Dr Pádraic Moran


Contact Details

Senior Lecturer in Classics
Arts & Sciences Building
University of Galway
T: +353 91 492587
E: padraic.moran@universityofgalway.ie


I am a lecturer in Classics in the University of Galway, specialising in the cultural history of the late Roman and early medieval periods, and particularly the impact of Latin culture in Ireland.

My research focuses on texts and manuscripts from western Europe in the period between the fourth to ninth centuries AD. I study how knowledge was organised and codified in the later Roman Empire, and how this knowledge endured and influenced the post-Roman period.

I have a special interest in Ireland's role in preserving and cultivating Classical and Christian learning, and in how this inheritance profoundly shaped Irish society, language and culture.

Career: I received my PhD from the University of Galway (then National University of Ireland, Galway) in 2007. I then worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge (2007-2009) and as an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Follow at the University of Galway (2009-2011). Since 2012, I have been Lecturer, now Senior Lecturer, in Classics at the University of Galway.

During 2022-26, I am working as Principal Investigator on the Research Ireland Laureate project Global and Local Scholarship on Annotated Manuscripts (GLOSSAM).

Research Interests

Manuscripts with Irish Associations is an online handlist cataloguing nearly 300 Irish manuscript books from before the year 1000. (This is an ongoing project.)

My current funded project, GLOSSAM, focuses on glosses: notes written between the lines or in the margins of manuscripts. My team is developing several resources, including a descriptive catalogue of glosses in Irish manuscripts, case studies on the European connections of Irish glosses, a digital research infrastructure (Gloss Corpus), and a general reference work (Handbook of Glossing).

I am interested in multilingualism and language interaction, particularly between Latin, Greek, and Old Irish. My work on early Irish glossaries produced a digital edition and a print critical edition for these multilingual texts compiled between the seventh and tenth centuries. These glossaries explore relationships between Irish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew and other languages.

Education is another theme of my research. I focus on the Graeco-Roman tradition of teaching Latin language and literature. For example, a ninth-century Irish manuscript containing the work of Priscian, the most authoritative Latin grammarian, contains nearly 14,000 glosses, which I have explored in a digital edition and several studies. I also have a particular interest in the Irish knowledge of Greek.

Having previously build several digital resources, I am currently exploring the potential of Data Science, especially Linked Open Data, for the study of medieval manuscripts. Related to this, I am involved in co-ordinating the research network Databases of Early Latin Manuscripts.

Postdoctoral mentoring


PhD supervision

  • Chiara Corongiu: A descriptive and analytical catalogue of Latin glossing in Irish manuscripts.
  • Francesca Guido: De Analogia, ut ait Romanus: Recovering an embedded text in Charisius' Latin grammar.
  • Dr Noémi Farkas: Constructing the good king: biblical exempla in Sedulius Scottus' De Rectoribus Christianis.
  • Dr Ioannis Doukas: A Trojan Cycle for Late Antiquity: Towards a Digital Intertextual Commentary (co-supervised with Michael Clarke).
  • Dr Charles Doyle: Studies in the Latin Christian reception of early Greek materialism.


  Year Publication
(2019) De Origine Scoticae Linguae (O’Mulconry’s Glossary): An early Irish linguistic tract, edited with a related glossary, Irsan [592 pp].
Moran, P. (2019) De Origine Scoticae Linguae (O’Mulconry’s Glossary): An early Irish linguistic tract, edited with a related glossary, Irsan [592 pp]. Turnhout: Brepols. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2015) Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship. A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín [xxx + 724 pp].
Moran, P.; Warntjes, I (Ed.). (2015) Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship. A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín [xxx + 724 pp] Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship. A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín [xxx + 724 pp]. Turnhout: Brepols. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2010) 'Hebrew in early Irish glossaries'
Moran, P. (2010) 'Hebrew in early Irish glossaries'. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, 60 :1-21 [Details]
(2010) 'Irish glossaries and other digital resources for early Irish studies'
Moran, P. (2010) 'Irish glossaries and other digital resources for early Irish studies'. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie, 10 :131-149 [Details]
(2011) 'A living speech? The pronunciation of Greek in early medieval Ireland'
Moran, P. (2011) 'A living speech? The pronunciation of Greek in early medieval Ireland'. Ériu, 61 :29-57 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Language Interaction in the St Gall Priscian Glosses'
Moran, P. (2015) 'Language Interaction in the St Gall Priscian Glosses'. Peritia, 26 :113-142 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Comparative linguistics in seventh-century Ireland: De origine scoticae linguae'
Moran, P. (2020) 'Comparative linguistics in seventh-century Ireland: De origine scoticae linguae'. Language & History, 63 (1):3-23 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Glossing and reading and in western Europe and East Asia: a comparative case study'
Moran, P.; Whitman, J. (2022) 'Glossing and reading and in western Europe and East Asia: a comparative case study'. Speculum-A Journal Of Medieval Studies, 97 :112-139 [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Their harmless calling: Stokes and the Irish linguistic tradition'
Moran, P. (2011) 'Their harmless calling: Stokes and the Irish linguistic tradition' In: The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830–1909). :175-184 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2012) 'Greek in early medieval Ireland'
Moran, P. (2012) 'Greek in early medieval Ireland' In: Multilingualism in the Greco-Roman Worlds. :172-192 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'High Island and the cult of Saint Féichín in Connemara'
Moran, P. (2014) 'High Island and the cult of Saint Féichín in Connemara' In: High Island, Archaeological Monographs. :16-27 Dublin: Stationary Office. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Greek dialectology and the Irish origin story'
Moran, P. (2015) 'Greek dialectology and the Irish origin story' In: Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship. Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín. :481-512 Turnhout: Brepols. [Details]
(2018) 'Irish Vernacular Origin Stories: Language, Literacy, Literature'
Moran, P. (2018) 'Irish Vernacular Origin Stories: Language, Literacy, Literature' In: Anfangsgeschichten / Origin Stories. Der Beginn volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit in komparatistischer Perspektive / The Rise of Vernacular Literacy in a Comparative Perspective. :259-273 Munich: Fink. [Details]
(2020) 'Classics through Irish at University College, Galway, 1931-1978'
Moran, P. (2020) 'Classics through Irish at University College, Galway, 1931-1978' In: Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016. :100-124 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Irish translations and editions of Greek and Latin texts and related works (to 1978)'
Moran, P.; Ní Mhurchú, S. (2020) 'Irish translations and editions of Greek and Latin texts and related works (to 1978)' In: Classics and Irish Politics 1916–2016. :125-136 Oxford: Oxford University Press. [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Latin grammar crossing multilingual zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904'
Moran, P. (2022) 'Latin grammar crossing multilingual zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904' In: Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan. :35-54 Berlin: De Gruyter. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'A revised typology for the St Gall Priscian glosses'
Moran, P. (2023) 'A revised typology for the St Gall Priscian glosses' In: Glossing Practice: Past and Present, West & East. :197-222 Lanham: Lexington Books. [Details]
(2023) 'Transmission of Late Antique Latin grammars in seventh-century Ireland: evidence of De origine Scoticae linguae'
Moran, P. (2023) 'Transmission of Late Antique Latin grammars in seventh-century Ireland: evidence of De origine Scoticae linguae' In: Latin Grammarians Forum 2021. Atti del convegno, Roma, 21-23 settembre 2021. :321-343 Hildeshelm: Weidmann. [Details]
(2023) 'The Celtic Tradition'
Arbuthnot, S; Moran, P.; Russell, P. (2023) 'The Celtic Tradition' In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation. :351-371 Turnhout: Brepols. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Regional Latinities in Europe: Ireland and Scotland, Wales'
Moran, P. (2023) 'Regional Latinities in Europe: Ireland and Scotland, Wales' In: Latin Literatures in Medieval and Early Modern Times Inside and Outside Europe: A Millennium History. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Details]

Online Database

  Year Publication
(2006) Early Irish Glossaries Database (EIGD) (2006, rev. 2009, 2017) [www.asnc.cam.ac.uk/irishglossaries/].
Russell, P.; Moran, P.; Arbuthnot, S. (2006) Early Irish Glossaries Database (EIGD) (2006, rev. 2009, 2017) [www.asnc.cam.ac.uk/irishglossaries/]. Online Database [Details]
(2007) Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain (CPNRB) [https://www.asnc.cam.ac.uk/personalnames/].
Russell, P.; Mullen, A. (2007) Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain (CPNRB) [https://www.asnc.cam.ac.uk/personalnames/]. Online Database [Details]
(2010) St Gall Priscian Glosses (2010, rev. 2018) [www.stgallpriscian.ie].
Hofman, R.; Moran, P.; Bauer, B. (2010) St Gall Priscian Glosses (2010, rev. 2018) [www.stgallpriscian.ie]. Online Database [Details]
(2011) Non-Mediterranean Names in Noricum/Nichtmediterrane Namen in Noricum (NNN) [https://www.univie.ac.at/austria-celtica/personalnames/].
Stifter, D. (2011) Non-Mediterranean Names in Noricum/Nichtmediterrane Namen in Noricum (NNN) [https://www.univie.ac.at/austria-celtica/personalnames/]. Online Database [Details]
(2021) Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA) [http://www.mira.ie].
Moran, P. (2021) Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA) [http://www.mira.ie]. Online Database [Details]
(2022) Gloss Corpus [http://www.glossing.org/glosscorpus/].
Moran, P. (2022) Gloss Corpus [http://www.glossing.org/glosscorpus/]. Online Database [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) Did a medieval Irish manuscript uncover a new word of Old Dutch?.
Moran, P. (2019) Did a medieval Irish manuscript uncover a new word of Old Dutch?. RTÉ Brainstorm Blog [Details]
(2020) When plagues and pandemics were common in ancient Ireland.
Moran, P. (2020) When plagues and pandemics were common in ancient Ireland. RTÉ Brainstorm Blog [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2010) Review of R. Baumgarten (compiler), R. Ó Maolalaigh (ed.), Electronic Bibliography of Irish Linguistics and Literature, 1942–1971 (Dublin, 2004), in Peritia 21 (2010), 357-359.
Moran, P. (2010) Review of R. Baumgarten (compiler), R. Ó Maolalaigh (ed.), Electronic Bibliography of Irish Linguistics and Literature, 1942–1971 (Dublin, 2004), in Peritia 21 (2010), 357-359. Book Review [Details]
(2014) Review of M. Teeuwen and S. O'Sullivan (eds), Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella. Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on De nuptiis in Context (Turnhout, 2011), in Early Medieval Europe 22 (2014), 381-384.
Moran, P. (2014) Review of M. Teeuwen and S. O'Sullivan (eds), Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella. Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on De nuptiis in Context (Turnhout, 2011), in Early Medieval Europe 22 (2014), 381-384. Book Review [Details]
(2019) Review of P. Russell, Reading Ovid in Medieval Wales (Ohio, 2017), in Peritia 30 (2019), 305-308.
Moran, P. (2019) Review of P. Russell, Reading Ovid in Medieval Wales (Ohio, 2017), in Peritia 30 (2019), 305-308. Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2020) Review of S. Meeder, The Irish Scholarly Presence at St. Gall: Networks of Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (London, 2018), in Early Medieval Europe 28 (2020), 151¿154.
Moran, P (2020) Review of S. Meeder, The Irish Scholarly Presence at St. Gall: Networks of Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (London, 2018), in Early Medieval Europe 28 (2020), 151¿154. Book Review [DOI] [Details]
(2021) Review of R. Ashdowne & C. White (eds.), Latin in Medieval Britain (Oxford, 2017), in Speculum 96 (2021), 470-472.
Moran, P. (2021) Review of R. Ashdowne & C. White (eds.), Latin in Medieval Britain (Oxford, 2017), in Speculum 96 (2021), 470-472. Book Review [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2005) International Medieval Congress,
Moran, P. (2005) International conference. [Conference Paper], International Medieval Congress, Leeds , 12-JUL-05 - 12-JUL-05. [Details]
(2005) Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Seminar,
Moran, P. (2005) University College Dublin seminar. [Invited Lecture], Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Seminar, Dublin , 11-NOV-05 - 11-NOV-05. [Details]
(2006) Faculty of Celtic Studies, NUI Galway,
Moran, P. (2006) NUI Galway seminar. [Invited Lecture], Faculty of Celtic Studies, NUI Galway, Galway , 15-MAR-06 - 15-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006) International Medieval Congress,
Moran, P. (2006) International conference. [Conference Paper], International Medieval Congress, Leeds , 11-JUL-06 - 11-JUL-06. [Details]
(2006) Tionól,
Moran, P. (2006) International conference. [Conference Paper], Tionól, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 18-NOV-06 - 18-NOV-06. [Details]
(2007) 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Moran, P. (2007) International conference. [Conference Paper], 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn, Germany , 24-APR-07 - 24-APR-07. [Details]
(2007) The Early Irish Church and the Intellectual Tradition, Clonmacnoise,
Moran, P. (2007) International conference. [Invited Lecture], The Early Irish Church and the Intellectual Tradition, Clonmacnoise, Clonmacnoise , 13-OCT-07 - 13-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007) Cambridge Medieval History Seminar,
Moran, P. (2007) University of Cambridge seminar. [Invited Lecture], Cambridge Medieval History Seminar, Cambridge , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
(2008) Text Encoding Initiative Annual Symposium,
Moran, P. (2008) International conference. [Conference Paper], Text Encoding Initiative Annual Symposium, Galway , 02-APR-08 - 02-APR-08. [Details]
(2008) Irish Conference of Medievalists,
Moran, P. (2008) International conference. [Conference Paper], Irish Conference of Medievalists, Kilkenny , 26-JUN-08 - 26-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008) Early Irish Glossaries Symposium, Cambridge,
Moran, P. (2008) International conference. [Conference Paper], Early Irish Glossaries Symposium, Cambridge, Cambridge , 18-JUL-08 - 18-JUL-08. [Details]
(2008) ‘Celebrating Cormac’ Symposium, Utrecht,
Moran, P. (2008) International symposium. [Invited Lecture], ‘Celebrating Cormac’ Symposium, Utrecht, University of Utrecht , 02-OCT-08 - 02-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Graduate Seminar,
Moran, P. (2008) University of Cambridge seminar. [Invited Lecture], Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Graduate Seminar, Cambridge , 20-OCT-08 - 20-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) Oxford Celtic Seminar,
Moran, P. (2008) University of Oxford seminar. [Invited Lecture], Oxford Celtic Seminar, Oxford , 30-OCT-08 - 30-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) Tionól,
Moran, P. (2008) International conference. [Conference Paper], Tionól, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-08. [Details]
(2009) Cambridge Group for Irish Studies,
Moran, P. (2009) University of Cambridge seminar. [Invited Lecture], Cambridge Group for Irish Studies, Cambridge , 17-FEB-09 - 17-FEB-09. [Details]
(2009) Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Research Seminar,
Moran, P. (2009) University of Cambridge seminar. [Invited Lecture], Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Research Seminar, Cambridge , 27-MAR-09 - 27-MAR-09. [Details]
(2009) International Congress on Medieval Studies,
Moran, P. (2009) International conference. [Conference Paper], International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, US , 09-MAY-09 - 09-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) Multilingualism from Alexander to Charlemagne: Cross-Cultural Themes and Perspectives,
Moran, P. (2009) International conference. [Invited Paper], Multilingualism from Alexander to Charlemagne: Cross-Cultural Themes and Perspectives, Cambridge , 30-MAY-09 - 30-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) Ireland, India, London: The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830–1909),
Moran, P. (2009) International conference. [Invited Lecture], Ireland, India, London: The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830–1909), Cambridge , 18-SEP-09 - 18-SEP-09. [Details]
(2010) Seminars in Medieval Gaelic Intellectual Culture,
Moran, P. (2010) University of Edinburgh workshop. [Invited Lecture], Seminars in Medieval Gaelic Intellectual Culture, Edinburgh , 23-FEB-10 - 24-FEB-10. [Details]
(2010) Edinburgh Seminar in Medieval and Renaissance Studies,
Moran, P. (2010) University of Edinburgh seminar. [Invited Lecture], Edinburgh Seminar in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Edinburgh , 23-FEB-10 - 23-FEB-10. [Details]
(2011) Text and Cultural Construction Seminar,
Moran, P. (2011) University of Bermingham seminar. [Invited Lecture], Text and Cultural Construction Seminar, Bermingham, UK , 31-MAR-11 - 31-MAR-11. [Details]
(2011) 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Moran, P. (2011) International conference. [Conference Paper], 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Ireland , 04-AUG-11 - 04-AUG-11. [Details]
(2011) Tionól,
Moran, P. (2011) International conference. [Conference Paper], Tionól, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 18-NOV-11 - 18-NOV-11. [Details]
(2012) Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Graduate Seminar,
Moran, P. (2012) Cambridge seminar. [Invited Lecture], Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Graduate Seminar, Cambridge, UK , 30-JAN-12 - 30-JAN-12. [Details]
(2013) Origin Stories: The Rise of Vernacular Literacy in a Comparative Perspective,
Moran, P. (2013) International conference. [Invited Paper], Origin Stories: The Rise of Vernacular Literacy in a Comparative Perspective, Vienna, Austria , 30-JAN-13 - 30-JAN-13. [Details]
(2013) Workshop on Reading Classical Texts in the Vernacular,
Moran, P. (2013) Conference on early Japanese and European manuscripts. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Workshop on Reading Classical Texts in the Vernacular, Tokyo, Japan , 28-JUL-13 - 01-AUG-13. [Details]
(2013) International workshop on vernacular literacy in medieval Europe and East Asia,
Moran, P. (2013) International workshop. [Invited Lecture], International workshop on vernacular literacy in medieval Europe and East Asia, NUI Galway , 29-NOV-13 - 30-NOV-13. [Details]
(2014) 28th Irish Conference of Medievalists,
Moran, P. (2014) International conference. [Conference Paper], 28th Irish Conference of Medievalists, UCD , 01-JUL-14 - 03-JUL-14. [Details]
(2014) Second International Workshop on Vernacular Literacy in Medieval Europe and East Asia,
Moran, P. (2014) International conference. [Invited Lecture], Second International Workshop on Vernacular Literacy in Medieval Europe and East Asia, Tokyo , 28-JUL-14 - 01-AUG-14. [Details]
(2015) Classical Association of Ireland, NUI Galway,
Moran, P. (2015) Academic society. [Invited Lecture], Classical Association of Ireland, NUI Galway, Galway , 25-MAR-15 - 25-MAR-15. [Details]
(2015) Manuscripts Between and Among Languages—East and West,
Moran, P. (2015) International symposium. [Conference Paper], Manuscripts Between and Among Languages—East and West, Cambridge , 07-MAY-15 - 07-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing,
Moran, P. (2015) International conference. [Conference Paper], Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, The Hague , 06-JUN-15 - 06-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015) Medieval Cultures Seminar, Queen's University, Belfast,
Moran, P. (2015) Seminar. [Invited Lecture], Medieval Cultures Seminar, Queen's University, Belfast, Belfast , 27-NOV-15 - 27-NOV-15. [Details]
(2015) From Punctuation to Morphosyntactic glosses: East and West, Past and Present,
Moran, P. (2015) International symposium. [Invited Paper], From Punctuation to Morphosyntactic glosses: East and West, Past and Present, Paris Diderot (VII) , 12-DEC-15 - 12-DEC-15. [Details]
(2016) Medieval Abbreviation Practices in the Vernacular and Latin,
Moran, P. (2016) International conference. [Invited Paper], Medieval Abbreviation Practices in the Vernacular and Latin, Zürich , 12-MAR-16 - 12-MAR-16. [Details]
(2016) Tapping Immaterial Resources: Glossing Practices Between the Far East and the Latin West, c. 600 ce,
Moran, P. (2016) International conference. [Conference Paper], Tapping Immaterial Resources: Glossing Practices Between the Far East and the Latin West, c. 600 ce, Frankfurt , 02-DEC-16 - 02-DEC-16. [Details]
(2017) Séance scientifique d’histoire des théories linguistiques: Les glossaires et leurs relations avec les textes glosés,
Moran, P. (2017) International symposium. [Invited Paper], Séance scientifique d’histoire des théories linguistiques: Les glossaires et leurs relations avec les textes glosés, Paris Diderot (VII) , 11-MAR-17 - 11-MAR-17. [Details]
(2018) James Lydon Research Seminar in Medieval History,
Moran, P. (2018) Seminar. [Invited Lecture], James Lydon Research Seminar in Medieval History, Dublin , 29-NOV-18 - 29-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018) Glossing cultural change: Comparative perspectives on manuscript annotation, c. 600¿1200 CE, Galway,
Moran, P. (2018) International conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Glossing cultural change: Comparative perspectives on manuscript annotation, c. 600¿1200 CE, Galway, Galway , 21-JUN-18 - 22-JUN-18. [Details]
(2018) The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Annual Colloquium,
Moran, P. (2018) International conference. [Conference Paper], The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Annual Colloquium, Maynooth , 05-SEP-18 - 08-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) CAMPS Research Lab,
Moran, P. (2018) Seminar. [Oral Presentation], CAMPS Research Lab, Galway , 16-NOV-18 - 16-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018) The Dating of Old Norse and Celtic Texts,
Moran, P. (2018) International symposium. [Invited Paper], The Dating of Old Norse and Celtic Texts, Oslo , 22-MAR-18 - 22-MAR-18. [Details]
(2019) Greek in the Early Medieval West,
Moran, P. (2019) International conference. [Invited Paper], Greek in the Early Medieval West, Oxford , 10-JAN-19 - 11-JAN-19. [Details]
(2019) Medieval Metamorphoses: Ovid and Medieval Commentary Culture,
Moran, P. (2019) International conference. [Invited Paper], Medieval Metamorphoses: Ovid and Medieval Commentary Culture, Rome , 20-MAR-19 - 21-MAR-19. [Details]
(2019) Glossing from a Comparative Perspective,
Moran, P. (2019) International conference. [Conference Paper], Glossing from a Comparative Perspective, Marburg , 06-JUN-19 - 07-JUN-19. [Details]
(2020) Glossing in Celtic Contexts,
Moran, P. (2020) International conference. [Invited Paper], Glossing in Celtic Contexts, Virginia , 18-SEP-20 - 19-SEP-20. [Details]
(2020) Winter School in Latin Paleography & Codicology,
Moran, P. (2020) International conference. [Invited Lecture], Winter School in Latin Paleography & Codicology, Rome , 10-JAN-20 - 10-JAN-20. [Details]
(2020) Developing a Digital Framework for the Medieval Gaelic World,
Moran, P. (2020) International seminars. [Invited Paper], Developing a Digital Framework for the Medieval Gaelic World, Cambridge , 26-NOV-20 - 09-SEP-21. [Details]
(2021) Institute of Classical Studies (London), Ancient Literature Seminar,
Moran, P. (2021) Seminar. [Invited Lecture], Institute of Classical Studies (London), Ancient Literature Seminar, London , 22-FEB-21 - 22-FEB-21. [Details]
(2021) Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book,
Moran, P. (2021) International conference. [Invited Paper], Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book, Belfast , 14-JUL-21. [Details]
(2021) Latin Grammarians Forum,
Moran, P. (2021) International conference. [Conference Paper], Latin Grammarians Forum, Rome , 20-SEP-21 - 22-SEP-21. [Details]
(2022) Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC), Work-in-Progress Seminars,
Moran, P. (2022) Seminar. [Invited Lecture], Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC), Work-in-Progress Seminars, Aarhus , 21-FEB-22 - 21-FEB-22. [Details]
(2022) Margins at the Centre¿Practices of Annotation,
Moran, P. (2022) International conference. [Invited Paper], Margins at the Centre¿Practices of Annotation, Vienna , 23-MAY-22 - 23-MAY-22. [Details]
(2023) Editing Glosses in the 21st Century,
Moran, P. (2023) International conference. [Invited Paper], Editing Glosses in the 21st Century, Graz , 05-MAY-23 - 05-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) Databases of Carolingian Manuscripts,
Moran, P. (2023) Seminar. [Invited Paper], Databases of Carolingian Manuscripts, Dublin , 30-MAY-23 - 30-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) International Congress of Celtic Studies XVII,
Moran, P. (2023) International conference. [Conference Paper], International Congress of Celtic Studies XVII, Utrecht , 24-JUL-23 - 24-JUL-23. [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2022 IRC Laureate Consolidator Grant Irish Research Council
2014 Early Stage Researchers Million Euro Project Pitch NUI Galway
2013 Research Incentivisation Scheme 2013–14 School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, NUI Galway
2009 IRCHSS Postdoctoral Fellowship Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2008 College Research Associate, Jesus College, Cambridge Jesus College, Cambridge
2004 IRCHSS PhD Scholarship Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Teaching Interests

I currently teach undergraduate lecture courses on Roman literature (esp. Virgil, Horace, Persius, Juvenal), ancient rhetoric, and Late Antique cultural history. I also Latin and Greek language to undergraduates and postgraduates at all levels.

I have previously taught courses on topics including Classical Greek history, ancient literacy, Romance linguistics, Celtic mythology, and early Irish literature.

My MA seminars are generally themed around literacy, education and rhetoric from Antiquity to the early Middle Ages.