [Details]
(2017) 'Allele-specific splicing effects on DKKL1 and ZNF419 transcripts in HeLa cells'
Martin, G,Selcuklu, SD,Schouest, K,Nembaware, V,McKeown, PC,Seoighe, C,Spillane, C (2017) 'Allele-specific splicing effects on DKKL1 and ZNF419 transcripts in HeLa cells'. Gene, 598 :107-112 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Disaggregating polyploidy, parental genome dosage and hybridity contributions to heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Fort, A,Ryder, P,McKeown, PC,Wijnen, C,Aarts, MG,Sulpice, R,Spillane, C (2016) 'Disaggregating polyploidy, parental genome dosage and hybridity contributions to heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana'. New Phytologist, 209 :590-599 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'A Polynucleotide Repeat Expansion Causing Temperature-Sensitivity Persists in Wild Irish Accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana'
Tabib, A,Vishwanathan, S,Seleznev, A,McKeown, PC,Downing, T,Dent, C,Sanchez-Bermejo, E,Colling, L,Spillane, C,Balasubramanian, S (2016) 'A Polynucleotide Repeat Expansion Causing Temperature-Sensitivity Persists in Wild Irish Accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana'. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Genome-wide identification and in silico characterisation of microRNAs, their targets and processing pathway genes in Phaseolus vulgaris L'
Cardoso, TCD,Portilho, LG,de Oliveira, CL,McKeown, PC,Maluf, WR,Gomes, LAA,Teixeira, TA,do Amaral, LR,Spillane, C,Gomes, MD (2016) 'Genome-wide identification and in silico characterisation of microRNAs, their targets and processing pathway genes in Phaseolus vulgaris L'. Plant Biology, 18 :206-219 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Moving Toward a Comprehensive Map of Central Plant Metabolism'
Sulpice R, McKeown PC (2015) 'Moving Toward a Comprehensive Map of Central Plant Metabolism'. Annu Rev Plant Biol, [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Genomics in Agriculture and Food Processing'
McKeown, PC,Keshavaiah, C,Fort, A,Tuteja, R,Chatterjee, M,Varshney, RK,Spillane, C,Panesar, PS,Marwaha, SS (2014) 'Genomics in Agriculture and Food Processing'. Biotechnology In Agriculture And Food Processing: Opportunities And Challenges, :45-70 [Details]
(2014) 'Inference of Allele-Specific Expression from RNA-seq Data'
Korir, PK,Seoighe, C,Spillane, C,McKeown, PC (2014) 'Inference of Allele-Specific Expression from RNA-seq Data'. Methods Mol Biol, 1112 :49-69 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Genomics in Agriculture and Food Processing'
McKeown, PC;Keshavaiah, C;Fort, A;Tuteja, R;Chatterjee, M;Varshney, RK;Spillane, C (2014) 'Genomics in Agriculture and Food Processing'. Biotechnology In Agriculture And Food Processing: Opportunities And Challenges, :45-70 [Details]
(2014) 'Epigenetics and Heterosis in Crop Plants'
Ryder, P;McKeown, PC;Fort, A;Spillane, C (2014) 'Epigenetics and Heterosis in Crop Plants'. Epigenetics In Plants Of Agronomic Importance: Fundamentals And Applications: Transcriptional Regulation And Chromatin Remodelling In Plants, :13-31 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics Methods and Protocols Preface'
Spillane, C;McKeown, PC (2014) 'Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics Methods and Protocols Preface'. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1112 [Details]
(2014) 'Analysis of Genomic Imprinting by Quantitative Allele-Specific Expression by Pyrosequencing (R)'
McKeown, PC;Fort, A;Spillane, C (2014) 'Analysis of Genomic Imprinting by Quantitative Allele-Specific Expression by Pyrosequencing (R)'. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1112 :85-104 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Analysis of genomic imprinting by quantitative allele-specific expression by pyrosequencing'
Peter C. McKeown, Klaudia M. Sikora and Charles Spillane (2013) 'Analysis of genomic imprinting by quantitative allele-specific expression by pyrosequencing'. Methods Mol Biol, [Details]
(2013) 'Emerging molecular mechanisms for biotechnological harnessing of heterosis in crops'
McKeown PC, Fort A, Duszynska D, Sulpice R, Spillane C (2013) 'Emerging molecular mechanisms for biotechnological harnessing of heterosis in crops'. Trends In Biotechnology, 31 (10):549-551 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Gamete fertility and ovule number variation in selfed reciprocal F1 hybrid triploid plants are heritable and display epigenetic parent-of-origin effects'
Duszynska, D,McKeown, PC,Juenger, TE,Pietraszewska-Bogiel, A,Geelen, D,Spillane, C (2013) 'Gamete fertility and ovule number variation in selfed reciprocal F1 hybrid triploid plants are heritable and display epigenetic parent-of-origin effects'. New Phytologist, 198 :71-81 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Landscaping plant epigenetics'
McKeown, Peter C. and Spillane, C. (2013) 'Landscaping plant epigenetics'. Methods Mol Biol, [Details]
(2013) 'CmCGG Methylation-Independent Parent-of-Origin Effects on Genome-Wide Transcript Levels in Isogenic Reciprocal F1 Triploid Plants'
Donoghue MT, Fort A, Clifton R, Zhang X, McKeown PC, Voigt-Zielinksi M, Borevitz JO, Spillane C (2013) 'CmCGG Methylation-Independent Parent-of-Origin Effects on Genome-Wide Transcript Levels in Isogenic Reciprocal F1 Triploid Plants'. Dna Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Identification of imprinted genes subject to parent-of-origin specific expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds'
McKeown, PC,Laouielle-Duprat, S,Prins, P,Wolff, P,Schmid, MW,Donoghue, MTA,Fort, A,Duszynska, D,Comte, A,Lao, NT,Wennblom, TJ,Smant, G,Kohler, C,Grossniklaus, U,Spillane, C (2011) 'Identification of imprinted genes subject to parent-of-origin specific expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds'. Bmc Plant Biology, 11 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'The Structure of rDNA Chromatin'
Shaw, PJ;McKeown, PC (2011) 'The Structure of rDNA Chromatin'. Nucleolus, 15 :43-55 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Chromatin: linking structure and function in the nucleolus'
McKeown P.C. and Shaw P.J. (2009) 'Chromatin: linking structure and function in the nucleolus'. Chromosoma, 118 (1):11-23 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2014) Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics.
Spillane C and McKeown PC (2014) Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics. Berlin: Springer Verlag. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Fixing our broken food system: the why and the how'
Meadu V, Challinor A, McKeown PC, Spillane C (2023) 'Fixing our broken food system: the why and the how' In: Transforming Global Food Systems Under Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Bottlenecks in research training: case-study of an interdisciplinary taught postgraduate course'
McKeown PC (2019) 'Bottlenecks in research training: case-study of an interdisciplinary taught postgraduate course' In: Decoding the Disciplines Scholarly e-Journal 2019. Rome: Roma Tre University. [Details]
(2019) 'Epigenetics and Heterosis in Crop Plants'
Ryder P, McKeown PC, Fort A, Spillane C. (2019) 'Epigenetics and Heterosis in Crop Plants' In: Plants of Agronomic Importance: Fundamentals and Applications. Berlin: Springer. [Details]
(2013) 'Harnessing genomics to improve nutritional content and bioavailability of plant-derived foods'
McKeown P.C. Keshaviaiah C., Fort A., Tuteja R., Chatterjee M., Varshney R., Spillane, C. (2013) 'Harnessing genomics to improve nutritional content and bioavailability of plant-derived foods' In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing: Opportunities and Challenges. USA: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. [Details]
(2009) 'Plant produced biopharmaceuticals'
Gerlach J.Q., Kilcoyne M., McKeown P., Spillane C., and Joshi L (2009) 'Plant produced biopharmaceuticals' In: Development and Deployment of Transgenic Plants. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2008) 'Preparation of Arabidopsis nuclei and nucleoli'
McKeown P.C., Pendle A.F. Shaw P.J. (2008) 'Preparation of Arabidopsis nuclei and nucleoli' In: Methods in Molecular Biology. New York: Humana Inc, Springer. [Details]
(2011) 'Structure of rDNA chromatin'
Peter J. Shaw and Peter C. McKeown (2011) 'Structure of rDNA chromatin' In: The nucleolus. New York: Springer. [Details]
(2012) 'Genomic imprinting: Parental control of gene expression in higher plants'
Peter C. McKeown, Antoine Fort and Charles Spillane (2012) 'Genomic imprinting: Parental control of gene expression in higher plants' In: Plant Polyploidy and Hybrid Genomics. Unknown: 2012. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2018) Symposium of Breeding for Diversification
Petitti M, Bocci R, Bussi B, Ceccarelli S, Spillane C, McKeown PC (2018) Evolutionary-participatory breeding generates wheat populations adapted for organic agriculture in Italy Symposium of Breeding for Diversification [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2023) Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland.
Silchenko D, Chisholm A, Murray U, McKeown PC, Spillane C, and Veerassamy L (2023) Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland. International Organisation for Migration, UN, IOM Ireland. [Details]
(2011) Assessment of biological barriers and R&D priorities for enhancement of microalgal strains for biorefinery applications.
Kaur S., McKeown P.C. and Spillane C. (2011) Assessment of biological barriers and R&D priorities for enhancement of microalgal strains for biorefinery applications. Enterprise Ireland Competence Centre for Biorefinery and Bioenergy Report, Dublin. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2016) Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity.
Hunter D, McKeown PC, Spillane C, Guarinho L (Ed.). (2016) Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity. 978-1-317753-285-5: Earthscan. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2007) 'Preparation of Arabidopsis nuclei and nucleoli'
McKeown P.C., Pendle A.F. Shaw P.J. (2007) 'Preparation of Arabidopsis nuclei and nucleoli' Plant Proteomics, . [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2020) MovingTarget2020: Digitalisation Conference, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),
Peter C. McKeown (2020) Application of the Theory of Change framework approach for an interdisciplinary food security Master¿s program. [Oral Presentation], MovingTarget2020: Digitalisation Conference, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, Germany/Online , 05-OCT-20. [Details]
(2012) International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridisation, and Biodiversity,
Peter C. McKeown, Dorota Duszynska, Thomas Juenger and Charles Spillane (2012) Reproductive effects in polyploid Arabidopsis. [Poster Presentation], International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridisation, and Biodiversity, Prague , 07-MAY-12 - 10-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012) AgroBioversity Ireland Annual Conference 2012,
Peter C. McKeown (2012) The AgBioDiv2012 Conference aims to network and showcase research projects and initiatives in Ireland for the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture. [Conference Organising Committee Member], AgroBioversity Ireland Annual Conference 2012, NUI Galway , 09-FEB-12 - 09-FEB-12. [Details]
(2011) International Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives,
Peter C. McKeown (2011) An International Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives. [Conference Organising Committee Member], International Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives, NUI Galway , 11-OCT-11 - 11-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011) Irish Plant Scientists Annual Meeting,
Peter C. McKeown, Sylvia Laouille-Duprat, Antoine Fort, Mark T.A. Donoghue, Pjotr Prins and Charles Spillane (2011) Identification of novel imprinted genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. [Oral Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists Annual Meeting, Queen's University Belfast , 02-MAY-11 - 03-MAY-11. [Details]
(2009) Irish National Development Biology meeting,
Peter McKeown, Sylvia Laouille-Duprat, Pjotr Prins and Charles Spillane (2009) Imprinting in Arabidopsis. [Oral Presentation], Irish National Development Biology meeting, NUI Galway , 04-DEC-09 - 04-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009) Irish Plant Scientists Annual Meeting,
Peter C. McKeown, Rachel Clifton, Dorota Duszynska and Charles Spillane (2009) Plant polyploid reproduction and phenotypes. [Chaired Session], Irish Plant Scientists Annual Meeting, Trinity College Dublin , 04-MAY-09 - 06-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridisation, and Biodiversity,
Peter C. McKeown, Rachel Clifton and Charles Spillane (2009) Presentation of work relating to polyploid phenotypes and gene expression in Arabidopsis. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridisation, and Biodiversity, St. Malo , 04-MAY-09 - 06-MAY-10. [Details]
(2008) Agriculture and Biotechnology International Conference,
Peter C. McKeown, Dorota Duszynska and Charles Spillane (2008) Apomixis and seed development for agriculture. [Poster Presentation], Agriculture and Biotechnology International Conference, University College Cork , 08-SEP-08 - 10-SEP-08. [Details]
(2006) International Chromatin Conference,
Peter C. McKeown, Alison F. Pendle and Peter Shaw (2006) Chromatin components of the Arabidopsis nucleolus. [Poster Presentation], International Chromatin Conference, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic , 06-DEC-06 - 09-DEC-06. [Details]
(2004) DAGOLIGN Plant developmental project meeting,
Peter C. McKeown & Jon Clarke (2004) Chromatin remodelling and plant phenotype in DRL1 over-expressor lines of Arabidopsis. [Oral Presentation], DAGOLIGN Plant developmental project meeting, Montpellier, France , 01-OCT-04 - 04-OCT-04. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2014) Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics Methods and Protocols Preface.
McKeown, PC,Spillane, C,McKeown, PC (2014) Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics Methods and Protocols Preface. Editorial [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) TILLING by Sequencing (TbyS) for targeted genome mutagenesis in crops.
Kumar, APK;McKeown, PC;Boualem, A;Ryder, P;Brychkova, G;Bendahmane, A;Sarkar, A;Chatterjee, M;Spillane, C (2017) TILLING by Sequencing (TbyS) for targeted genome mutagenesis in crops. DORDRECHT: SPRINGER Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2015) Moving Toward a Comprehensive Map of Central Plant Metabolism.
Sulpice, R,McKeown, PC,Merchant, SS (2015) Moving Toward a Comprehensive Map of Central Plant Metabolism. Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 HEA Teaching Hero National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and the Union of Students in Ireland

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Society of Molecular Biology & Evolution Member /


  Committee Function From / To
Ryan Institute Postgraduate Working Group Chair 04-JAN-21 /
Athena Swan SAT (SNS; SBCS) Member 01-OCT-19 /
Academic Council Elected member 03-SEP-18 /
Croatian Ministry of Education Accreditation Panel Evaluator of two crop science, forestry and breeding research institutes 01-NOV-13 / 30-NOV-13
Irish Plant Science Association Meeting local organizing committee Member 01-APR-13 / 30-JUN-13
Genetic Heritage Ireland Secretary of organisation 01-JUL-09 / 17-FEB-12



Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Tione Pascal Kaonga Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (2)
Timalizge Munthali Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (2)
Theresa Kinkese Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (1)
Kareem Longwe Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (2)

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2012 Plants, humans and the environment Lectures on plant evolution and crop development; interactive workshop on plant science communication; practical classes on Arabidopsis genetics
2016- Soil Science PAB3101
2012 Plant Genetics Lectures on plant genomic resources
2011 BT311 Journal clubs on plant and animal biotechnology
2009 4th year Biotechnology (UCC) Lectured on Systems biology
Spring/2011 BT433 Lecture on plant polyploidy and biotechnology
2016- Low-Emissions and Climate Smart Agri-Food Systems PAB5105
2022- Climate Change & Sustainable Development Perspectives PAB5133
2016- Climate Change, Natural Resources & Livelihoods PAB5108
2016- Climate Change, Plants & Agriculture PAB4103
2013- Biology (plant science component) BO101
2016- Climate Change, Agriculture & Global Food Security PAB5101
2016- AgriBiological Responses to Climate Change PAB5109
2022- Sustainability Research Skills & Techniques PAB5131
Spring/2011 Plants, humans and the environment Lectured on basal plant evolution; interactive workshop on plant science communication; practical classes on plant products