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History and Philosophy
DR Kimberly LoPrete

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | 'The Domain of Lordly Women in France, ca. 1050-1250''
LoPrete, K, (2008) 'The Domain of Lordly Women in France, ca. 1050-1250''. Medieval Feminist Forum, 44 :13-35 [Details] |
(1991) | 'Women, Gender and Lordship in Medieval France''
LoPrete, K, (1991) 'Women, Gender and Lordship in Medieval France''. History Compass, 5 :1921-1941 [Details] |
(1990) | 'The Anglo-Norman Card of Adela of Blois''
LoPrete, K, (1990) 'The Anglo-Norman Card of Adela of Blois''. Albion 22 (1990): Bethell Prize Essay, [Details] |
(1990) | 'Adela of Blois and Ivo of Chartres: Piety, Politics, and the Peace in the Diocese of Chartres''
LoPrete, K, (1990) 'Adela of Blois and Ivo of Chartres: Piety, Politics, and the Peace in the Diocese of Chartres''. Anglo-Norman Studies 14 (1991), 14 :131-152 [Details] |
(1984) | 'Peter John Olivi's Treatises on Contracts of Sale, Usury and Restitution: Minorite Economics or Minor Works?''
LoPrete, K., Kirshner, J. (1984) 'Peter John Olivi's Treatises on Contracts of Sale, Usury and Restitution: Minorite Economics or Minor Works?''. Quaderni Fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 13 (1984): 233-86, 13 :569-589 [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
In progress Stephen of Blois: Count and Crusader (c. 1048-1102).
Lo Prete, K. In progress Stephen of Blois: Count and Crusader (c. 1048-1102). [Details] |
(2007) | Adela of Blois, Countess and Lord, c. 1067-1137.
LoPrete, K. (2007) Adela of Blois, Countess and Lord, c. 1067-1137. Dublin: Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2012) | '‘‘Public’ Aspects of Lordly Women’s Domestic Activities in France, c.1050-1200’'
LoPrete, Kimberly A (2012) '‘‘Public’ Aspects of Lordly Women’s Domestic Activities in France, c.1050-1200’' In: in Gender and historiography: studies in the history of the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford. :145-158 London: Institute of Historical Research. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2006) | 'Le conflit Plantagenêt-Capétien vu des frontières''
LoPrete, K. (2006) 'Le conflit Plantagenêt-Capétien vu des frontières'' In: Plantagenêts et Capétiens: Confrontations et Héritages, Tonnerre. Turnhout: Brépols. :359-375 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Gendering Viragos: Medieval Perceptions of Powerful Women''
LoPrete, K. (2005) 'Gendering Viragos: Medieval Perceptions of Powerful Women'' In: Studies on Medieval & Early Modern Women 4: Victims or Viragos?. :17-38 Dublin: Dublin: Four Courts. [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Gender of Lordly Women: The Case of Adela of Blois''
LoPrete, K. (2003) 'The Gender of Lordly Women: The Case of Adela of Blois'' In: Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players?. :90-110 Dublin: Four Courts. [Details] |
(2003) | 'Historical Ironies in the Study of Capetian Women''
LoPrete, K. (2003) 'Historical Ironies in the Study of Capetian Women'' In: Capetian Women. :271-286 New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. [Details] |
(1999) | 'Adela of Blois: Familial Alliances and Female Lordship''
LoPrete, K. (1999) 'Adela of Blois: Familial Alliances and Female Lordship'' In: Aristocratic Women in Medieval France, p. :7; 180-43; 200 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Details] |
(1996) | 'Adela of Blois as Mother and Countess''
LoPrete, K. (1996) 'Adela of Blois as Mother and Countess'' In: Medieval Mothering. :pp 313-333 New York: Garland. [Details] |
(1982) | 'Princely Lordship through the Prism of Dispute Processing: Countess Adela of Blois as Disputant, Mediator, Judge''
LoPrete, K. (1982) 'Princely Lordship through the Prism of Dispute Processing: Countess Adela of Blois as Disputant, Mediator, Judge'' In: BARN Political Culture Proceedings, (Brepols, 2009), (12,000 wds). [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2003) | Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players
LOPRETE, K.A. (2003) The gender of lordly women: the case of Adela of Blois Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players , pp.90-110 [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2004) | Robert the Burgundian and the counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098.
LoPrete, KA (2004) Robert the Burgundian and the counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098. Book Review [Details] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | The Adoption Option: Another Look at the Sworn Engagements between Alexios I andthe Crusading Princes at Constantinople 2nd Int’l Symposium on Crusade Studies, St Louis Univ., Missouri, Feb. 2010.
Lo Prete, K. (2010) The Adoption Option: Another Look at the Sworn Engagements between Alexios I andthe Crusading Princes at Constantinople 2nd Int’l Symposium on Crusade Studies, St Louis Univ., Missouri, Feb. 2010. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2008) | Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: An Appreciation Medieval Italy & Medieval Women: A Symposium in Honour of Christine Meek; Trinity College Dublin, November 2008.
Lo Prete, K. (2008) Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: An Appreciation Medieval Italy & Medieval Women: A Symposium in Honour of Christine Meek; Trinity College Dublin, November 2008. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2007) | Women, Gender and Power in France (11th-13th Centuries). Irish Conference of Medievalists, Mary Immaculate Coll., U. of Limerick, June 2007.
Lo Prete, K. (2007) Women, Gender and Power in France (11th-13th Centuries). Irish Conference of Medievalists, Mary Immaculate Coll., U. of Limerick, June 2007. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2007) | Of Tongues, Tags, and Thongs: Benedictine Monks & the Diffusion of Princely Sealing in Northern France. International Congress on MedievalStudies, Western Michigan University,Kalamazoo, May 2007.
Lo Prete, K. (2007) Of Tongues, Tags, and Thongs: Benedictine Monks & the Diffusion of Princely Sealing in Northern France. International Congress on MedievalStudies, Western Michigan University,Kalamazoo, May 2007. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2004) | Plantagenet-Capetian Conflict: A View from the Borders. ‘Plantagenêts et Capétiens: Confrontations et Héritages’, Poitiers, France, May 2004.
Lo Prete, K. (2004) Plantagenet-Capetian Conflict: A View from the Borders. ‘Plantagenêts et Capétiens: Confrontations et Héritages’, Poitiers, France, May 2004. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2003) | The Natural Virago: Physiological Theory, Gendered Household Roles, and Medieval Perceptions of Female Lords. International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Women’s History As’sn of Ireland, QUB, Belfast, August 2003.
Lo Prete, K. (2003) The Natural Virago: Physiological Theory, Gendered Household Roles, and Medieval Perceptions of Female Lords. International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Women’s History As’sn of Ireland, QUB, Belfast, August 2003. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2002) | Regendering Viragos and Powerful Lordly Women Viragos and Victims: Representing Pre-Modern Women, TCD, February 2002.
Lo Prete, K. (2002) Regendering Viragos and Powerful Lordly Women Viragos and Victims: Representing Pre-Modern Women, TCD, February 2002. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2000) | Regendering Viragos: Sexuality and Social Identity in Lordly Women. Medieval Academy of America, Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 2000.
Lo Prete, K. (2000) Regendering Viragos: Sexuality and Social Identity in Lordly Women. Medieval Academy of America, Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 2000. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2000) | Straddling Public and Private Spheres: Naturalising Women’s Lordly Authority in the Central Middle Ages. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University,Kalamazoo, May 2000.
Lo Prete, K. (2000) Straddling Public and Private Spheres: Naturalising Women’s Lordly Authority in the Central Middle Ages. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University,Kalamazoo, May 2000. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1999) | Life Stories in the Absence of Women’s Voices:. Reconstructing the Lives of Medieval Aristocratic Women Women’s History Association of Ireland.
Lo Prete, K. (1999) Life Stories in the Absence of Women’s Voices:. Reconstructing the Lives of Medieval Aristocratic Women Women’s History Association of Ireland. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1999) | Genre and the Gendering of Lordly Women: Adela of Blois. Pawns or Players: Women in Medieval& Early Modern Society, TCD, Dec. 1999.
Lo Prete, K. (1999) Genre and the Gendering of Lordly Women: Adela of Blois. Pawns or Players: Women in Medieval& Early Modern Society, TCD, Dec. 1999. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1998) | Gender and the Lordly Woman: The Case of Adela of Blois. Fifth International Medieval Congress,University of Leeds, July 1998.
Lo Prete, K. (1998) Gender and the Lordly Woman: The Case of Adela of Blois. Fifth International Medieval Congress,University of Leeds, July 1998. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1995) | Counts of Multiple Counties: Thibaudian Lordship Prior to the Formation of a County of Champagne International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1995.
Lo Prete, K. (1995) Counts of Multiple Counties: Thibaudian Lordship Prior to the Formation of a County of Champagne International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1995. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1994) | The Countess Adela: Parameters of Piety in an Age of Reform International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1994.
Lo Prete, K. (1994) The Countess Adela: Parameters of Piety in an Age of Reform International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1994. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1993) | Adela of Blois: Female Lord or Courtly Lady? International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1993 .
Lo Prete, K. (1993) Adela of Blois: Female Lord or Courtly Lady? International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1993 . Conference Paper [Details] |
(1993) | A Female Ruler in the World of Feudal Politics: Adela of Blois.. Delaware Valley Medieval Association, Philadelphia, Penn.
Lo Prete, K. (1993) A Female Ruler in the World of Feudal Politics: Adela of Blois.. Delaware Valley Medieval Association, Philadelphia, Penn. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1992) | Exemplary Women Rulers in Hugh of Fleury's Historia Ecclesiastica Written for Adela of Blois . Medieval Academy of America, Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, March 1992.
Lo Prete, K. (1992) Exemplary Women Rulers in Hugh of Fleury's Historia Ecclesiastica Written for Adela of Blois . Medieval Academy of America, Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, March 1992. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1992) | Sources of a Woman's Power in a World of Warrior-Princes: The Case of Adela of Blois. “Roles of Women in the Middle Ages: A Reassessment”, SUNY–Binghamton, October 1992.
Lo Prete, K. (1992) Sources of a Woman's Power in a World of Warrior-Princes: The Case of Adela of Blois. “Roles of Women in the Middle Ages: A Reassessment”, SUNY–Binghamton, October 1992. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1991) | The Latin Literacy of Adela of Blois. International Congress on MedievalStudies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1991.
Lo Prete, K. (1991) The Latin Literacy of Adela of Blois. International Congress on MedievalStudies, WMU, Kalamazoo, May 1991. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1991) | Hugh of Fleury's So-Called Historia Ecclesiastica and Historiographic Traditions American Historical Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1991.
Lo Prete, K. (1991) Hugh of Fleury's So-Called Historia Ecclesiastica and Historiographic Traditions American Historical Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1991. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1990) | Adela of Blois and Ivo of Chartres: Piety, Politics & the Peace in the Diocese of Chartres Battle Conference for Anglo-Norman Studies, Battle (England), July 1990.
Lo Prete, K. (1990) Adela of Blois and Ivo of Chartres: Piety, Politics & the Peace in the Diocese of Chartres Battle Conference for Anglo-Norman Studies, Battle (England), July 1990. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1989) | Chivalric and Courtly Virtues in Hugh of Fleury's Historia Ecclesiastica Medieval Association of the Midwest Newberry Library, Chicago, Sept. 1989.
Lo Prete, K. (1989) Chivalric and Courtly Virtues in Hugh of Fleury's Historia Ecclesiastica Medieval Association of the Midwest Newberry Library, Chicago, Sept. 1989. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1989) | The Anglo-Norman Card of Adela of Blois. C.H. Haskins Society, Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1989.
Lo Prete, K. (1989) The Anglo-Norman Card of Adela of Blois. C.H. Haskins Society, Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1989. Conference Paper [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
(2006) | ‘Adela of Blois’, in Encyclopedia of the Crusades: ABC-CLIO.
Lo Prete, K. (2006) ‘Adela of Blois’, in Encyclopedia of the Crusades: ABC-CLIO. Alan V. Murray. Santa Barbara, CA Other Item [Details] |
(2006) | Noblewomen’, in Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, ed. Margaret C. Schaus. New York: Routledge, September 2006.
Lo Prete, K. (2006) Noblewomen’, in Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, ed. Margaret C. Schaus. New York: Routledge, September 2006. Other Item [Details] |
(2006) | ‘Adela of Blois’ in Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia.
Lo Prete, K. (2006) ‘Adela of Blois’ in Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge Other Item [Details] |
(2004) | ‘Adela of Blois’ in Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia.
Lo Prete, K. (2004) ‘Adela of Blois’ in Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Other Item [Details] |
(2004) | Adela of Blois'. Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia.
LoPrete, K. (2004) Adela of Blois'. Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood: Other Item [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
Die Königinnen des hochmittelalterlichen Frankreich, 987-1237/38. Speculum.
LoPrete, K. Die Königinnen des hochmittelalterlichen Frankreich, 987-1237/38. Speculum. Reviews [Details] |
Charters and Charter Scholarship in Great Britain and Ireland. Peritia.
LoPrete, K. Charters and Charter Scholarship in Great Britain and Ireland. Peritia. Reviews [Details] |
(2004) | Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098. Speculum.
LoPrete, K. (2004) Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098. Speculum. Reviews [Details] |
(2003) | Adélaïde de Bourgogne: Genèse et représentations d'une sainteté impériale. The Medieval Review.
LoPrete, K. (2003) Adélaïde de Bourgogne: Genèse et représentations d'une sainteté impériale. The Medieval Review. Reviews [Details] |
(2001) | Those of My Blood': Constructing Noble Families in Medieval Francia. H-France Review.
LoPrete, K. (2001) Those of My Blood': Constructing Noble Families in Medieval Francia. H-France Review. Reviews [Details] |
(2000) | Pre-Modern Women', Review Essay, C. Meek, ed., Women in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. Women's Studies Review.
LoPrete, K. (2000) Pre-Modern Women', Review Essay, C. Meek, ed., Women in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. Women's Studies Review. Reviews [Details] |
(1999) | The Lord's First Night: The Myth of the 'Droit de Cuissage'. Medievalia et Humanistica, n.s.
LoPrete, K. (1999) The Lord's First Night: The Myth of the 'Droit de Cuissage'. Medievalia et Humanistica, n.s. Reviews [Details] |
(1999) | The Ladies of Zamora. Peritia.
LoPrete, K. (1999) The Ladies of Zamora. Peritia. Reviews [Details] |
(1998) | Women of the Twelfth Century, Remembering the Dead. The Medieval Review.
LoPrete, K. (1998) Women of the Twelfth Century, Remembering the Dead. The Medieval Review. Reviews [Details] |
(1995) | Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages. Speculum.
LoPrete, K. (1995) Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages. Speculum. Reviews [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
The Domain of Lordly Women in France Symposium in Honour of Pauline Stafford (Professors Dame Jinty Nelson & Susan Reynolds, convenors) IHR, London, May 2009.
Lo Prete, K. The Domain of Lordly Women in France Symposium in Honour of Pauline Stafford (Professors Dame Jinty Nelson & Susan Reynolds, convenors) IHR, London, May 2009. Workshops [Details] |
(2011) | Invited Comments: Political Constructions of Gender & Female Lords (2 panels of 3 papers) American Historical Association, Annual Mt’g,San Diego, Jan. 2010; International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, K’zoo, May 2011.
Lo Prete, K. (2011) Invited Comments: Political Constructions of Gender & Female Lords (2 panels of 3 papers) American Historical Association, Annual Mt’g,San Diego, Jan. 2010; International Congress on Medieval Studies, WMU, K’zoo, May 2011. Workshops [Details] |
(2010) | The Powers of Lordly Women & the Duby Thesis MA/PhD History Seminar, University of Southern California, Jan. 2010.
Lo Prete, K. (2010) The Powers of Lordly Women & the Duby Thesis MA/PhD History Seminar, University of Southern California, Jan. 2010. Workshops [Details] |
(2010) | Keynote address: ‘All about Adela: Or, Studying Women of Power in the Middle Ages Phi Alpha Theta (USA History Honor Society)'Regional Conference, W. Michigan U, Apr. 2010.
Lo Prete, K. (2010) Keynote address: ‘All about Adela: Or, Studying Women of Power in the Middle Ages Phi Alpha Theta (USA History Honor Society)'Regional Conference, W. Michigan U, Apr. 2010. Workshops [Details] |
(2009) | Stephen of Blois: The Making of a Reputation History Society, McDaniel Univ., MD, Dec. 2009.
Lo Prete, K. (2009) Stephen of Blois: The Making of a Reputation History Society, McDaniel Univ., MD, Dec. 2009. Workshops [Details] |
(2009) | French Archives. MA in Medieval Studies, W Michigan U, Nov. 2009.
Lo Prete, K. (2009) French Archives. MA in Medieval Studies, W Michigan U, Nov. 2009. Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | Women, Gender and Lordship in France,c. 1050-1250 Postgraduate Seminar, History Department, NUI, Galway, Sept. 2007.
Lo Prete, K. (2007) Women, Gender and Lordship in France,c. 1050-1250 Postgraduate Seminar, History Department, NUI, Galway, Sept. 2007. Workshops [Details] |
(2007) | Princely Lordship through the Prism of Dispute Processing: Countess Adela of Blois British Academy Research Network, Political . Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Bergen, June 2007.
Lo Prete, K. (2007) Princely Lordship through the Prism of Dispute Processing: Countess Adela of Blois British Academy Research Network, Political . Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Bergen, June 2007. Workshops [Details] |
(2006) | Going Back to the Original:The Inscription of Lordly Authority in Beneficiary-Redacted Charters. British Academy Research Network, PoliticalCulture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Vienna, July 2006.
Lo Prete, K. (2006) Going Back to the Original:The Inscription of Lordly Authority in Beneficiary-Redacted Charters. British Academy Research Network, PoliticalCulture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Vienna, July 2006. Workshops [Details] |
(2005) | Invited Comment: Women as Political Actors:Sources & their Interpretations International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 2005.
Lo Prete, K. (2005) Invited Comment: Women as Political Actors:Sources & their Interpretations International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 2005. Workshops [Details] |
(2005) | Thibaud IV/II of Blois and Troyes: Rebel?British Academy Research Network, Political Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Durham, July 2005 .
Lo Prete, K. (2005) Thibaud IV/II of Blois and Troyes: Rebel?British Academy Research Network, Political Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;Durham, July 2005 . Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | Seeing Female Lords & Interpreting Female Lordship in 11th- & 12th- Century Sources British Academy Research Network, Political. Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;.
Lo Prete, K. (2004) Seeing Female Lords & Interpreting Female Lordship in 11th- & 12th- Century Sources British Academy Research Network, Political. Culture in Comparative Perspective 1066-1272;. Workshops [Details] |
(2004) | “The Lady Vanishes”: Medieval Texts,Modern Historians and Lordly Women. Seminar: French Dep’t, NUI, Galway [document version];Medieval, Renaissance & Early Modern As’sn [lecture].
Lo Prete, K. (2004) “The Lady Vanishes”: Medieval Texts,Modern Historians and Lordly Women. Seminar: French Dep’t, NUI, Galway [document version];Medieval, Renaissance & Early Modern As’sn [lecture]. Workshops [Details] |
(2002) | Gendering Viragos and Powerful Medieval Women Medieval, Renaissance & Early Modern Association, NUI, Galway, April 2002.
Lo Prete, K. (2002) Gendering Viragos and Powerful Medieval Women Medieval, Renaissance & Early Modern Association, NUI, Galway, April 2002. Workshops [Details] |
(2002) | “The Lady Vanishes”: Medieval Texts,Modern Historians and Lordly Women. Denys Hay Seminar, University of Edinburgh [lecture]; Mediaeval Studies.
Lo Prete, K. (2002) “The Lady Vanishes”: Medieval Texts,Modern Historians and Lordly Women. Denys Hay Seminar, University of Edinburgh [lecture]; Mediaeval Studies. Workshops [Details] |
(2001) | Gendering Lordly Women and their Political Powers across the Medieval/Modern Divide’Plenary Address, Delaware Valley Medieval Association, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 2001.
Lo Prete, K. (2001) Gendering Lordly Women and their Political Powers across the Medieval/Modern Divide’Plenary Address, Delaware Valley Medieval Association, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 2001. Workshops [Details] |
(2000) | The Powers of Aristocratic Women in the Middle Ages Queen’s College, Belfast–NUI, Galway History Society Exchange Lecture,Galway, March 2000.
Lo Prete, K. (2000) The Powers of Aristocratic Women in the Middle Ages Queen’s College, Belfast–NUI, Galway History Society Exchange Lecture,Galway, March 2000. Workshops [Details] |
(1999) | All about Adela, or, Studying Medieval WomenHistory Department Research Seminar,NUI, Galway, September 1999.
Lo Prete, K. (1999) All about Adela, or, Studying Medieval WomenHistory Department Research Seminar,NUI, Galway, September 1999. Workshops [Details] |
(1997) | Aristocratic Women and Court Politics in Eleventh-and Twelfth-Century France Interdisciplinary Seminar on Courtliness Univ. of Washington, Seattle, April 1997.
Lo Prete, K. (1997) Aristocratic Women and Court Politics in Eleventh-and Twelfth-Century France Interdisciplinary Seminar on Courtliness Univ. of Washington, Seattle, April 1997. Workshops [Details] |
(1997) | Lordship, Society and Women in the Central Middle Ages (c. 1050–1300) Invited Lecture, Whitman College, Dept. of History, Washington, April 1997.
Lo Prete, K. (1997) Lordship, Society and Women in the Central Middle Ages (c. 1050–1300) Invited Lecture, Whitman College, Dept. of History, Washington, April 1997. Workshops [Details] |
(1996) | Invited comment: Aristocratic Women and Power in Medieval France Third International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1996 .
Lo Prete, K. (1996) Invited comment: Aristocratic Women and Power in Medieval France Third International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 1996 . Workshops [Details] |
(1996) | The Domina Adela: Female Lord or Courtly Lady? . Early Medieval Seminar, Institute for Historical Research/University College London, November 1996.
Lo Prete, K. (1996) The Domina Adela: Female Lord or Courtly Lady? . Early Medieval Seminar, Institute for Historical Research/University College London, November 1996. Workshops [Details] |
(1995) | Adela of Blois: Type or Exception?. Phi Kappa Alpha (History Student Honorary Society), Oklahoma, April 1995.
Lo Prete, K. (1995) Adela of Blois: Type or Exception?. Phi Kappa Alpha (History Student Honorary Society), Oklahoma, April 1995. Workshops [Details] |
(1995) | Adela of Blois: Representations of Lordly Authority in a Courtly Context Five College Medieval Symposium Amherst College, Mass., March 1995.
Lo Prete, K. (1995) Adela of Blois: Representations of Lordly Authority in a Courtly Context Five College Medieval Symposium Amherst College, Mass., March 1995. Workshops [Details] |
(1994) | Sex and Marriage in Late Antiquity Invited Lecture, Kent State Univ., March 1994.
Lo Prete, K. (1994) Sex and Marriage in Late Antiquity Invited Lecture, Kent State Univ., March 1994. Workshops [Details] |
(1993) | Hugh of Fleury and Adela of Blois: Exemplary History in the Early Twelfth Century Invited Lecture, Colgate University, History Dept., Colgate, N.Y., Feb. 1993.
Lo Prete, K. (1993) Hugh of Fleury and Adela of Blois: Exemplary History in the Early Twelfth Century Invited Lecture, Colgate University, History Dept., Colgate, N.Y., Feb. 1993. Workshops [Details] |
(1992) | Chronicles, Charters, Letters, and Poems: Genre. in the Representation of Aristocratic Women Invited Lecture, University of San Francisco, History Dept., March 1992.
Lo Prete, K. (1992) Chronicles, Charters, Letters, and Poems: Genre. in the Representation of Aristocratic Women Invited Lecture, University of San Francisco, History Dept., March 1992. Workshops [Details] |
(1991) | Reading a Medieval Charter (AD de Loir-et-Cher 16.H.105(2)): The Foundation of Marmoutier’s ‘Freetown’ Priory Invited Lecture, Lewis and Clark University, History Department, Portland, Oregon, March 1991.
Lo Prete, K. (1991) Reading a Medieval Charter (AD de Loir-et-Cher 16.H.105(2)): The Foundation of Marmoutier’s ‘Freetown’ Priory Invited Lecture, Lewis and Clark University, History Department, Portland, Oregon, March 1991. Workshops [Details] |