PPI Conference

Staff Lead(s):

Development Officer:  

Edel Murphy July 2016-February 2018;  

Martha Killilea March-July 2018;  

Nikita Burke August 2018- present  


The PPI group are now acting as a ‘go to’ national resource. The group has also helped organise three national PPI conferences in Galway; co-facilitated sessions and even wrote a song about PPI written and performed by one of the group members, based on key themes identified by the group. The capacity of the group has developed significantly, as has their confidence in the value of their contribution to researchers. The National annual conference attracts approx 20% members of the public.  ‌‌‌


The PPI Group contributed to successful awards including a HRB PPI Ignite Award 2017 and a HRB KEDS Award 2018. The recent KEDS award   will fund a PPI documentary, represents a long-term project that provides an excellent opportunity for shared decision making. The 2019 will host two international speakers (UK, USA) and short oral presentations from the UK and Denmark.  

The provision of this workshop by enthusiastic staff and students contributes to a positive public image of the University and of the School of Medicine. Some of the workshops took place in the Human Biology Building this year, allowing us to show the fantastic facilities we have for students in Physiology. It also provides a volunteering opportunity for undergraduate students, promoting their communication skills.

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