Dr Nicole Burns


Contact Details

T: Ext. 4460
E: nicole.burns@nuigalway.ie


Research Interests

Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Acute Exercise
Habitual Exercise
Physical Activity measures

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2013) 'Prevalence and predictors of diabetes and cardiometabolic risk among construction workers in Ireland: the Construction Workers Health Trust screening study'
Thabit H, Burns N, Shah S, Brema I, Crowley V, Finnegan F, Daly B, Nolan JJ. (2013) 'Prevalence and predictors of diabetes and cardiometabolic risk among construction workers in Ireland: the Construction Workers Health Trust screening study'. Diab Vasc Dis Res, 10 (4):337-345 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Subjects with early-onset type 2 diabetes show defective activation of the skeletal muscle PGC-1{alpha}/Mitofusin-2 regulatory pathway in response to physical activity'
Hernández-Alvarez MI, Thabit H, Burns N, Shah S, Brema I, Hatunic M, Finucane F, Liesa M, Chiellini C, Naon D, Zorzano A, Nolan JJ. (2010) 'Subjects with early-onset type 2 diabetes show defective activation of the skeletal muscle PGC-1{alpha}/Mitofusin-2 regulatory pathway in response to physical activity'. Diabetes Care, 33 (3):645-651 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Elevated blood pressure in overweight and obese Irish children'
Finucane FM, Pittock S, Fallon M, Hatunic M, Ong K, Burns N, Costigan C, Murphy N, Nolan JJ. (2008) 'Elevated blood pressure in overweight and obese Irish children'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 177 (4):379-381 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Plasma visfatin is reduced after aerobic exercise in early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus'
Brema I, Hatunic M, Finucane F, Burns N, Nolan JJ, Haider D, Wolzt M, Ludvik B. (2008) 'Plasma visfatin is reduced after aerobic exercise in early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Diabetes Obes Metab, 10 (7):600-602 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Vascular inflammatory markers in early-onset obese and type 2 diabetes subjects before and after three months' aerobic exercise training'
Hatunic M, Finucane F, Burns N, Gasparro D, Nolan JJ (2007) 'Vascular inflammatory markers in early-onset obese and type 2 diabetes subjects before and after three months' aerobic exercise training'. Diab Vasc Dis Res, 4 (3):231-234 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Early-onset type 2 diabetes in obese white subjects is characterised by a marked defect in beta cell insulin secretion, severe insulin resistance and a lack of response to aerobic exercise training'
Burns N, Finucane FM, Hatunic M, Gilman M, Murphy M, Gasparro D, Mari A, Gastaldelli A, Nolan JJ. (2007) 'Early-onset type 2 diabetes in obese white subjects is characterised by a marked defect in beta cell insulin secretion, severe insulin resistance and a lack of response to aerobic exercise training'. Diabetologia, 50 (7):1500-1508 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Attendance at an Irish diabetes dietetic outpatient clinic'
Finucane FM, Gaffney L, Hatunic M, Burns N, Nolan JJ (2007) 'Attendance at an Irish diabetes dietetic outpatient clinic'. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 77 (2):335-336 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Contrasting clinical and cardiovascular risk status between early and later onset type 2 diabetes'
Hatunic M, Burns N, Finucane F, Mannion C, Nolan JJ. (2005) 'Contrasting clinical and cardiovascular risk status between early and later onset type 2 diabetes'. Diab Vasc Dis Res, 2 (2):73-75 [Details]