Academic Clinician Advancement Programme (ACAP)

The University of Galway Academic Clinician Advancement Programme (ACAP) is intended to recognise and encourage academic engagement and contribution by senior Saolta clinicians (permanent consultants or health specialists of the University Healthcare Group).  Reciprocally, the program is intended to strengthen education, scholarship and innovation capacity of the Saolta Healthcare network.
The academic titles of Honorary Senior Lecturer, Honorary Personal Professor and Honorary Professor represent both the conferring of academic recognition upon successful applicants by the University and also the undertaking of a commitment to teaching and/or research by the applicant.
The tenure of an Honorary Senior Lecturer, Honorary Personal Professor and Honorary Professor position is usually for 5 years and can be renewed subject to meeting the performance expectations associated with the honorary title. The criteria for appointment as an Honorary Senior Lecturer, and promotion to Honorary Personal Professor and Honorary Professor status are outlined in this document.

                                                                                           Application pathways

New Applicants

  • New applicants to ACAP would usually apply for Honorary Senior Lecturer status.
  • New applicants should engage prior to application with an ACAP mentor, such as the Heads of clinical disciplines or Academy Deans, who will support them in completing their applications as well as selecting whether to emphasise the teaching/learning or research/scholarship contribution.
  • New applicants should have a track record of demonstrable interest and engagement in teaching and/or research. The period of appointment will be for 5 years, and can be renewed. A new applicant, who does not yet meet the criteria, may be conditionally appointed as an Honorary Senior Lecturer if they commit to achieving the criteria within three years.

Applications for Renewal or Promotion

  • Incumbent Honorary Senior Lecturers may apply for their appointment to be renewed. The incumbent must demonstrate that they are maintaining the criteria in order for their Honorary Senior Lectureship to be renewed.
  • Promotion to the academic ranks of Honorary Personal Professor or Honorary Professor requires that the applicant has usually been an Honorary Senior lecturer of good standing for at least 5 years and must meet or exceed the criteria for Honorary Professor to be appointed. The period of appointment will be for 5 years, and can be renewed. The incumbent must demonstrate that they are maintaining the core and an appropriate selection of optional criteria in order for their Honorary Professor status to be renewed.

To Apply

Applications for Honorary Personal Professors, Honorary Professors and for Honorary Senior Lecturer will be accepted through the yearly ACAP Call ONLY.  

                                                                                   Applicant Process

For any queries, please contact the School of Medicine. 
