ERASMUS Programme

The School of Medicine at the University of Galway has a long established ERASMUS tradition, with partner Medical Schools in Universities in 4 European countries. This provides opportunities for our medical students to visit one of our host universities and, in turn to welcome visiting medical students to our medical school.

Our ERASMUS partners are in France (Grenoble, Montpellier), Germany (Berlin, Bochum), Spain (Girona) and Sweden (Uppsala). In addition, we also have an exchange partnership with the Medical School in the University of Lausanne, which operates outside of the ERASMUS Exchange Programme.

The Programme 

  • Placements:  Limited availability- approximately 25 places each year.
  • Application timeline:

February 2025: complete Expression of Interest Application form, which will be available on 2MB Blackboard

April/ May 2025: attend Student Information Session

June 2025: successful candidates announced, on completion of summer exams and receipt of results

  • Dates &  Duration: January 2026 - April 2026,  usually 3 months/12 weeks duration.
  • When: 2nd Semester of Year Three (3.2).
  • Language Requirements: As part of the selection process, applicants will be asked to supply evidence of language competency (qualifications and fluency), as a high level of competency in French and German is a pre-requisite for applicants. Language classes are usually available for SoM students prior to departure (usually Year 3, Semester I).
  • Clinical Rotations: Clinical rotations completed on Erasmus, are chosen for you based on the University of Galway Year 3, Semester II curriculum; (1) Cardiovascular studies, (2) Gastrointestinal, (3) Respiratory, Peri-operative, Critical Care, (4) General medicine and Surgery, (5) Musculoskeletal studies + Care of the Elderly, (6) Renal-Urology.

In your host Medical Schools you will complete 3 x 4 week  clinical rotations (except Uppsala, where you complete 4 x 3 week rotations) in one of the above mentioned areas. If an exact rotation match is not available, you will be allocated a clinical rotation, aligned as closely as possible to the University of Galway Curriculum.

  • University of Galway/Academy Attendance & Examination: The Erasmus Exchange takes place in Year 3, Semester II. If successful with your application, the Erasmus Exchange, 'replaces' your Year 3, Semester II in University of Galway/Academy. It does not extend the Academic Year and you are not required to complete an additional semester. 

If you are successful with your application and are scheduled to attend an Academy during the exchange period, you are required to attend that Academy, before and after your exchange period. The same applies, if you are scheduled to be in the University of Galway. The SoM will endeavour to schedule you on Clinical Rotations (before and after your Exchange) which you have not completed on Erasmus. You are also expected to attend and participate in all teaching activities before and after your exchange and sit your Year 3 Summer Examinations in University of Galway/Academy on return. You can keep up with Year 3 teaching activities and access all available resources through Blackboard.

  • Grants & Financial Support: Financial support in the form of a Grant is payable to all Erasmus+ participants. Please visit the University of Galway International Office for more information;
  • Please ensure you collect your Year 3 Log Book prior to departure - this can be organised by contacting . You are required to complete this log book and the SoM evaluation forms for all your Clinical Rotations.
  • When completing the application form please consider the following:
     Uppsala, Sweden, is our only English speaking partner Medical School. A knowledge of Swedish would be beneficial and would ensure a better Erasmus experience, but it is not essential. If you do not possess a high level of competency in the French/German language, please ensure you select Uppsala as your first preference in the application form.
Applications to Uppsala, are extremely competitive and are based exclusively on results achieved in 2MB, with places offered to the highest ranked students, who submitted an application form for the Erasmus Program. If you achieved an A or B result, in your Leaving Certificate, have completed additional training courses (e.g. Diploma in French/German), or have lived/worked (family/summer work/exchange) in the country to which you are applying, ensure these partners are high up your preference list. Document all of these experiences in the application form.  
  • Selection process: Competitive selection process, which is guided by students’ ranking in Year 2, language competency (qualifications and fluency), exposure to the country/culture. You will be asked to submit your  references in rank order (1 - first preference; 6 - least preference).

Contact Details

School of Medicine, ERASMUS Administrator
International Office, ERASMUS Contact:
Each host University will also have a Contact Administrator and an Academic Coordinator to support you before and during your Erasmus Exchange.

Aoibheann Russell |   Erasmus 2023 - Université de Montpellier, France.

Making the decision to attend the University of Montpellier's medical school as an Erasmus student was one of the best decisions I ever made. As a healthcare student, language and communication are two of the most important skills one can have. Having the opportunity to work with doctors and patients through French greatly improved my ability to assess and understand body language, tone and facial expressions.

Anne Duchesne |   Erasmus 2024 - Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.

The doctors working at the CHUV have forged me into the doctor I aspire to become. They led by example through their professionalism, leadership, teamwork, empathy, and knowledge. My mentors took me under their wing, taught me how to think clinically, gave me a lot of room to practice and make mistakes, and supported me throughout my learning process by providing constant feedback. My Erasmus in Lausanne leaves me full of hope and future plans.