
Jamie has over 10 years experience in consultancy, construction and research.

Jamie's research activities spans a wide range of areas, including in the fields of structures, earthquake engineering, sustainable construction technologies, sustainable energy and life cycle assessment. Over the last three years he has secured over 600,000EUR worth of funding as Principal Investigator for research projects, in addition to receiving funding as a collaborator for on a EU FP7 project (worth 250,000EUR). Jamie is a chartered engineer and has worked as a consultant on both national and international projects. He has also worked as a site engineer and project manager in both Australia and Ireland. He collaborates with both industry and international research institutes on many research projects. He has won awards for both his research and teaching activities. He is actively involved in the engineering professional body in Ireland, Engineers Ireland, and together with his students undertakes many outreach activities with the local, national and international communities

 Research interests

Jamie is involved with IRUSE in the IRC Oran Pre-Cast LtdnZEB-RETROFIT and Built2Spec projects.

Contact details

Jamie Goggins, C.Eng., BA, BAI, Ph.D.
Eng-1041, Engineering Building
Department of Civil Engineering 
NUI Galway 
University Road, Galway, Ireland 

Landline: +353 91 49 2609

Skype: jamiegoggins
