Dr Sophie Capicchiano Young

Dr Sophie Cappichiano Young

Sophie Capicchiano Young is a lawyer and doctor of public international law with a specialisation in international refugee law and state responsibility.  Dr Capicchiano Young's forthcoming monograph, State Responsibility and International Refugee Law: History, Theory, and Application, will be published by Brill in 2025.  Her research has been published in the International Journal of Refugee Law (here), the Asian Journal of International Law (here), the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law (here) and (here), and the European Journal of Migration and Law (here).  She will contribute a chapter to the Edward Elgar Handbook on State Responsibility in the 21st Century on Decolonisation and the Codification of State Responsibility (Edward Elgar 2025).  Dr Capicchiano Young's research concerns the theory and application of international refugee law, refugee protection at the US southwest border, and throughout Central America.  She has worked for the R4V Platform, the University of London, the Graduate Institute of Geneva, UNHCR, and the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.  She has a Master of International Law (Geneva Academy), a Juris Doctor (RMIT University) and a Master of Applied Linguistics (Monash University).  She is currently the co-chair of the American Society of International Law's Migration Law Interest Group.  She lives in Mexico City with her husband and two small children.