New Blog: State Implementation of International Human Rights Standards on Trafficking

May 25 2021 Posted: 09:24 IST
LLM candidates Ishani Cordeiro and Prisca Chipao have launched a new blog, entitled State Implementation of International Human Rights Standards on Trafficking.
As part of the ICHR Human Rights Law Clinic, Ishani and Prisca have been working during 2020-2021 with Professor Siobhán Mullally in her role as United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in persons, especially women and children. They have undertaken research on issues ranging from implementation of the Non-Punishment Principle to the intersectional nature of trafficking in persons. They have also engaged with international and regional human rights bodies and international civil society organizations on cross-cutting issues impacting Trafficking in Persons. 
Their new blog site, State Implementation of International Human Rights Standards on Trafficking, will analyse different states’ implementation of international laws and policies and efforts to prevent and combat Trafficking in Persons. Ishani and Prisca have identified four countries as jurisdictions of initial focus: Malawi, Nepal, Ethiopia and Iran. 
Read the first blog posts:
  • Trafficking in Persons: An Introduction to International Standards (here)
  • Malawi's efforts to prevent and combat Trafficking in Persons (here)
