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Welcome to Microsoft 365. Let's get started.

Microsoft 365 is a bundle that includes Office 365 and Windows licensing, it is available to all University of Galway staff and registered students. To access Microsoft 365 applications go to

Students log in using their University of Galway email address (e.g. and Campus Account password. You will also be promoted for your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) SMS/Authenticator App code. 

Staff members log in using their staff ID followed by (e.g. and Campus Account password. You will also be promoted for your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) SMS/Authenticator App code. 

Staff and registered students will be prompted for their Office 365 login for a number of University IT systems. In most cases, once you provide your Office365 credentials, you will be automatically logged into the system. This is known as Single-Sign-On (SSO). (e.g. Canvas, CorePortal, Microsoft 365.)

In other cases, you will asked to authenticate twice (e.g. Student Records System, ISS Service Desk Ticketing system).


If you cannot log in please go to the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) portal. If you are still having issues accessing Office365 or any IT system that requires  Office365 account details, please contact the Service Desk.

There are three ways of using the Office applications: Downloading Office to your desktop or laptop, using Office 365 online, or installing the Office Apps to your smartphone or tablet.

NOTE: If you have a trial version of Office on your computer you should uninstall it before installing Office.

Important: Once you are no longer registered as a student, or are no longer employed by the university, access to Office 365 will cease.  This includes any copies of Office that you have downloaded under your University credentials to your devices and access to OneDrive. You should backup any data you have stored on OneDrive before you finish here in University of Galway.

Is your Device ready for Office 365?

Windows Users  if you have Office 2013 installed, you are ready to go. ISS would advise for both versions to install the latest Windows Updates for Office also to ensure you have the most up to date security updates.

Apple Mac Users must have at least version 14.4.8 installed. To update please see our instructions here. Note that Microsoft updates Office often so it is likely that you may be offered an update that is higher than version 14.4.8. If offered this, simply install this higher update.

Users of Multiple Devices such as a laptop or Macbook should ensure that the software is up to date on these additional devices also.