Mr Mike Mc Cormack


Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar-Creative Writing
Arts Millennium Building
University of Galway


Mike McCormack lectures in Creative Writing and is the author of four novels - Crowe's Requiem (1998), Notes from a Coma (2005), Solar Bones (2016)  and This Plague of Souls (2023) and two collections of short stories -  Getting It in the Head (1996) and Forensic Songs (2012). He is the Director of the MA (Writing).  
 In 1996 his debut collection Getting it in the Head was awarded the Rooney Prize for Literature and was chosen as a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. In 2006 Notes from a Coma was shortlisted for the Irish Book of the Year Award. In 2016 Solar Bones was awarded the Goldsmiths Prize and both the Irish Novel of the Year and Book of the Year Award; it was also long-listed for the 2017 Man Booker Prize. In 2018 it was awarded the International Dublin Literary Award. In 2022 a Rough Magic production of Solar Bones played successfully at the Abbey Theatre for ten days. His work has been translated into several languages and in 2019 he was elected to Aosdána.

Research Interests

I am a novelist and short story writer. My work in these forms is broadly realist but also shot through with a streak of strange - surreal, fantastic and conjectural... It takes its cue from the grand experiments of high-modernism - Joyce, Beckett and Flann O'Brien - while also acknowledging a debt to the virtues of genre fiction - crime, western, sci-fi and fantasy genres. The challenge is to draw these disparate elements into coherent artistic alignment.

My work in both the novel and short story has been a passionate enquiry into both the telling of stories and the ways we tell stories - the different structures, idioms and voices we use. From the beginning I have seen fiction as a place of play, conjecture and experiment in which I have tried to expand the received tradition into new narrative forms and thematic considerations.   

In short, my interest in fiction writing is in exploring and examining those human truth's and possibilities in ways that only fiction can do.


  Year Publication
(2023) This Plague of Souls (Novel).
Mike McCormack (2023) This Plague of Souls (Novel). Ireland, Britain, America: Tramp Press (Ireland), Canongate (England). [Details]
(2016) Solar Bones (Novel).
Mike McCormack (2016) Solar Bones (Novel). Dublin: Tramp Press. [Details]
(2012) Forensic Songs (Short Stories).
Mike McCormack (2012) Forensic Songs (Short Stories). Dublin: Lilliput Press. [Details]
(2005) Notes from a Coma (Novel).
Mike McCormack (2005) Notes from a Coma (Novel). London: Jonathan Cape. [Details]
(1998) Crowe's Requiem (Novel).
Mike McCormack (1998) Crowe's Requiem (Novel). London: Jonathan Cape. [Details]
(1996) Getting it in the Head (Short Stories).
Mike McCormack (1996) Getting it in the Head (Short Stories). London: Jonathan Cape. [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2019 The Athens Prize for Literature (Shortlisted) City of Athens
2016 Goldsmiths Prize Goldsmiths, University of London
2018 International Dublin Literary Award (Winner) Dublin City Council
2018 European Literature Prize (Longlisted) European
2017 Booker Prize (Longlisted) Booker Prize Foundation
2017 Republic of Consciousness Prize (Runner-up) UEA Publishing Project/Granta Trust/Arts Council England
1996 Rooney Prize for Irish Literature (Winner) The Rooney Family former Ambassador to Ireland, Dan Rooney

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Irish Writers Centre Ambassador 01-JAN-19 / 31-DEC-22
Aosdána Member 01-NOV-19 /

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests lie in encouraging writers to explore all the possibilities of fiction writing and creative non-fiction with a mission to enable them find their way towards their own voice and their own thematic concerns.
As both teacher and writer I am also interested in exploring and developing the tradition of Irish science fiction.

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Sem 1 - 2003 - Present Writing Workshop: Fiction EN602
Semester 2 2016 - Present Exploring Non-Fiction CW102 A practical, workshop based class in which students explore by the historical and recent tradition of Creative Non-fiction with a view towards completing a project of their own devising.
Sem 2 2017 - Present Contemporary Lit ENG304
Sem 2, 2003 - Present Writing Workshop: Fiction 2 EN6111
Sem 1 and Sem 2, 2016 - Present Writer's Seminar EN604
Semester 1 2016 - Present The Forms of Fiction CW101 A workshop based class in which students explore all the different ways in which prose fiction tells our stories.

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Dr El Putnam Maynooth University IRELAND
We have an artistic partnership which has seen us exhibit work in both university and gallery.
The Irish Writers Centre The Irish Writers Centre IRELAND
We have established a mentoring program for writers at the beginning of their career who wish to gain teaching experience at 3rd level.
Arts Council of Ireland Arts Council of Ireland IRELAND
We host a Writer-in-Residence on a yearly basis during which we give them workspace and mentor them in gaining teaching experience.