Dayanne Peretti

Dayanne Peretti holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Positivo (Curitiba, Brazil). Her first contact with research programs was in 2011 when she won a scholarship by Fundação Araucária for supporting scientific and technological development. Right after this experience, she worked over the following three years in two companies from different sectors, public and private ones. These experiences were related to energy projects for commercial and industrial buildings.
In 2014 she started to work on the industrial sector. Her first experience was in a financial team supporting engineering projects analysis for government and internal reports. After that she worked in two industrial companies focused in smart grid and renewable energy management, where for 5 years she developed projects related to product management.
She moved to Ireland in 2019 and worked as a research assistant for 6 months at the University of Galway. In 2020 she won a PhD scholarship in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Galway under the supervision of Dr. Marcus Keane and Dr. Federico Seri (IRUSE) studying Measurement and Verification applied to Smart Grid residential demand response projects.