Dr Sara Farrona

MSc, PhD

Contact Details

Lecturer Above the Bar
Orbsen Building
University Road
H91 DK59
E: sara.farrona@universityofgalway.ie
www.farronalab.org Twitter: @sarafarrona
Lecturer Above The Bar
Room 121
Orbsen building
University Rd
University of Galway
E: sara.farrona@universityofgalway.ie


Sara is a Principal Investigator at the School of Biological and Chemical Science, where her research focuses on the regulation of plant development through epigenetic and chromatin mechanisms. Sara's research interests are linked to the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 2-Zero Hunger. More details about her work can be found on her lab's website: farronalab.org. In addition to her research, Sara is a lecturer in Plant and AgriBiosciences within the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at the University of Galway (Ireland).Sara earned her degree in Biology before joining Dr. Reyes' lab at the Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis (IBVF) in Seville, Spain, where she completed her PhD studying chromatin remodeling proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. For her postdoctoral research, she moved to Cologne, Germany, to work with Dr. Turck and Prof. Coupland at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ), focusing on the regulation of flowering through chromatin-related processes. She then further specialised in the regulation of plant development by Polycomb Group proteins, working in Dr. Schubert's lab at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Research Interests

The Plant Developmental Epigenetics Lab focuses on the critical role of chromatin and epigenetic processes in regulating gene expression and plant development. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining advanced molecular techniques, our lab seeks to elucidate how these chromatin-related and epigenetic processes function and how their activities are coordinated to drive gene expression, ultimately impacting plant growth and development. Our research aligns with global sustainability goals, particularly those related to food security, sustainable agriculture, and climate action.Our work is structured around three main research topics:
  1. Identification of New Components of the Polycomb Pathway:
    Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins are essential components of the epigenetic machinery, acting as master regulators of development in both plants and animals. While these proteins are highly conserved across species, plants possess unique developmental needs, leading to the evolution of plant-specific PcG proteins. These proteins play a pivotal role in traits with significant implications for human life, such as flowering and seed development. Our primary goal is to uncover the diversity of PcG complexes that govern specific aspects of plant development by identifying novel PcG components in Arabidopsis thaliana and exploring their molecular functions. This research not only advances our understanding of plant biology but also supports sustainable agriculture by potentially enhancing crop resilience and productivity.
  2. Fucoxanthin Production in Diatoms:
    Fucoxanthin, the primary carotenoid produced in brown microalgae, is highly valued in biotechnology due to its numerous health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the biosynthetic pathway of fucoxanthin, particularly its regulation in response to environmental factors like light, remains incompletely understood. Our project aims to investigate the genetic and epigenetic regulation of fucoxanthin biosynthesis in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, with a focus on how light influences production. By identifying key regulatory mechanisms, we hope to develop biotechnological tools to enhance fucoxanthin production, contributing to sustainable practices in health and nutrition industries.
  3. Identifying Epigenetic Tools for Seed Vigour:
    Seeds are fundamental to global food security, serving as the primary food source and offering potential as alternatives to petroleum-based fuels. As the global population approaches 9 billion, ensuring robust seed performance is crucial for sustainable agriculture. However, climate change poses significant challenges to seed germination and vigour, especially under abiotic stresses. Our research seeks to identify the epigenetic processes that regulate seed vigour, using Brassica napus (rapeseed) as model crop. By enhancing seed resilience and adaptability to environmental changes, our work contributes directly to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those targeting zero hunger (SDG 2) and climate action (SDG 13).
Overall, the Plant Developmental Epigenetics Lab is committed to advancing knowledge that supports sustainable development and contributes to the resilience of agricultural systems in the face of global challenges.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Analysis of the function of epigenetic factors in the regulation of nuclear dynamics during seed germination 01-JAN-24
EpiSeedLink - From seed to seedling: Epigenetic mechanisms of priming to design strategies for crop improvement 01-OCT-22
Inter-PWOs: Investigation of how chromatin-associated PWOs and their interacting proteins regulate plant development. 01-DEC-21
EPICATCH - Impact of Nuclear Domains on Gene Expression and Plant Traits 01-FEB-21
INDEPTH - Impact of Nuclear Domains on Gene Expression and Plant Traits 01-NOV-17
EI H2020 PROPOSAL PREP SUPPORT - PRImed Seed Memory:exploring and exploiting the epigenome of seed priming (PRISM) 19-OCT-17 18-JUL-19
Sara Farrona General Research Account 01-FEB-16 31-JAN-26
Primed Seed Memory 21-AUG-15 31-OCT-16

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Louise Murphy Inter-PWOs Research Assistant Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Ronan Halton Inter-PWOs Research Assistant Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Peter Ryder SFI-TIDA: Enhancing plant growth and resilience by Ensifer-mediated seed priming Postdoctoral Researcher Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Jesús López Corrales SFI-TIDA: Enhancing plant growth and resilience by Ensifer-mediated seed priming Research Assistant Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Godwin James New interactors of the Polycomb Group pathway Research Assistant NUI Galway

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Decoding histone 3 lysine methylation: Insights into seed germination and flowering'
Saqlain Haider and Sara Farrona (2024) 'Decoding histone 3 lysine methylation: Insights into seed germination and flowering'. Current Opinion In Plant Biology, [Details]
(2024) 'The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase cunteracts PRCs-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development'
Godwin, Govindasamy, Nedounsejian, March, Halton, Bourbousse, Wolff, Fort, Krzyszton, López Corrales, Swiezewski, Barneche, Schubert, Farrona (2024) 'The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase cunteracts PRCs-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development'. Nature Communications, [Details]
(2014) 'Post-fertilization expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T suppresses reproductive reversion'
Liu, Farrona, Klemme, Turck (2014) 'Post-fertilization expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T suppresses reproductive reversion'. Frontiers in Plant Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'CDKF;1 and CDKD Protein Kinases Regulate Phosphorylation of Serine Residues of Arabidopsis RNA polymerase II C-terminal Domain'
Hajheidaria, Farrona, Huettelb, Koncz, Koncz (2012) 'CDKF;1 and CDKD Protein Kinases Regulate Phosphorylation of Serine Residues of Arabidopsis RNA polymerase II C-terminal Domain'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2012) 'DEVELOPMENT-RELATED PcG TARGET IN THE APEX 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Engelhorn, Reimer, Leuz, Göbel, Huettel, Farrona, Turck (2012) 'DEVELOPMENT-RELATED PcG TARGET IN THE APEX 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana'. Development, [Details]
(2011) 'Tissue-specific expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis is maintained independently of polycomb group protein expression'
Farrona, Thorpe, Engelhorn, Adrian, Dong, Sarid-Krebs, Goodrich, Turck (2011) 'Tissue-specific expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis is maintained independently of polycomb group protein expression'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2011) 'BRAHMA is required for proper expression of the floral repressor FLC in Arabidopsis'
Farrona, Hurtado, March-Díaz, Schmitz, Turck, Amasino, Reyes (2011) 'BRAHMA is required for proper expression of the floral repressor FLC in Arabidopsis'. Plos One, [Details]
(2010) 'cis-regulatory elements and chromatin state co-ordinately control temporal and spatial expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis'
Adrian*, Farrona*, Reimer, Albani, Coupland, Turck (2010) 'cis-regulatory elements and chromatin state co-ordinately control temporal and spatial expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2009) 'CHD3 proteins and polycomb group proteins antagonistically determine cell identity in Arabidopsis'
Aichinger, Villar, Farrona, Reyes, Hennig, Köhler (2009) 'CHD3 proteins and polycomb group proteins antagonistically determine cell identity in Arabidopsis'. Plos Genetics, [Details]
(2009) 'PEP1 contributes to the mechanisms conferring both seasonal flowering and polycarpy in perennial Arabis alpina'
Wang, Farrona, Vincent, Joecker, Schoof, Turck, Alonso-Blanco, Coupland, Albani (2009) 'PEP1 contributes to the mechanisms conferring both seasonal flowering and polycarpy in perennial Arabis alpina'. Nature, [Details]
(2008) 'A nucleosome interaction module is required for normal function of Arabidopsis thaliana BRAHMA'
Farrona, Hurtado, Reyes (2008) 'A nucleosome interaction module is required for normal function of Arabidopsis thaliana BRAHMA'. Journal Of Molecular Biology, [Details]
(2007) 'Arabidopsis TFL2/LHP1 specifically associates with genes marked by trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27'
Turck*, Roudier*, Farrona, Martin-Magniette, Guillaume, Buisine, Gagnot, Martienssen, Coupland, Colot (2007) 'Arabidopsis TFL2/LHP1 specifically associates with genes marked by trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27'. Plos Genetics, [Details]
(2006) 'The putative SWI/SNF complex subunit BRAHMA activates flower homeotic genes in Arabidopsis thaliana'
Hurtado*, Farrona*, Reyes (2006) 'The putative SWI/SNF complex subunit BRAHMA activates flower homeotic genes in Arabidopsis thaliana'. Plant Molecular Biology, [Details]
(2019) 'The chromatin-associated protein PWO1 interacts with plant nuclear lamin-like components to regulate nuclear size'
Mikulski, Hohenstatt, Farrona, Smaczniak, Stahl, Kalyanikrishna, Kaufmann, Angenent, Schubert (2019) 'The chromatin-associated protein PWO1 interacts with plant nuclear lamin-like components to regulate nuclear size'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2018) 'PWWP-DOMAIN INTERACTOR OF POLYCOMBS1 interacts with Polycomb-group proteins and histones and regulates Arabidopsis flowering and development'
Hohenstatt, Mikulski, Komarynets, Klose, Kycia, Jeltsch, Farrona, Schubert (2018) 'PWWP-DOMAIN INTERACTOR OF POLYCOMBS1 interacts with Polycomb-group proteins and histones and regulates Arabidopsis flowering and development'. Plant Cell, [Details]
(2020) 'Canthaxanthin, a Red-Hot Carotenoid: Applications, Synthesis, and Biosynthetic Evolution'
Rebelo, Farrona, Ventura, Abranches (2020) 'Canthaxanthin, a Red-Hot Carotenoid: Applications, Synthesis, and Biosynthetic Evolution'. Plants (Basel, Switzerland), [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Plant Epigenetic Stress Memory Induced by Drought: a Physiological and Molecular Perspective'
Godwin, Farrona (2020) 'Plant Epigenetic Stress Memory Induced by Drought: a Physiological and Molecular Perspective' In: Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics. New York: Springer. [Details]
(2019) 'Epigenetic Mechanisms of Abiotic Stress Response and Memory in Plants'
Mozgova, Mikulski, Pecinka, Farrona (2019) 'Epigenetic Mechanisms of Abiotic Stress Response and Memory in Plants' In: Epigenetics in Plants of Agronomic Importance: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Springer. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2020) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019
Moreno-Romero, J;Probst, AV;Trindade, I;Kalyanikrishna;Engelhorn, J;Farrona, S (2020) Looking At the Past and Heading to the Future: Meeting Summary of the 6(th) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019 in Cologne, Germany European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019 [DOI] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2022) 'The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase counteracts PRC2-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development and stress responses'
Godwin, March, Govindasamy, Bourbousse, Wolff, Fort, Krzyszton, López, Swiezewski, Barneche, Schubert, Farrona (2022) 'The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase counteracts PRC2-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development and stress responses' BioRxiv, . [Details]
(2007) 'FT protein movement contributes to long-distance signalling in floral induction of Arabidopsis'
Corbesier, Vincent, Jang, Fornara, Fan, SearleI, Giakountis, Farrona, Gissot, Turnbull, Coupland (2007) 'FT protein movement contributes to long-distance signalling in floral induction of Arabidopsis' Science, . [Details]
(2004) 'The Arabidopsis thaliana SNF2 homolog AtBRM controls shoot development and flowering'
Farrona, Hurtado, Bowman, Reyes (2004) 'The Arabidopsis thaliana SNF2 homolog AtBRM controls shoot development and flowering' Development, . [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2023) 3rd EPI-CATCH conference,
Saqlain Haider, Ahamed Khan, Iva Mozgova, Sara Farrona (2023) 3rd EPI-CATCH conference. [Oral Presentation], 3rd EPI-CATCH conference, Sofia , 30-MAY-23. [Details]
(2024) Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024,
Nora Damaris Pasquali de Medic Biron, Sara Farrona (2024) Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024. [Poster Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024, Cork , 17-JUN-24 - 18-JUN-24. [Details]
(2024) Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024,
Saqlain Haider, Ahamed Khan, Iva Mozgova, Sara Farrona (2024) Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024. [Oral Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists' Association Meeting 2024, Cork , 17-JUN-24 - 18-JUN-24. [Details]
(2024) All Ireland Chromatin Consortium Annual Conference,
Saqlain Haider, Ahamed Khan, Iva Mozgova, Sara Farrona (2024) All Ireland Chromatin Consortium Annual Conference. [Poster Presentation], All Ireland Chromatin Consortium Annual Conference, Galway , 24-MAY-24 - 24-MAY-24. [Details]
(2024) Plant Epigenetics ¿ EpiPlant Thematic Network Biannual Conference,
Nedounsejian, Govindasamy, Godwin, Gallego-Bartolomé, Sánchez-Vicente, Lorenzo, Farrona (2024) Plant Epigenetics ¿ EpiPlant Thematic Network Biannual Conference. [Oral Presentation], Plant Epigenetics ¿ EpiPlant Thematic Network Biannual Conference, Clermont Ferrand (France) , 10-JUL-24 - 12-JUL-24. [Details]
(2024) Plant breeding in view of epigenetic mechanisms and technological advancements ¿ 4th EPI-CATCH Conference,
Farrona (2024) Plant breeding in view of epigenetic mechanisms and technological advancements ¿ 4th EPI-CATCH Conference. [Keynote Address], Plant breeding in view of epigenetic mechanisms and technological advancements ¿ 4th EPI-CATCH Conference, Novi Sad (Serbia) , 02-JUL-24 - 04-JUL-24. [Details]
(2024) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024,
Mohan Govindasamy, Kiruba Nedounsejian, Zhidan Wang, Lauriane Simon, Sophie Desset, Aline V Probst, Chang Liu, Sara Farrona (2024) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024. [Poster Presentation], European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024, Barcelona , 22-MAY-24 - 24-MAY-24. [Details]
(2015) EWPC2015,
Farrona, Schubert (2015) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2015. [Chaired Session], EWPC2015, Uppsala , 25-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015) Protein Interactions in Biology,
Farrona (2015) Biochemical Society Irish Area Section Meeting. [Oral Presentation], Protein Interactions in Biology, Galway , 05-FEB-15. [Details]
(2015) Irish Arabidopsis Meeting 2015,
Farrona (2015) Irish Arabidopsis Meeting 2015. [Oral Presentation], Irish Arabidopsis Meeting 2015, Maynooth , 13-MAR-15. [Details]
(2016) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2016,
March, Farrona (2016) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2016. [Oral Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2016, Dublin , 27-APR-16. [Details]
(2017) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2017,
March, Schubert, Farrona (2017) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2017. [Oral Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting 2017, Limerick , 12-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) EWPC2017,
March, Schubert, Farrona (2017) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2017. [Oral Presentation], EWPC2017, Vienna , 05-JUN-17. [Details]
(2018) INDEPTH Kick-off meeting,
March, Hohenstatt, Schubert, Farrona (2018) COST Action INDEPTH first conference. [Poster Presentation], INDEPTH Kick-off meeting, Clermont-Ferrand , 12-MAR-18. [Details]
(2018) ICAR2018,
March, Schubert, Farrona (2018) International Conference in Arabidopsis Research 2018. [Poster Presentation], ICAR2018, Turku , 25-JUN-18. [Details]
(2019) New Phytologist next generation scientists 2019,
Godwin, Farrona (2019) New Phytologist next generation scientists 2019. [Poster Presentation], New Phytologist next generation scientists 2019, Dublin , 22-JUL-19. [Details]
(2019) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting,
Godwin, Farrona (2019) Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting. [Poster Presentation], Irish Plant Scientists¿ Association Meeting, Carlow , 25-JUN-19. [Details]
(2019) EWPC2019,
March, Schubert, Farrona (2019) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019. [Oral Presentation], EWPC2019, Colone , 13-JUN-19. [Details]
(2021) SEB 2021 Annual Conference,
Khan, Mozgová, Farrona (2021) Society of Experimental Biology 2021 Annual Conference. [Chaired Session], SEB 2021 Annual Conference, online , 29-JUN-21. [Details]
(2021) XVII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Biología de Plantas,
Godwin, Barneche, Schubert, Farrona (2021) XVII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Biología de Plantas. [Invited Oral Presentation], XVII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Biología de Plantas, online , 07-JUL-21. [Details]
(2021) All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference 2021,
Godwin, March, Schubert, Farrona (2021) All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference 2021. [Oral Presentation], All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference 2021, online , 13-DEC-21. [Details]
(2021) INDEPTH Main Meeting,
Godwin, March, Bourbosse, Barneche, Krzyszon, Swiezewski, Schubert, Farrona (2021) Annual meeting of the INDEPTH COST Action. [Chaired Session], INDEPTH Main Meeting, online , 29-JUN-21. [Details]
(2022) ICAR2022,
Farrona (2022) International Conference in Arabidopsis Research 2022. [Oral Presentation], ICAR2022, Belfast , 20-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022) ICAR2022,
Godwin, Fort, Bourbousse, Krzyszon, Swiezewski, Barneche, Schubert, Farrona (2022) International Conference in Arabidopsis Research 2022. [Poster Presentation], ICAR2022, Belfast , 20-JUN-22. [Details]
(2023) All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference,
Farrona (2023) All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference. [Oral Presentation], All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Conference, Dublin , 24-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) SEB Centenary Conference,
Farrona (2023) Society of Experimental Biology Centenary Conference. [Invited Oral Presentation], SEB Centenary Conference, Edinburgh , 04-JUL-23. [Details]
(2023) Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop 2023,
Khan, Sharaf, Haider, Kusová, Schrumpfová, Farrona, Mozgová (2023) Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop 2023. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop 2023, Prague , 20-JUN-23. [Details]
(2024) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024,
Farrona (2024) European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024ommunity. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2024, Barcelona , 22-MAY-24. [Details]
(2023) EPI-CATCH From seeds to seedlings workshop,
Farrona (2023) Workshop organised by the EPI-CATCH Cost Action. [Invited Oral Presentation], EPI-CATCH From seeds to seedlings workshop, Prague , 18-SEP-23. [Details]
(2023) EPI-CATCH annual conference,
Haider, Khan, Sharaf, Mozgová, Farrona (2023) COST Action EPI-CATCH annual conference. [Oral Presentation], EPI-CATCH annual conference, Sofia , 31-MAY-23. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) Polycomb silencing mediated by specific DNA-binding recruiters.
March, E;Farrona, S (2017) Polycomb silencing mediated by specific DNA-binding recruiters. NEW YORK: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP Editorial [Details]


  Year Publication
(2022) The Importance of Networking: Plant Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 and Its Interactors.
Godwin, Farrona (2022) The Importance of Networking: Plant Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 and Its Interactors. Reviews [Details]
(2021) Epigenetics for Crop Improvement in Times of Global Change.
Kakoulidou, Avramidou, Baránek, Brunel-Muguet, Farrona, Johannes, Kaiserli, Lieberman-Lazarovich, Martinelli, Mladenov, Testillano, Vassileva, Maury (2021) Epigenetics for Crop Improvement in Times of Global Change. Reviews [Details]
(2018) Plant Deubiquitinases and Their Role in the Control of Gene Expression Through Modification of Histones.
March, E;Farrona, S (2018) Plant Deubiquitinases and Their Role in the Control of Gene Expression Through Modification of Histones. LAUSANNE: FRONTIERS MEDIA SA Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2008) The impact of chromatin regulation on the floral transition.
Farrona, Coupland, Turck (2008) The impact of chromatin regulation on the floral transition. Reviews [Details]
(2020) Tidying-up the plant nuclear space: domains, functions, and dynamics.
Santos, AP;Gaudin, V;Mozgova, I;Pontvianne, F;Schubert, D;Tek, AL;Dvorackova, M;Liu, C;Fransz, P;Rosa, S;Farrona, S (2020) Tidying-up the plant nuclear space: domains, functions, and dynamics. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2006 EMBO long term fellowship EMBO

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Federation of Biochemical European Societies Member 01-JAN-02 /
Society of Experimental Biology Member 01-JUN-22 /
All-Ireland Chromatin Consortium Member 04-MAY-20 /
Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Member 05-MAR-02 /


  Committee Function From / To
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences SAT Member 01-NOV-22 /
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences EDI Committee Member 01-NOV-22 /
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Students & Education Committee Member-Head of Discipline 03-OCT-22 /
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Executive Committee Member-Head of Discipline 01-SEP-22 /
Plant and AgriBiosciences Executive Committee Chair-Head of BSc Science pathway 01-SEP-22 /
International Staff Network Executive Committee Member 01-JAN-20 / 01-NOV-22
College of Science and Engineering Internasionalisation Committee Member 01-MAR-15 /


  Employer Position From / To
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research Postdoctoral Researcher 01-SEP-05 / 31-AUG-11
University of Galway Lecturer Type B (Permanent) 01-MAR-18 /
Heinrich Heine University Postdoctoral Researcher 03-OCT-11 / 31-DEC-14
University of Galway Lecturer Type B (Fixed term) 02-MAR-15 / 28-FEB-18


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2005 University of Seville-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain) PhD Biology
1999 University of Extremadura (Spain) Dual BSc-MSc Biology
2019 University of Galway Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Excellence in Learning and Teaching



Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Soapbox Science 07-JUL-18 /
Other BT Young Scientist & Technology exhibition 01-OCT-20 / 27-JAN-21
Outreach EpiSeedLink & Cell Explorers Fantastic DNA 21-NOV-23 /


  Journal Role
Frontiers in Plant Science Editor
Plos One Reviewer
Plant Science Reviewer
New Phytologist Reviewer
Nature Plants Reviewer
Nature Genetics Reviewer
Plant Cell Reviewer
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Reviewer
Scientific Reports Reviewer
Nature Communications Reviewer
Journal Of Experimental Biology Reviewer
Iscience Reviewer
Genes Reviewer
International Journal Of Genomics Reviewer
Plant Physiology Reviewer
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias Reviewer
Plant And Cell Physiology Reviewer
Journal Of Visualized Experiments : Jove Reviewer
Nucleic Acid Research Reviewer
Plant Cell And Environment Reviewer
Frontiers in Plant Science Reviewer
Plant Physiology And Biochemistry Reviewer
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology Reviewer

Teaching Interests

Since 2022 I am the Director of the Plant and AgriBiosciences (PAB) pathway within the GY301 BSc of Science programme. My teaching interests are:
-Genetics and epigenetics
-Molecular biology
-Plant physiology
-Plant responses to the environment
-Sustainable development

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2018 Michael Keogh MASTERS OF SCIENCE
2021 Ellen Brennan MASTERS OF SCIENCE

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Mohan Govindasamy Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor
Kiruba Nedounsejian Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor
Saqlain Haider Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor
Killian Hanniffy-Spillane Masters - Research - Structured Masters in AgrBiosciences Supervisor

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2016-2017 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2017-2018 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2018-2019 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2019-2020 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2020-2021 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2021-2022 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2019-2020 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2020-2021 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2016-2017 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2017-2018 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2018-2019 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2019-2020 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2020-2021 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2021-2022 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2022-2023 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2023-2024 AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges PAB5115
2022-2023 AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges PAB5115
2020-2021 AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges PAB5115
2016-2017 Biology BO101
2019-2020 Biology BO101
2020-2021 Biology BO101
2023-2024 Biology BO101
2016-2017 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2017-2018 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2018-2019 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2019-2020 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2020-2021 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2021-2022 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2022-2023 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2023-2024 PAB Research Project PAB4101
2023-2024 AgriBiosciences Research Internship PAB4105
2015-2016 Genetics & AgriBiosciences BPS204
2016-2017 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2017-2018 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2018-2019 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2019-2020 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2020-2021 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2021-2022 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2022-2023 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2023-2024 AgriBiosciences PAB2101
2015-2016 Plant & Agricultural Genetics BPS305
2016-2017 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2017-2018 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2018-2019 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2019-2020 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2020-2021 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2021-2022 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2022-2023 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2023-2024 Plant & Agricultural Genetics PAB3103
2020-2021 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2022-2023 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2023-2024 Current Topics in Plant & AgriBiosciences PAB4106
2016-2017 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2017-2018 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2018-2019 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2021-2022 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2022-2023 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2023-2024 Plant & AgriBiotechnologies PAB4104
2023-2024 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2023-2024 Plant Genetics & Systems Biology PAB4102
2021-2022 AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges PAB5115
2015-2016 Biology BO101
2017-2018 Biology BO101
2018-2019 Biology BO101
2021-2022 Biology BO101
2022-2023 Biology BO101

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Lars Jermiin
Cathal Seoighe

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Rita Abranches ITQB PORTUGAL
Antoine Fort Technological University of the Shannon IRELAND
Ewen Mullins Teagasc IRELAND
Aline Probst GReD FRANCE
Steven Spoel University of Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM
Szymon Swiezewski Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics POLAND
Daniel Schubert Freie Universitat Berlin GERMANY
Vicente Rubio CNB-CSIC SPAIN