Prof Dara Byrne




Dara Byrne is Professor of Simulation Education in the School of Medicine at the University of Galway. She is also the Director of Simulation for the West Northwest Health Region. In September 2023 she was appointed the National Lead for Simulation for the Health Service Executive (HSE). She established the Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation (ICAPSS) in 2017.  The ICAPSS supports evidence-based simulation education and training across the continuum of health professions education as well as running external courses for national training bodies and organisations; the ICAPSS is the only accredited simulation centre in Ireland and has been identified as an international centre for Excellence in Medical Education by AMEE in 2022 and holds an AMEE ASPIRE award for excellence in medical education.
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Professor Byrne holds a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and has medical and surgical education, quality improvement, and leadership qualifications. She is completing an MBA at the University of Galway. She is an advanced simulation educator and is accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPIH). She has authored over 100 publications on medical education, simulation, and patient safety research, has delivered workshops and key note presentations all over the world.

Research Interests

The Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation combines evidence based simulation education and patient safety research areas.
Our research is focused on improving the quality and safety of patient care. 
Our research themes are:

Innovation in Medical Education and Practice:
Our research under this theme focuses on the evaluation of modern and innovative medical education teaching methodologies. We carry out research that is about simulation (the focus is on the effectiveness of simulation-based education approaches), as well as research through simulation (the use of simulation as a tool to complete research on quality and patient safety).

Engaging Patients for Quality and Safety Improvement:
Patients have unique insights into quality and safety of care that may differ from that of healthcare providers. Patients `see¿ aspects of care that may not be seen by healthcare workers (e.g. issues in transitions in care or upon discharge), or have different opinions on what quality of care may mean. Therefore, our research under this theme aims to capitalise on patients' unique insights into quality of care to inform quality and safety improvement efforts.

Addressing Quality and Safety Across the Healthcare System:
A systems approach is require to improve quality and safety in healthcare. A systems approach recognises that changes in an organisation require the consideration of a range of factors interacting at different levels: patient/service user; the work environment; individual healthcare worker; healthcare teams, organisation and management; and society, culture and regulatory influences. Our research under this theme considers the healthcare system when addressing quality and safety issues and to improve the quality of care.

Within these themes, I am particularly interested in:
Translational simulation (simulation for quality and safety goals)
Patient safety education and curricula
Competency-based education and training/EPAs
Sustainability and Health and Safety in Simulation 
Strategy, human factors and quality improvement in healthcare

Find out more about the ICAPSS research themes and projects:

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Histopathology Induction `Boot-camp' for BST trainees 01-JUN-23 30-MAY-24
Regionalisation of Structured Education 01-JUN-23 30-MAY-24
Train the Trainer for Simulation in Psychiatry (TTTSimPsych) 01-JUN-23 30-MAY-24
The Development of Risk Assessment Tools and Guidance for Health and Safety Requirements in Simulation 01-JAN-23 30-DEC-24
The Development of a Cost Calculator for Simulation-Based Education 01-JAN-23 30-DEC-24
Identifying and Addressing the Barriers to Home Haemodialysis 01-JAN-23 01-JUL-25
Advancing Cultural Safety in the Irish Healthcare Service 01-JAN-22 01-JAN-24
The Implementation of a Novel Longitudinal Sustainable Basic Ultrasound Course for Galway University Hospital Trainees: The Ultrasound Basics Course (USB) 01-DEC-21 01-DEC-22
Phase 5 of the National NCHD Training Hub (NNCHDTH) Development on HSELanD 01-JUL-21 01-JUL-22
Implementing competency-based education on the clinical sites-how can we make training and assessment accessible for trainees? 01-JUN-21 30-MAY-22
Headstart - An Engagement Programme for Schools in the West of Ireland 01-MAY-21 30-APR-26
Simulation Support During the Covid Crisis. Development of Faculty Expertise in Simulation at Saolta 31-JAN-21 30-JAN-23
The National Simulation Strategy 01-JAN-21 01-JAN-22
Simulation Support During the Covid Crisis. Establishing a Shared Simulation Network at Saolta and their Academic Partner in the University of Galway 31-DEC-20 31-DEC-22
Using simulation based education to achieve core competencies in General Internal Medicine (GIM) procedural skills; Addressing the Covid impact on training opportunities in the short term and supporting competency based training in the longer term 01-SEP-20 31-AUG-21
Western Fellow in Innovation, Change and Quality Improvement. The `WINNER' Fellow 01-JUL-20 01-JUL-21
Phase 4 of the National NCHD Training Hub (NNCHDTH) Development on HSELanD 01-JUL-20 30-JUN-22
The ABCs of Catheterisation. A simulation - based education workshop for NCHDs 01-JAN-20 01-JAN-21
Phase 3 of the National NCHD Training Hub (NNCHDTH) Development on HSELanD 01-JAN-20 30-JUN-20
Modernising Intern Training: Teaching Interns Core Skills Using Ultrasound to Advance their Preparedness for Practice and Improve Patient Safety 01-JAN-20 31-DEC-21
RAPID: Recognition of Acute Presentations of Infectious Diseases. A simulation based education workshop for NCHDs 01-JAN-20 01-JAN-21
Improving Outcomes in Premature Neonates (IOPEN) 01-SEP-19 31-JUL-20
New Foundations 2018 - No Blame: Culture Change in Error Reporting and Open Disclosure 01-MAY-19 31-JAN-20
Review of Intern Posts Rotations (RIPRO) 01-JAN-19 01-JAN-20
Phase 2 of the National NCHD Training Hub Development on HSELanD. Intern Hub phase 2 Im proving and expanding the intern induction hub to support intern education and training beyond induction. 01-JAN-19 31-DEC-19
Using SAFMEDS to teach chest radiographs to medical students. 01-NOV-18 30-OCT-19
LGBTI in the new intern curriculum - development of a workshop for Irish interns 01-NOV-18 01-NOV-20
Implementing an Active Bystander Intervention to reduce bullying and harassment experienced by interns in an Irish Healthcare Setting 01-NOV-18 01-NOV-19
Kids Infectious Diseases Simulation 'KIDS' - designing and evaluating a multidisciplinary simulation based education (SBE) programme in childhood infectious diseases for paediatric trainee 01-SEP-18 01-SEP-19
Design and Development of a National NCHD Training Hub (NNCHDTH) formerly called the Induction Hub on HSELanD. 01-JAN-18 31-DEC-08
Improving the management of the patient with COPD through skills and drills multidisciplinary training 01-NOV-17 31-OCT-18
Improving paediatric asthma management at home, in hospital and at the time of discharge by educating teams and developing an educational bundle to support clinical integration. 01-NOV-17 31-OCT-18
Achieving competency in key skills-Improving the performance of procedural skills in non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs) using simulation based learning. 01-OCT-17 01-OCT-18
Navigate consultant portal project. Improving supports for newly appointed consultants: developing a resource to address transitioning gaps. 01-JAN-17 01-JAN-18
The development and application of a protocol for evaluating the educational and safety environment of intern training posts in the Republic of Ireland. 01-NOV-16 01-NOV-17
Integrating evidence in to the intern EPAs. 01-AUG-16 31-JUL-17
Resilience among medical professionals: What is it, how do we measure it, and how do we fix it? 01-AUG-16 31-JUL-17
Paediatric Lumbar Puncture - Defining and Improving Standards 01-JUL-16 31-MAY-17
A moment for hand hygiene 01-MAR-16 01-OCT-18
Evaluating the link between burn-out and medical error in an intern population. 01-MAR-16 01-MAR-17
Crew Resource Management Training - Improving the Management of the Acutely Ill Patients 01-JAN-16 01-JAN-17
HSE Intern & D 2015-16 CALL 30-NOV-15 31-DEC-25
Design of a draft framework of outcomes for internship in Ireland. 01-OCT-15 30-SEP-17
INCA: Interaction Analytics for Automatic Assessment of Communication Quality in Primary Care 01-OCT-15 30-SEP-18
iJuMP intern mentoring programme. 01-SEP-15 01-SEP-16
Developing an intern induction portal to improve interns' orientation onto the clinical site. 01-SEP-15 01-SEP-16
Interns' pocket checklist app: a decision support tool for managing acute care scenarios. 01-SEP-15 01-SEP-16

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) ''A systematic review of educational interventions to support cultural competence among resident doctors.''
O Malley, R.; Madden, C.; Mongan, O.; Byrne, D.; O Connor, P.; Lydon, S. (2024) ''A systematic review of educational interventions to support cultural competence among resident doctors.''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, [Details]
(2024) ''An exploration of barriers and facilitators to engaging with healthcare innovation in the Irish healthcare system: A qualitative study.''
Madden, C.; Byrne, D.; Gormley, J.; O Dowd, E.; Early, A.; O Connor, P. (2024) ''An exploration of barriers and facilitators to engaging with healthcare innovation in the Irish healthcare system: A qualitative study.''. Bmj Innovations, [Details]
(2024) ''A scoping review of infertility research conducted in the Republic Of Ireland.''
Earley, A.; O Dea, A.; Madden, C.; O Connor, P.; Byrne, D.; Murphy, A.W.; Lydon, S. (2024) ''A scoping review of infertility research conducted in the Republic Of Ireland.''. HRB Open Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) ''An Investigation of Simulation Research Trends in Asian Countries from 2006 to 2021 - A Bibliometric Review.''
Sherif Mahmood, L.; Saldanha, FL; Lydon, S.; O Connor, P.; Byrne, D.; Madden, C. (2024) ''An Investigation of Simulation Research Trends in Asian Countries from 2006 to 2021 - A Bibliometric Review.''. Health Professions Education, 10 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2024) ''What is the impact of healthcare innovation on measurable outcomes of healthcare organisation performance? A systematic review.''
Madden C.; O'Malley R.; O'Dowd.; O Connor, P.; Lydon, S.; Gormly, J. & Byrne, D. (2024) ''What is the impact of healthcare innovation on measurable outcomes of healthcare organisation performance? A systematic review.''. Bmj Innovations, 10 (1- 2) [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''SafePsych: Improving patient safety by delivering high-impact simulation training on rare and complex scenarios in psychiatry.''
Tong, K.; McMahon, E.; Reid-McDermott, B,; Byrne, D.; Doherty, AM. (2023) ''SafePsych: Improving patient safety by delivering high-impact simulation training on rare and complex scenarios in psychiatry.''. European Psychiatry, 66 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''The development and preliminary evaluation of a clinician e-learning training platform for a neonatal sepsis risk monitor for use in ICU settings.''
Andrade, E.; Quinlan, LR.; Harte, R.; Reid-McDermott, B......Byrne, D.; Ó Laighin, G. (2023) ''The development and preliminary evaluation of a clinician e-learning training platform for a neonatal sepsis risk monitor for use in ICU settings.''. Applied Ergonomics, 109 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''A scoping review of patient safety research carried out in the Republic of Ireland''
O' Connor, P; O' Malley, R; Kaud, Y; Pierre, E. S; Dunne, R; Byrne, D; & Lydon, S. (2023) ''A scoping review of patient safety research carried out in the Republic of Ireland''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 192 (1):1-9 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''An assessment of the simulated performance of basic clinical procedures by junior doctors during the first year of clinical practice''
O' Connor, P; Reid, A.; Mongan, O; .....Byrne,D. (2023) ''An assessment of the simulated performance of basic clinical procedures by junior doctors during the first year of clinical practice''. BMC Medical Education, 23 (565) [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''Barriers and enablers to achieving clinical procedure competency-based outcomes in a national paediatric training/residency program¿a multi-centered qualitative study.''
Khan, WU.; Twomey, J.; Ryan, E....Byrne, D. (2023) ''Barriers and enablers to achieving clinical procedure competency-based outcomes in a national paediatric training/residency program¿a multi-centered qualitative study.''. BMC Medical Education, 23 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2023) ''A meta-review of methods of measuring and monitoring safety in primary care.''
O Connor, P.; Madden, C.; O Dowd, E.; Byrne, D,; Lydon, S. (2023) ''A meta-review of methods of measuring and monitoring safety in primary care.''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 35 (1) [Details]
(2022) ''A systematic review of interventions to improve gender equity in graduate medicine''
Lydon, S; O' Dowd, E; Walsh, C; O' Dea, A; Byrne, D; Murphy, A.W; O' Connor, P. (2022) ''A systematic review of interventions to improve gender equity in graduate medicine''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 98 (1158):300-307 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) ''Longitudinal survey of self-reported level of entrustment across the first year of clinical practice''
O' Connor, P; Lydon, S; Mongan, O; & Byrne, D. (2022) ''Longitudinal survey of self-reported level of entrustment across the first year of clinical practice''. HRB Open Research, 5 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2022) ''A randomized controlled trial of SAFMEDS to improve chest radiograph interpretation among medical students''
Dunne, K; Madden, C; Byrne, D; McCarthy, P; O' Connor, P; Lydon, S. (2022) ''A randomized controlled trial of SAFMEDS to improve chest radiograph interpretation among medical students''. European Journal of Radiology, 151 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) ''Developing a strategic plan for a healthcare simulation facility''
O' Connor, P; O' Dowd, E; Lydon, S; Byrne, D.. (2022) ''Developing a strategic plan for a healthcare simulation facility''. International Journal of Healthcare Management, :1-5 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Experience- based learning: how a crisis solution informed fundamental change in a clinical education curriculum.''
Costello, M; Cantillon, P; Geoghegan, R; Byrne, D; Lowery, A; & Walsh, S. M. (2021) ''Experience- based learning: how a crisis solution informed fundamental change in a clinical education curriculum.''. Medical Teacher, 19 (1):42-47 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''The use of simulated research rehearsals to address barriers to cardiopulmonary physiology research in the neonatal intensive care unit''
Billa, R; Byrne, D; Barnard, C; Schmelzel, M. L; Spellman, E; Segar, J. L; ... & Elgin, T. G. (2021) ''The use of simulated research rehearsals to address barriers to cardiopulmonary physiology research in the neonatal intensive care unit''. Human Factors, 1 (10007) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Augmenting Critical Care Patient Monitoring Using Wearable Technology: Review of Usability and Human Factors''
Andrade, E; Quinlan, L; Harte, R; Byrne, D; Fallon, E; Kelly, M; ... & Ó Laighin, G. (2021) ''Augmenting Critical Care Patient Monitoring Using Wearable Technology: Review of Usability and Human Factors''. Jmir Human Factors, 8 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Development and preliminary evaluation of a novel physician-report tool for assessing barriers to providing care to autistic patients''
Walsh, C; Lydon, S; Geoghegan, R; Carey, C; Creed, M; O¿Loughlin, L; Walsh, E; Byrne, D; O; Connor, P. (2021) ''Development and preliminary evaluation of a novel physician-report tool for assessing barriers to providing care to autistic patients''. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1):1-5 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Determining the effect of external stressors and cognitive distraction on microsurgical skills and performance''
Carr, S; McDermott, B. R; McInerney, N; Hussey, A; Byrne, D; Potter, S. (2021) ''Determining the effect of external stressors and cognitive distraction on microsurgical skills and performance''. Frontiers In Surgery, 6 (77) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Do gender-based disparities in authorship and editorship exist in Healthcare Simulation Journals? A bibliometric review of the research''
Lydon, S; Madden, C; De Bhulbh, Á; Maher, S; Byrne, D; O' Connor, P. (2021) ''Do gender-based disparities in authorship and editorship exist in Healthcare Simulation Journals? A bibliometric review of the research''. Simulation in Healthcare, 16 (2):136-141 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''How safe is prehospital care? A systematic review''
O' Connor, P; O' Malley, R; Lambe, K; Byrne, D; Lydon, S. (2021) ''How safe is prehospital care? A systematic review''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Initial psychometric evaluation of a psychological resilience measure for physicians''
O' Connor, P; Lydon, S; Byrne, D. (2021) ''Initial psychometric evaluation of a psychological resilience measure for physicians''. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14 :556-562 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Entrustable Professional Activities for Early Health Professionals: What's Next?'''
O' Connor, P; Lydon, S; O' Dowd, E; Byrne, D. (2021) ''Entrustable Professional Activities for Early Health Professionals: What's Next?'''. Medical Education, 55 (9):984-986 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''The relationship between psychological resilience and burnout in Irish doctors''
O¿Connor, P; Lydon, S; O¿Dowd, E; Byrne, D. (2021) ''The relationship between psychological resilience and burnout in Irish doctors''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 193 (3):1219-1224 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''Gender in authorship and editorship in medical education journals: A bibliometric review''
Madden, C; O' Malley, R; O' Connor, P; O' Dowd, E; Byrne, D; Lydon, S. (2021) ''Gender in authorship and editorship in medical education journals: A bibliometric review''. Medical Education, 55 (6):678-688 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''The early experience of doctors training in pediatrics: patient safety culture and the role and influence of the registrar''
Diskin, C; Byrne, D; Normand, C; & O' Neill, M.B.. (2021) ''The early experience of doctors training in pediatrics: patient safety culture and the role and influence of the registrar''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 19 (1):271-278 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''A meta-review of methods of measuring and monitoring safety in primary care''
O' Connor, P; Madden, C; ' ¿Dowd, E; Byrne, D; Lydon, S. (2021) ''A meta-review of methods of measuring and monitoring safety in primary care''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 33 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''`SafePsych': delivering a multidisciplinary psychiatry simulation using remote technology ¿ impact on learners and simulation facilitators''
McMahon, E. E; Tong, K; McDermott, B. R; Byrne, D; Doherty, A. M. (2021) ''`SafePsych': delivering a multidisciplinary psychiatry simulation using remote technology ¿ impact on learners and simulation facilitators''. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 7 (5):454-456 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''SafePsych: improving patient safety by delivering high-impact simulation training on rare and complex scenarios in psychiatry''
Tong, K; McMahon, E; Reid-McDermott, B; Byrne, D; Doherty, A. M. (2021) ''SafePsych: improving patient safety by delivering high-impact simulation training on rare and complex scenarios in psychiatry''. Bmj Open Quality, 10 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) ''A randomised controlled trial of SAFMEDS to improve musculoskeletal radiology interpretation.''
Lydon, S; Fitzgerald, N; Gannon, L; Choynowski, M; O' Connor, P; Devitt, A; Fenelon, C; Byrne, D.. (2021) ''A randomised controlled trial of SAFMEDS to improve musculoskeletal radiology interpretation.''. Journal Of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh, 19 (6):386-393 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''The development of a framework of entrustable professional activities for the intern year in Ireland''
O' Dowd, E; Lydon, S; O' Connor, P; Boland, J; Offiah, G; Byrne, D.. (2020) ''The development of a framework of entrustable professional activities for the intern year in Ireland''. BMC Medical Education, 2 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''Human reliability analysis of bronchoscope-assisted percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy: implications for simulation-based education''
Lavelle, A; White, M; Griffiths, M J; Byrne, D; O' Connor, P. (2020) ''Human reliability analysis of bronchoscope-assisted percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy: implications for simulation-based education''. Advances in Simulation, 5 :1-9 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''The application of human reliability analysis to three critical care procedures''
Reddy, K; Byrne, D; Breen, D; Lydon, S; O'Connor, P. (2020) ''The application of human reliability analysis to three critical care procedures''. Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 203 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of SAFMEDS to produce fluency in interpretation of electrocardiograms''
Rabbitt, L; Byrne, D; O'Connor, P; Gorecka, M; Jacobsen, A; Lydon, S. (2020) ''A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of SAFMEDS to produce fluency in interpretation of electrocardiograms''. BMC Medical Education, 20 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''Novel Interface Designs for Patient Monitoring Applications in Critical Care Medicine: Human Factors Review''
Andrade, E; Quinlan, L; Harte, R; Byrne, D; Fallon, E; Kelly, M; Casey, S; Kirrane, F; O'Connor, P; O'Hora, D; Scully, M; Laffey, J; Pladys, P; Beuchée, A; ÓLaighin, G. (2020) ''Novel Interface Designs for Patient Monitoring Applications in Critical Care Medicine: Human Factors Review''. Jmir Human Factors, 7 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''The development of a framework of entrustable professional activities for the intern year in Ireland''
O'Dowd, E; Lydon, S; O'Connor, P; Boland, J; Offiah, G; Byrne, D. (2020) ''The development of a framework of entrustable professional activities for the intern year in Ireland''. BMC Medical Education, 20 (273) [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Prevalence and co-variates of burnout in consultant hospital doctors: burnout in consultants in Ireland Study (BICDIS)''
Margiotta, F; Crudden, G; Byrne, D; Doherty, A. M. (2019) ''Prevalence and co-variates of burnout in consultant hospital doctors: burnout in consultants in Ireland Study (BICDIS)''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Disturbing and distressing: a mixed methods study on the psychological impact of end of life care on junior doctors.''
Linane, H; Connolly, F; McVicker, L; Beatty, S; Mongan, O; Mannion, E; ... & Byrne, D. (2019) ''Disturbing and distressing: a mixed methods study on the psychological impact of end of life care on junior doctors.''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 188 (2):633-639 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Initial psychometric evaluation of a psychological resilience measure for physicians''
O'Connor, P; Lydon, S; Byrne, D. (2019) ''Initial psychometric evaluation of a psychological resilience measure for physicians''. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14 (2):556-562 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Identifying and reducing risks in functional endoscopic sinus surgery through a hierarchical task analysis''
Corbett, M; O'Connor, P; Byrne, D; Thornton; M,Keogh, I. (2019) ''Identifying and reducing risks in functional endoscopic sinus surgery through a hierarchical task analysis''. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 4 (1):5-12 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Educational Climate and Safety Climate During the First Year of Clinical Practice in Ireland''
Lydon, S; Byrne, D; Vellinga, A; Walsh, C; Madden, C; Connolly, F; O'Connor, P. (2019) ''A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Educational Climate and Safety Climate During the First Year of Clinical Practice in Ireland''. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 94 (11):1800-1805 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''A mixed-methods examination of the nature and frequency of medical error among junior doctors''
O¿Connor, P; Lydon, S; Mongan, O; Connolly, F; Mcloughlin, A; McVicker, L; Byrne, D. (2019) ''A mixed-methods examination of the nature and frequency of medical error among junior doctors''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 95 (1129):583-589 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Using simulation to explore the impact of device design on the learning and performance of peripheral intravenous cannulation''
Reid-McDermott, B; Browne, M; Byrne, D; O' Connor, P; O' Dowd, E; Walsh, C; ... & Lydon, S. (2019) ''Using simulation to explore the impact of device design on the learning and performance of peripheral intravenous cannulation''. Advances in Simulation, 4 (27):1-9 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''A systematic review of 7 years of research on entrustable professional activities in graduate medical education, 2011- 2018''
O' Dowd, E; Lydon, S; O'Connor, P; Madden, C; & Byrne, D. (2019) ''A systematic review of 7 years of research on entrustable professional activities in graduate medical education, 2011- 2018''. Medical Education, 53 (3):234-249 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ''Can simulation-based education and precision teaching improve paediatric trainees' behavioural fluency in performing lumbar puncture? A pilot study''
Lydon, S; Reid-McDermott, B; Ryan, E; O'Connor, P; Dempsey, S; Walsh, C; Byrne, D. (2019) ''Can simulation-based education and precision teaching improve paediatric trainees' behavioural fluency in performing lumbar puncture? A pilot study''. BMC Medical Education, 19 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) ''The 100 most cited articles on healthcare simulation: a bibliometric review''
Walsh, C; Lydon, S; Byrne, D; Madden, C; Fox, S; & O' Connor, P. (2018) ''The 100 most cited articles on healthcare simulation: a bibliometric review''. Simulation In Healthcare-Journal Of The Society For Simulation In Healthcare, 13 (3):211-220 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) ''Stress, coping, and psychological resilience among physicians''
O'Dowd, E; O'Connor, P; Lydon, S; Mongan, O; Connolly, F; Diskin, C; McLoughlin, A; Rabbitt, L; McVicker, L; Reid-McDermott, B; Byrne, D. (2018) ''Stress, coping, and psychological resilience among physicians''. BMC Health Services Research, 18 (730) [DOI] [Details]
(2018) ''A systematic review of interventions to foster physician resilience''
Fox, S; Lydon, S; Byrne, D; Madden, C; Connolly, F; O' Connor, P. (2018) ''A systematic review of interventions to foster physician resilience''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 94 (1109):162-170 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) ''Barriers and facilitators related to the implementation of a physiological track and trigger system: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence''
Connolly, F; Byrne, D; Lydon, S; Walsh, C; & O' Connor, P. (2017) ''Barriers and facilitators related to the implementation of a physiological track and trigger system: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 29 (8):973-980 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) ''Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of an intervention incorporating precision teaching to train procedural skills among final cycle medical students''
Lydon, S; Burns, N; Healy, O; O'Connor, P; Reid McDermott, B; Byrne, D (2017) ''Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of an intervention incorporating precision teaching to train procedural skills among final cycle medical students''. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 3 (3):116-121 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) ''A mixed method, multiperspective evaluation of a near peer teaching programme''
Lydon, S; O'Connor, P; Mongan, O; Gorecka, M; McVicker, L; Stankard, A; Byrne, D. (2017) ''A mixed method, multiperspective evaluation of a near peer teaching programme''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 93 (1103):541-548 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) ''A mixed-methods study of the causes and impact of poor teamwork between junior doctors and nurses''
O' Connor, P; O' Dea, A; Lydon, S; Offiah, G; Scott, J; Flannery, A; Lang, B; Hoban, A; Armstrong, C; Byrne, D. (2016) ''A mixed-methods study of the causes and impact of poor teamwork between junior doctors and nurses''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 28 (3):339-345 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) ''A Mixed-methods Investigation of Health Professionals¿ Perceptions of a Physiological Track and Trigger System''
Lydon, S; Byrne, D; Offiah, G; Gleeson, L.; O' Connor, P. (2016) ''A Mixed-methods Investigation of Health Professionals¿ Perceptions of a Physiological Track and Trigger System''. Bmj Quality & Safety, 28 (3):339-345 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) ''Is there a risk profile for the vulnerable junior doctor?''
Byrne, D; Buttrey. S; Carberry, C; Lydon, S; O'Connor, P. (2016) ''Is there a risk profile for the vulnerable junior doctor?''. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 185 :603-609 [Details]
(2015) ''Impact of working 48 h per week on opportunities for training and patient contact: the experience of Irish interns''
O'Connor, P; Lydon, S; Offiah, G; Ahern, S; Moloney, B; Byrne, D . (2015) ''Impact of working 48 h per week on opportunities for training and patient contact: the experience of Irish interns''. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 27 (6):492-498 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) ''Medical speciality choices: Does personality matter?''
Lydon, S., O' Connor, P; McVeigh, T; Offiah, G; Byrne, D. (2015) ''Medical speciality choices: Does personality matter?''. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (3):75-78 [Details]
(2015) ''An evaluation of the use of deliberate practice and simulation to train interns in requesting blood products''
Joyce, K; Byrne, D; O' Connor, P., Lydon, S.; Kerin, MJ. (2015) ''An evaluation of the use of deliberate practice and simulation to train interns in requesting blood products''. Simulation in Healthcare, 10 (2):92-97 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) ''Interns and their smartphones: use for clinical practice''
O'Connor, P; Byrne, D; Butt, M; Offiah, G; Lydon, S; Mc Inerney, K; Stewart, B; Kerin, MJ. (2014) ''Interns and their smartphones: use for clinical practice''. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 90 (1060):75-79 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) ''Preparing new doctors for clinical practice: An evaluation of pre-internship training''
Byrne, D; O' Connor, P; Lydon, S; & Kerin, M. (2013) ''Preparing new doctors for clinical practice: An evaluation of pre-internship training''. Irish Medical Journal, 106 [Details]
(2013) ''Excuse me: teaching junior doctors to speak up''
O' Connor, P; Byrne, D; O' Dea, A; & Kerin, MJ. (2013) ''Excuse me: teaching junior doctors to speak up''. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 39 (9):426-431 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) ''An assessment of stress in Irish interns''
O'Connor, P; Byrne, D; Kerin, MJ; Lydon, S. (2012) ''An assessment of stress in Irish interns''. Medical Teacher, 34 (5) [DOI] [Details]
(2011) ''Interns' attitudes to IV cannulation: A KAP study.''
Carr, PJ; Glynn, R; Dineen, B; Devitt, D; Flaherty, G; Kropmans, TJ; Kerin, MJ. (2011) ''Interns' attitudes to IV cannulation: A KAP study.''. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 20 (4):15-20 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) ''Human fibroblast response to shoulder joint aspirate from patients with stage II disease''
Mullett, H; Byrne, D; Colvillle, J. (2007) ''Human fibroblast response to shoulder joint aspirate from patients with stage II disease''. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery, 16 (3):290-294 [DOI] [Details]
(2000) ''Cyclo - oxygenase 1 and 2 dependent prostacyclin formation in patients with atherosclerosis''
Belton, O; Byrne, D; Kearney, D; Leahy, A; Fitzgerald, DJ. (2000) ''Cyclo - oxygenase 1 and 2 dependent prostacyclin formation in patients with atherosclerosis''. Circulation Journal, 102 :840-845 [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2023 Letter of recognition for community outreach (RNLI) from Professor Ó hÓgartaigh. President University of Galway President, University of Galway
2022 ASPIRE to Excellence Award. Winner Excellence in Simulation Category The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
2022 Accreditation of the ICAPSS simulation facility by the Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe (NASCE) The Network of Accredited Clinical Skills Centres of Europe (NASCE), a multidisciplinary joint committee (MJC) of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).
2022 Accreditation of the ICAPSS simulation facility by the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH)
2022 Bright Spark Innovator of the Year Award Health Service Executive Frontline Innovation Awards
2020 Bright Spark Award. Proven Success Category Health Service Executive Frontline Innovation Awards
2018 Winner Spark Innovation Awards. Best Educational Innovation Category Health Service Executive Spark Innovation Awards
2017 Commendation Irish Healthcare Awards. NCHD Project Category Irish Healthcare Awards
2015 Winner Saolta Staff Recognition Award. Education and Training Category Saolta University Health Care Group Staff Recognition Awards
2015 Commendation Irish Healthcare Awards. Education Programme Category The Irish Healthcare Awards
2015 Winner Eir Spider Award. E-Learning & Education Category The Spiders (Digital Awards)
2015 Winner Saolta Staff Recognition Awards. Education and Training Category Saolta University Health Care Group Staff Recognition Awards
2014 Winner Eir Spider Award. E-Learning & Education Category The Spiders (Digital Awards)

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Clinical Lead for Simulation at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) Clinical Lead for Simulation 01-JUL-22 /
External Examiner Masters in Surgery, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Bahrain External Examiner 01-DEC-24 /
External Examiner Certificate in Quality Improvement and Leadership, the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) External Examiner Certificate in Leadership and Quality Improvement 01-OCT-22 /
Membership, the Association for Medical Educators Member 01-DEC-24 /
Fellowship, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Fellow 01-JUL-97 /
Membership, the Association of Simulated Participant (SPs) Educators Member 01-JAN-18 /
Membership, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) Member 01-JAN-12 /
External Examiner Masters in Surgical Science and Practice, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) External Examiner MSc. Surgical Science and Practice 01-OCT-19 / 30-SEP-23
Member, the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Member 01-JAN-17 /
Fellowship, the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) Fellow 01-JAN-23 /


  Committee Function From / To
Member of the Postgraduate Training Body for Interns Project Group Member 01-DEC-24 /
Member of the National Postgraduate Education, Training, Research and Innovation (ETRI) Working Group Member 03-NOV-24 /
Chair National Simulation Office Steering Committee Chair 01-SEP-24 /
Medical Member at the Education and Training Committee Medical Council Member 01-AUG-23 /
Executive Member of the National Learning Analytics Unit Executive Board Member 01-JUN-23 /
Member at the National Quality and Patient Safety Competency Framework Advisory Group Member 01-APR-23 /
Member at the Association for Medical Educators in Europe (AMEE) Aspire Academy Committee Member 01-JAN-23 /
Chair of the Simulation Governance Committee The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) Chair 01-DEC-22 /
Member of the Interprofessional Learning Education and Simulation (IPLES) Working Group College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Member 01-SEP-22 /
Executive Member of the School of Medicine Executive Committee Member 01-JAN-22 /
Member of the Curriculum Review Steering Group School of Medicine Member 01-JUL-21 /
Chair of the Clinical Skills & Simulation Working Group (CSSWG) School of Medicine Chair 01-DEC-20 /
Member of the Intern Curriculum Development Working Group Medical Intern Unit National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP) Member 01-DEC-20 /
Chair of the Simulation Steering Committee (SiSC) Saolta University Health Care Group (SUHG) & the College of Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences (CMNHS) Chair 01-DEC-20 /
Chair of the Intern Network Executive (INE) Chair 01-JAN-20 / 31-DEC-20
Executive Member of the ASSERT Centre Executive Board University College Cork Member 01-JAN-20 /
Member of the Standards Project Group Medical Council Member 01-JAN-19 /
Member of the School of Medicine School Board Member 01-JUL-18 / 30-JUN-21
Member of the Athena Swan Implementation Group School of Medicine Member 01-JUL-18 / 31-DEC-20
Chair of the Postgraduate Taught Programmes Committee School of Medicine Chair 01-JUL-18 / 30-JUN-21
Member of the Athena Swan Implementation Group School of Medicine Member 01-JUL-18 / 31-DEC-20
Member of the Postgraduate Taught Programmes (PGT) Committee School of Medicine Member 01-JUL-17 /
Founding Member of the Irish Association for Simulation (IAS) Steering Committee Member 01-JUL-17 /
Hon. Secretary of the Irish Association for Simulation (IAS) Steering Committee Secretary 01-JUL-17 / 30-JUN-20
Member of the Medical Intern Board Member 01-JUL-17 / 30-JUN-21
Member, the Steering Committee of the Irish Association Member 01-MAR-17 /
Member of the Undergraduate Programme Board (UGPB) School of Medicine Member 01-JAN-16 /


  Employer Position From / To
The University of Galway Senior Lecturer in Simulation/ Director of Simulation Saolta University Healthcare Group 01-SEP-14 / 30-AUG-18
The University of Galway Professor of Simulation Education/ Director of Simulation Saolta University Healthcare Group 01-SEP-18 /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2024 University of Galway Executive Masters in Business Administration Business
1997 The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Fellowship Surgery
2013 The University of Dundee Masters of Science (MSc.) Medical Education
2021 The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Accreditation Simulation Education
2022 The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) PgDiploma Quality Improvement and Leadership Leadership and Quality Improvement
2017 Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) Advanced Certificate Simulation Education
2014 The University of Galway Masters of Surgery (MCh) Surgical Education
1993 University College Dublin MB, BCh, BAO Medicine
2000 Cornell University, New York PgCertificate Healthcare Delivery Management

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Royal National Lifeboats Institution (RNLI) Support 01-JAN-23 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) The ICAPSS Patient Public Partnership Group 01-FEB-22 /
Policy Development The ICAPSS SUSTAIN sustainability in healthcare simulation 01-OCT-24 /
Outreach HEADSTART - Schools' Engagement Career in Healthcare Programme for Transition Year students 01-JAN-17 /
Teaching (e.g. Service learning / comunity based learning) The Simulated Participant & Patient Programme Group (SiPP) 01-AUG-19 /

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2017 - present Standardised patients, virtual patients and hybrid simulators MD1503
2017- present Used of simulation beyond education MD1506
2011 - present Advanced clinical diagnosis MD540
2011 - present Advanced clinical skills MD421
2017- present Simulation with manikin and task based trainers MD1502