Dr Edel Hughes


Contact Details

Lecturer (above the bar)/Assistant Professor
Irish Centre for Human Rights
T: 091 492394
E: edel.hughes@universityofgalway.ie


Dr Edel Hughes joined the School of Law in January 2020.  She holds a BCL (Law and French) from University College Cork and LLM and PhD degrees from the University of Galway. Prior to joining the School of Law, Edel held lectureships at the University of Limerick, University of East London, and Middlesex University London. Edel's research interests are in the law and politics of human rights, human rights and conflict affected settings, and EU external relations and human rights. Between November 2020 and July 2023 Edel was Principal Investigator on the AHRC/FCDO funded project 'Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Invisibility on Conflict-Related Male Sex Violence in Syria', which seeks to address the gaps and limitations in how we understand and respond to conflict-related sexual violence against men. Further information on the project is available here: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/irish-centre-human-rights/public/projects/understandingandaddressingtheimpactofinvisibilityonconflict-relatedmalesexviolenceinsyria/
Edel welcomes PhD proposals in any areas related to her research interests.

Research Interests

My research interests are in the law and politics of human rights, human rights and conflict affected settings, and EU external relations and human rights. I have a regional interest in Turkey and the Middle East. Current research projects include an Arts and Humanities/FCDO funded project on the impact of invisibility on conflict-related male sexual violence in Syria (for further detail see here: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/irish-centre-human-rights/public/projects/understandingandaddressi...); and a study of the EU and conflict resolution, with a focus on the EU's engagement with the Kurdish conflict in Turkey.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Invisibility on Conflict Related Male Sex Violence in Syria 02-NOV-20 30-JUN-22

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Alexis Bushnell Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Invisibility on Conflict Related Male Sex Violence in Syria Postdoctoral research fellow Other Government

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2018) 'Identifying Routes to Remedy for Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights'
Boyle; Hughes (2018) 'Identifying Routes to Remedy for Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights'. The International Journal of Human Rights, 22 (1):43-69 [Details]
(2016) 'Re-thinking What is Necessary in a Democratic Society: Militant Democracy and the Turkish State'
Cavanaugh; Hughes (2016) 'Re-thinking What is Necessary in a Democratic Society: Militant Democracy and the Turkish State'. Human Rights Quarterly, 38 :623-654 [Details]
(2015) 'A Democratic Opening: The AKP and the Kurdish Left'
Cavanaugh; Hughes (2015) 'A Democratic Opening: The AKP and the Kurdish Left'. Muslim World Journal Of Human Rights, 12 (1):53-74 [Details]
(2011) 'The International Human Rights Law Framework as a Tool for Promoting Peace and Preventing Conflict: Progress and Challenges'
Hughes (2011) 'The International Human Rights Law Framework as a Tool for Promoting Peace and Preventing Conflict: Progress and Challenges'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, 22 :25-36 [Details]
(2010) 'The European Union Accession Process: Ensuring the Protection of Turkey’s Minorities?'
Hughes (2010) 'The European Union Accession Process: Ensuring the Protection of Turkey’s Minorities?'. International Journal Of Minority And Group Rights, 17 (4):561-578 [Details]
(2008) 'The Secularism Debate and Turkey's Quest for European Union Membership'
Hughes (2008) 'The Secularism Debate and Turkey's Quest for European Union Membership'. Religion and Human Rights, 3 (1):15-32 [Details]
(2006) 'Political Violence and Law Reform in Turkey: Securing the Human Rights of the Kurds'
Hughes (2006) 'Political Violence and Law Reform in Turkey: Securing the Human Rights of the Kurds'. Journal Of Conflict Studies, 24 (2):71-103 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2010) Turkey's Accession to the European Union: The Politics of Exclusion.
Edel Hughes (2010) Turkey's Accession to the European Union: The Politics of Exclusion. London and New York: Routledge. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2019) 'Magna Carta and the Invention of 'British Rights''
Hughes; Farrell (2019) 'Magna Carta and the Invention of 'British Rights'' In: Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish. London and New York: Routledge. [Details]
(2019) 'Introduction'
Edel Hughes, Michelle Farrell, Eleanor Drywood (2019) 'Introduction' In: Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2007) 'Introduction'
Edel Hughes, William Schabas, Ramesh Thakur (2007) 'Introduction' In: Atrocities and International Accountability: Beyond Transitional Justice. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. [Details]
(2005) 'The Right to Peace'
Edel Hughes, Kathleen Cavanaugh (2005) 'The Right to Peace' In: The Essentials of Human Rights. :283-284 London: Hodder Arnold. [Details]
(2011) 'Globalization, International Law and Human Rights'
Hughes (2011) 'Globalization, International Law and Human Rights' In: Freedom of Religion in a Globalized World: The European Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2019) Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish.
Farrell; Drywood; Hughes (Ed.). (2019) Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish. London and New York: Routledge. [Details]
(2007) Atrocities and International Accountability: Beyond Transitional Justice.
Hughes; Schabas; Thakur (Ed.). (2007) Atrocities and International Accountability: Beyond Transitional Justice Atrocities and International Accountability: Beyond Transitional Justice. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2022) The Art of Resolution: The Role of Culture and the Arts in Conflict Transformation.
Edel Hughes (2022) The Art of Resolution: The Role of Culture and the Arts in Conflict Transformation. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2020) The EU and Conflict Transformation: Playing a Crucial Role?.
Edel Hughes (2020) The EU and Conflict Transformation: Playing a Crucial Role?. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2020) The Business of Peace: Can the Private Sector Contribute to Conflict Transformation?.
Edel Hughes and Daniel Aguirre (2020) The Business of Peace: Can the Private Sector Contribute to Conflict Transformation?. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2015) Resolution of Turkey’s Kurdish Question: A Process in Crisis.
Hughes (2015) Resolution of Turkey’s Kurdish Question: A Process in Crisis. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2012) Political Violence and the Nascent Peace Process in Colombia.
DPI, edited by Edel Hughes (2012) Political Violence and the Nascent Peace Process in Colombia. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2009) Human Rights in the Kurdish Region of Turkey: Three Pressing Concerns¿, Fact-Finding Mission Report.
Edel Hughes, Saniye Karakas (2009) Human Rights in the Kurdish Region of Turkey: Three Pressing Concerns¿, Fact-Finding Mission Report. Kurdish Human Rights Project, London. [Details]
(2007) Freedom of the Media in Turkey and the Killing of Hrant Dink.
Edel Hughes, Louise Christian (2007) Freedom of the Media in Turkey and the Killing of Hrant Dink. Kurdish Human Rights Project, London. [Details]
(2007) Reform and Regression: Freedom of the Media in Turkey, Fact-Finding Mission Report.
Edel Hughes, Pranj Acharya (2007) Reform and Regression: Freedom of the Media in Turkey, Fact-Finding Mission Report. Kurdish Human Rights Project, Centre for European Studies, University of Limerick, London, Limerick. [Details]
(2004) Implementation of the ICCPR: Restrictions and Derogations.
Edel Hughes (2004) Implementation of the ICCPR: Restrictions and Derogations. University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2013) Turkey’s Current Process: Views from the Diaspora.
Hughes (2013) Turkey’s Current Process: Views from the Diaspora. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]
(2012) Constitutional Reform and Citizenship: Context and Challenges.
Hughes (2012) Constitutional Reform and Citizenship: Context and Challenges. Democratic Progress Institute, London. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2012) 'In (Hot) Pursuit of Justice? The Legality of Kenyan Military Operations in Somalia'
Hughes (2012) 'In (Hot) Pursuit of Justice? The Legality of Kenyan Military Operations in Somalia' African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 20 (3) :471-482. [Details]
(2007) 'Entrenched Emergencies and the ‘War on Terror’: Time to Reform the Derogation Procedure in International Law?'
Hughes (2007) 'Entrenched Emergencies and the ‘War on Terror’: Time to Reform the Derogation Procedure in International Law?' New York International Law Review, 20 (2) :1-65. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2022) Law and Society Association 7th Global Meeting on Law and Society,
Edel Hughes (2022) Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Rights: Coups, Crises and the Accountability Gap in Modern Turkey. [Oral Presentation], Law and Society Association 7th Global Meeting on Law and Society, ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon , 13-JUL-22 - 16-JUL-22. [Details]
(2018) Performing the Emergency: Coup and Crisis in Modern Turkey,
Edel Hughes (2018) Invited by the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre. [Invited Oral Presentation], Performing the Emergency: Coup and Crisis in Modern Turkey, Middlesex University London , 14-MAR-18 - 14-MAR-18. [Details]
(2017) State of Emergency and the Rule of Law in Turkey,
Edel Hughes (2017) Invited by the Centre for the Study of States, Markets and People. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], State of Emergency and the Rule of Law in Turkey, University of East London , 03-MAR-17 - 03-MAR-17. [Details]
(2017) Law and Society Association Annual Conference,
Edel Hughes (2017) Beyond Borders: The Evolution of Turkey's Kurdish Question. [Oral Presentation], Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Mexico City , 20-JUN-17 - 23-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities annual conference,
Edel Hughes (2016) Making Peace with Law: International Courts and Ethnic Conflict. [Oral Presentation], Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities annual conference, University of Connecticut Law School , 01-APR-16 - 03-APR-16. [Details]
(2016) Conflict in Syria and its impact on the Kurdish question in the Middle East,
Edel Hughes (2016) Panel discussion hosted by the Centre on Human Rights in Conflict. [Oral Presentation], Conflict in Syria and its impact on the Kurdish question in the Middle East, University of East London , 09-MAR-16 - 09-MAR-16. [Details]
(2016) CEEISA International Conference,
Edel Hughes (2016) Violent Conflict and International Relations: The Kurdish Question and Turkey's Accession to the European Union. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], CEEISA International Conference, University of Ljubljana, , 23-JUN-16 - 24-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016) International Studies Association annual conference,
Edel Hughes (2016) Making Peace with Law: The European Court of Human Rights and the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey. [Oral Presentation], International Studies Association annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 16 March 2016 , 15-MAR-16 - 17-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015) Faith in Democracy? Militant Democracy, Legal Pluralism and the Turkish State¿,
Edel Hughes, Kathleen Cavanaugh (2015) International Studies Association annual conference. [Oral Presentation], Faith in Democracy? Militant Democracy, Legal Pluralism and the Turkish State¿, New Orleans , 21-FEB-15 - 23-FEB-15. [Details]
(2015) Law and Society Association Annual Conference,
Edel Hughes, Kathleen Cavanaugh (2015) Refah v Turkey: Securing or Militating Democracy?. [Oral Presentation], Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis , 30-MAY-15 - 01-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities annual conference,
Edel Hughes (2015) Terrorists, Rapists and Paedophiles: Portrayals of Human Rights in the UK Media. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities annual conference, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC , 07-MAR-15 - 08-MAR-15. [Details]
(2014) Annual doctoral seminar, Irish Centre for Human Rights,
Edel Hughes (2014) Militant Democracy and the Banning of Political Parties in Turkey. [Invited Lecture], Annual doctoral seminar, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway , 10-APR-14 - 13-APR-14. [Details]
(2013) Conference on `The PKK and Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey,
Edel Hughes (2013) Prepared for Peace: Ready for War? Context and Challenges of the Current Peace Process in Turkey. [Invited Oral Presentation], Conference on `The PKK and Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey, Virginia Tech, Washington DC , 06-NOV-13 - 06-NOV-13. [Details]
(2012) Third International Conference on Islam: Islam and Democracy,
Edel Hughes (2012) The European Court of Human Rights and Islam. [Oral Presentation], Third International Conference on Islam: Islam and Democracy, University of Wisconsin, Madison , 13-APR-12 - 15-APR-12. [Details]
(2011) Research Cluster on Conflict, Rights, and Security,
Edel Hughes (2011) Identity and Dissent: Understanding the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Cluster on Conflict, Rights, and Security, University of Galway , 01-NOV-11 - 01-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011) Non-Aligned Movement Centre for Human Rights, Conference on `Cultures in Support of Humanity,
Edel Hughes (2011) Crosses to Bear: Symbolism and Secularism at the European Court of Human Rights. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Non-Aligned Movement Centre for Human Rights, Conference on `Cultures in Support of Humanity, Tehran , 24-NOV-11 - 26-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011) Irish Centre for Human Rights and University of Middlesex Summer School on Human Rights,
Edel Hughes (2011) The Turkish Accession Debate. [Invited Lecture], Irish Centre for Human Rights and University of Middlesex Summer School on Human Rights, University of Galway , 12-JUN-11 - 16-JUN-11. [Details]
(2010) World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies,
Edel Hughes (2010) Realizing Minority Rights in Turkey: A Case of Reform Fatigue?. [Oral Presentation], World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona , 19-JUL-10 - 24-JUL-10. [Details]
(2010) Centre for Wider Europe Seminar on Turkey¿s Accession to the European Union,
Edel Hughes (2010) The EU Accession Process and Minority Rights in Turkey: An Impetus for Reform?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Centre for Wider Europe Seminar on Turkey¿s Accession to the European Union, Maynooth University , 18-NOV-10 - 18-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010) Royal Irish Academy International Affairs Conference, `Governance for a More Ethical World¿,
Edel Hughes (2010) The International Human Rights Law Framework as a Tool for Promoting Peace and Preventing Conflict: Progress and Challenges. [Invited Oral Presentation], Royal Irish Academy International Affairs Conference, `Governance for a More Ethical World¿, Royal Irish Academy , 19-NOV-10 - 19-NOV-10. [Details]
(2009) Peace, Religion and Human Rights Conference,
Edel Hughes (2009) Promoting Peace, En¿forcing¿ Democracy: The European Court of Human Rights and Its Treatment of Islam. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Peace, Religion and Human Rights Conference, Mofid University, Qom, Iran , 13-MAY-09 - 15-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) Workshop on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, School of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran,
Edel Hughes (2009) Cultural Diversity and Freedom of Religion. [Invited Oral Presentation], Workshop on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, School of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Tehran , 18-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) Irish Society of International Law Inaugural Conference,
Edel Hughes (2009) Regulating Freedom of Religion: The European Approach. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Society of International Law Inaugural Conference, University of Limerick , 27-FEB-09 - 28-FEB-09. [Details]
(2007) Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference,
Edel Hughes (2007) Using the EU Accession Process as a Tool for Promoting Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: An Assessment of the Turkish Experience. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, University of Kent , 03-APR-07 - 05-APR-07. [Details]
(2007) Centre for European Studies Seminar Series, University of Limerick,
Edel Hughes (2007) The EU Accession Process: Ensuring the Protection of Turkey's Minorities?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Centre for European Studies Seminar Series, University of Limerick, University of Limerick , 25-OCT-07. [Details]
(2006) Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference,
Edel Hughes (2006) Conjuring Up New Emergencies: The Permanent Threat of International Terrorism and the Derogation Regime. [Oral Presentation], Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Stirling University , 28-MAR-06 - 30-MAR-06. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Turkey may now be on the road to joining the EU, but it also should question whether membership is still is in the country¿s interest.
Edel Hughes (2012) Turkey may now be on the road to joining the EU, but it also should question whether membership is still is in the country¿s interest. London: Blog [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2013) The UN Human Rights Treaty System: Law and Procedure.
Hughes (2013) The UN Human Rights Treaty System: Law and Procedure. Irish Yearbook of International Law Book Review [Details]
(2006) European Integration: The Interaction Between European and National Law.
Hughes (2006) European Integration: The Interaction Between European and National Law. Criminal Law Forum Book Review [Details]

Teaching Interests

Edel currently teaches undergraduate Law of the European Union 1 and postgraduate The European Convention on Human Rights: Law and Politics; and EU External Relations Law.

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Amanie Issa Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in the College of Business, Law & Public Policy Co-supervisor (1)
Ilaria Lo Menzo Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in the College of Business, Law & Public Policy Co-supervisor (2)
Rania Muhareb Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in the College of Business, Law & Public Policy Co-supervisor (1)

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Synergy for Justice Synergy UNITED KINGDOM
Co-I on project entitled Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Invisibility on Conflict Related Male Sex Violence in Syria
Lawyers and Doctors for Human Rights LDHR TURKEY
Co-I on project entitled Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Invisibility on Conflict-Related Male Sex Violence in Syria