Dr Claire Kerins

B.Sc., Dip., M.A., PhD

Contact Details

School of Nursing & Midwifery
University of Galway
E: CKERINS@universityofgalway.ie


Dr Claire Kerins is a registered dietitian with extensive clinical experience across various healthcare settings and a strong background in applied health research and teaching. She is a Lecturer on the MSc in Evidence Based Future Healthcare at University of Galway. She is also a member of the Centre for Health Research Methodology and the Health Promotion Research Centre at University of Galway. She is an invited member of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research Leadership Team at the US Veterans Health Administration.

Claire is a recent graduate of the HRB SPHeRE PhD programme, in population health and health services research (2022), and the Irish Implementation Science Training Institute (2022). She was a Visiting Researcher at the National Centre of Implementation Science in Australia and the Hunter New England Population Health Service/Newcastle University (Newcastle, Australia) in 2020.

Relative to her career stage, Claire has a strong track record in producing and disseminating research outputs, with 19 peer-reviewed articles and 13 conference abstracts in highly regarded journals, and 32 additional publications such as policy briefs and reports. She has secured over 1.7 million euro in funding, and delivered more than 70 conference presentations and invited talks. Her research interests include food and nutrition, chronic disease prevention, health policy implementation, implementation science, and evidence synthesis.

Claire has over 10 years of teaching, training, and project supervision experience at undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional levels. Her academic roles have included serving as an Adjunct Clinical Lecturer, Nutrition and Diet Module Lead, and a member of the Programme Board for the MSc in Preventive Cardiology at University of Galway. She has been the recipient of multiple awards for clinical leadership, research, and educational contributions.

Research Interests

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Tailored strategies to address determinants of practice: a systematic review protocol'
McHugh S, Riordan F, Murphy J, McCarthy LJ, Kerins C, Morrissey E, Adams D, O'Connor S, O'Reilly É, Meza R, Lewis C, Powell B, Wensing M, Flottorp S, Wolfenden L (2024) 'Tailored strategies to address determinants of practice: a systematic review protocol'. Implementation Science, 19 (1) [Details]
(2024) 'Between Headlines and Hunger: Media Framing of Food Poverty on the Island of Ireland'
Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Kerins C, Furey S, Kelly C, Vaughan E. (2024) 'Between Headlines and Hunger: Media Framing of Food Poverty on the Island of Ireland'. Media Culture and Society, [Details]
(2024) 'Understanding current discourses on food poverty on the island of Ireland'
Kerins C, Kelly C, Furey S, Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Vaughan E. (2024) 'Understanding current discourses on food poverty on the island of Ireland'. Proceedings Of The Nutrition Society, [Details]
(2024) 'Factors influencing implementation of digital cardiac rehabilitation: a qualitative analysis of health care provider perspectives'
Gibson I, Kerins C, Foley L, Hynes L, Byrne M, Murphy AW, Reardon CM, McEvoy JW, Meade O. (2024) 'Factors influencing implementation of digital cardiac rehabilitation: a qualitative analysis of health care provider perspectives'. HRB Open Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Comparing two approaches for tailoring implementation strategies: case study of a structured type 1 diabetes education programme (DAFNE Ireland)'
Navarro AC, O'Mahony A, Riordan F, McHugh S, McCarthy LC, Kerins C, Curran GM, Lewis C. & Murphy J. (2024) 'Comparing two approaches for tailoring implementation strategies: case study of a structured type 1 diabetes education programme (DAFNE Ireland)'. Implementation Science, [Details]
(2024) 'Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility and sustainability of tailoring to select implementation strategies'
O'Mahony A, Navarro AC, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LC, Curran GM, Lewis C, McHugh S. (2024) 'Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility and sustainability of tailoring to select implementation strategies'. Implementation Science, [Details]
(2024) 'Stakeholder's experiences of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes'
Murphy J, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LH, Wolfenden L, McHugh S. (2024) 'Stakeholder's experiences of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes'. Implementation Science, 19 (1) [Details]
(2024) 'Tailoring implementation strategies which target patients in healthcare contexts: protocol for a scoping review sub-study'
McCarthy LJ, Riordan F, Murphy J, Pallin N, Kerins C, Albers B, Clack L, Morrissey E, Curran G, Lewis C, Powell B, Presseau J, Wolfenden L, McHugh S. (2024) 'Tailoring implementation strategies which target patients in healthcare contexts: protocol for a scoping review sub-study'. Implementation Science, 19 (1) [Details]
(2023) 'Understanding tailoring to support the implementation of evidence-based interventions in healthcare: The CUSTOMISE research programme protocol'
McHugh SM, Riordan F, Kerins C, Curran G, Lewis CC, Presseau J, Wolfenden L, Powell BJ (2023) 'Understanding tailoring to support the implementation of evidence-based interventions in healthcare: The CUSTOMISE research programme protocol'. HRB Open Research, 6 [Details]
(2023) 'Factors influencing participation in an online national diabetes prevention programme: A qualitative study with attenders and educators'
Haseldine C, O'Donoghue G, Kearney P, Riordan F, Kerins C, Kirby L, Humphreys M, McHugh S (2023) 'Factors influencing participation in an online national diabetes prevention programme: A qualitative study with attenders and educators'. Diabetic Medicine, (e15277) [Details]
(2023) 'News media framing of food poverty and insecurity in high-income countries: A rapid review'
Kerins C, Furey S, Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Kelly C, Vaughan E. (2023) 'News media framing of food poverty and insecurity in high-income countries: A rapid review'. Health Promotion International, 38 :1-15 [Details]
(2023) 'Dietary counselling to reduce moderate sodium intake: effects on cardiovascular and renal biomarkers: primary findings of the COSIP and STICK phase II feasibility randomised controlled trials'
Smyth A, Judge C, Kerins C, McDermott S, Niland A, Corcoran C, Dineen R, Alvarez-Iglesias A, Nolan A, Mente A, Griffin MD (2023) 'Dietary counselling to reduce moderate sodium intake: effects on cardiovascular and renal biomarkers: primary findings of the COSIP and STICK phase II feasibility randomised controlled trials'. Eclinicalmedicine, [Details]
(2022) 'Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: a protocol for a scoping review'
Riordan F, Kerins C, Pallin N, Albers B, Clack L, Morrissey E, Curran GM, Lewis CC, Powell BJ, Presseau J, Wolfenden L. (2022) 'Characterising processes and outcomes of tailoring implementation strategies in healthcare: a protocol for a scoping review'. HRB Open Research, 5 [Details]
(2021) 'Factors influencing fidelity to a calorie posting policy in public hospitals: a mixed methods study'
Kerins C, Kelly C, Reardon CM, Houghton C, Toomey E, Hayes CB, Geaney F, Perry IJ, McSharry J, McHugh S. (2021) 'Factors influencing fidelity to a calorie posting policy in public hospitals: a mixed methods study'. Frontiers in Public Health and Nutrition, 9 [Details]
(2021) 'Clarifying Optimal Sodium InTake In Cardiovasular and Kidney (COSTICK) Diseases: a study protocol for two randomised controlled trials'
Smyth A, Yusuf S, Kerins C, Corcoran C, Dineen R, Alvarez-Iglesias A, Ferguson J, McDermott S, Hernon O, Ranjan R, Nolan A. (2021) 'Clarifying Optimal Sodium InTake In Cardiovasular and Kidney (COSTICK) Diseases: a study protocol for two randomised controlled trials'. HRB Open Research, 4 [Details]
(2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions from a food service industry perspective: a mixed methods systematic review'
Kerins C, McHugh S, McSharry J, Reardon CM, Hayes C, Perry IJ, Geaney F, Seery S, Kelly C (2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions from a food service industry perspective: a mixed methods systematic review'. International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity, 17 [Details]
(2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nutrition standards for school food: a mixed methods systematic review protocol'
O'Mahony B, Kerins C, Murrin C, Kelly C. (2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nutrition standards for school food: a mixed methods systematic review protocol'. HRB Open Research, 3 [Details]
(2019) 'Implementation of a calorie menu labeling policy in public hospitals: study protocol for a multiple case study'
Kerins C, Houghton C, McHugh S, Geaney F, Toomey E, Hayes C, Perry IJ, Kelly C. (2019) 'Implementation of a calorie menu labeling policy in public hospitals: study protocol for a multiple case study'. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 18 :1-10 [Details]
(2018) 'Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices: a mixed methods systematic review protocol'
Kerins C, McSharry J, Hayes C, Perry IJ, Geaney F, Kelly C. (2018) 'Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices: a mixed methods systematic review protocol'. Systematic Reviews, 7 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Effects of an icon-based menu labelling initiative on consumer food choice'
Kerins C, Cunningham K, Finucane FM, Gibson I, Jones J, Kelly C. (2017) 'Effects of an icon-based menu labelling initiative on consumer food choice'. Perspectives In Public Health, 137 (1):45-52 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Assessing the efficacy of nurse led approach to guideline implementation-outcomes from a 5 year community based cardiovascular disease prevention programme'
Gibson I, Jones J, Walsh AM, Kerins C, Costello C, Dunne D, Connolly S, Crowley J, Flaherty G. (2016) 'Assessing the efficacy of nurse led approach to guideline implementation-outcomes from a 5 year community based cardiovascular disease prevention programme'. European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing, [Details]
(2016) 'Health economics evaluation of a preventive cardiology programme in Ireland'
Jones JL, Flaherty G, Gibson I, Walsh A, Costello C, Kerins C, Connolly SB, Wood DA. (2016) 'Health economics evaluation of a preventive cardiology programme in Ireland'. European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing, [Details]
(2015) 'A retrospective analysis of the relationship between cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF) and depression in high risk individuals who attend a preventive cardiology programme'
Windle J, Gibson I, Cunningham K, Kerins C, Walsh AM, Jones J, Connolly S, Mead A, Flaherty G, Grove T. (2015) 'A retrospective analysis of the relationship between cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF) and depression in high risk individuals who attend a preventive cardiology programme'. European Heart Journal, [Details]
(2015) 'Addressing the obesity epidemic through a novel user-friendly approach to menu labelling in the west of Ireland'
Kerins C, Gibson I, Cunningham K (2015) 'Addressing the obesity epidemic through a novel user-friendly approach to menu labelling in the west of Ireland'. Obesity Facts, 8 [Details]
(2015) 'Effects of an eight-week supervised, structured lifestyle modification programme on anthropometric, metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in severely obese adults'
Crowe C, Gibson I, Cunningham K, Kerins C, Costello C, Windle J, O Shea PM, Hynes M, McGuire B, Kilkelly K, Griffin H, O Brien T, Jones J, Finucane FM. (2015) 'Effects of an eight-week supervised, structured lifestyle modification programme on anthropometric, metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in severely obese adults'. BMC Endocr Disord, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Effects of a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention programme on long term weight loss and lifestyle goals in an obese population'
Kerins C, Gibson I, Crowley J, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Flaherty G. (2015) 'Effects of a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention programme on long term weight loss and lifestyle goals in an obese population'. Obesity Facts, [Details]
(2014) 'Effects of the Croi CLANN structured lifestyle modification programme on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in severely obese adults'
Crowe C, Gibson I, Cunningham K, Kerins C, Costello C, Windle J, Paula MO, Hynes M, McGuire B, Kilkelly K, Griffin H. (2014) 'Effects of the Croi CLANN structured lifestyle modification programme on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in severely obese adults'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [Details]
(2014) 'Translating guidelines to practice: findings from a multidisciplinary preventive cardiology programme in the west of Ireland'
Gibson I, Flaherty G, Cormican S, Jones J, Kerins C, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Connolly S, Crowley J. (2014) 'Translating guidelines to practice: findings from a multidisciplinary preventive cardiology programme in the west of Ireland'. European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology, [Details]
(2013) 'Delivering the MyAction programme in different populations: Galway, Republic of Ireland'
Gibson I, Flaherty G, Cormican S, Jones J, Kerins C, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Connolly S, Crowley J. (2013) 'Delivering the MyAction programme in different populations: Galway, Republic of Ireland'. The British Journal of Cardiology, [Details]
(2012) 'First results from an innovative community-based vascular prevention programme in Ireland'
Gibson I, Flaherty G, Walsh AM, Kerins C, Connolly S, Jones J, Crowley J. (2012) 'First results from an innovative community-based vascular prevention programme in Ireland'. Circulation, [Details]
(2011) 'Croi MyAction: First Results from an Innovative Community-Based Vascular Prevention Programme in Galway'
Flaherty G, Gibson I, Walsh AM, Kerins C, Connolly S, Crowley J. (2011) 'Croi MyAction: First Results from an Innovative Community-Based Vascular Prevention Programme in Galway'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [Details]


  Year Publication
(2013) Croí Healthy Ways: Cookbook and Lifestyle Guide.
Kerins C (2013) Croí Healthy Ways: Cookbook and Lifestyle Guide. Dublin: Zahra Publishing. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2024) Communicating food poverty on the island of Ireland.
Vaughan E, Kerins C, Furey S, Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Kelly, C. (2024) Communicating food poverty on the island of Ireland. Safefood, Dublin. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'News media framing of food poverty: A rapid review protocol'
Kerins C, Kelly C, Furey S, Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Vaughan E. (2023) 'News media framing of food poverty: A rapid review protocol' Open Science Foundation, . [Details]
(2022) 'Tailored strategies to address determinants of practice'
McHugh S, Riordan F, Kerins C, Morrissey E, O'Reilly E, Lewis C, Meza R, Powell B, Wensing M, Flottorp S, Wolfenden, L. (2022) 'Tailored strategies to address determinants of practice' Zenodo Registry, . [Details]
(2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nutrition standards for school food: a mixed methods systematic review protocol'
O'Mahony B, Kerins C, Murrin C, Kelly C (2020) 'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nutrition standards for school food: a mixed methods systematic review protocol' Open Science Foundation, . [Details]
(2018) 'Examining the rationale for including calorie content on menus as an obesity prevention policy'
Kerins C (2018) 'Examining the rationale for including calorie content on menus as an obesity prevention policy' Professional Nutrition & Dietetic Review, 3 (3) :12-13. [Details]
(2015) 'A dietary approach to reducing cholesterol levels'
Kerins C (2015) 'A dietary approach to reducing cholesterol levels' Nursing in General Practice, 8 :19-22. [Details]
(2013) 'I heart my health'
Kerins C, Gibson I, Cunningham K (2013) 'I heart my health' Treating Obesity, 2 :12-15. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2024) Nutrition Society Congress,
Kerins C, Kelly C, Furey S, Kerrigan P, McCartan A, Vaughan E (2024) Understanding current discourses on food poverty on the island of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Nutrition Society Congress, Belfast , 02-JUL-24. [Details]
(2024) Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference,
Navarro AC, O'Mahony A, Riordan F, McHugh S, McCarthy LC, Kerins C, Curran GM, Lewis C, Murphy, J (2024) Comparing two approaches for tailoring implementation strategies: case study of a structured type 1 diabetes education programme (DAFNE Ireland). [Oral Presentation], Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference, Colorado , 07-OCT-24. [Details]
(2024) Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference,
O'Mahony A, Navarro AC, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LC, Curran GM, Lewis C, McHugh S (2024) Healthcare professionals' perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility and sustainability of tailoring to select implementation strategies. [Oral Presentation], Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference, Colorado , 14-OCT-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society,
O'Mahony A, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LC, McHugh S (2024) How does tailoring work to produce successful implementation strategies?. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Portugal , 06-JUL-24. [Details]
(2023) UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference,
Murphy J, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LJ, Wolfenden L, McHugh SM (2023) Stakeholder's experiences of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes. [Oral Presentation], UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference, Limerick , 02-JUL-23. [Details]
(2023) SPHeRE Network 9th Annual Conference,
Haseldine C, Kearney PM, O'Donoghue G, Riordan F, Kerins C, Humphreys M, Kirby L, McHugh S (2023) Factors influencing participation in the online National Diabetes Prevention Programme. [Oral Presentation], SPHeRE Network 9th Annual Conference, Dublin , 03-MAR-23. [Details]
(2023) Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society,
Murphy J, Riordan F, Kerins C, McCarthy LJ, Wolfenden L, McHugh SM (2023) Stakeholder's experiences of tailoring implementation of the DAFNE structured education programme for type 1 diabetes. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Germany , 01-SEP-23. [Details]
(2023) International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,
Haseldine C, Kearney PM, O'Donoghue, Riordan F, Kerins C, Humphreys M, Kirby L, McHugh S (2023) Implementing an online National Diabetes Prevention Programme: A mixed methods study to understand participation. [Oral Presentation], International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Sweden , 01-JUN-23. [Details]
(2022) Implementation Science Conference: Complexities and Applications,
Kerins C, Riordan F, McHugh S. (2022) Stakeholder's experiences of tailoring strategies to support implementation of health interventions: a mixed methods study. [Oral Presentation], Implementation Science Conference: Complexities and Applications, Limerick , 01-NOV-22. [Details]
(2021) Launch of the HSE Nutrition Standards for Staff and Visitors in Healthcare Settings,
Kerins C (2021) Calorie Posting - Research Findings on Implementation Opportunities and Challenges. [Invited Oral Presentation], Launch of the HSE Nutrition Standards for Staff and Visitors in Healthcare Settings, Dublin , 08-SEP-21. [Details]
(2019) Presentation to the Department of Health and Healthy Ireland,
Kerins C (2019) Implementation of mandatory calorie menu labelling in Ireland: exploring the opportunities and challenges. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation to the Department of Health and Healthy Ireland, Dublin , 01-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019) SPHeRE Network 5th Annual Conference,
Kerins C, McSharry J, Hayes, Perry IJ, Geaney F, Kelly C (2019) A mixed methods systematic review of the barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices. [Oral Presentation], SPHeRE Network 5th Annual Conference, Dublin , 01-FEB-19. [Details]
(2018) UCC Implementation Science Seminar,
Kerins C (2018) Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions: A mixed methods systematic review. [Invited Oral Presentation], UCC Implementation Science Seminar, Cork , 15-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018) ASPIRE-3-PREVENT National Meeting,
Kerins C (2018) What actions should be taken to improve the practice of preventive cardiology?. [Invited Oral Presentation], ASPIRE-3-PREVENT National Meeting, London , 03-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) Presentation to Hunter New England Population Health, University of Newcastle, Australia,
Kerins C (2018) Obesity Prevention in Ireland: Challenges & Opportunities. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation to Hunter New England Population Health, University of Newcastle, Australia, Australia , 14-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018) Association for the Study of Obesity Ireland 2018 Annual Conference,
Kerins C, McSharry J, Hayes C, Perry IJ, Geaney F, Colette K (2018) Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices: A mixed methods systematic review. [Oral Presentation], Association for the Study of Obesity Ireland 2018 Annual Conference, Dublin , 04-MAY-18. [Details]
(2018) NIPC Cholesterol Masterclass,
Kerins C (2018) A lifestyle Approach to Cholesterol Management. [Invited Oral Presentation], NIPC Cholesterol Masterclass, Dublin , 04-APR-18. [Details]
(2018) Global Evidence and Implementation Summit,
Kerins C, McSharry J, C Hayes, Perry IJ, Geaney F, Kelly C (2018) Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices: A mixed methods systematic review. [Oral Presentation], Global Evidence and Implementation Summit, Australia , 21-OCT-18. [Details]
(2017) Presentation at the Department of Health,
Kerins C (2017) Calorie Posting on Menus. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation at the Department of Health, Dublin , 20-SEP-17. [Details]
(2016) 20th Anniversary Health Promotion Conference,
Kerins C, Gibson I, Tumulty R, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Dunne D, Connolly S, Crowley J, Flaherty G (2016) Informing the transformation of preventive care in Ireland: outcomes from a 5-year community based cardiovascular disease prevention programme. [Oral Presentation], 20th Anniversary Health Promotion Conference, Galway , 18-JUN-16. [Details]
(2015) EuroHeart Care Conference,
Kerins C, Gibson I, Crowley J, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Flaherty G. (2015) Assessing the impact of a structured lifestyle modification programme on the cardiovascular risk profile of severely obese adults. [Oral Presentation], EuroHeart Care Conference, Croatia , 01-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Annual General Meeting of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Western Branch,
Kerins C (2015) Introduction to pre-diabetes. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual General Meeting of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Western Branch, Galway , 02-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Irish Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference,
Jones J, Kerins C, Gibson I, Walsh AM, Kerins C, Costello C, Dunne D, Connolly S, Crowley J, Flaherty G. (2015) Leadership in prevention. [Oral Presentation], Irish Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference, Dublin , 02-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) European Congress on Obesity,
Kerins C, Gibson I, Cunningham K (2015) Addressing the obesity epidemic through a novel user-friendly approach to menu labelling in the west of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], European Congress on Obesity, Prague , 14-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology,
Windle J, Gibson I, Kerins C, Tumulty R, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Dunne D, Connolly S, Crowley J, Flaherty G (2015) A retrospective analysis of the relationship between cardio-respiratory fitness and depression in high risk individuals who attend a preventive cardiology programme. [Oral Presentation], Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, London , 02-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014) 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference,
Cunningham K, Gibson I, Kerins C, Crowley J, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Flaherty G. (2014) The impact of attending the Croí MyAction CVD prevention programme with a partner on diet and anthropometrics. [Oral Presentation], 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference, Galway , 24-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014) 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference,
Gibson I, Crowe C, Kerins , Crowley J, Jones J, Walsh AM, Costello C, Windle J, Flaherty G. (2014) Effects of the Croí CLANN structured lifestyle modification programme on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in severely obese adults. [Oral Presentation], 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference, Galway , 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2013) NIPC Masterclass Series for Diabetes Management in Primary Care,
Kerins C, Finucane F. (2013) Weight management in type 2 diabetes. [Invited Oral Presentation], NIPC Masterclass Series for Diabetes Management in Primary Care, Galway , 11-FEB-13. [Details]
(2012) Annual Congress of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation,
Gibson I, Kerins C, Jones J, Flaherty G, Walsh AM, Connolly S, Crowley J. (2012) Prevention in Practice. [Oral Presentation], Annual Congress of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, Dublin , 01-MAY-12. [Details]
(2011) 4th West of Ireland Integrated Diabetes Care Conference,
Kerins C (2011) Dietary advice for obesity - putting theory into practice. [Oral Presentation], 4th West of Ireland Integrated Diabetes Care Conference, Mayo , 01-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011) 5th Annual Nurse Symposium,
Kerins C (2011) Reducing cholesterol - A lifestyle approach. [Invited Oral Presentation], 5th Annual Nurse Symposium, Galway , 15-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011) 7th Annual General Practice Meeting,
Kerins C (2011) The Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular disease prevention. [Oral Presentation], 7th Annual General Practice Meeting, Galway , 03-SEP-11. [Details]
(2010) 4th Annual Nurse Symposium,
Kerins C (2010) Healthy eating the Mediterranean way. [Oral Presentation], 4th Annual Nurse Symposium, Galway , 04-MAY-10. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) Implementation of menu labelling policies: opportunities and challenges.
Kerins C (2023) Implementation of menu labelling policies: opportunities and challenges. SPHeRE Programme Blog [Details]
(2018) Lifestyle Approaches to Cholesterol Management.
Kerins C (2018) Lifestyle Approaches to Cholesterol Management. SPHeRE Programme Blog [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2022) A food service industry perspective on the barriers and facilitators to menu labelling implementation: A review of the evidence.
Kerins C (2022) A food service industry perspective on the barriers and facilitators to menu labelling implementation: A review of the evidence. SPHeRE Policy Brief Policy Contribution [Details]
(2022) Factors influencing adherence to a calorie posting policy in Irish public hospitals.
Kerins C (2022) Factors influencing adherence to a calorie posting policy in Irish public hospitals. SPHeRE Policy Brief Policy Contribution [Details]

Video recording / TV

  Year Publication
(2014) Your Healthy Shopping Guide.
Kerins C (2014) Your Healthy Shopping Guide. Dublin: Safefood Video recording / TV [Details]

Web Page

  Year Publication
(2019) Risk factor control: Nutrition - changing diet and alcohol consumption.
Kerins C, Panagiotakos D (2019) Risk factor control: Nutrition - changing diet and alcohol consumption. ESC Prevention of CVD Programme. Web Page [Details]
(2019) Mediterranean diet: a heart-friendly dietary pattern.
Panagiotakos D, Kerins C. (2019) Mediterranean diet: a heart-friendly dietary pattern. European Society of Cardiology Web Page [Details]