Brainstorm and Other Dissemination

RTÉ Brainstorm articles:

8 things to know if going abroad for health treatment for a child

Killeen, H. (2023). 8 things to know if going abroad for health treatment for a child. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article

How to support children with Cerebral Palsy in your local community

Killeen, H. (2022). How to support children with Cerebral Palsy in your local community. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article

Out of fizz: young Irish people are saying no to sugary soft

Kelly, C. (2022, May 23). Out of fizz: young Irish people are saying no to sugary soft drinks. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article.

What do waiting lists mean for autistic kids and their families?

Mullins, L. (2022). What do waiting lists mean for autistic kids and their families? RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article. What do waiting lists mean for autistic kids and their families? 

What 2022's Leaving Cert class have to say about life since 2020

Kealy, C. & Furey, E. (2022) What 2022's Leaving Cert class have to say about life since 2020. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article. 

The loneliness epidemic has been in Ireland long before Covid

Mullins, L. & Hodgins, M. (2021). The loneliness epidemic has been in Ireland long before Covid. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article 'The loneliness epidemic has been in Ireland long before Covid' (

Can Ireland meet its Zero HIV targets by 2030?

Vaughan, E. (2022). Can Ireland meet its Zero HIV targets by 2030? RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article. (2022, June 15).

Telehealth and Children Services

Killeen, H. (2021). Telehealth and Children Services. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article

Is Ireland a safe haven for LGBT+ youth?

Költő, A (2021). Is Ireland a safe haven for LGBT+ youth?. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article 

What have we learnt about children's health over 20 years?

Költő, A. (2018). What have we learnt about children's health over 20 years?. RTÉ Brainstorm Magazine Article