Dr John Ferguson




I'm a statistician with interests in causal inference, techniques in medical statistics, statistical genetics, Bayesian statistics and decision theory.   

I developed an interest in statistics through my undergraduate degree in actuarial science (BAFS, 2000).  I then pursued a MSc. in statistics at UCD (2001), and stayed at UCD for a lecturing role from 2001-2002.  Based on my MSc. results I received a travelling studentship in Mathematical Science from the National University of Ireland, which I used to travel to the U.S. to pursue a PhD in statistics at Yale University.  During my PhD, I received a thorough grounding in both the theoretical and applied aspects of statistics.  I received the Leonard J. Savage prize for statistical writing for my PhD dissertation, which focused on statistical analyses that show robustness properties over a range of choices of statistical loss (or risk) functions.  

After graduating with a PhD in statistics in 2009, I undertook a joint postdoctoral role in statistical genetics and biostatistics with Professor Hongyu Zhao (in the biostatistics group at Yale) and Professor Judy Cho in the genetics group.  During this time, I developed statistical methodology to address a range of challenges in statistical genetics such as reducing winner's curse bias in genetic studies, association tests that combine multiple rare variants in a gene region to improve statistical power and joint analysis of multiple histone libraries.  I also worked in collaboration in geneticists and other scientists on a range of studies involving high throughput sequencing.  After this postdoctoral role, I undertook a position (as a Visiting Assistant Professor) in George Washington University where I taught courses in statistical decision theory, probability and basic statistical inference at both postgraduate and undergraduate level.

In 2013, I returned to Ireland.  I worked at UL as a research fellow in biostatistics from 2013-2015. During this time, I developed novel statistical methods in record linkage that we used to link hospital laboratory records longitudinally over time, as cross sectionally to CSO records.  I also worked as the principle statistician on a range of applied projects pertaining to the progression of chronic kidney disease.  

In 2015, I undertook a position as Senior Research Fellow, located at the Clinical Research Facility at the University of Galway.  Since 2015, I have developed statistical methods to better estimate 'population attributable fractions', a causal metric that refers to the level of disease in a population that would be avoided in the absence of a harmful exposure (such as smoking).  I received a HRB Emerging Investigator award in 2017, to extend this work, with a focus on better incorporation known causal pathways (involving risk factors, confounders and disease) into these statistical methods.  Many of the new methods that I (together with postdocs) developed as part of the award are implemented in the R package graphPAF, and are summarised in the associated paper in the European Journal of Epidemiology.  In 2021, I assumed the position of lecturer (above the bar) in biostatistics in Medical Biostatistics located in Clinical Research Facility, and since January 2024 I have been lecturer (above the bar) in Statistical Science in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.  

Research Interests

My research interests pertain to the development of improved statistical methodology, with applications in several applied domains, such as medicine, population health and genetics. Some areas of current focus are listed under headings below.

 Better confidence intervals for functions of multiple parameters:
If we have an exact 95% confidence interval for a parameter, the method of substitution allows us to generate a 95% confidence interval for any monotonic function of that parameter by simply plugging the endpoints of the interval for the parameter into f; as an example, think of how one typically generates a confidence interval for an odds ratio or risk ratio, by exponentiating a symmetric interval for the log-ratio.  Propagation of imprecision, devised by Newcombe, 2011, extends this idea to real valued functions of multiple parameters. This approach has advantages over the Delta method as the intervals will usually be better behaved than symmetric intervals, when the distribution of is skewed, and does not require the arbitrary setting of a random seed to be reproducible, as would Bootstrap or MCMC approaches.   In recent work, I have justified propagation of imprecision in more general settings than Newcombe recommended, including when estimators of individual parameters are correlated and when f is non-monotonic.  Most importantly, I have introduced a new related approach `Approximate Propagation of Imprecision', an asymptotically equivalent algorithm that produces very similar intervals to Propagation of Imprecision, that removes the requirement of grid search in Newcombe's original algorithm, which facilitates application of the method for functions of K>3 parameters.   Approximate propagation of imprecision is quick, even in large dimensions, automatic (relying on automatic differentiation algorithms), and easy to implement.

Estimation of PAF: 
Population attributable fractions (PAF) are estimates of the probable level of disease in the complete absence of a disease risk factor.  For instance, one might like to know what would be the incidence of lung cancer in Ireland if nobody smoked.  In 2017, I received a HRB-emerging investigator award for work in causal inference applied to population health metrics like PAF.  I have since developed novel estimation approaches for types of attributable fractions, using causal Bayesian networks (for the estimation of joint and sequential attributable fractions) mediation techiques (for pathway-specific PAF), and motivated new pertinent estimands depending that estimate the contribution of differing  mechanisms by which a risk factor might cause disease.  I've also worked on other ideas related to attributable fractions.  For instance, two papers regarding PAF have been recently published in the European journal of epidemiology.  The first relates biases that may result from using Levin's approach, which is a very old formula used to estimate PAF in epidemiology but which is only applicable in very limited circumstances, and another relating to graphPAF, a R package I wrote to perform a wide range of attributable fraction calculations and inference, under a causal inference framework.  

Eliminating Winner's Curse, with applications to 2-sample Mendelian Randomisation: 
In 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR), causal effects between the exposure trait (say body mass index) and outcome (say cardiovascular disease) are estimated by meta-analysing ratios of genetic effects: a/b, with b representing a statistical association of the instrument, a genetic marker, on the exposure/trait, and a, the association between the same marker and the outcome, with a and b estimated in genetic studies.  Usually the instrument SNPs that are meta-analysed are selected according to a threshold for genome-wide statistical significance, and as a result they incur a Winner's Curse: estimated associations from a sample under selection will tend to be biased-above for their population counterparts.  This bias propagates in a complex way into MR estimates, interweaving with other biases like weak instrument bias.  I'm currently working on methods to minimise or eliminate Winner's curse bias in Mendelian randomisation.  In the past, I've worked on methods (in particular Empirical Bayes approaches) to reduce the effect of this same bias on the SNP-disease association estimates.  Some recent work, in PLOS genetics, also investigates a novel Bootstrap estimator to reduce the effect of Winner's curse on GWAS estimates.

Methods for analysing GWAS data jointly over several related traits:
Many diseases and traits share common genetic backgrounds, examples being psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder, and autoimmune diseases, such as Type I diabetes, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.  However, often GWAS datasets for differing diseases are analysed individually and independently.  I'm currently developing novel Empirical Bayes approaches for combined analysis of Genome Wide association data for several traits.  The method effectively converts p-values at a given genetic marker (which are independently estimated for differing related traits using standard approaches) to posterior probabilities of association that correctly incorporate additional information in related traits. In addition to improving statistical power to find genetic associations, other  favourable properties of the proposed approach include conceptual simplicity, relative computational speed, reliance only on summary associations and p-values - which are more often available than individual level data, an ability to incorporate data from both case control and cohort study designs, and a coherent method to identify markers having particular association patterns.  For instance, a geneticist may be interested in markers that are very likely to be associated with Heart disease, but not associated with BMI.  The method will generate posterior probabilities for each possible association pattern at a marker.  Initial tests of the method, using UK Biobank GWAS data on the traits height, BMI and Type I Diabetes, shows promising performance.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Estimating and displaying population attributable fractions using the R package: graphPAF'
Ferguson, John and O'Connell, Maurice (2024) 'Estimating and displaying population attributable fractions using the R package: graphPAF'. European journal of epidemiology, :1-28 [Details]
(2023) 'Depressive symptoms and risk of acute stroke: INTERSTROKE Case-Control Study'
Murphy, Robert P and Reddin, Catriona and Rosengren, Annika and Judge, Conor and Hankey, Graeme J and Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Oveisgharan, Shahram and Wasay, Mohammad and McDermott, Clodagh and others (2023) 'Depressive symptoms and risk of acute stroke: INTERSTROKE Case-Control Study'. Neurology, 100 (17) [Details]
(2023) 'Early metformin in gestational diabetes: a randomized clinical trial'
Dunne, Fidelma and Newman, Christine and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Smyth, Andrew and Browne, Marie and O'Shea, Paula and Devane, Declan and Gillespie, Paddy and Bogdanet, Delia and others (2023) 'Early metformin in gestational diabetes: a randomized clinical trial'. Jama, 330 (16):1547-1556 [Details]
(2022) 'Association of psychosocial stress with risk of acute stroke'
Reddin, Catriona and Murphy, Robert and Hankey, Graeme J and Judge, Conor and Xavier, Denis and Rosengren, Annika and Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Oveisgharan, Shahram and Iversen, Helle K and others (2022) 'Association of psychosocial stress with risk of acute stroke'. JAMA network open, 5 (12) [Details]
(2019) 'Signs and sizes: understanding and replicating statistical findings'
Ferguson John; Fitzsimon Nicola (2019) 'Signs and sizes: understanding and replicating statistical findings'. Applied Statistics-Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society Series C, [Details]
(2018) 'History by the numbers'
Tosh, Nick; Ferguson, John; Seoighe Cathal (2018) 'History by the numbers'. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 115 (26) [Details]
(2016) 'prevalence and correlates of inappropriate prescribing practices (pip) among irish patients with chronic kidney disease; a multi-centre study'
Elsayed, Mohamed E and Kinsella, Michael and Ferguson, John P and Sweeny, Libby and Sharif, Muhammad U and Stack, Austin G (2016) 'prevalence and correlates of inappropriate prescribing practices (pip) among irish patients with chronic kidney disease; a multi-centre study'. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 31 :1441-1441 [Details]
Ferguson, John P and Elsayed, Mohammed E and Stack, Austin G (2015) 'SaO005LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES OF TRANSIENT ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY ON RISK OF DEATH AND KIDNEY FAILURE IN THE IRISH HEALTH SYSTEM'. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 30 (suppl\_3) [Details]
Elsayed, Mohamed E and Hickey, Alison and Sharif, Muhammed and Ferguson, John P and Stack, Austin G (2015) 'FP708ASSOCIATION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE WITH MORTALITY AND KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION AMONG NEW DIALYSIS PATIENTS'. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 30 (suppl\_3):312-313 [Details]
Elsayed, Mohamed E and McCarthy, Eimear and O Hare, James and Ferguson, John P and Stack, Austin G (2015) 'FP716RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN GLYCOSYLATED HAEMOGLOBIN AND DEATH AMONG DIABETIC PATIENTS UNDERGOING DIALYSIS: A NATIONAL COHORT STUDY'. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 30 (suppl\_3) [Details]
Stack, Austin G and Elsayed, Mohamed E and Sharif, Muhammad U and Clarke Moloney, Mary and Ferguson, John P (2015) 'SuO001RISK OF ISCHAEMIC STROKE FOR INCIDENT PATIENTS TREATED WITH PERITONEAL DIALYSIS VERSUS HAEMODIALYSIS'. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 30 (suppl\_3) [Details]
(2014) 'Incidence of and Recovery from Acute Kidney Injury in the Irish Population'
Gillis, E and Ferguson, J and Elsayed, M and Mohamed, W and Stack, AG (2014) 'Incidence of and Recovery from Acute Kidney Injury in the Irish Population'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183 :146-147 [Details]
(2024) 'Bias assessment and correction for Levin's population attributable fraction in the presence of confounding'
Ferguson, John and Alvarez, Alberto and Mulligan, Martin and Judge, Conor and O'Donnell, Martin (2024) 'Bias assessment and correction for Levin's population attributable fraction in the presence of confounding'. European Journal of Epidemiology, 39 (2):111-119 [Details]
(2024) 'Early Metformin in Gestational Diabetes'
Dunne, Fidelma and Newman, Christine and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Smyth, Andrew and Browne, Marie and O'Shea, Paula and Devane, Declan and Gillespie, Paddy and Bogdanet, Delia and others (2024) 'Early Metformin in Gestational Diabetes'. Obstetrical \& Gynecological Survey, 79 (4):193-195 [Details]
(2024) 'Pre-morbid sleep disturbance and its association with stroke severity: results from the international INTERSTROKE study'
Mc Carthy, Christine E and Yusuf, Salim and Judge, Conor and Ferguson, John and Hankey, Graeme J and Gharan, Shahram Oveis and Damasceno, Albertino and Iversen, Helle Klingenberg and Rosengren, Annika and Ogah, Okechukwu and others (2024) 'Pre-morbid sleep disturbance and its association with stroke severity: results from the international INTERSTROKE study'. European Journal of Neurology, 31 (6) [Details]
(2024) 'Tobacco use and risk of acute stroke in 32 countries in the INTERSTROKE study: a case--control study'
Wang, Xingyu and Liu, Xin and O'Donnell, Martin J and McQueen, Matthew and Sniderman, Allan and Pare, Guillaume and Hankey, Graeme J and Rangarajan, Sumathy and Chin, Siu Lim and Rao-Melacini, Purnima and others (2024) 'Tobacco use and risk of acute stroke in 32 countries in the INTERSTROKE study: a case--control study'. EClinicalMedicine, 70 [Details]
(2023) 'Understanding the role of mask-wearing during COVID-19 on the island of Ireland'
Fitz-Simon, Nicola and Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Sofonea, Mircea T and Kamiya, Tsukushi (2023) 'Understanding the role of mask-wearing during COVID-19 on the island of Ireland'. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (7) [Details]
(2023) 'Estimating time-dependent contact: a multi-strain epidemiological model of SARS-CoV-2 on the island of Ireland'
Kamiya, Tsukushi and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Murphy, Shane and Sofonea, Mircea T and Fitz-Simon, Nicola (2023) 'Estimating time-dependent contact: a multi-strain epidemiological model of SARS-CoV-2 on the island of Ireland'. Global Epidemiology, 5 [Details]
(2023) 'Global mean potassium intake: a systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis'
Reddin, Catriona and Ferguson, John and Murphy, Robert and Clarke, Aoibhin and Judge, Conor and Griffith, Vincent and Alvarez, Alberto and Smyth, Andrew and Mente, Andrew and Yusuf, Salim and others (2023) 'Global mean potassium intake: a systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis'. European Journal of Nutrition, 62 (5):2027-2037 [Details]
(2023) 'Population attributable fraction of hypertension for dementia: global, regional, and national estimates for 186 countries'
Mulligan, Martin D and Murphy, Robert and Reddin, Catriona and Judge, Conor and Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and McGrath, Emer R and O'Donnell, Martin J (2023) 'Population attributable fraction of hypertension for dementia: global, regional, and national estimates for 186 countries'. EClinicalMedicine, 60 [Details]
(2023) 'Major disparities in patient-reported adherence compared to objective assessment of adherence using mass spectrometry: A prospective study in a tertiary-referral hypertension clinic'
Curneen, James MG and Rabbitt, Louise and Browne, Darragh and O'Donoghue, Darragh F and Alansari, Yousef and Harhen, Brendan and N\'\i Ghr\'\iofa, Ailbhe and Ferguson, John and McEvoy, John William and Lappin, David and others (2023) 'Major disparities in patient-reported adherence compared to objective assessment of adherence using mass spectrometry: A prospective study in a tertiary-referral hypertension clinic'. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 89 (7):1948-1955 [Details]
(2023) 'Review and further developments in statistical corrections for Winner's Curse in genetic association studies'
Forde, Amanda and Hemani, Gibran and Ferguson, John (2023) 'Review and further developments in statistical corrections for Winner's Curse in genetic association studies'. PLoS Genetics, 19 (9) [Details]
(2023) 'Antiplatelet therapy and incident cognitive impairment or dementia---a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials'
Kitt, Kevin and Murphy, Robert and Clarke, Aoibhin and Reddin, Catriona and Ferguson, John and Bosch, Jackie and Whiteley, William and Canavan, Michelle and Judge, Conor and O'Donnell, Martin (2023) 'Antiplatelet therapy and incident cognitive impairment or dementia---a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials'. Age and Ageing, 52 (10) [Details]
(2023) 'Randomised controlled trials of antihypertensive therapy: does exclusion of orthostatic hypotension alter treatment effect? A systematic review and meta-analysis'
Reddin, Catriona and Murphy, Robert and Hanrahan, Caoimhe and Loughlin, Elaine and Ferguson, John and Judge, Conor and Waters, Ruairi and Canavan, Michelle and Kenny, Rose Anne and O'Donnell, Martin (2023) 'Randomised controlled trials of antihypertensive therapy: does exclusion of orthostatic hypotension alter treatment effect? A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Age and Ageing, 52 (4) [Details]
(2022) 'Pathway-specific population attributable fractions'
O'Connell, Maurice M and Ferguson, John P (2022) 'Pathway-specific population attributable fractions'. International Journal of epidemiology, 51 (6):1957-1969 [Details]
(2022) 'Association of lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins with stroke subtypes in an international case control study (INTERSTROKE)'
O'Donnell, Martin J and McQueen, Matthew and Sniderman, Allan and Pare, Guillaume and Wang, Xingyu and Hankey, Graeme J and Rangarajan, Sumathy and Chin, Siu Lim and Rao-Melacini, Purnima and Ferguson, John and others (2022) 'Association of lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins with stroke subtypes in an international case control study (INTERSTROKE)'. Journal of stroke, 24 (2):224-235 [Details]
(2022) 'Effect of a Run-In Period on Estimated Treatment Effects in Cardiovascular Randomized Clinical Trials: A Meta-Analytic Review'
Murphy, Robert P and O'Donnell, Martin J and Nolan, Aoife and McGrath, Emer and O'Conghaile, Aengus and Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Costello, Maria and Loughlin, Elaine and Reddin, Catriona and others (2022) 'Effect of a Run-In Period on Estimated Treatment Effects in Cardiovascular Randomized Clinical Trials: A Meta-Analytic Review'. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11 (20) [Details]
(2022) 'Bayesian interpretation of p values in clinical trials'
Ferguson, John (2022) 'Bayesian interpretation of p values in clinical trials'. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 27 (5):313-316 [Details]
(2021) 'Variations in knowledge, awareness and treatment of hypertension and stroke risk by country income level'
O'Donnell, Martin and Hankey, Graeme J and Rangarajan, Sumathy and Chin, Siu Lim and Rao-Melacini, Purnima and Ferguson, John and Xavier, Denis and Lisheng, Liu and Zhang, Hongye and Pais, Prem and others (2021) 'Variations in knowledge, awareness and treatment of hypertension and stroke risk by country income level'. Heart, 107 (4):282-289 [Details]
(2021) 'Urinary sodium and potassium, and risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (INTERSTROKE): a case--control study'
Judge, Conor and O'Donnell, Martin J and Hankey, Graeme J and Rangarajan, Sumathy and Chin, Siu Lim and Rao-Melacini, Purnima and Ferguson, John and Smyth, Andrew and Xavier, Denis and Lisheng, Liu and others (2021) 'Urinary sodium and potassium, and risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (INTERSTROKE): a case--control study'. American journal of hypertension, 34 (4):414-425 [Details]
(2021) 'Association of oral anticoagulation with stroke in atrial fibrillation or heart failure: a comparative meta-analysis'
Reddin, Catriona and Judge, Conor and Loughlin, Elaine and Murphy, Robert and Costello, Maria and Alvarez, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Smyth, Andrew and Canavan, Michelle and O'Donnell, Martin J (2021) 'Association of oral anticoagulation with stroke in atrial fibrillation or heart failure: a comparative meta-analysis'. Stroke, 52 (10):3151-3162 [Details]
(2021) 'A comparison of methods to generate adaptive reference ranges in longitudinal monitoring'
Roshan, Davood and Ferguson, John and Pedlar, Charles R and Simpkin, Andrew and Wyns, William and Sullivan, Frank and Newell, John (2021) 'A comparison of methods to generate adaptive reference ranges in longitudinal monitoring'. PLoS One, 16 (2) [Details]
(2021) 'Burden of chronic kidney disease and rapid decline in renal function among adults attending a hospital-based diabetes center in Northern Europe'
Griffin, Tom\'as P and O'Shea, Paula M and Smyth, Andrew and Islam, Md Nahidul and Wall, Deirdre and Ferguson, John and O'Sullivan, Esther and Finucane, Francis M and Dinneen, Sean F and Dunne, Fidelma P and others (2021) 'Burden of chronic kidney disease and rapid decline in renal function among adults attending a hospital-based diabetes center in Northern Europe'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 9 (1) [Details]
(2021) 'Multiplex serum biomarker assays improve prediction of renal and mortality outcomes in chronic kidney disease'
Martin, William P and Conroy, Chloe and Naicker, Serika D and Cormican, Sarah and Griffin, Tom\'as P and Islam, Md Nahidul and McCole, Eibhlin M and McConnell, Ivan and Lamont, John and FitzGerald, Peter and others (2021) 'Multiplex serum biomarker assays improve prediction of renal and mortality outcomes in chronic kidney disease'. Kidney360, 2 (8):1225-1239 [Details]
(2021) 'Clarifying Optimal Sodium InTake In Cardiovasular and Kidney (COSTICK) Diseases: a study protocol for two randomised controlled trials'
Smyth, Andrew and Yusuf, Salim and Kerins, Claire and Corcoran, Colette and Dineen, Roisin and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and McDermott, Suzanne and Hernon, Orlaith and Ranjan, Ritika and others (2021) 'Clarifying Optimal Sodium InTake In Cardiovasular and Kidney (COSTICK) Diseases: a study protocol for two randomised controlled trials'. HRB Open Research, 4 [Details]
(2021) 'Controlling for background genetic effects using polygenic scores improves the power of genome-wide association studies'
Bennett, Declan and O'Shea, Donal and Ferguson, John and Morris, Derek and Seoighe, Cathal (2021) 'Controlling for background genetic effects using polygenic scores improves the power of genome-wide association studies'. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) [Details]
(2020) 'Population attributable fractions for continuously distributed exposures'
Ferguson, John and Maturo, Fabrizio and Yusuf, Salim and O'Donnell, Martin (2020) 'Population attributable fractions for continuously distributed exposures'. Epidemiologic Methods, 9 (1) [Details]
(2020) 'Aspirin for primary prevention of stroke in individuals without cardiovascular disease---A meta-analysis'
Judge, Conor and Ruttledge, Sarah and Murphy, Robert and Loughlin, Elaine and Gorey, Sarah and Costello, Maria and Nolan, Aoife and Ferguson, John and Halloran, Martin O and O'Canavan, Michelle and others (2020) 'Aspirin for primary prevention of stroke in individuals without cardiovascular disease---A meta-analysis'. International Journal of Stroke, 15 (1):9-17 [Details]
(2020) 'Revisiting sequential attributable fractions'
Ferguson, John and O'Connell, Maurice and O'Donnell, Martin (2020) 'Revisiting sequential attributable fractions'. Archives of Public Health, 78 :1-9 [Details]
(2020) 'A fuzzy functional k-means approach for monitoring Italian regions according to health evolution over time'
Maturo, Fabrizio and Ferguson, John and Di Battista, Tonio and Ventre, Viviana (2020) 'A fuzzy functional k-means approach for monitoring Italian regions according to health evolution over time'. Soft Computing, 24 :13741-13755 [Details]
(2020) 'An empirical Bayesian ranking method, with applications to high throughput biology'
Ferguson, John and Chang, Joseph (2020) 'An empirical Bayesian ranking method, with applications to high throughput biology'. Bioinformatics, 36 (1):177-185 [Details]
(2019) 'Lipid lowering therapy, low-density lipoprotein level and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage--a meta-analysis'
Judge, Conor and Ruttledge, Sarah and Costello, Maria and Murphy, Robert and Loughlin, Elaine and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Gorey, Sarah and Nolan, Aoife and Canavan, Michelle and others (2019) 'Lipid lowering therapy, low-density lipoprotein level and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage--a meta-analysis'. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 28 (6):1703-1709 [Details]
(2019) 'Joint incorporation of randomised and observational evidence in estimating treatment effects'
Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Newell, John and Hinde, John and O'Donnell, Martin (2019) 'Joint incorporation of randomised and observational evidence in estimating treatment effects'. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28 (1):235-247 [Details]
(2019) 'Plasma dephosphorylated-uncarboxylated Matrix Gla-Protein (dp-ucMGP): reference intervals in Caucasian adults and diabetic kidney disease biomarker potential'
Griffin, Tom\'as Patrick and Islam, Md Nahidul and Wall, Deirdre and Ferguson, John and Griffin, Damian Gerard and Griffin, Matthew Dallas and O'Shea, Paula M (2019) 'Plasma dephosphorylated-uncarboxylated Matrix Gla-Protein (dp-ucMGP): reference intervals in Caucasian adults and diabetic kidney disease biomarker potential'. Scientific reports, 9 (1) [Details]
(2019) 'Methods to assess the contribution of diseases to disability using cross-sectional studies: comparison of different versions of the attributable fraction and the attribution method'
Palazzo, Clemence and Yokota, Renata TC and Ferguson, John and Tafforeau, Jean and Ravaud, Jean-Francois and Van Oyen, Herman and Nusselder, Wilma J (2019) 'Methods to assess the contribution of diseases to disability using cross-sectional studies: comparison of different versions of the attributable fraction and the attribution method'. International Journal of Epidemiology, 48 (2):559-570 [Details]
(2019) 'Graphical comparisons of relative disease burden across multiple risk factors'
Ferguson, John and O'Leary, Neil and Maturo, Fabrizio and Yusuf, Salim and O'Donnell, Martin (2019) 'Graphical comparisons of relative disease burden across multiple risk factors'. BMC medical research methodology, 19 :1-9 [Details]
(2019) 'Joint association of urinary sodium and potassium excretion with cardiovascular events and mortality: prospective cohort study'
O'Donnell, Martin and Mente, Andrew and Rangarajan, Sumathy and McQueen, Matthew J and O'Leary, Neil and Yin, Lu and Liu, Xiaoyun and Swaminathan, Sumathi and Khatib, Rasha and Rosengren, Annika and others (2019) 'Joint association of urinary sodium and potassium excretion with cardiovascular events and mortality: prospective cohort study'. bmj, 364 [Details]
(2018) 'Estimating average attributable fractions with confidence intervals for cohort and case--control studies'
Ferguson, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Newell, John and Hinde, John and O'Donnell, Martin (2018) 'Estimating average attributable fractions with confidence intervals for cohort and case--control studies'. Statistical methods in medical research, 27 (4):1141-1152 [Details]
(2018) 'Chronic kidney disease severity is associated with selective expansion of a distinctive intermediate monocyte subpopulation'
Naicker, Serika D and Cormican, Sarah and Griffin, Tom\'as P and Maretto, Silvia and Martin, William P and Ferguson, John P and Cotter, Deirdre and Connaughton, Eanna P and Dennedy, M Conall and Griffin, Matthew D (2018) 'Chronic kidney disease severity is associated with selective expansion of a distinctive intermediate monocyte subpopulation'. Frontiers in immunology, 9 [Details]
(2018) 'A new computationally efficient algorithm for record linkage with field dependency and missing data imputation'
Ferguson, John and Hannigan, Ailish and Stack, Austin (2018) 'A new computationally efficient algorithm for record linkage with field dependency and missing data imputation'. International journal of medical informatics, 109 :70-75 [Details]
(2018) 'Quality of care and practice patterns in anaemia management at specialist kidney clinics in Ireland: a national study'
Stack, Austin G and Alghali, Ahmed and Li, Xia and Ferguson, John P and Casserly, Liam F and Cronin, Cornelius J and Reddan, Donal N and Hussein, Wael and Elsayed, Mohamed E (2018) 'Quality of care and practice patterns in anaemia management at specialist kidney clinics in Ireland: a national study'. Clinical Kidney Journal, 11 (1):99-107 [Details]
(2017) 'Influence of referral to a combined diabetology and nephrology clinic on renal functional trends and metabolic parameters in adults with diabetic kidney disease'
Martin, William P and Griffin, Tom\'as P and Lappin, David W and Griffin, Damian G and Ferguson, John P and O'Brien, Timothy and Griffin, Matthew D (2017) 'Influence of referral to a combined diabetology and nephrology clinic on renal functional trends and metabolic parameters in adults with diabetic kidney disease'. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality \& Outcomes, 1 (2):150-160 [Details]
(2017) 'An alternative pruning based approach to unbiased recursive partitioning'
Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Hinde, John and Ferguson, John and Newell, John (2017) 'An alternative pruning based approach to unbiased recursive partitioning'. Comput. Statist. Data Anal, 106 :90-102 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Differential impact of smoking on mortality and kidney transplantation among adult Men and Women undergoing dialysis'
Stack, Austin G and Yermak, Darya and Roche, David G and Ferguson, John P and Elsayed, Mohamed and Mohammed, Waleed and Casserly, Liam F and Walsh, Stewart R and Cronin, Cornelius J (2016) 'Differential impact of smoking on mortality and kidney transplantation among adult Men and Women undergoing dialysis'. BMC nephrology, 17 :1-12 [Details]
(2016) 'Association of height with elevated mortality risk in ESRD: variation by race and gender'
Elsayed, Mohamed E and Ferguson, John P and Stack, Austin G (2016) 'Association of height with elevated mortality risk in ESRD: variation by race and gender'. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 27 (2):580-593 [Details]
(2016) 'Global and regional effects of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with acute stroke in 32 countries (INTERSTROKE): a case-control study'
O'Donnell, Martin J and Chin, Siu Lim and Rangarajan, Sumathy and Xavier, Denis and Liu, Lisheng and Zhang, Hongye and Rao-Melacini, Purnima and Zhang, Xiaohe and Pais, Prem and Agapay, Steven and others (2016) 'Global and regional effects of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with acute stroke in 32 countries (INTERSTROKE): a case-control study'. The lancet, 388 (10046):761-775 [Details]
(2015) 'Effect of institutional volume on laparoscopic cholecystectomy outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis'
Murray, Muireann and Healy, Donagh A and Ferguson, John and Bashar, Khalid and McHugh, Seamus and Moloney, Mary Clarke and Walsh, Stewart R (2015) 'Effect of institutional volume on laparoscopic cholecystectomy outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis'. World Journal of Meta-Analysis, 3 (1):26-35 [Details]
(2015) 'A multicenter pilot randomized controlled trial of remote ischemic preconditioning in major vascular surgery'
Healy, DA and Boyle, E and McCartan, D and Bourke, M and Medani, M and Ferguson, J and Yagoub, H and Bashar, K and O'donnell, M and Newell, J and others (2015) 'A multicenter pilot randomized controlled trial of remote ischemic preconditioning in major vascular surgery'. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 49 (8):220-227 [Details]
(2014) 'Prevalence and variation of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Irish health system: initial findings from the National Kidney Disease Surveillance Programme'
Stack, Austin G and Casserly, Liam F and Cronin, Cornelius J and Chernenko, Tetyana and Cullen, Walter and Hannigan, Ailish and Saran, Rajiv and Johnson, Howard and Browne, Gemma and Ferguson, John P (2014) 'Prevalence and variation of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Irish health system: initial findings from the National Kidney Disease Surveillance Programme'. BMC nephrology, 15 :1-12 [Details]
(2014) 'Transferrin saturation ratio and risk of total and cardiovascular mortality in the general population'
Stack, Austin G and Mutwali, AI and Nguyen, HT and Cronin, Cornelius J and Casserly, Liam F and Ferguson, J (2014) 'Transferrin saturation ratio and risk of total and cardiovascular mortality in the general population'. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 107 (8):623-633 [Details]
(2014) 'P-value calibration for multiple testing problems in genomics'
Ferguson, John P and Palejev, Dean (2014) 'P-value calibration for multiple testing problems in genomics'. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 13 (6):659-673 [Details]
(2013) 'Empirical Bayes correction for the winner's curse in genetic association studies'
Ferguson, John P and Cho, Judy H and Yang, Can and Zhao, Hongyu (2013) 'Empirical Bayes correction for the winner's curse in genetic association studies'. Genetic epidemiology, 37 (1):60-68 [Details]
(2013) 'Statistical tests for detecting associations with groups of genetic variants: generalization, evaluation, and implementation'
Ferguson, John and Wheeler, William and Fu, YiPing and Prokunina-Olsson, Ludmila and Zhao, Hongyu and Sampson, Joshua (2013) 'Statistical tests for detecting associations with groups of genetic variants: generalization, evaluation, and implementation'. European Journal of Human Genetics, 21 (6):680-686 [Details]
(2013) 'Differential expression analysis for paired RNA-seq data'
Chung, Lisa M and Ferguson, John P and Zheng, Wei and Qian, Feng and Bruno, Vincent and Montgomery, Ruth R and Zhao, Hongyu (2013) 'Differential expression analysis for paired RNA-seq data'. BMC bioinformatics, 14 :1-14 [Details]
(2013) 'Granulocyte--macrophage colony-stimulating factor autoantibodies: a marker of aggressive Crohn's disease'
Gathungu, Grace and Kim, Mi-Ok and Ferguson, John P and Sharma, Yashoda and Zhang, Wei and Ng, Sok Meng E and Bonkowski, Erin and Ning, Kaida and Simms, Lisa A and Croft, Anthony R and others (2013) 'Granulocyte--macrophage colony-stimulating factor autoantibodies: a marker of aggressive Crohn's disease'. Inflammatory bowel diseases, 19 (8):1671-1680 [Details]
(2012) 'A new approach for the joint analysis of multiple ChIP-seq libraries with application to histone modification'
Ferguson, John P and Cho, Judy H and Zhao, Hongyu (2012) 'A new approach for the joint analysis of multiple ChIP-seq libraries with application to histone modification'. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 11 (3) [Details]
(2012) 'Effector CD4+ T cell expression signatures and immune-mediated disease associated genes'
Zhang, Wei and Ferguson, John and Ng, Sok Meng and Hui, Ken and Goh, Gerald and Lin, Aiping and Esplugues, Enric and Flavell, Richard A and Abraham, Clara and Zhao, Hongyu and others (2012) 'Effector CD4+ T cell expression signatures and immune-mediated disease associated genes'. PLoS One, 7 (6) [Details]
(2007) 'Inter-and intra-combinatorial regulation by transcription factors and microRNAs'
Zhou, Yiming and Ferguson, John and Chang, Joseph T and Kluger, Yuval (2007) 'Inter-and intra-combinatorial regulation by transcription factors and microRNAs'. BMC genomics, 8 :1-10 [Details]
(2006) 'Potential use of leaf carbon isotope discrimination for the selection of shade-tolerant species'
Kennedy, Seamus and Dhubh\'ain, \'Aine N\'\i and Ferguson, John and Schmidt, Olaf and Dyckmans, Jens and Osborne, Bruce and Black, Kevin (2006) 'Potential use of leaf carbon isotope discrimination for the selection of shade-tolerant species'. Forest ecology and management, 237 (1-3):394-403 [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
Hinde, John and Alvarez-Iglesias, Alberto and Ferguson, John and Dem\'etrio, Clarice GB and Crown, John and Hennessy, Bryan T and Donachie, Vicky (2024) Modelling of Overdispersed Count Rates International Workshop on Statistical Modelling , pp.179-184 [Details]
(2010) S1173 Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Autoantibodies in Crohn's Disease
Gathungu, Grace and Ferguson, John P and Silverberg, Mark S and Trapnell, Bruce and Denson, Lee and Cho, Judy H and Radford-Smith, Graham L (2010) S1173 Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Autoantibodies in Crohn's Disease [Details]
(2011) BMC proceedings
Yan, Xiting and Li, Lun and Lee, Joon Sang and Zheng, Wei and Ferguson, John and Zhao, Hongyu (2011) Detecting functional rare variants by collapsing and incorporating functional annotation in Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome data BMC proceedings , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2011) BMC proceedings
Li, Lun and Zheng, Wei and Lee, Joon Sang and Zhang, Xianghua and Ferguson, John and Yan, Xiting and Zhao, Hongyu (2011) Collapsing-based and kernel-based single-gene analyses applied to Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome data BMC proceedings , pp.1-8 [Details]
(2011) BMC proceedings
Li, Gengxin and Ferguson, John and Zheng, Wei and Lee, Joon Sang and Zhang, Xianghua and Li, Lun and Kang, Jia and Yan, Xiting and Zhao, Hongyu (2011) Large-scale risk prediction applied to Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome sequence data BMC proceedings , pp.1-9 [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2018 SFI Conference Grant (€6,100) SFI
2017 Emerging Investigator Award (€799,958) Health Research Board
2009 Leonard J. Savage Prize for Statistical Writing Yale University
2001 Traveling studentship in Mathematical Sciences NUI
1997 UCD Entrance Scholarship University College Dublin