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Dr Nicola Miller
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Lambe Institute
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57214957633 @NicolaMillerPhD

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer (Feb, 10.1007/s11845-020-02174-x, 2020)'
McVeigh, UM;McVeigh, TP;Curran, C;Miller, N;Morris, DW;Kerin, MJ (2020) 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer (Feb, 10.1007/s11845-020-02174-x, 2020)'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Genome-wide association study of germline variants and breast cancer-specific mortality'
Escala-Garcia M;Guo Q;Dörk T;Canisius S;Keeman R;Dennis J;Beesley J;Lecarpentier J;Bolla MK;Wang Q;Abraham J;Andrulis IL;Anton-Culver H;Arndt V;Auer PL;Beckmann MW;Behrens S;Benitez J;Bermisheva M;Bernstein L;Blomqvist C;Boeckx B;Bojesen SE;Bonanni B;Børresen-Dale AL;Brauch H;Brenner H;Brentnall A;Brinton L;Broberg P;Brock IW;Brucker SY;Burwinkel B;Caldas C;Caldés T;Campa D;Canzian F;Carracedo A;Carter BD;Castelao JE;Chang-Claude J;Chanock SJ;Chenevix-Trench G;Cheng TD;Chin SF;Clarke CL; ;Cordina-Duverger E;Couch FJ;Cox DG;Cox A;Cross SS;Czene K;Daly MB;Devilee P;Dunn JA;Dunning AM;Durcan L;Dwek M;Earl HM;Ekici AB;Eliassen AH;Ellberg C;Engel C;Eriksson M;Evans DG;Figueroa J;Flesch-Janys D;Flyger H;Gabrielson M;Gago-Dominguez M;Galle E;Gapstur SM;García-Closas M;García-Sáenz JA;Gaudet MM;George A;Georgoulias V;Giles GG;Glendon G;Goldgar DE;González-Neira A;Alnæs GIG;Grip M;Guénel P;Haeberle L;Hahnen E;Haiman CA;Håkansson N;Hall P;Hamann U;Hankinson S;Harkness EF;Harrington PA;Hart SN;Hartikainen JM;Hein A;Hillemanns P;Hiller L;Holleczek B;Hollestelle A;Hooning MJ;Hoover RN;Hopper JL;Howell A;Huang G;Humphreys K;Hunter DJ;Janni W;John EM;Jones ME;Jukkola-Vuorinen A;Jung A;Kaaks R;Kabisch M;Kaczmarek K;Kerin MJ;Khan S;Khusnutdinova E;Kiiski JI;Kitahara CM;Knight JA;Ko YD;Koppert LB;Kosma VM;Kraft P;Kristensen VN;Krüger U;Kühl T;Lambrechts D;Le Marchand L;Lee E;Lejbkowicz F;Li L;Lindblom A;Lindström S;Linet M;Lissowska J;Lo WY;Loibl S;Lubi¿ski J;Lux MP;MacInnis RJ;Maierthaler M;Maishman T;Makalic E;Mannermaa A;Manoochehri M;Manoukian S;Margolin S;Martinez ME;Mavroudis D;McLean C;Meindl A;Middha P;Miller N;Milne RL;Moreno F;Mulligan AM;Mulot C;Nassir R;Neuhausen SL;Newman WT;Nielsen SF;Nordestgaard BG;Norman A;Olsson H;Orr N;Pankratz VS;Park-Simon TW;Perez JIA;Pérez-Barrios C;Peterlongo P;Petridis C;Pinchev M;Prajzendanc K;Prentice R;Presneau N;Prokofieva D;Pylkäs K;Rack B;Radice P;Ramachandran D;Rennert G;Rennert HS;Rhenius V;Romero A;Roylance R;Saloustros E;Sawyer EJ;Schmidt DF;Schmutzler RK;Schneeweiss A;Schoemaker MJ;Schumacher F;Schwentner L;Scott RJ;Scott C;Seynaeve C;Shah M;Simard J;Smeets A;Sohn C;Southey MC;Swerdlow AJ;Talhouk A;Tamimi RM;Tapper WJ;Teixeira MR;Tengström M;Terry MB;Thöne K;Tollenaar RAEM;Tomlinson I;Torres D;Truong T;Turman C;Turnbull C;Ulmer HU;Untch M;Vachon C;van Asperen CJ;van den Ouweland AMW;van Veen EM;Wendt C;Whittemore AS;Willett W;Winqvist R;Wolk A;Yang XR;Zhang Y;Easton DF;Fasching PA;Nevanlinna H;Eccles DM;Pharoah PDP;Schmidt MK; (2019) 'Genome-wide association study of germline variants and breast cancer-specific mortality'. British Journal Of Cancer, 120 (6) [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Polygenic Risk Scores for Prediction of Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Subtypes'
Mavaddat N;Michailidou K;Dennis J;Lush M;Fachal L;Lee A;Tyrer JP;Chen TH;Wang Q;Bolla MK;Yang X;Adank MA;Ahearn T;Aittomäki K;Allen J;Andrulis IL;Anton-Culver H;Antonenkova NN;Arndt V;Aronson KJ;Auer PL;Auvinen P;Barrdahl M;Beane Freeman LE;Beckmann MW;Behrens S;Benitez J;Bermisheva M;Bernstein L;Blomqvist C;Bogdanova NV;Bojesen SE;Bonanni B;Børresen-Dale AL;Brauch H;Bremer M;Brenner H;Brentnall A;Brock IW;Brooks-Wilson A;Brucker SY;Brüning T;Burwinkel B;Campa D;Carter BD;Castelao JE;Chanock SJ;Chlebowski R;Christiansen H;Clarke CL;Collée JM;Cordina-Duverger E;Cornelissen S;Couch FJ;Cox A;Cross SS;Czene K;Daly MB;Devilee P;Dörk T;Dos-Santos-Silva I;Dumont M;Durcan L;Dwek M;Eccles DM;Ekici AB;Eliassen AH;Ellberg C;Engel C;Eriksson M;Evans DG;Fasching PA;Figueroa J;Fletcher O;Flyger H;Försti A;Fritschi L;Gabrielson M;Gago-Dominguez M;Gapstur SM;García-Sáenz JA;Gaudet MM;Georgoulias V;Giles GG;Gilyazova IR;Glendon G;Goldberg MS;Goldgar DE;González-Neira A;Grenaker Alnæs GI;Grip M;Gronwald J;Grundy A;Guénel P;Haeberle L;Hahnen E;Haiman CA;Håkansson N;Hamann U;Hankinson SE;Harkness EF;Hart SN;He W;Hein A;Heyworth J;Hillemanns P;Hollestelle A;Hooning MJ;Hoover RN;Hopper JL;Howell A;Huang G;Humphreys K;Hunter DJ;Jakimovska M;Jakubowska A;Janni W;John EM;Johnson N;Jones ME;Jukkola-Vuorinen A;Jung A;Kaaks R;Kaczmarek K;Kataja V;Keeman R;Kerin MJ;Khusnutdinova E;Kiiski JI;Knight JA;Ko YD;Kosma VM;Koutros S;Kristensen VN;Krüger U;Kühl T;Lambrechts D;Le Marchand L;Lee E;Lejbkowicz F;Lilyquist J;Lindblom A;Lindström S;Lissowska J;Lo WY;Loibl S;Long J;Lubi¿ski J;Lux MP;MacInnis RJ;Maishman T;Makalic E;Maleva Kostovska I;Mannermaa A;Manoukian S;Margolin S;Martens JWM;Martinez ME;Mavroudis D;McLean C;Meindl A;Menon U;Middha P;Miller N;Moreno F;Mulligan AM;Mulot C;Muñoz-Garzon VM;Neuhausen SL;Nevanlinna H;Neven P;Newman WG;Nielsen SF;Nordestgaard BG;Norman A;Offit K;Olson JE;Olsson H;Orr N;Pankratz VS;Park-Simon TW;Perez JIA;Pérez-Barrios C;Peterlongo P;Peto J;Pinchev M;Plaseska-Karanfilska D;Polley EC;Prentice R;Presneau N;Prokofyeva D;Purrington K;Pylkäs K;Rack B;Radice P;Rau-Murthy R;Rennert G;Rennert HS;Rhenius V;Robson M;Romero A;Ruddy KJ;Ruebner M;Saloustros E;Sandler DP;Sawyer EJ;Schmidt DF;Schmutzler RK;Schneeweiss A;Schoemaker MJ;Schumacher F;Schürmann P;Schwentner L;Scott C;Scott RJ;Seynaeve C;Shah M;Sherman ME;Shrubsole MJ;Shu XO;Slager S;Smeets A;Sohn C;Soucy P;Southey MC;Spinelli JJ;Stegmaier C;Stone J;Swerdlow AJ;Tamimi RM;Tapper WJ;Taylor JA;Terry MB;Thöne K;Tollenaar RAEM;Tomlinson I;Truong T;Tzardi M;Ulmer HU;Untch M;Vachon CM;van Veen EM;Vijai J;Weinberg CR;Wendt C;Whittemore AS;Wildiers H;Willett W;Winqvist R;Wolk A;Yang XR;Yannoukakos D;Zhang Y;Zheng W;Ziogas A; ; ; ;Dunning AM;Thompson DJ;Chenevix-Trench G;Chang-Claude J;Schmidt MK;Hall P;Milne RL;Pharoah PDP;Antoniou AC;Chatterjee N;Kraft P;García-Closas M;Simard J;Easton DF; (2019) 'Polygenic Risk Scores for Prediction of Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Subtypes'. American Journal Of Human Genetics, 104 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Publisher Correction: Evidence that breast cancer risk at the 2q35 locus is mediated through IGFBP5 regulation'
Ghoussaini M;Edwards SL;Michailidou K;Nord S;Cowper-Sal Lari R;Desai K;Kar S;Hillman KM;Kaufmann S;Glubb DM;Beesley J;Dennis J;Bolla MK;Wang Q;Dicks E;Guo Q;Schmidt MK;Shah M;Luben R;Brown J;Czene K;Darabi H;Eriksson M;Klevebring D;Bojesen SE;Nordestgaard BG;Nielsen SF;Flyger H;Lambrechts D;Thienpont B;Neven P;Wildiers H;Broeks A;Van't Veer LJ;Rutgers EJT;Couch FJ;Olson JE;Hallberg E;Vachon C;Chang-Claude J;Rudolph A;Seibold P;Flesch-Janys D;Peto J;Dos-Santos-Silva I;Gibson L;Nevanlinna H;Muranen TA;Aittomäki K;Blomqvist C;Hall P;Li J;Liu J;Humphreys K;Kang D;Choi JY;Park SK;Noh DY;Matsuo K;Ito H;Iwata H;Yatabe Y;Guénel P;Truong T;Menegaux F;Sanchez M;Burwinkel B;Marme F;Schneeweiss A;Sohn C;Wu AH;Tseng CC;Van Den Berg D;Stram DO;Benitez J;Pilar Zamora M;Perez JIA;Menéndez P;Shu XO;Lu W;Gao YT;Cai Q;Cox A;Cross SS;Reed MWR;Andrulis IL;Knight JA;Glendon G;Tchatchou S;Sawyer EJ;Tomlinson I;Kerin MJ;Miller N;Haiman CA;Henderson BE;Schumacher F;Le Marchand L;Lindblom A;Margolin S;Teo SH;Yip CH;Lee DSC;Wong TY;Hooning MJ;Martens JWM;Collée JM;van Deurzen CHM;Hopper JL;Southey MC;Tsimiklis H;Kapuscinski MK;Shen CY;Wu PE;Yu JC;Chen ST;Alnæs GG;Borresen-Dale AL;Giles GG;Milne RL;McLean C;Muir K;Lophatananon A;Stewart-Brown S;Siriwanarangsan P;Hartman M;Miao H;Buhari SABS;Teo YY;Fasching PA;Haeberle L;Ekici AB;Beckmann MW;Brenner H;Dieffenbach AK;Arndt V;Stegmaier C;Swerdlow A;Ashworth A;Orr N;Schoemaker MJ;García-Closas M;Figueroa J;Chanock SJ;Lissowska J;Simard J;Goldberg MS;Labrèche F;Dumont M;Winqvist R;Pylkäs K;Jukkola-Vuorinen A;Brauch H;Brüning T;Koto YD;Radice P;Peterlongo P;Bonanni B;Volorio S;Dörk T;Bogdanova NV;Helbig S;Mannermaa A;Kataja V;Kosma VM;Hartikainen JM;Devilee P;Tollenaar RAEM;Seynaeve C;Van Asperen CJ;Jakubowska A;Lubinski J;Jaworska-Bieniek K;Durda K;Slager S;Toland AE;Ambrosone CB;Yannoukakos D;Sangrajrang S;Gaborieau V;Brennan P;McKay J;Hamann U;Torres D;Zheng W;Long J;Anton-Culver H;Neuhausen SL;Luccarini C;Baynes C;Ahmed S;Maranian M;Healey CS;González-Neira A;Pita G;Rosario Alonso M;Álvarez N;Herrero D;Tessier DC;Vincent D;Bacot F;de Santiago I;Carroll J;Caldas C;Brown MA;Lupien M;Kristensen VN;Pharoah PDP;Chenevix-Trench G;French JD;Easton DF;Dunning AM; (2018) 'Publisher Correction: Evidence that breast cancer risk at the 2q35 locus is mediated through IGFBP5 regulation'. Nature Communications, 9 [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Identification of ten variants associated with risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer'
Milne RL;Kuchenbaecker KB;Michailidou K;Beesley J;Kar S;Lindström S;Hui S;Lemaçon A;Soucy P;Dennis J;Jiang X;Rostamianfar A;Finucane H;Bolla MK;McGuffog L;Wang Q;Aalfs CM; ;Adams M;Adlard J;Agata S;Ahmed S;Ahsan H;Aittomäki K;Al-Ejeh F;Allen J;Ambrosone CB;Amos CI;Andrulis IL;Anton-Culver H;Antonenkova NN;Arndt V;Arnold N;Aronson KJ;Auber B;Auer PL;Ausems MGEM;Azzollini J;Bacot F;Balmaña J;Barile M;Barjhoux L;Barkardottir RB;Barrdahl M;Barnes D;Barrowdale D;Baynes C;Beckmann MW;Benitez J;Bermisheva M;Bernstein L;Bignon YJ;Blazer KR;Blok MJ;Blomqvist C;Blot W;Bobolis K;Boeckx B;Bogdanova NV;Bojesen A;Bojesen SE;Bonanni B;Børresen-Dale AL;Bozsik A;Bradbury AR;Brand JS;Brauch H;Brenner H;Bressac-de Paillerets B;Brewer C;Brinton L;Broberg P;Brooks-Wilson A;Brunet J;Brüning T;Burwinkel B;Buys SS;Byun J;Cai Q;Caldés T;Caligo MA;Campbell I;Canzian F;Caron O;Carracedo A;Carter BD;Castelao JE;Castera L;Caux-Moncoutier V;Chan SB;Chang-Claude J;Chanock SJ;Chen X;Cheng TD;Chiquette J;Christiansen H;Claes KBM;Clarke CL;Conner T;Conroy DM;Cook J;Cordina-Duverger E;Cornelissen S;Coupier I;Cox A;Cox DG;Cross SS;Cuk K;Cunningham JM;Czene K;Daly MB;Damiola F;Darabi H;Davidson R;De Leeneer K;Devilee P;Dicks E;Diez O;Ding YC;Ditsch N;Doheny KF;Domchek SM;Dorfling CM;Dörk T;Dos-Santos-Silva I;Dubois S;Dugué PA;Dumont M;Dunning AM;Durcan L;Dwek M;Dworniczak B;Eccles D;Eeles R;Ehrencrona H;Eilber U;Ejlertsen B;Ekici AB;Eliassen AH; ;Engel C;Eriksson M;Fachal L;Faivre L;Fasching PA;Faust U;Figueroa J;Flesch-Janys D;Fletcher O;Flyger H;Foulkes WD;Friedman E;Fritschi L;Frost D;Gabrielson M;Gaddam P;Gammon MD;Ganz PA;Gapstur SM;Garber J;Garcia-Barberan V;García-Sáenz JA;Gaudet MM;Gauthier-Villars M;Gehrig A; ;Georgoulias V;Gerdes AM;Giles GG;Glendon G;Godwin AK;Goldberg MS;Goldgar DE;González-Neira A;Goodfellow P;Greene MH;Alnæs GIG;Grip M;Gronwald J;Grundy A;Gschwantler-Kaulich D;Guénel P;Guo Q;Haeberle L;Hahnen E;Haiman CA;Håkansson N;Hallberg E;Hamann U;Hamel N;Hankinson S;Hansen TVO;Harrington P;Hart SN;Hartikainen JM;Healey CS; ;Hein A;Helbig S;Henderson A;Heyworth J;Hicks B;Hillemanns P;Hodgson S;Hogervorst FB;Hollestelle A;Hooning MJ;Hoover B;Hopper JL;Hu C;Huang G;Hulick PJ;Humphreys K;Hunter DJ;Imyanitov EN;Isaacs C;Iwasaki M;Izatt L;Jakubowska A;James P;Janavicius R;Janni W;Jensen UB;John EM;Johnson N;Jones K;Jones M;Jukkola-Vuorinen A;Kaaks R;Kabisch M;Kaczmarek K;Kang D;Kast K; ;Keeman R;Kerin MJ;Kets CM;Keupers M;Khan S;Khusnutdinova E;Kiiski JI;Kim SW;Knight JA;Konstantopoulou I;Kosma VM;Kristensen VN;Kruse TA;Kwong A;Lænkholm AV;Laitman Y;Lalloo F;Lambrechts D;Landsman K;Lasset C;Lazaro C;Le Marchand L;Lecarpentier J;Lee A;Lee E;Lee JW;Lee MH;Lejbkowicz F;Lesueur F;Li J;Lilyquist J;Lincoln A;Lindblom A;Lissowska J;Lo WY;Loibl S;Long J;Loud JT;Lubinski J;Luccarini C;Lush M;MacInnis RJ;Maishman T;Makalic E;Kostovska IM;Malone KE;Manoukian S;Manson JE;Margolin S;Martens JWM;Martinez ME;Matsuo K;Mavroudis D;Mazoyer S;McLean C;Meijers-Heijboer H;Menéndez P;Meyer J;Miao H;Miller A;Miller N;Mitchell G;Montagna M;Muir K;Mulligan AM;Mulot C;Nadesan S;Nathanson KL; ;Neuhausen SL;Nevanlinna H;Nevelsteen I;Niederacher D;Nielsen SF;Nordestgaard BG;Norman A;Nussbaum RL;Olah E;Olopade OI;Olson JE;Olswold C;Ong KR;Oosterwijk JC;Orr N;Osorio A;Pankratz VS;Papi L;Park-Simon TW;Paulsson-Karlsson Y;Lloyd R;Pedersen IS;Peissel B;Peixoto A;Perez JIA;Peterlongo P;Peto J;Pfeiler G;Phelan CM;Pinchev M;Plaseska-Karanfilska D;Poppe B;Porteous ME;Prentice R;Presneau N;Prokofi (2017) 'Identification of ten variants associated with risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer'. Nature Genetics, 49 (12) [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci'
Michailidou, K,Lindstrom, S,Dennis, J,Beesley, J,Hui, S,Kar, S,Lemacon, A,Soucy, P,Glubb, D,Rostamianfar, A,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Tyrer, J,Dicks, E,Lee, A,Wang, ZM,Allen, J,Keeman, R,Eilber, U,French, JD,Chen, XQ,Fachal, L,Mccue, K,McCart, AE,Reed, AEM,Ghoussaini, M,Carroll, JS,Jiang, X,Finucane, H,Adams, M,Adank, MA,Ahsan, H,Aittomaki, K,Anton-Culver, H,Antonenkova, NN,Arndt, V,Aronson, KJ,Arun, B,Auer, PL,Bacot, F,Barrdahl, M,Baynes, C,Beckmann, MW,Behrens, S,Benitez, J,Bermisheva, M,Bernstein, L,Blomqvist, C,Bogdanova, NV,Bojesen, SE,Bonanni, B,Borresen-Dale, AL,Brand, JS,Brauch, H,Brennan, P,Brenner, H,Brinton, L,Broberg, P,Brock, IW,Broeks, A,Brooks-Wilson, A,Brucker, SY,Bruning, T,Burwinkel, B,Butterbach, K,Cai, QY,Cai, H,Caldes, T,Canzian, F,Carracedo, A,Carter, BD,Castelao, JE,Chan, T (2017) 'Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci'. Nature, 551 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'Genetic predisposition to ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast'
Petridis, C,Brook, MN,Shah, V,Kohut, K,Gorman, P,Caneppele, M,Levi, D,Papouli, E,Orr, N,Cox, A,Cross, SS,dos-Santos-Silva, I,Peto, J,Swerdlow, A,Schoemaker, MJ,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Dennis, J,Michailidou, K,Benitez, J,Gonzalez-Neira, A,Tessier, DC,Vincent, D,Li, JM,Figueroa, J,Kristensen, V,Borresen-Dale, AL,Soucy, P,Simard, J,Milne, RL,Giles, GG,Margolin, S,Lindblom, A,Bruning, T,Brauch, H,Southey, MC,Hopper, JL,Dork, T,Bogdanova, NV,Kabisch, M,Hamann, U,Schmutzler, RK,Meindl, A,Brenner, H,Arndt, V,Winqvist, R,Pylkas, K,Fasching, PA,Beckmann, MW,Lubinski, J,Jakubowska, A,Mulligan, AM,Andrulis, IL,Tollenaar, RAEM,Devilee, P,Le Marchand, L,Haiman, CA,Mannermaa, A,Kosma, VM,Radice, P,Peterlongo, P,Marme, F,Burwinkel, B,van Deurzen, CHM,Hollestelle, A,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ,Lambrechts, D,Floris, G, (2016) 'Genetic predisposition to ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast'. Breast Cancer Research, 18 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Estrogen withdrawal, increased breast cancer risk and the KRAS-variant'
McVeigh, TP,Jung, SY,Kerin, MJ,Salzman, DW,Nallur, S,Nemec, AA,Dookwah, M,Sadofsky, J,Paranjape, T,Kelly, O,Chan, E,Miller, N,Sweeney, KJ,Zelterman, D,Sweasy, J,Pilarski, R,Telesca, D,Slack, FJ,Weidhaas, JB (2015) 'Estrogen withdrawal, increased breast cancer risk and the KRAS-variant'. Cell Cycle, 14 :2091-2099 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Fine-Scale Mapping of the 5q11.2 Breast Cancer Locus Reveals at Least Three Independent Risk Variants Regulating MAP3K1'
Glubb, DM,Maranian, MJ,Michailidou, K,Pooley, KA,Meyer, KB,Kar, S,Carlebur, S,O'Reilly, M,Betts, JA,Hillman, KM,Kaufmann, S,Beesley, J,Canisius, S,Hopper, JL,Southey, MC,Tsimiklis, H,Apicella, C,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Hogervorst, FB,van der Schoot, CE,Muir, K,Lophatananon, A,Stewart-Brown, S,Siriwanarangsan, P,Fasching, PA,Ruebner, M,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Peto, J,Dos-Santos-Silva, I,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Pharoah, PDP,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Dennis, J,Sawyer, EJ,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Burwinkel, B,Marme, F,Yang, RX,Surowy, H,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Menegaux, F,Sanchez, M,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Gonzelez-Neira, A,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Anton-Culver, H,Neuhausen, SL,Brenner, H,Dieffenbach, AK,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Meindl, A,Schmutzler, RK,Brauch, H,Ko, Y (2015) 'Fine-Scale Mapping of the 5q11.2 Breast Cancer Locus Reveals at Least Three Independent Risk Variants Regulating MAP3K1'. American Journal Of Human Genetics, 96 :5-20 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Fine-mapping identifies two additional breast cancer susceptibility loci at 9q31.2'
Orr, N,Dudbridge, F,Dryden, N,Maguire, S,Novo, D,Perrakis, E,Johnson, N,Ghoussaini, M,Hopper, JL,Southey, MC,Apicella, C,Stone, J,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Van't Veer, LJ,Hogervorst, FB,Fasching, PA,Haeberle, L,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Gibson, L,Aitken, Z,Warren, H,Sawyer, E,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Burwinkel, B,Marme, F,Schneeweiss, A,Sohn, C,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Cordina-Duverger, E,Sanchez, M,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Menendez, P,Anton-Culver, H,Neuhausen, SL,Brenner, H,Dieffenbach, AK,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Hamann, U,Brauch, H,Justenhoven, C,Bruning, T,Ko, YD,Nevanlinna, H,Aittomaki, K,Blomqvist, C,Khan, S,Bogdanova, N,Dork, T,Lindblom, A,Margolin, S,Mannermaa, A,Kataja, V,Kosma, VM,Hartikainen, JM,Chenevix-Trench, G,Beesley, J, (2015) 'Fine-mapping identifies two additional breast cancer susceptibility loci at 9q31.2'. Human Molecular Genetics, 24 :2966-2984 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Height and Breast Cancer Risk: Evidence From Prospective Studies and Mendelian Randomization'
Zhang, B,Shu, XO,Delahanty, RJ,Zeng, CJ,Michailidou, K,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Dennis, J,Wen, WQ,Long, JR,Li, C,Dunning, AM,Chang-Claude, J,Shah, M,Perkins, BJ,Czene, K,Darabi, H,Eriksson, M,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Lambrechts, D,Neven, P,Wildiers, H,Floris, G,Schmidt, MK,Rookus, MA,van den Hurk, K,de Kort, WLAM,Couch, FJ,Olson, JE,Hallberg, E,Vachon, C,Rudolph, A,Seibold, P,Flesch-Janys, D,Peto, J,dos-Santos-Silva, I,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Nevanlinna, H,Muranen, TA,Aittomaki, K,Blomqvist, C,Li, JM,Humphreys, K,Brand, J,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Cordina-Duverger, E,Menegaux, F,Burwinkel, B,Marme, F,Yang, RX,Surowy, H,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Cox, A,Cross, SS,Reed, MWR,Andrulis, IL,Knight, JA,Glendon, G,Tchatchou, S,Sawyer, EJ,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Chenevix (2015) 'Height and Breast Cancer Risk: Evidence From Prospective Studies and Mendelian Randomization'. Jnci-Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 107 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Identification and characterization of novel associations in the CASP8/ALS2CR12 region on chromosome 2 with breast cancer risk'
Lin, WY,Camp, NJ,Ghoussaini, M,Beesley, J,Michailidou, K,Hopper, JL,Apicella, C,Southey, MC,Stone, J,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Van't Veer, LJ,Rutgers, EJT,Muir, K,Lophatananon, A,Stewart-Brown, S,Siriwanarangsan, P,Fasching, PA,Haeberle, L,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Peto, J,Dos-Santos-Silva, I,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Dennis, J,Sawyer, EJ,Cheng, T,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Marme, F,Surowy, HM,Burwinkel, B,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Menegaux, F,Mulot, C,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Menendez, P,Gonzalez-Neira, A,Pita, G,Alonso, MR,Alvarez, N,Herrera, D,Anton-Culver, H,Brenner, H,Dieffenbach, AK,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Meindl, A,Lichtner, P,Schmutzler, RK,Muller-Myhsok, B,Brauch, H,Bruning, T,Ko, YD,Tessier, DC,Vincent, D,Bacot, F, (2015) 'Identification and characterization of novel associations in the CASP8/ALS2CR12 region on chromosome 2 with breast cancer risk'. Human Molecular Genetics, 24 :285-298 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Inherited variants in the inner centromere protein (INCENP) gene of the chromosomal passenger complex contribute to the susceptibility of ER-negative breast cancer'
Kabisch, M,Bermejo, JL,Duennebier, T,Ying, SB,Michailidou, K,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,Dennis, J,Shah, M,Perkins, BJ,Czene, K,Darabi, H,Eriksson, M,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Lambrechts, D,Neven, P,Peeters, S,Weltens, C,Couch, FJ,Olson, JE,Wang, XS,Purrington, K,Chang-Claude, J,Rudolph, A,Seibold, P,Flesch-Janys, D,Peto, J,dos-Santos-Silva, I,Johnson, N,Fletcher, O,Nevanlinna, H,Muranen, TA,Aittomaki, K,Blomqvist, C,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Cornelissen, S,Hogervorst, FBL,Li, JM,Brand, JS,Humphreys, K,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Menegaux, F,Sanchez, M,Burwinkel, B,Marme, F,Yang, RX,Bugert, P,Gonzalez-Neira, A,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Cox, A,Cross, SS,Reed, MWR,Andrulis, IL,Knight, JA,Glendon, G,Tchatchou, S,Sawyer, EJ,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Haiman, CA,Schumacher, F,H (2015) 'Inherited variants in the inner centromere protein (INCENP) gene of the chromosomal passenger complex contribute to the susceptibility of ER-negative breast cancer'. Carcinogenesis, 36 :256-271 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Targeted resequencing of the microRNAome and 3 ' UTRome reveals functional germline DNA variants with altered prevalence in epithelial ovarian cancer'
Chen, X,Paranjape, T,Stahlhut, C,McVeigh, T,Keane, F,Nallur, S,Miller, N,Kerin, M,Deng, Y,Yao, X,Zhao, H,Weidhaas, JB,Slack, FJ (2015) 'Targeted resequencing of the microRNAome and 3 ' UTRome reveals functional germline DNA variants with altered prevalence in epithelial ovarian cancer'. Oncogene, 34 :2125-2137 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'A genetic variant at 12p11 significantly modifies breast cancer risk in a genetically homogenous island population'
McVeigh, TP,McVeigh, UM,Sweeney, KJ,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N (2015) 'A genetic variant at 12p11 significantly modifies breast cancer risk in a genetically homogenous island population'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 149 :41-47 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'The impact of Oncotype DX testing on breast cancer management and chemotherapy prescribing patterns in a tertiary referral centre'
McVeigh, TP,Hughes, LM,Miller, N,Sheehan, M,Keane, M,Sweeney, KJ,Kerin, MJ (2014) 'The impact of Oncotype DX testing on breast cancer management and chemotherapy prescribing patterns in a tertiary referral centre'. European Journal Of Cancer, 50 :2763-2770 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'A germline mutation in the BRCA1 3 ' UTR predicts Stage IV breast cancer'
Dorairaj, JJ,Salzman, DW,Wall, D,Rounds, T,Preskill, C,Sullivan, CAW,Lindner, R,Curran, C,Lezon-Geyda, K,McVeigh, T,Harris, L,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ,Wood, M,Miller, N,Weidhaas, JB (2014) 'A germline mutation in the BRCA1 3 ' UTR predicts Stage IV breast cancer'. BMC Cancer, 14 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'The impact of Oncotype DX testing on breast cancer management and chemotherapy prescribing patterns in a tertiary referral centre'
McVeigh TP, Hughes LM, Miller N, Sheehan M, Keane M, Sweeney KJ, Kerin MJ (2014) 'The impact of Oncotype DX testing on breast cancer management and chemotherapy prescribing patterns in a tertiary referral centre'. European Journal Of Cancer, 50 (16):2763-2770 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Familial breast cancer genetic testing in the West of Ireland'
McVeigh, TP,Irwin, R,Cody, N,Miller, N,McDevitt, T,Sweeney, KJ,Green, A,Kerin, MJ (2014) 'Familial breast cancer genetic testing in the West of Ireland'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 183 :199-206 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Identification and Validation of Oncologic miRNA Biomarkers for Luminal A-like Breast Cancer'
McDermott, AM,Miller, N,Wall, D,Martyn, LM,Ball, G,Sweeney, KJ,Kerin, MJ (2014) 'Identification and Validation of Oncologic miRNA Biomarkers for Luminal A-like Breast Cancer'. Plos One, 9 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'FGF receptor genes and breast cancer susceptibility: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium'
Agarwal, D,Pineda, S,Michailidou, K,Herranz, J,Pita, G,Moreno, LT,Alonso, MR,Dennis, J,Wang, Q,Bolla, MK,Meyer, KB,Menendez-Rodriguez, P,Hardisson, D,Mendiola, M,Gonzalez-Neira, A,Lindblom, A,Margolin, S,Swerdlow, A,Ashworth, A,Orr, N,Jones, M,Matsuo, K,Ito, H,Iwata, H,Kondo, N,Hartman, M,Hui, M,Lim, WY,Iau, PTC,Sawyer, E,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, M,Miller, N,Kang, D,Choi, JY,Park, SK,Noh, DY,Hopper, JL,Schmidt, DF,Makalic, E,Southey, MC,Teo, SH,Yip, CH,Sivanandan, K,Tay, WT,Brauch, H,Bruning, T,Hamann, U,Dunning, AM,Shah, M,Andrulis, IL,Knight, JA,Glendon, G,Tchatchou, S,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Rosenberg, EH,van't Veer, LJ,Fasching, PA,Renner, SP,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Shen, CY,Hsiung, CN,Yu, JC,Hou, MF,Blot, W,Cai, Q,Wu, AH,Tseng, CC,Van Den Berg, D,Stram, DO,Cox, A,Brock, IW,Reed, MWR,Muir, K, (2014) 'FGF receptor genes and breast cancer susceptibility: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium'. British Journal Of Cancer, 110 :1088-1100 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Identification and Validation of Oncologic miRNA Biomarkers for Luminal A-like Breast Cancer'
McDermott AM, Miller N, Wall D, Martyn LM, Ball G, Sweeney KJ, Kerin MJ (2014) 'Identification and Validation of Oncologic miRNA Biomarkers for Luminal A-like Breast Cancer'. Plos One, 9 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: a case-control study'
Johnson, N,Dudbridge, F,Orr, N,Gibson, L,Jones, ME,Schoemaker, MJ,Folkerd, EJ,Haynes, BP,Hopper, JL,Southey, MC,Dite, GS,Apicella, C,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Van't Veer, LJ,Atsma, F,Muir, K,Lophatananon, A,Fasching, PA,Beckmann, MW,Ekici, AB,Renner, SP,Sawyer, E,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, M,Miller, N,Burwinkel, B,Marme, F,Schneeweiss, A,Sohn, C,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Cordina, E,Menegaux, F,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Flyger, H,Milne, R,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Benitez, J,Bernstein, L,Anton-Culver, H,Ziogas, A,Dur, CC,Brenner, H,Muller, H,Arndt, V,Dieffenbach, AK,Meindl, A,Heil, J,Bartram, CR,Schmutzler, RK,Brauch, H,Justenhoven, C,Ko, YD,Nevanlinna, H,Muranen, TA,Aittomaki, K,Blomqvist, C,Matsuo, K,Dork, T,Bogdanova, NV,Antonenkova, NN,Lindblom, A,Mannermaa, A,Kataja, V,Kosma, VM,Hartikainen, JM,Chenevi (2014) 'Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: a case-control study'. Breast Cancer Research, 16 [DOI] [Details] |
McDermott, AM,Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ,LopezCamarillo, C,Marchat, LA (2013) 'MicroRNAs AS POTENTIAL THERAPEUTIC TARGETS IN CANCER'. Micrornas In Cancer, :333-363 [Details] |
(2013) | 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'
McDermott AM, Kerin MJ, Miller N (2013) 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'. Plos One, 8 (12) [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'
McDermott AM, Kerin MJ, Miller N (2013) 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'. Plos One, 8 (12) [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'
McDermott, AM,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N (2013) 'Identification and Validation of miRNAs as Endogenous Controls for RQ-PCR in Blood Specimens for Breast Cancer Studies'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Familial breast cancer genetic testing in the West of Ireland'
McVeigh TP, Irwin R, Cody N, Miller N, McDevitt T, Sweeney KJ, Green A, Kerin MJ (2013) 'Familial breast cancer genetic testing in the West of Ireland'. Ir J Med Sci, [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Fine-Scale Mapping of the FGFR2 Breast Cancer Risk Locus: Putative Functional Variants Differentially Bind FOXA1 and E2F1'
Meyer, KB,O'Reilly, M,Michailidou, K,Carlebur, S,Edwards, SL,French, JD,Prathalingham, R,Dennis, J,Bolla, MK,Wang, Q,de Santiago, I,Hopper, JL,Tsimiklis, H,Apicella, C,Southey, MC,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Van't Veer, LJ,Hogervorst, FB,Muir, K,Lophatananon, A,Stewart-Brown, S,Siriwanarangsan, P,Fasching, PA,Lux, MP,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Peto, J,Silva, ID,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Sawyer, EJ,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Marme, F,Schneeweiss, A,Sohn, C,Burwinkel, B,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Laurent-Puig, P,Menegaux, F,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Milne, RL,Zamora, MP,Arias, JI,Benitez, J,Neuhausen, S,Anton-Culver, H,Ziogas, A,Dur, CC,Brenner, H,Muller, H,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Meindl, A,Schmutzler, RK,Engel, C,Ditsch, N,Brauch, H,Bruning, T,Ko, YD,Nevanlinna, H,Muranen, TA,Aitt (2013) 'Fine-Scale Mapping of the FGFR2 Breast Cancer Risk Locus: Putative Functional Variants Differentially Bind FOXA1 and E2F1'. American Journal Of Human Genetics, 93 :1046-1060 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Mismatch repair protein expression in colorectal cancer'
Kheirelseid EA, Miller N, Chang KH, Curran C, Hennessey E, Sheehan M, Kerin MJ (2013) 'Mismatch repair protein expression in colorectal cancer'. Journal of gastrointestinal oncology, 4 (4):397-408 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Comparison of 6q25 Breast Cancer Hits from Asian and European Genome Wide Association Studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)'
Hein, R,Maranian, M,Hopper, JL,Kapuscinski, MK,Southey, MC,Park, DJ,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Hogervorst, FBL,Bueno-de-Mesquit, HB,Muir, KR,Lophatananon, A,Rattanamongkongul, S,Puttawibul, P,Fasching, PA,Hein, A,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Silva, ID,Peto, J,Sawyer, E,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, M,Miller, N,Marmee, F,Schneeweiss, A,Sohn, C,Burwinkel, B,Guenel, P,Cordina-Duverger, E,Menegaux, F,Truong, T,Bojesen, SE,Nordestgaard, BG,Flyger, H,Milne, RL,Perez, JIA,Zamora, MP,Benitez, J,Anton-Culver, H,Ziogas, A,Bernstein, L,Clarke, CA,Brenner, H,Muller, H,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Rahman, N,Seal, S,Turnbull, C,Renwick, A,Meindl, A,Schott, S,Bartram, CR,Schmutzler, RK,Brauch, H,Hamann, U,Ko, YD,Wang-Gohrke, S,Dork, T,Schurmann, P,Karstens, JH,Hillemanns, P,Nevanlinna, H,Heikkinen, T,Aittoma (2012) 'Comparison of 6q25 Breast Cancer Hits from Asian and European Genome Wide Association Studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)'. Plos One, 7 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | '11q13 is a susceptibility locus for hormone receptor positive breast cancer'
Lambrechts, D,Truong, T,Justenhoven, C,Humphreys, MK,Wang, J,Hopper, JL,Dite, GS,Apicella, C,Southey, MC,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Cornelissen, S,van Hien, R,Sawyer, E,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, M,Miller, N,Milne, RL,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Benitez, J,Hamann, U,Ko, YD,Bruning, T,Chang-Claude, J,Eilber, U,Hein, R,Nickels, S,Flesch-Janys, D,Wang-Gohrke, S,John, EM,Miron, A,Winqvist, R,Pylkas, K,Jukkola-Vuorinen, A,Grip, M,Chenevix-Trench, G,Beesley, J,Chen, XQ,Menegaux, F,Cordina-Duverger, E,Shen, CY,Yu, JC,Wu, PE,Hou, MF,Andrulis, IL,Selander, T,Glendon, G,Mulligan, AM,Anton-Culver, H,Ziogas, A,Muir, KR,Lophatananon, A,Rattanamongkongul, S,Puttawibul, P,Jones, M,Orr, N,Ashworth, A,Swerdlow, A,Severi, G,Baglietto, L,Giles, G,Southey, M,Marme, F,Schneeweiss, A,Sohn, C,Burwinkel, B,Yesilyurt, BT,Neven, P, (2012) '11q13 is a susceptibility locus for hormone receptor positive breast cancer'. Human mutation, 33 :1123-1132 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'
Martin FT, Dwyer RM, Kelly J, Khan S, Murphy JM, Curran C, Miller N, Hennessy E, Dockery P, Barry FP, O'Brien T, Kerin MJ. (2010) 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 124 (2):317-26 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Circulating microRNAs as novel minimally invasive biomarkers for breast cancer'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Lowery AJ, Sweeney KJ, Newell J, Kerin MJ. (2010) 'Circulating microRNAs as novel minimally invasive biomarkers for breast cancer'. Annals Of Surgery, 251 (3):499-505 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'
Martin, FT,Dwyer, RM,Kelly, J,Khan, S,Murphy, JM,Curran, C,Miller, N,Hennessy, E,Dockery, P,Barry, FP (2010) 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 124 (22):317-326 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'
Mcinerney, N,Colleran, G,Rowan, A,Walther, A,Barclay, E,Spain, S,Jones, AM,Tuohy, S,Curran, C,Miller, N,Kerin, M,Tomlinson, I,Sawyer, E (2009) 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 117 :151-159 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'
Lowery AJ, Miller N, Devaney A, McNeill RE, Davoren PA, Lemetre C, Benes V, Schmidt S, Blake J, Ball G, Kerin MJ (2009) 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research, 11 (3) [Details] |
(2008) | 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'
Bretschneider N, Brand H, Miller N, Lowery AJ, Kerin MJ, Gannon F, Denger S (2008) 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'. Cancer Research, 68 (1):106-114 [DOI] [Details] |
(2008) | 'Identification of suitable endogenous control genes for microRNA gene expression analysis in human breast cancer'
Davoren PA, McNeill RE, Lowery AJ, Kerin MJ, Miller N (2008) 'Identification of suitable endogenous control genes for microRNA gene expression analysis in human breast cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 9 [DOI] [Details] |
(2008) | 'MicroRNAs as prognostic indicators and therapeutic targets: potential effect on breast cancer management'
Lowery AJ, Miller N, McNeill RE, Kerin MJ (2008) 'MicroRNAs as prognostic indicators and therapeutic targets: potential effect on breast cancer management'. Cancer Research, 14 (2):360-365 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer'
McVeigh, UM;McVeigh, TP;Curran, C;Miller, N;Morris, DW;Kerin, MJ (2020) 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Prospective Assessment of Systemic MicroRNAs as Markers of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer'
McGuire A;Casey MC;Waldron RM;Heneghan H;Kalinina O;Holian E;McDermott A;Lowery AJ;Newell J;Dwyer RM;Miller N;Keane M;Brown JAL;Kerin MJ; (2020) 'Prospective Assessment of Systemic MicroRNAs as Markers of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer'. Cancers, 12 (7) [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer'
McVeigh, UM,McVeigh, TP,Curran, C,Miller, N,Morris, DW,Kerin, MJ (2020) 'Diagnostic yield of a custom-designed multi-gene cancer panel in Irish patients with breast cancer'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Investigating the association of rs2910164 with cancer predisposition in an Irish cohort'
McVeigh, TP,Mulligan, RJ,McVeigh, UM,Owens, PW,Miller, N,Bell, M,Sebag, F,Guerin, C,Quill, DS,Weidhaas, JB,Kerin, MJ,Lowery, AJ (2017) 'Investigating the association of rs2910164 with cancer predisposition in an Irish cohort'. Endocrine Connections, 6 :614-624 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS'
Southey, MC,Goldgar, DE,Winqvist, R,Pylkas, K,Couch, F,Tischkowitz, M,Foulkes, WD,Dennis, J,Michailidou, K,van Rensburg, EJ,Heikkinen, T,Nevanlinna, H,Hopper, JL,Dork, T,Claes, KBM,Reis, J,Teo, ZL,Radice, P,Catucci, I,Peterlongo, P,Tsimiklis, H,Odefrey, FA,Dowty, JG,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Hogervorst, FB,Verhoef, S,Carpenter, J,Clarke, C,Scott, RJ,Fasching, PA,Haeberle, L,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Peto, J,dos-Santos-Silva, I,Fletcher, O,Johnson, N,Bolla, MK,Sawyer, EJ,Tomlinson, I,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N,Marme, F,Burwinkel, B,Yang, RX,Guenel, P,Truong, T,Menegaux, F,Sanchez, M,Bojesen, S,Nielsen, SF,Flyger, H,Benitez, J,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Menendez, P,Anton-Culver, H,Neuhausen, S,Ziogas, A,Clarke, CA,Brenner, H,Arndt, V,Stegmaier, C,Brauch, H,Bruning, T,Ko, YD,Muranen, TA,Aittomaki, K,Blomqvist, (2016) 'PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS'. Journal Of Medical Genetics, 53 :800-811 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2 alpha-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'
Gupta, A,Hossain, MM,Miller, N,Kerin, M,Callagy, G,Gupta, S (2016) 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2 alpha-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'. Oncogene, 35 :5860-5871 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2α-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'
Gupta A, Hossain MM, Miller N, Kerin M, Callagy G, Gupta S. (2016) 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2α-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'. Oncogene, [Details] |
(2016) | 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2¿-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'
Gupta A;Hossain MM;Miller N;Kerin M;Callagy G;Gupta S; (2016) 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2¿-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'. Oncogene, [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2 alpha-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'
Gupta, A;Hossain, MM;Miller, N;Kerin, M;Callagy, G;Gupta, S (2016) 'NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK-eIF2 alpha-ATF4 signalling in breast cancer'. Oncogene, 35 :5860-5871 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'A Circulating MicroRNA Signature as a Biomarker for Prostate Cancer in a High Risk Group'
Kelly, BD,Miller, N,Sweeney, KJ,Durkan, GC,Rogers, E,Walsh, K,Kerin, MJ (2015) 'A Circulating MicroRNA Signature as a Biomarker for Prostate Cancer in a High Risk Group'. Journal Of Clinical Medicine, 4 :1369-1379 [DOI] [Details] |
McDermott, AM;Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2013) 'MicroRNAs AS POTENTIAL THERAPEUTIC TARGETS IN CANCER'. Micrornas In Cancer, :333-363 [Details] |
(2013) | 'Clinical applications of gene expression in colorectal cancer'
Kheirelseid EA, Miller N, Chang KH, Nugent M, Kerin MJ (2013) 'Clinical applications of gene expression in colorectal cancer'. Journal of gastrointestinal oncology, 4 (2):144-157 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2013) | 'miRNA expressions in rectal cancer as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy'
Kheirelseid, EAH,Miller, N,Chang, KH,Curran, C,Hennessey, E,Sheehan, M,Newell, J,Lemetre, C,Balls, G,Kerin, MJ (2013) 'miRNA expressions in rectal cancer as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy'. International Journal Of Colorectal Disease, 28 :247-260 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Functional Variants at the 11q13 Risk Locus for Breast Cancer Regulate Cyclin D1 Expression through Long-Range Enhancers'
French JD, Ghoussaini M, Edwards SL, Meyer KB, Michailidou K, Ahmed S, Khan S, Maranian MJ, O'Reilly M, Hillman KM, Betts JA, Carroll T, Bailey PJ, Dicks E, Beesley J, Tyrer J, Maia AT, Beck A, Knoblauch NW, Chen C, Kraft P, Barnes D, González-Neira A, Alonso MR, Herrero D, Tessier DC, Vincent D, Bacot F, Luccarini C, Baynes C, Conroy D, Dennis J, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, Verhoef S, Cornelissen S, Muir K, Lophatananon A, Stewart-Brown S, Siriwanarangsan P, Fasching PA, Loehberg CR, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Peto J, dos Santos Silva I, Johnson N, Aitken Z, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson I, Kerin MJ, Miller N, Marme F, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Guénel P, Truong T, Laurent-Puig P, Menegaux F, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Flyger H, Milne RL, Zamora MP, Arias Perez JI, Benitez J, Anton-Culver H, Brenner H, Müller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Meindl A, Lichtner P, Schmutzler RK, Engel C, Brauch H, Hamann U, Justenhoven C; GENICA Network, Aaltonen K, Heikkilä P, Aittomäki K, Blomqvist C, Matsuo K, Ito H, Iwata H, Sueta A, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Dörk T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen JM; kConFab Investigators, Wu AH, Tseng CC, Van Den Berg D, Stram DO, Lambrechts D, Peeters S, Smeets A, Floris G, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Bonanni B, Sardella D, Couch FJ, Wang X, Pankratz VS, Lee A, Giles GG, Severi G, Baglietto L, Haiman CA, Henderson BE, Schumacher F, Le Marchand L, Simard J, Goldberg MS, Labrèche F, Dumont M, Teo SH, Yip CH, Ng CH, Vithana EN, Kristensen V, Zheng W, Deming-Halverson S, Shrubsole M, Long J, Winqvist R, Pylkäs K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Grip M, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Glendon G, Mulligan AM, Devilee P, Seynaeve C, García-Closas M, Figueroa J, Chanock SJ, Lissowska J, Czene K, Klevebring D, Schoof N, Hooning MJ, Martens JW, Collée JM, Tilanus-Linthorst M, Hall P, Li J, Liu J, Humphreys K, Shu XO, Lu W, Gao YT, Cai H, Cox A, Balasubramanian SP, Blot W, Signorello LB, Cai Q, Pharoah PD, Healey CS, Shah M, Pooley KA, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Hartman M, Miao H, Sng JH, Sim X, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska-Bieniek K, Durda K, Sangrajrang S, Gaborieau V, McKay J, Toland AE, Ambrosone CB, Yannoukakos D, Godwin AK, Shen CY, Hsiung CN, Wu PE, Chen ST, Swerdlow A, Ashworth A, Orr N, Schoemaker MJ, Ponder BA, Nevanlinna H, Brown MA, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF, Dunning AM. (2013) 'Functional Variants at the 11q13 Risk Locus for Breast Cancer Regulate Cyclin D1 Expression through Long-Range Enhancers'. American Journal Of Human Genetics, 92 (4):489-503 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci'
Garcia-Closas M, Couch FJ, Lindstrom S, Michailidou K, Schmidt MK, Brook MN, Orr N, Rhie SK, Riboli E, Feigelson HS, Le Marchand L, Buring JE, Eccles D, Miron P, Fasching PA, Brauch H, Chang-Claude J, Carpenter J, Godwin AK, Nevanlinna H, Giles GG, Cox A, Hopper JL, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Dennis J, Dicks E, Howat WJ, Schoof N, Bojesen SE, Lambrechts D, Broeks A, Andrulis IL, Guénel P, Burwinkel B, Sawyer EJ, Hollestelle A, Fletcher O, Winqvist R, Brenner H, Mannermaa A, Hamann U, Meindl A, Lindblom A, Zheng W, Devillee P, Goldberg MS, Lubinski J, Kristensen V, Swerdlow A, Anton-Culver H, Dörk T, Muir K, Matsuo K, Wu AH, Radice P, Teo SH, Shu XO, Blot W, Kang D, Hartman M, Sangrajrang S, Shen CY, Southey MC, Park DJ, Hammet F, Stone J, Veer LJ, Rutgers EJ, Lophatananon A, Stewart-Brown S, Siriwanarangsan P, Peto J, Schrauder MG, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Dos Santos Silva I, Johnson N, Warren H, Tomlinson I, Kerin MJ, Miller N et al. (2013) 'Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci'. Nature Genetics, 45 (4):392-398 [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer'
Bojesen SE, Pooley KA, Johnatty SE, Beesley J, Michailidou K, Tyrer JP, Edwards SL, Pickett HA, Shen HC, Smart CE, Hillman KM, Mai PL, Lawrenson K, Stutz MD, Lu Y, Karevan R, Woods N, Johnston RL, French JD, Chen X, Weischer M, Nielsen SF, Maranian MJ, Ghoussaini M, Ahmed S, Baynes C, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Dennis J, McGuffog L, Barrowdale D, Lee A, Healey S, Lush M, Tessier DC, Vincent D, Bacot F; Australian Cancer Study; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study; Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer (kConFab); Gene Environment Interaction and Breast Cancer (GENICA); Swedish Breast Cancer Study (SWE-BRCA); Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands (HEBON); Epidemiological study of BRCA1 & BRCA2 Mutation Carriers (EMBRACE); Genetic Modifiers of Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers (GEMO), Vergote I, Lambrechts S, Despierre E, Risch HA, González-Neira A, Rossing MA, Pita G, Doherty JA, Alvarez N, Larson MC, Fridley BL, Schoof N, Chang-Claude J, Cicek MS, Peto J, Kalli KR, Broeks A, Armasu SM, Schmidt MK, Braaf LM, Winterhoff B, Nevanlinna H...Tomlinson I, Kerin MJ, Miller N et al (2013) 'Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer'. Nature Genetics, 45 (4):371-384 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Large-scale genotyping identifies 41 new loci associated with breast cancer risk'
Michailidou K, Hall P, Gonzalez-Neira A, Ghoussaini M, Dennis J, Milne RL, Schmidt MK, Chang-Claude J, Bojesen SE, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Dicks E, Lee A, Turnbull C, Rahman N; Breast and Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Collaboration, Fletcher O, Peto J, Gibson L, Dos Santos Silva I, Nevanlinna H, Muranen TA, Aittomäki K, Blomqvist C, Czene K, Irwanto A, Liu J, Waisfisz Q, Meijers-Heijboer H, Adank M; Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands (HEBON), van der Luijt RB, Hein R, Dahmen N, Beckman L, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Müller-Myhsok B, Lichtner P, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Makalic E, Schmidt DF, Uitterlinden AG, Hofman A, Hunter DJ, Chanock SJ, Vincent D, Bacot F, Tessier DC, Canisius S, Wessels LF, Haiman CA, Shah M, Luben R, Brown J, Luccarini C, Schoof N, Humphreys K, Li J, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Flyger H, Couch FJ, Wang X, Vachon C, Stevens KN, Lambrechts D, Moisse M, Paridaens R, Christiaens MR, Rudolph A, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Johnson N, Aitken Z, Aaltonen K, Heikkinen T, Broeks A, Veer LJ, van der Schoot CE, Guénel P, Truong T, Laurent-Puig P, Menegaux F, Marme F, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Zamora MP, Perez JI, Pita G, Alonso MR, Cox A, Brock IW, Cross SS, Reed MW, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson I, Kerin MJ, Miller N, Henderson BE, Schumacher F, Le Marchand L, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Glendon G, Mulligan AM; kConFab Investigators; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Hooning MJ, Hollestelle A, van den Ouweland AM, Jager A, Bui QM, Stone J, Dite GS, Apicella C, Tsimiklis H, Giles GG, Severi G, Baglietto L, Fasching PA, Haeberle L, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Brenner H, Müller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Swerdlow A, Ashworth A, Orr N, Jones M, Figueroa J, Lissowska J, Brinton L, Goldberg MS, Labrèche F, Dumont M, Winqvist R, Pylkäs K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Grip M, Brauch H, Hamann U, Brüning T; GENICA (Gene Environment Interaction and Breast Cancer in Germany) Network, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Bonanni B, Devilee P, Tollenaar RA, Seynaeve C, van Asperen CJ, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen JM, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Dörk T, Kristensen VN, Anton-Culver H, Slager S, Toland AE, Edge S, Fostira F, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Matsuo K, Ito H, Iwata H, Sueta A, Wu AH, Tseng CC, Van Den Berg D, Stram DO, Shu XO, Lu W, Gao YT, Cai H, Teo SH, Yip CH, Phuah SY, Cornes BK, Hartman M, Miao H, Lim WY, Sng JH, Muir K, Lophatananon A, Stewart-Brown S, Siriwanarangsan P, Shen CY, Hsiung CN, Wu PE, Ding SL, Sangrajrang S, Gaborieau V, Brennan P, McKay J, Blot WJ, Signorello LB, Cai Q, Zheng W, Deming-Halverson S, Shrubsole M, Long J, Simard J, Garcia-Closas M, Pharoah PD, Chenevix-Trench G, Dunning AM, Benitez J, Easton DF. (2013) 'Large-scale genotyping identifies 41 new loci associated with breast cancer risk'. Nature Genetics, 45 (4):353-361 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Comparison of 6q25 breast cancer hits from Asian and European Genome Wide Association Studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)'
Hein R, Maranian M, Hopper JL, Kapuscinski MK, Southey MC, Park DJ, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, Hogervorst FB, Bueno-de-Mesquit HB, Muir KR, Lophatananon A, Rattanamongkongul S, Puttawibul P, Fasching PA, Hein A, Ekici AB, Beckmann MW, Fletcher O, Johnson N, dos Santos Silva I, Peto J, Sawyer E, Tomlinson I, Kerin M, Miller N, Marmee F, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Guénel P, Cordina-Duverger E, Menegaux F, Truong T, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Flyger H, Milne RL, Perez JI, Zamora MP, Benítez J, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Bernstein L, Clarke CA, Brenner H, Müller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Rahman N, Seal S, Turnbull C, Renwick A, Meindl A, Schott S, Bartram CR, Schmutzler RK, Brauch H, Hamann U, Ko YD; GENICA Network, Wang-Gohrke S, Dörk T, Schürmann P, Karstens JH, Hillemanns P, Nevanlinna H, Heikkinen T, Aittomäki K, Blomqvist C, Bogdanova NV, Zalutsky IV, Antonenkova NN, Bermisheva M, Prokovieva D, Farahtdinova A, Khusnutdinova E, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen J, Chen X, Beesley J; Kconfab Investigators; AOCS Group, Lambrechts D, Zhao H, Neven P, Wildiers H, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Barile M, Couch FJ, Olson JE, Wang X, Fredericksen Z, Giles GG, Baglietto L, McLean CA, Severi G, Offit K, Robson M, Gaudet MM, Vijai J, Alnæs GG, Kristensen V, Børresen-Dale AL, John EM, Miron A, Winqvist R, Pylkäs K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Grip M, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Glendon G, Mulligan AM, Figueroa JD, García-Closas M, Lissowska J, Sherman ME, Hooning M, Martens JW, Seynaeve C, Collée M, Hall P, Humpreys K, Czene K, Liu J, Cox A, Brock IW, Cross SS, Reed MW, Ahmed S, Ghoussaini M, Pharoah PD, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Jakubowska A, Jaworska K, Durda K, Złowocka E, Sangrajrang S, Gaborieau V, Brennan P, McKay J, Shen CY, Yu JC, Hsu HM, Hou MF, Orr N, Schoemaker M, Ashworth A, Swerdlow A, Trentham-Dietz A, Newcomb PA, Titus L, Egan KM, Chenevix-Trench G, Antoniou AC, Humphreys MK, Morrison J, Chang-Claude J, Easton DF, Dunning AM. (2012) 'Comparison of 6q25 breast cancer hits from Asian and European Genome Wide Association Studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC)'. Plos One, 7 (8) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Relationship between circulating and tissue microRNAs in a murine model of breast cancer'
Waters PS, McDermott AM, Wall D, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Newell J, Kerin MJ and Dwyer RM. (2012) 'Relationship between circulating and tissue microRNAs in a murine model of breast cancer'. Plos One, 7 (11) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | '11q13 is a susceptibility locus for hormone receptor positive breast cancer'
Lambrechts D, Truong T, Justenhoven C, Humphreys MK, Wang J, Hopper JL, Dite GS, Apicella C, Southey MC, Schmidt MK, Broeks A, Cornelissen S, van Hien R, Sawyer E, Tomlinson I, Kerin M, Miller N et al. (2012) '11q13 is a susceptibility locus for hormone receptor positive breast cancer'. Human mutation, 33 (7):1123-1132 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | 'A review of expression profiling of circulating microRNAs in men with prostate cancer'
Kelly BD, Miller N, Healy NA, Walsh K, Kerin MJ (2012) 'A review of expression profiling of circulating microRNAs in men with prostate cancer'. Bju International, [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Expression levels of HER2/neu and those of collocated genes at 17q12-21, in breast cancer'
Glynn, RW,Miller, N,Mahon, S,Kerin, MJ (2012) 'Expression levels of HER2/neu and those of collocated genes at 17q12-21, in breast cancer'. Oncol Rep, 28 (1):365-369 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'
Nugent, M,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ (2012) 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'. Journal Of Surgical Oncology, 106 :947-952 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'The KRAS-Variant Is Associated with Risk of Developing Double Primary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'
Pilarski, R,Patel, DA,Weitzel, J,McVeigh, T,Dorairaj, JJ,Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Weidhaas, JB,Kerin, MJ,McKenna, M,Wu, XF,Hildebrandt, M,Zelterman, D,Sand, S,Shulman, LP (2012) 'The KRAS-Variant Is Associated with Risk of Developing Double Primary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'. Plos One, 7 (5) [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Systemic mirnas as potential biomarkers for malignancy'
Healy NA, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Osborne CK, Schiff R, Kerin MJ (2012) 'Systemic mirnas as potential biomarkers for malignancy'. International Journal Of Cancer, 131 (10):2215-2222 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Relationship between circulating and tissue microRNAs in a murine model of breast cancer'
Waters PS, McDermott AM, Wall D, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Newell J, Kerin MJ and Dwyer RM. (2012) 'Relationship between circulating and tissue microRNAs in a murine model of breast cancer'. Plos One, 7 (11) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'
Nugent M, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2012) 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'. Journal Of Surgical Oncology, 106 (8):947-952 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Relationship between Circulating and Tissue microRNAs in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer'
Waters, PS,McDermott, AM,Wall, D,Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ,Dwyer, RM (2012) 'Relationship between Circulating and Tissue microRNAs in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer'. Plos One, 7 (11) [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'mRNA/miRNA correlations in colorectal cancer: novel mechanisms in cancer initiation and progression'
Kheirelseid EA, Miller N, Chang KH, Newell J, Kerin MJ (2012) 'mRNA/miRNA correlations in colorectal cancer: novel mechanisms in cancer initiation and progression'. International Journal Of Colorectal Disease, [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'miRNA expressions in rectal cancer as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy'
Kheirelseid EA, Miller N, Chang KH, Curran C, Hennessy E, Sheehan M, Newell J, Lemetre C, Balls G, Kerin MJ (2012) 'miRNA expressions in rectal cancer as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy'. International Journal Of Colorectal Disease, [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'
Nugent, M;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2012) 'Circulating miR-34a levels are reduced in colorectal cancer'. Surgical Oncology, 106 :947-952 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'The KRAS-Variant Is Associated with Risk of Developing Double Primary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'
Pilarski, R;Patel, DA;Weitzel, J;McVeigh, T;Dorairaj, JJ;Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Weidhaas, JB;Kerin, MJ;McKenna, M;Wu, XF;Hildebrandt, M;Zelterman, D;Sand, S;Shulman, LP (2012) 'The KRAS-Variant Is Associated with Risk of Developing Double Primary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'. Plos One, 7 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Relationship between Circulating and Tissue microRNAs in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer'
Waters, PS;McDermott, AM;Wall, D;Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Newell, J;Kerin, MJ;Dwyer, RM (2012) 'Relationship between Circulating and Tissue microRNAs in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer'. Plos One, 7 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Expression levels of HER2/neu and those of collocated genes at 17q12-21, in breast cancer'
Glynn, RW;Miller, N;Mahon, S;Kerin, MJ (2012) 'Expression levels of HER2/neu and those of collocated genes at 17q12-21, in breast cancer'. Oncology Reports, 28 :365-369 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNA signature analysis in colorectal cancer: identification of expression profiles in stage II tumors associated with aggressive disease'
Chang, KH,Miller, N,Kheirelseid, EAH,Lemetre, C,Ball, GR,Smith, MJ,Regan, M,McAnena, OJ,Kerin, MJ (2011) 'MicroRNA signature analysis in colorectal cancer: identification of expression profiles in stage II tumors associated with aggressive disease'. International Journal Of Colorectal Disease, 26 (11):1415-1422 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'
Kheirelseid, EAH;Jumustafa, H;Miller, N;Curran, C;Sweeney, K;Malone, C;McLaughlin, R;Newell, J;Kerin, MJ (2011) 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 126 :131-140 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'TOP2A Amplification in the Absence of That of HER-2/neu: Toward Individualization of Chemotherapeutic Practice in Breast Cancer'
Glynn, RW,Mahon, S,Curran, C,Callagy, G,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ (2011) 'TOP2A Amplification in the Absence of That of HER-2/neu: Toward Individualization of Chemotherapeutic Practice in Breast Cancer'. Oncologist, 16 (7):949-955 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'A 3 '-untranslated region KRAS variant and triple-negative breast cancer: a case-control and genetic analysis'
Paranjape, T,Heneghan, H,Lindner, R,Keane, FK,Hoffman, A,Hollestelle, A,Dorairaj, J,Geyda, K,Pelletier, C,Nallur, S,Martens, JWM,Hooning, MJ,Kerin, M,Zelterman, D,Zhu, Y,Tuck, D,Harris, L,Miller, N,Slack, F,Weidhaas, J (2011) 'A 3 '-untranslated region KRAS variant and triple-negative breast cancer: a case-control and genetic analysis'. Lancet Oncology, 12 (4):377-386 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Differential miRNA Expression in Omental Adipose Tissue and in the Circulation of Obese Patients Identifies Novel Metabolic Biomarkers'
Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,McAnena, OJ,O'Brien, T,Kerin, MJ (2011) 'Differential miRNA Expression in Omental Adipose Tissue and in the Circulation of Obese Patients Identifies Novel Metabolic Biomarkers'. Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 96 :846-850 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'
Kheirelseid, EAH,Jumustafa, H,Miller, N,Curran, C,Sweeney, K,Malone, C,McLaughlin, R,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ (2011) 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 126 :131-140 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Confirmation of 5p12 As a Susceptibility Locus for Progesterone-Receptor-Positive, Lower Grade Breast Cancer'
Milne, RL,Goode, EL,Garca-Closas, M,Couch, FJ,Severi, G,Hein, R,Fredericksen, Z,Malats, N,Zamora, MP,Perez, JIA,Benitez, J,Dork, T,Schurmann, P,Karstens, JH,Hillemanns, P,Cox, A,Brock, IW,Elliot, G,Cross, SS,Seal, S,Turnbull, C,Renwick, A,Rahman, N,Shen, CY,Yu, JC,Huang, CS,Hou, MF,Nordestgaard, BG,Bojesen, SE,Lanng, C,Alnaes, GG,Kristensen, V,Borrensen-Dale, AL,Hopper, JL,Dite, GS,Apicella, C,Southey, MC,Lambrechts, D,Yesilyurt, BT,Floris, G,Leunen, K,Sangrajrang, S,Gaborieau, V,Brennan, P,McKay, J,Chang-Claude, J,Wang-Gohrke, S,Radice, P,Peterlongo, P,Manoukian, S,Barile, M,Giles, GG,Baglietto, L,John, EM,Miron, A,Chanock, SJ,Lissowska, J,Sherman, ME,Figueroa, JD,Bogdanova, NV,Antonenkova, NN,Zalutsky, IV,Rogov, YI,Fasching, PA,Bayer, CM,Ekici, AB,Beckmann, MW,Brenner, H,Muller, H,Arndt (2011) 'Confirmation of 5p12 As a Susceptibility Locus for Progesterone-Receptor-Positive, Lower Grade Breast Cancer'. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 20 :2222-2231 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Associations of Breast Cancer Risk Factors With Tumor Subtypes: A Pooled Analysis From the Breast Cancer Association Consortium Studies'
Yang, XR,Chang-Claude, J,Goode, EL,Couch, FJ,Nevanlinna, H,Milne, RL,Gaudet, M,Schmidt, MK,Broeks, A,Cox, A,Fasching, PA,Hein, R,Spurdle, AB,Blows, F,Driver, K,Flesch-Janys, D,Heinz, J,Sinn, P,Vrieling, A,Heikkinen, T,Aittomaki, K,Heikkila, P,Blomqvist, C,Lissowska, J,Peplonska, B,Chanock, S,Figueroa, J,Brinton, L,Hall, P,Czene, K,Humphreys, K,Darabi, H,Liu, JJ,Van 't Veer, LJ,Van Leeuwen, FE,Andrulis, IL,Glendon, G,Knight, JA,Mulligan, AM,O'Malley, FP,Weerasooriya, N,John, EM,Beckmann, MW,Hartmann, A,Weihbrecht, SB,Wachter, DL,Jud, SM,Loehberg, CR,Baglietto, L,English, DR,Giles, GG,McLean, CA,Severi, G,Lambrechts, D,Vandorpe, T,Weltens, C,Paridaens, R,Smeets, A,Neven, P,Wildiers, H,Wang, XS,Olson, JE,Cafourek, V,Fredericksen, Z,Kosel, M,Vachon, C,Cramp, HE,Connley, D,Cross, SS,Balasubram (2011) 'Associations of Breast Cancer Risk Factors With Tumor Subtypes: A Pooled Analysis From the Breast Cancer Association Consortium Studies'. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 103 :250-263 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNAs in colorectal cancer: function, dysregulation and potential as novel biomarkers'
Nugent M, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2011) 'MicroRNAs in colorectal cancer: function, dysregulation and potential as novel biomarkers'. Eur J Surg Oncol, 37 (8):649-654 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'The therapeutic potential of microRNAs: disease modulators and drug targets'
McDermott AM, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2011) 'The therapeutic potential of microRNAs: disease modulators and drug targets'. Pharmaceutical research, 28 (12):3016-3029 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'
Kheirelseid EA, Jumustafa H, Miller N, Curran C, Sweeney K, Malone C, McLaughlin R, Newell J, Kerin MJ. (2011) 'Bilateral breast cancer: analysis of incidence, outcome, survival and disease characteristics'. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 126 :131-140 [Details] |
(2011) | 'Circulating microRNAs: promising breast cancer biomarkers'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ. (2011) 'Circulating microRNAs: promising breast cancer biomarkers'. Breast Cancer Research, 13 (1) [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'
Chang KH, Miller N, Kheirelseid EA, Ingoldsby H, Hennessy E, Curran CE, Curran S, Smith MJ, Regan M, McAnena OJ, Kerin MJ (2011) 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'. Eur J Surg Oncol, 37 (7):597-603 [Details] |
(2011) | 'The therapeutic potential of microRNAs: disease modulators and drug targets'
McDermott AM, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ. (2011) 'The therapeutic potential of microRNAs: disease modulators and drug targets'. Pharm Res, 28 (12):3016-3029 [Details] |
(2011) | 'A 3'-untranslated region KRAS variant and triple-negative breast cancer: a case-control and genetic analysis'
Paranjape T, Heneghan H, Lindner R, Keane FK, Hoffman A, Hollestelle A, Dorairaj J, Geyda K, Pelletier C, Nallur S, Martens JW, Hooning MJ, Kerin M, Zelterman D, Zhu Y, Tuck D, Harris L, Miller N, Slack F, Weidhaas J (2011) 'A 3'-untranslated region KRAS variant and triple-negative breast cancer: a case-control and genetic analysis'. Lancet, 12 (4):377-386 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Circulating microRNAs: promising breast cancer Biomarkers'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2011) 'Circulating microRNAs: promising breast cancer Biomarkers'. Breast Cancer Research, 13 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNA signature analysis in colorectal cancer: identification of expression profiles in stage II tumors associated with aggressive disease'
Chang, KH;Miller, N;Kheirelseid, EAH;Lemetre, C;Ball, GR;Smith, MJ;Regan, M;McAnena, OJ;Kerin, MJ (2011) 'MicroRNA signature analysis in colorectal cancer: identification of expression profiles in stage II tumors associated with aggressive disease'. International Journal Of Colorectal Disease, 26 :1415-1422 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'
Chang, KH;Miller, N;Kheirelseid, EAH;Ingoldsby, H;Hennessy, E;Curran, CE;Curran, S;Smith, MJ;Regan, M;McAnena, OJ;Kerin, MJ (2011) 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'. Ejso, 37 :597-603 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Differential miRNA Expression in Omental Adipose Tissue and in the Circulation of Obese Patients Identifies Novel Metabolic Biomarkers'
Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;McAnena, OJ;O'Brien, T;Kerin, MJ (2011) 'Differential miRNA Expression in Omental Adipose Tissue and in the Circulation of Obese Patients Identifies Novel Metabolic Biomarkers'. Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 96 :846-850 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'TOP2A Amplification in the Absence of That of HER-2/neu: Toward Individualization of Chemotherapeutic Practice in Breast Cancer'
Glynn, RW;Mahon, S;Curran, C;Callagy, G;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2011) 'TOP2A Amplification in the Absence of That of HER-2/neu: Toward Individualization of Chemotherapeutic Practice in Breast Cancer'. Oncologist, 16 :949-955 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'
Chang, KH,Miller, N,Kheirelseid, EAH,Ingoldsby, H,Hennessy, E,Curran, CE,Curran, S,Smith, MJ,Regan, M,McAnena, OJ,Kerin, MJ (2011) 'MicroRNA-21 and PDCD4 expression in colorectal cancer'. European Journal Of Cancer, 37 :597-603 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Evaluation of variants in the CHEK2, BRIP1 and PALB2 genes in an Irish breast cancer cohort'
McInerney, NM;Miller, N;Rowan, A;Colleran, G;Barclay, E;Curran, C;Kerin, MJ;Tomlinson, IP;Sawyer, E (2010) 'Evaluation of variants in the CHEK2, BRIP1 and PALB2 genes in an Irish breast cancer cohort'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 121 :203-210 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'The TGFBR1*6A/9A polymorphism is not associated with differential risk of breast cancer'
Colleran, G;McInerney, N;Rowan, A;Barclay, E;Jones, AM;Curran, C;Miller, N;Kerin, M;Tomlinson, I;Sawyer, E (2010) 'The TGFBR1*6A/9A polymorphism is not associated with differential risk of breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 119 :437-442 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'
Kheirelseid, EAH;Chang, KH;Newell, J;Kerin, MJ;Miller, N (2010) 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 11 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Circulating microRNAs as Novel Minimally Invasive Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'
Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Lowery, AJ;Sweeney, KJ;Newell, J;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Circulating microRNAs as Novel Minimally Invasive Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'. Annals Of Surgery, 251 :499-505 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'MiRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer'
Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'MiRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer'. Current Opinion In Pharmacology, 10 :543-550 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Dysregulated miR-183 inhibits migration in breast cancer cells'
Lowery, AJ;Miller, N;Dwyer, RM;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Dysregulated miR-183 inhibits migration in breast cancer cells'. BMC Cancer, 10 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Systemic miRNA-195 Differentiates Breast Cancer from Other Malignancies and Is a Potential Biomarker for Detecting Noninvasive and Early Stage Disease'
Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Kelly, R;Newell, J;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Systemic miRNA-195 Differentiates Breast Cancer from Other Malignancies and Is a Potential Biomarker for Detecting Noninvasive and Early Stage Disease'. Oncologist, 15 :673-682 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Dysregulated miR-183 inhibits migration in breast cancer cells'
Lowery, AJ, Miller, N, Dwyer, RM, Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Dysregulated miR-183 inhibits migration in breast cancer cells'. BMC Cancer, 10 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Evaluation of variants in the CHEK2, BRIP1 and PALB2 genes in an Irish breast cancer cohort'
McInerney, NM,Miller, N,Rowan, A,Colleran, G,Barclay, E,Curran, C,Kerin, MJ,Tomlinson, IP,Sawyer, E (2010) 'Evaluation of variants in the CHEK2, BRIP1 and PALB2 genes in an Irish breast cancer cohort'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 121 :203-210 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'
Chang, KH,Mestdagh, P,Vandesompele, J,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N (2010) 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'. BMC Cancer, 10 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'
Kheirelseid, EAH,Chang, KH,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N (2010) 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 11 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'The TGFBR1*6A/9A polymorphism is not associated with differential risk of breast cancer'
Colleran, G,McInerney, N,Rowan, A,Barclay, E,Jones, AM,Curran, C,Miller, N,Kerin, M,Tomlinson, I,Sawyer, E (2010) 'The TGFBR1*6A/9A polymorphism is not associated with differential risk of breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 119 (2):437-442 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Circulating microRNAs as Novel Minimally Invasive Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'
Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Lowery, AJ,Sweeney, KJ,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Circulating microRNAs as Novel Minimally Invasive Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'. Ann Surg, 251 :499-505 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Topoisomerase 2 Alpha and the Case for Individualized Breast Cancer Therapy'
Glynn, RW,Miller, N,Whelan, MC,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Topoisomerase 2 Alpha and the Case for Individualized Breast Cancer Therapy'. Annals Of Surgical Oncology, 17 (5):1392-1397 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'
Martin, FT,Dwyer, RM,Kelly, J,Khan, S,Murphy, JM,Curran, C,Miller, N,Hennessy, E,Dockery, P,Barry, FP,O'Brien, T,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 124 :317-326 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Systemic miRNA-195 Differentiates Breast Cancer from Other Malignancies and Is a Potential Biomarker for Detecting Noninvasive and Early Stage Disease'
Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Kelly, R,Newell, J,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Systemic miRNA-195 Differentiates Breast Cancer from Other Malignancies and Is a Potential Biomarker for Detecting Noninvasive and Early Stage Disease'. Oncologist, 15 (7):673-682 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Role of microRNAs in obesity and the metabolic syndrome'
Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Role of microRNAs in obesity and the metabolic syndrome'. Obes Rev, 11 (5):354-361 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'MiRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer'
Heneghan, HM,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ (2010) 'MiRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer'. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 10 (5):543-550 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Systemic microRNAs: novel biomarkers for colorectal and other cancers?'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2010) 'Systemic microRNAs: novel biomarkers for colorectal and other cancers?'. Gut, 59 (7):1002-101 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Circulating miRNA signatures: promising prognostic tools for cancer'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ. (2010) 'Circulating miRNA signatures: promising prognostic tools for cancer'. J Clin Oncol, 28 (29):573-574 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Authorship trends in the surgical literature'
Glynn, RW,Kerin, MJ,Sweeney, KJ (2010) 'Authorship trends in the surgical literature'. British Journal Of Surgery, 97 (8):1304-1308 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | '17q12-21 - The pursuit of targeted therapy in breast cancer'
Glynn RW, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2010) '17q12-21 - The pursuit of targeted therapy in breast cancer'. Cancer Treat Rev, 36 (3):224-229 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'
Kheirelseid EA, Chang KH, Newell J, Kerin MJ, Miller N. (2010) 'Identification of endogenous control genes for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data in colorectal cancer'. BMC Mol Biol, 11 [Details] |
(2010) | 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'
Chang KH, Mestdagh P, Vandesompele J, Kerin MJ, Miller N. (2010) 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'. BMC Cancer, 10 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)''
Martin FT, Dwyer RM, Kelly J, Khan S, Murphy JM, Curran C, Miller N, Hennessy E, Dockery P, Barry FP, O'Brien T, Kerin MJ (2010) 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)''. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 124 (2):317-326 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'
Martin, FT;Dwyer, RM;Kelly, J;Khan, S;Murphy, JM;Curran, C;Miller, N;Hennessy, E;Dockery, P;Barry, FP;O'Brien, T;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)'. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment, 124 (2):317-326 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Topoisomerase 2 Alpha and the Case for Individualized Breast Cancer Therapy'
Glynn, RW;Miller, N;Whelan, MC;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Topoisomerase 2 Alpha and the Case for Individualized Breast Cancer Therapy'. Annals Of Surgical Oncology, 17 :1392-1397 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Role of microRNAs in obesity and the metabolic syndrome'
Heneghan, HM;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2010) 'Role of microRNAs in obesity and the metabolic syndrome'. Obesity Reviews, 11 :354-361 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'
Chang, KH;Mestdagh, P;Vandesompele, J;Kerin, MJ;Miller, N (2010) 'MicroRNA expression profiling to identify and validate reference genes for relative quantification in colorectal cancer'. BMC Cancer, 10 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'
Lowery, AJ;Miller, N;Devaney, A;McNeill, RE;Davoren, PA;Lemetre, C;Benes, V;Schmidt, S;Blake, J;Ball, G;Kerin, MJ (2009) 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research, 11 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Interactions between the estrogen receptor, its cofactors and microRNAs in breast cancer'
McCafferty MP, McNeill RE, Miller N, Kerin MJ. (2009) 'Interactions between the estrogen receptor, its cofactors and microRNAs in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 116 (3):425-432 [Details] |
(2009) | 'MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'
Heneghan HM, Miller N, Lowery AJ, Sweeney KJ, Kerin MJ (2009) 'MicroRNAs as Novel Biomarkers for Breast Cancer'. Journal of oncology, 2009 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Interactions between the estrogen receptor, its cofactors and microRNAs in breast cancer'
McCafferty, M. P. J.,McNeill, R. E.,Miller, N.,Kerin, M. J. (2009) 'Interactions between the estrogen receptor, its cofactors and microRNAs in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 116 (33):425-432 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'
Mcinerney N, Colleran G, Rowan A, Walther A, Barclay E, Spain S, Jones AM, Tuohy S, Curran C, Miller N, Kerin M, Tomlinson I, Sawyer E (2009) 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'. Breast Cancer Research, 117 (1):151-159 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'
Mcinerney N, Colleran G, Rowan A, Walther A, Barclay E, Spain S, Jones AM, Tuohy S, Curran C, Miller N, Kerin M, Tomlinson I, Sawyer E. (2009) 'Low penetrance breast cancer predisposition SNPs are site specific'. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 117 (1):151-159 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'
Lowery, AJ,Miller, N,Devaney, A,McNeill, RE,Davoren, PA,Lemetre, C,Benes, V,Schmidt, S,Blake, J,Ball, G,Kerin, MJ (2009) 'MicroRNA signatures predict oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2/neu receptor status in breast cancer'. Breast Cancer Research, 11 (3) [DOI] [Details] |
(2008) | 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'
Bretschneider, N., Brand, H., Miller, N., Lowery, A. J., Kerin, M. J., Gannon, F. & Denger, S. (2008) 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'. Cancer Research, 68 (1):106-114 [Details] |
(2008) | 'MicroRNAs as Prognostic Indicators and Therapeutic Targets: Potential Effect on Breast Cancer Management'
Lowery, A. J., Miller, N., McNeill, R. E. & Kerin, M. J. (2008) 'MicroRNAs as Prognostic Indicators and Therapeutic Targets: Potential Effect on Breast Cancer Management'. Clinical Cancer Research, 14 (2):360-365 [Details] |
(2008) | 'Identification of suitable endogenous control genes for microRNA gene expression analysis in human breast cancer'
Davoren, PA,McNeill, RE,Lowery, AJ,Kerin, MJ,Miller, N (2008) 'Identification of suitable endogenous control genes for microRNA gene expression analysis in human breast cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 9 [DOI] [Details] |
(2008) | 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'
Bretschneider, N,Brand, H,Miller, N,Lowery, AJ,Kerin, MJ,Gannon, F,Denger, S (2008) 'Estrogen induces repression of the breast cancer and salivary gland expression gene in an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent manner'. Cancer Research, 68 :106-114 [DOI] [Details] |
(2007) | 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'
McNeill, RE;Miller, N;Kerin, MJ (2007) 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 8 [DOI] [Details] |
(2007) | 'Molecular profiling techniques and bioinformatics in cancer research'
Manning, A. T., Garvin, J. T., Shahbazi, R. I., Miller, N., McNeill, R. E. & Kerin, M. J. (2007) 'Molecular profiling techniques and bioinformatics in cancer research'. European Journal Of Surgical Oncology, 33 (3):255-265 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'
McNeill, RE,Miller, N,Kerin, MJ (2007) 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'. BMC Molecular Biology, 8 [DOI] [Details] |
(2007) | 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'
McNeill, R. E., Miller, N. & Kerin, M. J. (2007) 'Evaluation and validation of candidate endogenous control genes for real-time quantitative PCR studies of breast cancer'. BMC Mol Biol, 8 [Details] |
(1997) | 'The MAS proto-oncogene is imprinted in human breast tissue'
Miller, N,McCann, AH,O'Connell, D,Pedersen, IS,Spiers, V,Gorey, T,Dervan, PA (1997) 'The MAS proto-oncogene is imprinted in human breast tissue'. Genomics, 46 :509-512 [Details] |
(1996) | 'Biallelic expression of the IGF2 gene in human breast disease'
McCann, AH,Miller, N,OMeara, A,Pedersen, I,Keogh, K,Gorey, T,Dervan, PA (1996) 'Biallelic expression of the IGF2 gene in human breast disease'. Human Molecular Genetics, 5 :1123-1127 [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | 'MiRNAs as potential therapeutic targets in cancer'
McDermott AM, Heneghan HM, Miller N, Kerin MJ (2013) 'MiRNAs as potential therapeutic targets in cancer' In: MicroRNAs in Cancer. USA: CRC Press. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2008
McCafferty, M. P. J.,McNeill, R. E.,Miller, N.,Kerin, M. J. (2009) Relationships between estrogen receptor co-regulators and intrinsic subtypes in breast cancer San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2008 [Details] |
(2009) | The microvasculature of invasive ductal breast carcinoma: a sterological approach
Mahon, S.,Miller, N.,Curran, C.,Dockery, P.,Callagy, G.,Kerin, M. J. (2009) Cancer Research The microvasculature of invasive ductal breast carcinoma: a sterological approach [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Differentiated thyroid cancer susceptibility in a western European population: a common variant at a 9q22 locus.
Owens, PW,McVeigh, TP,Miller, N,Guerin, C,Sebag, F,Quill, D,Bell, M,Lowery, AJ,Kerin, MJ (2016) Differentiated thyroid cancer susceptibility in a western European population: a common variant at a 9q22 locus. Book Review [Details] |
Teaching Interests
Recent Postgraduate Students
Graduation | Name | Degree | Primary Supervisor | |
Pamela Davoren | N | |||
Jemima Dorairaj | N | |||
Mary Nugent | N | |||
Nuala Healy | N | |||
Kah Hoong Chang | N | |||
Niall McInerney | N | |||
2018 | Terri McVeigh | PhD | Y | |
Sarah Mahon | N | |||
Ronan Glynn | PhD | N | ||
Helen Heneghan | PhD | N | ||
Elrasheid Kheirelseid | PhD | N | ||
Aoife Lowery | PhD | N | ||
2013 | Ailbhe McDermott | PhD | Y | |
Gabrielle Colleran | N |
Current Postgraduate Students (Research)
Student | Degree Type | Type | |
Olga Kalinina | Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) | Co-supervisor (2) | |
Ronan Waldron | Doctorate - Ph.D. | Co-supervisor (1) | |
Maxwell Paganga | Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) | Co-supervisor (1) | |
Gerard Feeney | Doctorate - M.D. Degree | Co-supervisor (1) |
Internal Collaborators
Name | Description of Collaboration | |
Prof John Newell |
External Collaborators
Name | Organisation / Institute | Country | Description of Collaboration | |
External Collaborators |