Ms Ursula Connolly




Ursula Connolly is a graduate of the University of Galway (then University College Galway) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where she was awarded a masters degree specialising in European and International law in 1998. Following the completion of her masters she taught Labour Law at the University of Limerick (1999 – 2001). She has been a lecturer at the School of Law, University of Galway since September 2001 where she teaches primarily in the area of Tort Law.

Ursula’s research interests focus on the application of traditional tort principles to emerging legal areas, in particular liability for mental injury and liability for internet wrongs. She has developed a postgraduate module on Internet Torts. She is also interested in damages in personal injuries actions and discrimination in employment. Her research is comparative in nature and she is or has been involved in a number of European projects in the areas of Disability Discrimination and European Private Law. She has also acted as a visiting lecturer at the University of Brescia, Italy on the topics of liability for mental injury and damages in personal injuries actions. She is currently a contributor to the Common Core on Private Law project on damages. She has previously contributed to previous Common Core projects on the subject of causation and on mass harms. 

Ursula is currently completing a PhD on a part-time basis at the University of Bristol on the Regulation of Workplace Bullying in Ireland. 

She has acted as an external examiner for the Dublin Institute of Technology and the now Atlantic Technological University. She is currently an external examiner for Munster Technological University. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley during September 2009 and spent two months at the University of Otago, New Zealand during October and November 2009 researching New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation scheme. She is also an occasional reviewer of journal articles for the International Journal of Workplace Health. 

Selected Publications

  1.     Connolly, U., Tort Law: Nutshell 2nd ed., (Dublin, Thomson Round Hall, 2009) (Book).
  2.     Connolly & Quinlivan, Tort Cases and Materials (Thomson Round Hall, Dublin, 2006) (Book).
  3.     Connolly, U., “Paternity Fraud and the Tort of Deceit”, (2008) QRTL 24 (Article).  

Research Interests

Ursula's research interests focus on liability in Tort Law and the application of tortious principles to modern legal problems. Much of her research is comparative in nature, drawing primarily from the experiences of other common law jurisdictions. Recent research has focused on the challenges facing the courts in compensating mental injury and she has published comparatively on the topic of stress related injury and liability for suicide. Other research interests include damages in personal injuries actions and she has acted as the Irish contributor to the Common Core on European Private Law project since 2005 on the topic of damages. She is also interested in legal protection against discrimination, including disability discrimination. From 2004-2006 she acted as a project consultant in the area of disability discrimination with the European Disability Discrimination Project. She is also an Adjunct Member of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI, Galway. 

In her research she has maintained links with the Health Service Executive (HSE) Mental Health Services. She organised a conference on the Law and Mental Health in 2006 primarily aimed at service providers in the HSE. She has also provided training on tortious liability and involuntary admissions to the HSE West Mental Health Services during 2010-11.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2017) 'Socially Constructed Hierarchies of Impairments: The Case of Australian and Irish Workers' Access to Compensation for Injuries'
Harpur, P,Connolly, U,Blanck, P (2017) 'Socially Constructed Hierarchies of Impairments: The Case of Australian and Irish Workers' Access to Compensation for Injuries'. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 27 :507-519 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Accessing Justice in Cases of Occupational Bullying in Ireland'
Connolly, U; Quinlivan, S (2016) 'Accessing Justice in Cases of Occupational Bullying in Ireland'. The Irish Community Development Law Journal, 5 (1):18-32 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Socially Constructed Hierarchies of Impairment: the case of Australian and Irish Workers' access to compensation'
Harpur, P; Connolly, U; Blanck, P. (2017) 'Socially Constructed Hierarchies of Impairment: the case of Australian and Irish Workers' access to compensation'. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 27 (4):1-17 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Multiple Publication and Online Defamation - Recent Reforms in Ireland and the UK'
Connolly, U. (2012) 'Multiple Publication and Online Defamation - Recent Reforms in Ireland and the UK'. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 6 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'The Irish Constitution - an examination of selected issues'
Connolly, U. (2009) 'The Irish Constitution - an examination of selected issues'. Studia Prawnowstrojowe, 9 :95-108 [Details]
(2008) 'Paternity Fraud and the Tort of Deceit'
Connolly, U. (2008) 'Paternity Fraud and the Tort of Deceit'. Quarterly Review of Tort Law, 24 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 'Corr v IBC - Civil Liability and Employee Suicide'
Connolly, U. (2007) 'Corr v IBC - Civil Liability and Employee Suicide'. Quarterly Review of Tort Law, 2 (3) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2002) 'Sutherland v Hatton: A Solution to Ireland's Occupational Stress Question?'
Connolly, U. (2002) 'Sutherland v Hatton: A Solution to Ireland's Occupational Stress Question?'. Irish Law Times, 20 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2001) 'The Race Directive and the Framework Directive - An Analysis of their effect on Irish Employment - Part II'
Connolly, U. (2001) 'The Race Directive and the Framework Directive - An Analysis of their effect on Irish Employment - Part II'. Irish Law Times, 14 [Details]
(2001) 'The Race Directive and the Framework Directive - An Analysis of their effect on Irish Employment - Part I'
Connolly, U. (2001) 'The Race Directive and the Framework Directive - An Analysis of their effect on Irish Employment - Part I'. Irish Law Times, 13 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2009) Tort Law: Nutshell.
Connolly, U. (2009) Tort Law: Nutshell. Dublin: Dublin, Thomson Round Hall 2nd ed. [Details]
(2006) Tort Cases and Materials.
Connolly, U. and Quinlivan, S. (2006) Tort Cases and Materials. Dublin: Thomson Round Hall, Dublin. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2011) 9th International Cyberspace Conference
Connolly U (2011) Multiple Publication and Online Defamation: Recent Developments in Ireland and the United Kingdom 9th International Cyberspace Conference [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2017) IALT Conference 2017,
Connolly, U (2017) Ruffley v Board of Management of St Anne’s School [2017] IESC 33: the role of Codes of Practice in shaping Tort Law. [Conference Paper], IALT Conference 2017, Meath, Ireland , 24-NOV-17 - 26-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017) Promoting Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace,
Connolly, U (2017) The role of law in creating healthy workplaces: lessons from Regulatory Theory. [Oral Presentation], Promoting Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace, National University of Ireland, Galway , 15-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17. [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2018) Redress Schemes for Personal Injuries.
Connolly, U (2018) Redress Schemes for Personal Injuries. Irish Jurist: Irish Jurist Book Review [Details]
(2001) Sex Discrimination Law,. ULLR.
Connolly, U. (2001) Sex Discrimination Law,. ULLR. Book Review [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2009) Damages in Personal Injuries Actions, a Common Law Perspective, Faculty of Law, University of Brescia, Italy.
Connolly, U (2009) Damages in Personal Injuries Actions, a Common Law Perspective, Faculty of Law, University of Brescia, Italy. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2007) Liability for Stress Related Injury, a Common Law perspective. Faculty of Law, University of Brescia Italy.
Connolly, U. (2007) Liability for Stress Related Injury, a Common Law perspective. Faculty of Law, University of Brescia Italy. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2007) Faculty of Law, University of Brescia Italy.
Connolly, U. (2007) Faculty of Law, University of Brescia Italy. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2005) An Ghaeilge agus an Stát: Dearcadh Dlí. NUI Galway students of the Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge and of the Dioplóma Dlí NUI Galway Galway, Ireland.
Connolly, U. (2005) An Ghaeilge agus an Stát: Dearcadh Dlí. NUI Galway students of the Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge and of the Dioplóma Dlí NUI Galway Galway, Ireland. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2004) Comparative Aspects of Employers Liability for Injury arising from Occupational Stress. Delievered to Law students at Robert Gordan University Glasgow and Aberdeen campuses, Scotland.
Connolly, U. (2004) Comparative Aspects of Employers Liability for Injury arising from Occupational Stress. Delievered to Law students at Robert Gordan University Glasgow and Aberdeen campuses, Scotland. Robert Gordan University Glasgow and Aberdeen campuses, Scotland: Invited Lectures [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) Torts in Ireland - Recent Initiatives Law Faculty, University of Otago, New Zealand.
Connolly, U (2008) Torts in Ireland - Recent Initiatives Law Faculty, University of Otago, New Zealand. Seminar [Details]
(2008) Liability for Mental Injury - Perspectives from Ireland and the United Kingdom, University of Washington, Seattle.
Connolly, U (2008) Liability for Mental Injury - Perspectives from Ireland and the United Kingdom, University of Washington, Seattle. Seminar [Details]
(2008) Selected Issues in Irish Constitutional Law, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland.
Connolly, U (2008) Selected Issues in Irish Constitutional Law, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland. Seminar [Details]


  Year Publication
(2006) Introduction to European Law. Delivered to Disability NGO's.
Connolly, U. (2006) Introduction to European Law. Delivered to Disability NGO's. Tallinn, Estonia: Workshops [Details]
(2006) Direct Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's.
Connolly, U. (2006) Direct Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's. Budapest, Hungary: Workshops [Details]
(2006) Indirect Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's.
Connolly, U. (2006) Indirect Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's. Budapest, Hungary (: Workshops [Details]
(2005) The work of the Common Core on European Private Law. Law Faculty Research seminar series NUI Galway Galway, Ireland.
Connolly, U. (2005) The work of the Common Core on European Private Law. Law Faculty Research seminar series NUI Galway Galway, Ireland. Workshops [Details]
(2005) Indirect Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's.
Connolly, U. (2005) Indirect Discrimination and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Disability NGO's. Vilnius, Lithuania: Workshops [Details]
(2005) Introduction to European Law. Delivered to Disability NGO.
Connolly, U. (2005) Introduction to European Law. Delivered to Disability NGO. Sofia, Bulgaria: Workshops [Details]
(2005) Positive Action and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Delivered to Disability NGO's.
Connolly, U. (2005) Positive Action and the Framework Directive on the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Delivered to Disability NGO's. Cluj, Romania: Workshops [Details]

Teaching Interests

Ursula currently teaches Tort Law, Introduction to Law and is responsible for the delivery of Mooting modules within the Law School. This includes delivery of the undergraduate Moot Court module and the postgraduate Vis Moot module. 
In the past she has taught Health and Safety Law, Labour Law, and Internet Torts.
She has been nominated for the President's Award for Teaching Excellence on three occasions (2019-20, 20-21, and 21-22) winning a President's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021-22. She has also been nominated on several occasions for the CBPPL Dean's Award for Inclusive Teaching, winning this award in 2021.